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A transition metal-substituted silylacetylene [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)2SiMe2C]2, [FpMe2SiC]2 (I) was synthesized and characterized spectroscopically and structurally. I crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21/n, A = 13.011(3) Å B = 12.912(3) Å, C = 13.175(5) Å, β = 94.95(2). The acetylene linkage is reactive toward Co2(CO)8 to form I. Co2(CO)6 (II) which was also characterized spectroscopically and by single crystal X-ray diffraction. II crystallized in the orthorhombic space group Pbca, A = 17.64(2) Å, B = 14.225(10) Å, C = 24.49(2) Å.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the title compounds were solved using the single-crystal X-ray diffraction technique. At room temperature CsKSO4Te(OH)6 was found to crystallize in the monoclinic system with Pn space group and lattice parameters: ; ; ; β=106.53(2)°; ; Z=4 and . The structural refinement has led to a reliability factor of R1=0.0284 (wR2=0.064) for 7577 independent reflections. Rb1.25K0.75SO4Te(OH)6 material possesses a monoclinic structure with space group P21/a and cell parameters: ; ; ; β=106.860(10)°; ; Z=4 and . The residuals are R1=0.0297 and wR2=0.0776 for 3336 independent reflections. The main interest of these structures is the presence of two different and independent anionic groups (TeO66− and SO42−) in the same crystal.Complex impedance measurements (Z*=ZiZ) have been undertaken in the frequency and temperature ranges 20-106 Hz and 400-600 K, respectively. The dielectric relaxation is studied in the complex modulus formalism M*.  相似文献   

Reaction of the Et3NH+ salts of the [(μ-RS)(μ-CO)Fe2(CO)6] anions (R=But, Ph or PhCH2) with (μ-S2)Fe2(CO)6 gives reactive intermediates [(μ-RS)(μ-S){Fe2(CO)6}24-S)]. Reactions of the latter with alkyl halides, acid chlorides and Cp(CO)2FeI have been studied. X-Ray structure of (μ-ButS)(μ-PhCH2S)[Fe2(CO)6]24-S) was determined.  相似文献   

Three new hydrated scandium selenites have been hydrothermally synthesized as single crystals and structurally and physically characterized. Sc2(SeO3)3·H2O crystallizes as a new structure type containing novel ScO7 pentagonal bipyramidal and ScO6+1 capped octahedral coordination polyhedra. Sc2(SeO3)3·3H2O contains typical ScO6 octahedra and is isostructural with its M2(SeO3)3·3H2O (M=Al, Cr, Fe, Ga) congeners. CsSc3(SeO3)4(HSeO3)2·2H2O contains near-regular ScO6 octahedra and has essentially the same structure as its indium-containing analogue. All three phases contain the expected pyramidal [SeO3]2- selenite groups. Crystal data: Sc2(SeO3)3·3H2O, Mr=524.85, trigonal, R3c (No. 161), , , , Z=6, R(F)=0.018, wR(F2)=0.036; Sc2(SeO3)3·H2O, Mr=488.82, orthorhombic, P212121 (No. 19), , , , , Z=4, R(F)=0.051, wR(F2)=0.086; CsSc3(SeO3)4(HSeO3)2·2H2O, Mr=1067.60, orthorhombic, Pnma (No. 62), , , , , Z=4, R(F)=0.035, wR(F2)=0.070.  相似文献   

The title compound Fe_3(CO)_8(C_6H_5NC)(μ_3-S)_2 (Ⅰ) was synthesized by the reaction of C_6H_5NCS with Fe_3(CO)_12 at room temperature. The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound were determined by single ctystal diffraction method. Crystal data: monoclinic, space group P2_1/C, a=12.718(4)Å, b=26.164(10) Å, c=l3.741(7) Å, β=117.18(2) °, V=4067(2) Å3, Z=8, Dc=1.825 g/cm3. The structure was solved by direct method and difference Fourier synthesis, and refined by full-matrix Least-squares with anisotropic thermal paramaters, using 1990 observed reflections [Ⅰ>3σ(Ⅰ)].The final residual factor was R=0.076, Rw=0.082. The substituted ligand (C_6H_5NC)in Fe_3(CO)_8(C_6H_5NC)(μ_3-S)_2 is connected to the Fe(3) atom of the distorted tetragonal pyramid Fe_3S_2 framework.  相似文献   

