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李飞 《网友世界》2014,(12):9-9
平面设计是视觉传达的主要设计形式,随着现代信息传递方式的变化,平面设计在设计的表现形式、功能、视觉等方面都发生着变化。把平面设计的基本元素和规律形式融入到空间设计中,会给我们带来不同的心理感受,并从中发现新的创意思维,开创了平面设计的一个新的视觉平台。  相似文献   

网页作为一种21世纪初新兴的事物已经完全融入了人们的日常生活和工作,这种新的视觉表现形式不但包含了传统的平面设计工艺而且还占据着其他视觉表现形式所不具备的优势。但是又因为所担任的社会功能不同所以它的存在方式和表现形式出现了特立独行的一面,因此网页设计的规律也被人们不断的进行探索、研究和创新。  相似文献   

用户逐渐增长的体验需求和日渐强烈的参与欲望使产品设计理念的内涵不断拓展到"体验"上来。为了能让体验深刻独特,探索感官刺激和情感体验之间的关系日益得到人们的关注。本文首先分析了体验与情感和感官的联系。然后,针对产品设计中的视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉等感官因素,结合成功案例,运用现代设计理论分析了感官与情感体验的关联因素及其外在表现形式,希望能够对产品体验设计有所启迪。  相似文献   

信息科技不断的发展为视觉设计表现带来了许多新的可能,多媒体的出现,让使用者得以互动的方式融入信息内容之中。本文从视觉传达设计的角度,分析平面设计在被赋予了互动的理念之后所形成的平面互动设计的特征。平面设计发展的方向应是:从静态呈现转向动态传达、从单一媒体体现到多媒体发布、从二维平面构成到三维立体空间展开。  相似文献   

王昣 《网友世界》2014,(8):19-19
传统的平面设计主要以视觉引起人们的兴趣,达到相应的目的和效果,而在现代平面设计中,随着技术水平的不断提升发展及人们对平面设计需求的不断增长,通过其他感官领域的研究探索实现视觉冲击效果,逐渐成为现代平面设计研究发展的重要内容和方向。本文以触觉领域的研究为例,从触觉元素的应用和平面设计中对于触觉的驾驭两个方面,对现代平面设计对触觉领域的导入运用进行研究探索,以促进现代平面设计的发展进步。  相似文献   

为了满足人们对平面设计个性的需求,提出融入动态图形和视觉感知的平面设计系统.该系统根据系统需求,硬件包含DSP选型单元、CPLD选型单元、串口扩展芯片选型单元与ARINC429接口芯片选型,软件模块包含动态图形信息编码模块、动态图形视觉语言表达方式选取模块与信息视觉传播加工模块,通过硬件和软件融合实现了融入动态图形和视...  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提升,人们对优质生活及产品的诉求与日俱增,家具设计唯有不断创新,开拓思路,赋予家具更丰富的体验,使消费者能多方位地感受家具的魅力,产生愉悦之感。在家具设计中融入嗅觉感官体验,是创新设计的方向之一。探讨嗅觉感官体验在家具设计中的价值和应用,以期拓展家具设计的创新研究新范式。  相似文献   

文章结合旅游纪念品的特点,分析论述了情绪记忆在旅游纪念品设计中的重要性。旅游纪念品所引发的情感是基于情绪记忆的一种情感体验,设计中可通过融入具有地域特色的感官元素和旅游途中特有行为元素的方法引发回忆,提高旅游者的情感体验。  相似文献   

在体验时代的背景下,人们对精神消费的需求已远远超过物质消费的需求,以强调功能性和技术感的设计理念已经很难对用户产生首因效应,人们开始渴求从产品中获得情感上的满足与慰藉。因此在设计过程中我们要反复思考产品如何为用户带来感官上的舒适体验,如何将产品设计中融入更多的感官因素。鉴于此,文章就以电脑键盘设计为例,通过分析其影响感官体验的触觉因子及其对用户心理产生的影响,探讨通过触觉设计,加强产品的感官刺激,从而提升产品用户体验。  相似文献   

