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The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), onboard the NASA Terra and Aqua Earth Observing System satellites, provides multiple land surface temperature (LST) products on a daily basis. However, these products have not been adequately validated. This paper presents preliminary results of validating two MODIS Terra daily LST products, MOD11_L2 (version 4) and MOD07_L2 (version 4), using the FLUXNET and Carbon Europe Integrated Project (CarboEurope-IP) long-term ground measurements over eight vegetated sites. Since ground-measured LSTs were only available over one fixed point in each validation site, the study was carefully designed to mitigate the scale mismatch issue by using nighttime ground measurements concurrent to more than 1800 MODIS Terra overpasses.The preliminary results show that MOD11_L2 LSTs have smaller absolute biases and root mean squared errors (RMSE) than those of MOD07_L2 LSTs in most cases. The match of MOD11_L2 LSTs with ground measurements in the Brookings, Audubon, Canaan Valley, and Black Hills sites is good, yielding absolute biases less than 0.8 °C and RMSEs less than 1.7 °C. In the Fort Peck, Hainich, Tharandt, and Bondville sites, MOD11_L2 LSTs were underestimated by 2-3 °C. Biases in MOD11_L2 LSTs correlate to those in MOD07_L2 LSTs. Since the MOD07_L2 LST product is one of the input parameters to the MOD11_L2 LST algorithm, biases in MOD11_L2 LSTs may be influenced by biases in MOD07_L2 LSTs. The errors in both products depend weakly on sensor view zenith angle but are independent of surface air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and soil moisture.  相似文献   

The estimation of near surface air temperature (Ta) is useful for a wide range of applications such as agriculture, climate related diseases and climate change studies. Air temperature is commonly obtained from synoptic measurements in weather stations. In Africa, the spatial distribution of weather stations is often limited and the dissemination of temperature data is variable, therefore limiting their use for real-time applications. Compensation for this paucity of information may be obtained by using satellite-based methods. However, the derivation of near surface air temperature (Ta), from the land surface temperature (Ts) derived from satellite is far from straight forward. Some studies have tried to derive maximum Ta from satellites through regression analysis but the accuracy obtained is quite variable according to the study. The main objective of this study was to explore the possibility of retrieving high-resolution Ta data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Ts products over different ecosystems in Africa. First, comparisons between night MODIS Ts data with minimum Ta showed that MODIS nighttime products provide a good estimation of minimum Ta over different ecosystems (with (ΔTs − Ta) centered at 0 °C, a mean absolute error (MAE) = 1.73 °C and a standard deviation = 2.4 °C). Secondly, comparisons between day MODIS Ts data with maximum Ta showed that (ΔTs − Ta) strongly varies according to the seasonality, the ecosystems, the solar radiation, and cloud-cover. Two factors proposed in the literature to retrieve maximum Ta from Ts, i.e. the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Solar Zenith Angle (SZA), were analyzed. No strong relationship between (ΔTs − Ta) and (i) NDVI and (ii) SZA was observed, therefore requiring further research on robust methods to retrieve maximum Ta.  相似文献   

The MODIS Rapid Response (RR) System was developed to meet the near real time needs of the applications community. Generally, its products are available online within hours of the satellite overpass. We recently adapted the standard MODIS land surface temperature (LST) split-window algorithm for use in the RR System. To minimize latency, we eliminated the algorithm's dependency on upstream MODIS products. For example, although the standard MODIS LST requires prior retrieval of air temperature and water vapor from the MODIS scene, the RR LST employs a climatological database of atmospheric values based on a 25-year record of NOAA TOVS observations. The standard and RR algorithms also differ in upstream processing, surface emissivity determination, and use of a cloud mask (RR product does not contain one). Comparison of the MODIS RR and standard LST products suggests that biases are generally less than 0.1 K, and root-mean-square differences are less than 1 K despite the presence of some larger outliers. Initial validation with field data suggests the absolute uncertainty of the RR product is below 1 K. The MODIS RR land surface temperature algorithm is a stand-alone computer code. It has no dependencies on external products or toolkits, and is suitable for Direct Broadcast and other processing systems.