The reactions of [Fe3(CO)12] or [Ru3(CO)12] with RNC (R=Ph, C6H4OMe-p or CH2SO2C6H4Me-p) have been investigated using electrospray mass spectrometry. Species arising from substitution of up to six ligands were detected for [Fe3(CO)12], but the higher-substituted compounds were too unstable to be isolated. The crystal structure of [Fe3(CO)10(CNPh)2] was determined at 150 and 298 K to show that both isonitrile ligands were trans to each other on the same Fe atom. For [Ru3(CO)12] substitution of up to three COs was found, together with the formation of higher-nuclearity clusters. [Ru4(CO)11(CNPh)3] was structurally characterised and has a spiked-triangular Ru4 core with two of the CNPh ligands coordinated in an unusual μ32 mode.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of [WCl4(OPPh3)2](1), formed in the photochemical reaction of W(CO)6 with SnCl4 in the presence of triphenylphosphine, has been determined by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction method. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space C2/c, with A=14.027(3), B=13.163(3), C=19.621(4) Å, β=96.36(3)°, Z=4. The structure solved by heavy-atom methods has been refined to R=0.0466, for 3489 observed reflections.

The [WCl4(OPPh3)2] molecule possesses a crystallographically imposed C2 axis passing through the tungsten atom. Despite steric demands, a mutually cis arrangement of triphenylphosphine oxide oxygens is found for [WCl4(OPPh3)2], while there is a slight lengthening of the W---Cl bonds trans to the oxygen atoms.  相似文献   

The reaction of Na2[Fe(CO)4] with Br2CF2 in n‐pentane generates a mixture of the compounds (CO)3Fe(μ‐CO)3–n(μ‐CF2)nFe(CO)3 ( 2 , n = 2; 3 , n = 1) in low yields with 3 as the main product. 3 is obtained free from 2 by reacting Br2CF2 with Na2[Fe2(CO)8]. The non‐isolable monomeric complex (CO)4Fe=CF2 ( 1 ) can probably considered as the precursor for 2 . 3 reacts with PPh3 with replacement of two CO ligands to form Fe2(CO)6(μ‐CF2)(PPh3)2 ( 4 ). The complexes 2 – 4 were characterized by single crystal X‐ray diffraction. While the structure of 2 is strictly similar to that of Fe2(CO)9, the structure of 3 can better be described as a resulting from superposition of the two enantiomers 3 a and 3 b with two semibridging CO groups. Quantum chemical DFT calculations for the series (CO)3Fe(μCO)3–n(μ‐CF2)nFe(CO)3 (n = 0, 1, 2, 3) as well as for the corresponding (μ‐CH2) derivatives indicate that the progressively larger σ donor and π acceptor properties for the bridging ligands, in the order CO < CF2 < CH2, favor a stronger Fe–Fe bond.  相似文献   

The compound [RU332- -ampy)(μ3η12-PhC=CHPh)(CO)6(PPh3)2] (1) (ampy = 2-amino-6-methylpyridinate) has been prepared by reaction of [RU3(η-H)(μ32- ampy) (μ,η12-PhC=CHPh)(CO)7(PPh3)] with triphenylphosphine at room temperature. However, the reaction of [RU3(μ-H)(μ3, η2 -ampy)(CO)7(PPh3)2] with diphenylacetylene requires a higher temperature (110°C) and does not give complex 1 but the phenyl derivative [RU332-ampy)(μ,η 12 -PhC=CHPh)(μ,-PPh2)(Ph)(CO)5(PPh3)] (2). The thermolysis of complex 1 (110°C) also gives complex 2 quantitatively. Both 1 and 2 have been characterized by0 X-ray diffraction methods. Complex 1 is a catalyst precursor for the homogeneous hydrogenation of diphenylacetylene to a mixture of cis- and trans -stilbene under mild conditions (80°C, 1 atm. of H2), although progressive deactivation of the catalytic species is observed. The dihydride [RU3(μ-H)232-ampy)(μ,η12- PhC=CHPh)(CO)5(PPh3)2] (3), which has been characterized spectroscopically, is an intermediate in the catalytic hydrogenation reaction.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline Li3Sc(BO3)2 was synthesized through the solid-state reaction, which is air-, water- and thermal-stable below about 929 °C. Its crystal structure was resolved and refined on the basis of powder X-ray diffraction data. The metal-borate framework is built up from ScO6 octahedra connected to each other by sharing common edges, corners and faces of BO3 units and LiO4 groups. Coordination surrounding of B-O in this structure, [BO3]3− group, was confirmed by an infrared absorption spectrum of an Li3Sc(BO3)2. According to the electronic structure calculated by first-principles calculations, an Li3Sc(BO3)2 is an insulator with a wide indirect energy band gap of about 4.4 eV. Considering the facile synthesis, large band gap, and thermal stability and excellent Tb3+-doped photoluminescence characteristics of this compound in general, it may be a good candidate as host of phosphors deposited on chip of the light-emitting diodes for white-color conversion.  相似文献   