平面设计在当前社会发展中发挥着积极作用,想要给观赏者带来更为突出的视觉感受和审美体验,就要注重加强多维度表现方式,合理应用文字、色彩、图像等元素,实现信息和情感的良好传递。文章从分析多维度表现在平面设计中的重要性入手,重点介绍了一些视觉多维表现内容,阐明了多维度表现方式的应用手段,为有效提升平面设计的总体展现水平提供一定借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify and discuss some of the effects that a person’s sensory impairment has on the ways in which they can participate in research. Sensory impairment will result in a person receiving less sensory information. This reduction may be uniform across a particular type of sensory information (like having the volume on the radio turned down or watching things through a haze) or, more likely, it will have different effects on different parts of the available information. The result of this information loss will not be that the person has a partial experience of a situation compared to a person without a sensory impairment or with a different sensory impairment. Instead, they will have a full experience based on a different combination of information, and it is likely that more of the information that they are using will come from their memory or previous experience. This paper describes ways of working that acknowledge the different experiences of people with a hearing or visual impairment with respect to both the object of the research and the research process. It describes how to design questionnaire, use interviews and focus groups and carry out evaluations of objects and situations in a way that acknowledges the effect of the different amounts and types of information available have on the experiences of people with sensory impairments.  相似文献   

体验经济与医疗科技时代的发展,促使医疗服务体验的多样性和广泛性,在儿童病床体验方面,体验的层次与方式更加丰富多元:据调查。现今儿童病床环境及护理流程还停留在以功能需求列表导向设计为核心思想的设计理念,而该设计理念已经无法适应日益增长的利益相关者的需求及复杂情况变化;所以需要通过对儿童认知发展、儿童病床环境及护理流程的考察,确定多方参与者需求的动机,以构建患儿病床体验的机理模型;对儿童病床环境与护理过程进行多层次体验设计思路探讨。提升患儿及各方参与者感官、行为、情感等层面的体验。从针对感官进行病床物理属性的静态设计研究转变为针对感官、情感要素影响行为的过程进行病床多层面体验的动态设计研究,提出儿童病床体验系统的创新整合思路。  相似文献   

In the area of product design, sensory dominance can be defined as the relative importance of different sensory modalities for product experience. It is often assumed that vision dominates the other senses. In the present study, we asked 243 participants to describe their experiences with consumer products in various situations: while buying a product, after the first week, the first month, and the first year of usage. The data suggest that the dominant sensory modality depends on the period of product usage. At the moment of buying, vision is the most important modality, but during the usage the other sensory modalities gain importance. The roles of the different modalities during usage are product-dependent. Averaged over 93 products analyzed in this study, after one month of usage touch becomes more important than vision, and after one year vision, touch and audition appear to be equally important. We conclude that to create a long-lasting positive product experience, designers need to consider user-product interaction at different stages of product usage and to determine which sensory modality dominates product experience at each stage.  相似文献   

中国是期刊出版大国,每年有总印数30多亿册的近万种各类杂志面世,杂志已渗透到大众生活的方方面面。在人们杂志消费需求日益扩大的今天,如何更好地提升杂志版面的设计水平,更好地服务于读者并满足市场的需求,是一个极有意义的时代课题。文章以视觉引导设计和视觉阅读体验为研究视角,旨在探讨杂志版面设计的新趋势与新理念,并更深层次地思考在为读者提供丰富阅读内容的同时,杂志如何通过版面设计提供给读者更多的阅读体验和艺术跨界体验,从而进一步拓展杂志版面设计的广度和深度。  相似文献   

Preserving older pedestrians’ navigation skills in urban environments is a challenge for maintaining their quality of life. However, existing aids do not take into account older people’s perceptual and cognitive declines nor their user experience, and they call upon sensory modalities that are already used during walking. The present study was aimed at comparing different guidance instructions using visual, auditory, and haptic feedback in order to identify the most efficient and best accepted one(s). Sixteen middle-age (non-retired) adults, 21 younger-old (young-retired) adults, and 21 older-old (old-retired) adults performed a navigation task in a virtual environment. The task was performed with visual feedback (directional arrows superimposed on the visual scenes), auditory feedback (sounds in the left/right ear), haptic feedback (vibrotactile information delivered by a wristband), combinations of different types of sensory feedback, or a paper map. The results showed that older people benefited from the sensory guidance instructions, as compared to the paper map. Visual and auditory feedbacks were associated with better performance and user experience than haptic feedback or the paper map, and the benefits were the greatest among the older-old participants, even though the paper-map familiarity was appreciated. Several recommendations for designing pedestrian navigation aids are proposed.  相似文献   