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) and emissivity are key parameters in estimating the land surface radiation budget, a major controlling factor of global climate and environmental change. In this study, Terra Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Aqua MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5 LST and emissivity products are evaluated using long-term ground-based longwave radiation observations collected at six Surface Radiation Budget Network (SURFRAD) sites from 2000 to 2007. LSTs at a spatial resolution of 90 m from 197 ASTER images during 2000-2007 are directly compared to ground observations at the six SURFRAD sites. For nighttime data, ASTER LST has an average bias of 0.1 °C and the average bias is 0.3 °C during daytime. Aqua MODIS LST at 1 km resolution during nighttime retrieved from a split-window algorithm is evaluated from 2002 to 2007. MODIS LST has an average bias of − 0.2 °C. LST heterogeneity (defined as the Standard Deviation, STD, of ASTER LSTs in 1 × 1 km2 region, 11 × 11 pixel in total) and instrument calibration error of pyrgeometer are key factors impacting the ASTER and MODIS LST evaluation using ground-based radiation measurements. The heterogeneity of nighttime ASTER LST is 1.2 °C, which accounts for 71% of the STD of the comparison, while the heterogeneity of the daytime LST is 2.4 °C, which accounts for 60% of the STD. Collection 5 broadband emissivity is 0.01 larger than that of MODIS Collection 4 products and ASTER emissivity. It is essential to filter out the abnormal low values of ASTER daily emissivity data in summer time before its application.  相似文献   

An experimental site was set up in a large, flat and homogeneous area of rice crops for the validation of satellite derived land surface temperature (LST). Experimental campaigns were held in the summers of 2002-2004, when rice crops show full vegetation cover. LSTs were measured radiometrically along transects covering an area of 1 km2. A total number of four thermal radiometers were used, which were calibrated and inter-compared through the campaigns. Radiometric temperatures were corrected for emissivity effects using field emissivity and downwelling sky radiance measurements. A database of ground-based LSTs corresponding to morning, cloud-free overpasses of Envisat/Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) and Terra/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is presented. Ground LSTs ranged from 25 to 32 °C, with uncertainties between ± 0.5 and ± 0.9 °C. The largest part of these uncertainties was due to the spatial variability of surface temperature. The database was used for the validation of LSTs derived from the operational AATSR and MODIS split-window algorithms, which are currently used to generate the LST product in the L2 level data. A quadratic, emissivity dependent split-window equation applicable to both AATSR and MODIS data was checked as well. Although the number of cases analyzed is limited (five concurrences for AATSR and eleven for MODIS), it can be concluded that the split-window algorithms work well, provided that the characteristics of the area are adequately prescribed, either through the classification of the land cover type and the vegetation cover, or with the surface emissivity. In this case, the AATSR LSTs yielded an average error or bias of − 0.9 °C (ground minus algorithm), with a standard deviation of 0.9 °C. The MODIS LST product agreed well with the ground LSTs, with differences comparable or smaller than the uncertainties of the ground measurements for most of the days (bias of + 0.1 °C and standard deviation of 0.6 °C, for cloud-free cases and viewing angles smaller than 60°). The quadratic split-window algorithm resulted in small average errors (+ 0.3 °C for AATSR and 0.0 °C for MODIS), with differences not exceeding ± 1.0 °C for most of the days (standard deviation of 0.9 °C for AATSR and 0.5 °C for MODIS).  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in pixel-wise LST. Spatial scaling may account for the uncertainty, however, different approaches lead to differences in scaled values. Satellite-retrieved LST may be representative of the pixel-wise LST and useful for scaling analysis, but the limited accuracy of retrieved values adds uncertainty into the scaled values. Based on the Stefan-Boltzmann (S-B) law, this study proposed scaling approaches for LST over flat and relief areas to explore the combined uncertainties in scaling using satellite-retrieved data. To take advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from these two sensors were examined for part of the Loess Plateau in China. 90-m ASTER LST data were scaled up to 1 km using the proposed approaches, and variation in the LST was generally reduced after scaling. Amongst the sources of uncertainties, surface heterogeneity (emissivity) and different scaling approaches resulted in very minor differences, with a maximum difference of 0.2 K for the upscaled LST. Terrain features, taken as an areal weighting factor, had negligible effects on the upscaled value. Limited accuracy of the retrieved LST was the major uncertainty. The overall LST increased 0.6 K on average with correction for terrain-induced angular effect and 0.4 K for both angular and adjacency effects over the study area. Accounting for terrain correction in scaling is necessary for rugged areas. With terrain correction, the upscaled ASTER LST achieved an agreement of − 0.1 ± 1.87 K and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.87 K overall with the 1-km MODIS LST rectified by Wan et al.'s approach [Wan, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang Q., Li, Z.