The structures of the versatile starting compounds for organoiron complexes, the cationic aqua complex [(η5-C5Me4Et)Fe(CO)2(OH2)]BF4 (1b) and the halide complexes (η5-C5Me5)Fe(CO)2-I (2a), (η5-C5Me4Et)Fe(CO)2-I (2b) and (η5-C5Me4Et)Fe(CO)2-Cl (3b), are characterized by X-ray crystallography. Complex 1b [Fe---O: 2.022(8) Å and 2.043(9) Å, two independent molecules] is the first structurally characterized example of organoiron aqua complexes. Details of the synthetic procedures for the above complexes and the labile cationic THF complexes [η5-C5R5)Fe(CO)2(THF)]BF4 (4) are disclosed, and the dissociation equilibrium of 4 is confirmed by means of variable temperature 1H-NMR as well as saturation transfer experiment.  相似文献   

The single crystals of caesium magnesium titanium (IV) tri-oxo-tetrakis-diphosphate bis-monophosphate, Cs3.70Mg0.60Ti2.78(TiO)3(P2O7)4(PO4)2, crystallize in sp. gr. P-1 (No. 2) with cell parameters a=6.3245(4), b=9.5470(4), c=15.1892(9) Å, α=72.760(4), β=85.689(5), γ=73.717(4), z=1. The titled compound possesses a three-dimensional tunnel structure built by the corner-sharing of distorted [TiO6] octahedra, [Ti2O11] bioctahedra, [PO4] monophosphate and [P2O7] pyrophosphate groups. The Cs+ cations are located in the tunnels. The partial substitution of Ti positions with Mg atoms is observed. The negative charge of the framework is balanced by Cs cations and Mg atoms leading to pronounced concurrency and orientation disorder in the [P2O7] groups, which coordinate both.  相似文献   

The compound (NpO2)2(SO4)(H2O)4 was synthesized by evaporation of a Np5+ sulfate solution. The crystal structure was determined using single crystal X-ray diffraction and refined to an R1=0.0310. (NpO2)2(SO4)(H2O)4 crystallizes in triclinic space group P-1, a=8.1102(7) Å, b=8.7506(7) Å, c=16.234(1) Å, α=90.242(2)°, β=92.855(2)°, γ=113.067(2)°, V=1058.3(2) Å3, and Z=2. The structure contains neptunyl pentagonal bipyramids that share vertices through cation-cation interactions to form a sheet or cationic net. The sheet is decorated on each side by vertex sharing with sulfate tetrahedra, and adjacent sheets are linked together through hydrogen bonding. A graphical representation of (NpO2)2(SO4)(H2O)4 was constructed to facilitate the structural comparison to similar Np5+ compounds. The prevalence of the cationic nets in neptunyl sulfate compounds related to the overall stability of the structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

The title complex Mn2(CO)6(μ-H){μ-S(SC3H5)C=C(PPr3i)S} was synthesized by allyation of the homobinuclear anion [Mn2(CO)6(μ-H){μ-S(SC3H5)C=C(PPr3i)S}]−1, and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR and 31P NMR spectra. The molecular structure shows that it contains a novel fairly planar ligand S(S)C=C(PPr3i)S, and the two Mn(CO)3 fragments are symmetrically placed at both sides of the plane of the ligand.  相似文献   