随着人们对高质量精神生活的追求以及普遍审美水平的提高,婚礼趋势正由“物质型”向“精神型”转变,婚礼作为我们生命中不可缺少的一种仪式,始终承载着人与人之间情感的交流与传递,这种情感的交流与传递正是借助婚礼情境的烘托和视觉语言的设计和应用来传递。本文从婚礼中视觉语言设计与应用的重要性出发,探究在婚礼情境中如何根据新人的内心诉求和大众视觉感知特征来更好地设计与应用视觉语言。  相似文献   

Lightner NJ 《Ergonomics》2003,46(1-3):153-168
Preferences for certain characteristics of an online shopping experience may be related to demographic data. This paper discusses the characteristics of that experience, demographic data and preferences by demographic group. The results of an online survey of 488 individuals in the United States indicate that respondents are generally satisfied with their online shopping experiences, with security, information quality and information quantity ranking first in importance overall. The sensory impact of a site ranked last overall of the seven characteristics measured. Preferences for these characteristics in e-commerce sites were differentiated by age, education and income. The sensory impact of sites became less important as respondents increased in age, income or education. As the income of respondents increased, the importance of the reputation of the vendor rose. Web site designers may incorporate these findings into the design of e-commerce sites in an attempt to increase the shopping satisfaction of their users. Results from the customer relationship management portion of the survey suggest that current push technologies and site personalization are not an effective means of achieving user satisfaction.  相似文献   

Preferences for certain characteristics of an online shopping experience may be related to demographic data. This paper discusses the characteristics of that experience, demographic data and preferences by demographic group. The results of an online survey of 488 individuals in the United States indicate that respondents are generally satisfied with their online shopping experiences, with security, information quality and information quantity ranking first in importance overall. The sensory impact of a site ranked last overall of the seven characteristics measured. Preferences for these characteristics in e-commerce sites were differentiated by age, education and income. The sensory impact of sites became less important as respondents increased in age, income or education. As the income of respondents increased, the importance of the reputation of the vendor rose. Web site designers may incorporate these findings into the design of e-commerce sites in an attempt to increase the shopping satisfaction of their users. Results from the customer relationship management portion of the survey suggest that current push technologies and site personalization are not an effective means of achieving user satisfaction.  相似文献   

Head-up displays (HUD) are important parts of visual interfaces of virtual environments such as video games. However, few studies have investigated their role in player–video game interactions. Two experiments were designed to investigate the influence of HUDs on player experience according to player expertise and game genre. Experiment 1 used eye-tracking and interviews to understand how and to what extent players use and experience HUDs in two types of commercial games: first-person shooter and real-time strategy games. Results showed that displaying a permanent HUD within the visual interface may improve the understanding of this environment by players. They also revealed that two HUD characteristics, namely composition and spatial organization, have particular influence on player experience. These critical characteristics were manipulated in experiment 2 to study more precisely the influence of HUD design choices on player experience. Results showed that manipulation of design of these HUD characteristics influences player experience in different ways according to player expertise and game genre. For games with HUDs that are perceived as very useful, the higher player expertise is, the more player experience is influenced. Recommendations for video game design based on these results are proposed.  相似文献   

情感化的珠宝首饰不仅能满足用户的装饰需求,更能满足用户的情感需求,产生情感反馈,从而创造出超越物质价值的精神价值。文章从用户体验的角度出发,研究用户在佩戴珠宝首饰的过程中所经历的不同体验层次,选择了最为本能的感官体验层次作为切入点,研究分析感官体验对于情感化珠宝设计的重要意义,并进一步探索了感官设计在珠宝首饰设计中的应用。  相似文献   

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