Reactions of CpMoIr3(μ-CO)3(CO)8 (1) with stoichiometric amounts of phosphines afford the substitution products CpMoIr3(μ-CO)3(CO)8−x (L)x (L = PPh3, x = 1 (2), 2 (3); L = PMe3, x = 1 (4), 2 (5), 3 (6)) in fair to good yields (23–54%); the yields of both 3 and 6 are increased on reacting 1 with excess phosphine. Products 2–5 are fluxional in solution, with the interconverting isomers resolvable at low temperatures. A structural study of one isomer of 2 reveals that the three edges of an MoIr2 face of the tetrahedral core are spanned by bridging carbonyls, and that the iridium-bound triphenyiphosphine ligates radially and the molybdenum-bound cyclopentadienyl coordinates axially with respect to this Molr2 face. Information from this crystal structure, 31P NMR data (both solution and solid-state), and results with analogous tungsten—triiridium and tetrairidium clusters have been employed to suggest coordination geometries for the isomeric derivatives.  相似文献   

Rh2(μ-SC6H5)2(CO)4的合成和晶体结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一种路易斯碱,例如膦(PR3)或异氰化物(CNR)加到双核或多核络合物中,会导致低核物种的形成,这就伴随有金属一金属键的断裂[1].这样的例子很多,如我们曾用F33(CO)12与P(SC6H5)3反应,分离出三个不同的两核铁数合物[2].现在我们报导另一个例子:用Rh4(CO)12与P(SC6H小反应,同样也得到一个两核物种WhZ(P-SC6H巾(C)4.该化合物首先由B0ltoll*等人用WhZ(CO)ZC12与苯硫酚C6H。SH反应得到,但有关它的X-rar晶体结构的测定还未见报导·与之相似的化合物Rh。(p-SC。H。F)。门O)。的结构已由ClaverN…  相似文献   

Two fluoride sulfates,K2Mn3(SO4)3F2·4H2O(Ⅰ) and Rb2Mn3(SO4)3F2·2H2O (Ⅱ) are obtained by water solution method.Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that they crystallize in space groups of Cmc21.Their structures feature a pseudo-KTP structure consisting of interconnecting[Mn3(SO4)3F2(H2O)2] layers,which are further packing along the a axis with alkali metal cations balancing the charges.The structure relationships between the two compounds are discussed.Secondharmonic generation measurements manifest that Ⅰ and Ⅱ have similar second-harmonic generation responses of about 0.2 and 0.25 times that of KH2PO4.  相似文献   

Slow crystallization of (PyrH)2[Nb6Cl18] from hot ethanol solution affords triclinic (PyrH)2[Nb6Cl18]·EtOH. Treatment of [Nb6Cl14(H2O)4]·4H2O with pyridine in a methanol solution gives the second title compound, the cubic modification of (PyrH)2[Nb6Cl18]. Both structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction, (PyrH)2[Nb6Cl18]·EtOH: P1¯, a=9.3475(3), b=9.3957(3), c=10.8600(3) Å, α=82.582(1)°, β=78.608(1)°, and γ=78.085(1)°, Z=1, R1(F)/wR2(F2)=0.0254/0.0573, cub.-(PyrH)2[Nb6Cl18]: Fd3¯m, a=19.935(2) Å, Z=8, R1(F)/wR2(F2)=0.0557/0.1796. The cluster compounds contain isolated, molecular [Nb6Cli12Cla6]2− cluster anions with an octahedron of metal atoms edge bridged by chlorido ligands with additional ones on all the six exo positions. These cluster anions are separated by the pyridinium cations and ethanol solvent molecules, respectively. For the cubic modification of (PyrH)2[Nb6Cl18], a structural comparison is given to the known rhombohedral modification using the group-subgroup relations as expressed by a Bärnighausen tree.  相似文献   

许多化学工作者对单齿膦配体(PPh3,PBun3,PEt2Ph,P(OEt)3,P(OC6H5)3)与母体簇合物FeCo2(CO)9(μ3-S)的取代反应进行过详细研究[1-3],但对双齿膦配体与母体簇合物的取代反应研究报导较少.Aime[4]合成了含双齿膦配体的簇合物FeCo2(CO)7(μ3-S)(Ph2PCH2PPh2),并用13CNMR和IR光谱方法对其结构进行了表征.到目前为止,含双齿膦配体的该类簇合物的晶体与分子结构还未见报导.RosannaRossetti[2]通过研究母体簇合物与…  相似文献   

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