-L. (2002b), Validation of the land-surface temperature products retrieved from Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 163-180]. Refining the rectification approach resulted in a better agreement of − 0.2 ± 1.57 K and a RMSE of 1.58 K.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the Land Surface Temperature (LST) product generated operationally by the EUMETSAT Land Surface Analysis Satellite Applications Facility (LSA SAF) from the data registered by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on board the geostationary METEOSAT Second Generation 2 (MSG2, Meteosat 9) satellite was assessed on two test sites in Eastern Spain: a homogeneous, fully vegetated rice field and a high-plain, homogeneous area of shrubland. The LSA SAF LSTs were compared with ground LST measurements in the conventional temperature-based (T-based) method. We also validated the LSA SAF LST product by using an alternative radiance-based (R-based) method, with ground LSTs calculated from MSG-SEVIRI channel 9 brightness temperatures (at 10.8 μm) through radiative transfer simulations using atmospheric temperature and water vapor profiles together with surface emissivity data. Two lakes were also used for validation with the R-based method. Although the LSA SAF LST algorithm works mostly within the uncertainty expectation of ± 2 K, both validation methods showed significant biases for the LSA SAF LST product, up to 1.5 K in some cases. These biases, with the LSA SAF LST product overestimating reference values, were also observed in previous studies. Nevertheless, the present work points out that the biases are related to the land surface emissivities used in the operational generation of the product. The use of more appropriate emissivity values for the test sites in the LSA SAF LST algorithm led to better results by decreasing the biases by 0.7 K for the shrubland validation site. Furthermore, we proposed and checked an alternative algorithm: a quadratic split-window equation, based on a physical split-window model that has been widely proved for other sensors, with angular-dependent coefficients suitable for the MSG coverage area. The T-based validation results for this algorithm showed LST uncertainties (robust root-mean-squared-errors) from 0.2 K to 0.5 K lower than for the LSA SAF LST algorithm after the emissivity replacement. Nevertheless, the proposed algorithm accuracies were significantly better than those obtained for the current LSA SAF LST product, with an average accuracy difference of 0.6 K.  相似文献   

Heat waves are expected to become more frequent and severe as climate changes, with unknown consequences for biodiversity. We sought to identify ecologically-relevant broad-scale indicators of heat waves based on MODIS land surface temperature (LST) and interpolated air temperature data and assess their associations with avian community structure. Specifically, we asked which data source, time periods, and heat wave indices best predicted changes in avian abundance and species richness. Using mixed effects models, we analyzed associations between these indices and data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey in the central United States between 2000 and 2007 in four ecoregions and five migratory and nesting species groups. We then quantified avian responses to scenarios of severe, but commonly-occurring early, late, and summer-long heat waves. Indices based on MODIS LST data, rather than interpolated air temperatures, were more predictive of avian community structure. Avian communities were more related to 8-day LST exceedances (positive anomalies only); and were generally more sensitive to summer-long heat waves. Across the region, abundance, and to a lesser extent, species richness, declined following heat waves. Among the ecoregions, relationships were most consistently negative in the southern and montane ecoregions, but were positive in a more humid northern ecoregion. Among migratory groups, permanent resident species were the most sensitive, declining in abundance following a summer-long heat wave by 19% and 13% in the montane and southern ecoregions, respectively. Ground-nesting species, which declined in the south by 12% following a late summer heat wave, were more sensitive than avifauna overall. These results demonstrate the value of MODIS LST data for measuring ecologically-relevant heat waves across large regions. Ecologically, these findings highlight the importance of extreme events for avian biodiversity and the considerable variation in response to environmental change associated with different functional groups and geographic regions. The magnitude of the relationships between avian abundance and heat waves reported here raises concerns about the impacts of more frequent and severe heat waves in a warming climate.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of shortwave net radiation (Sn) at a high spatial resolution is critical for regional and global land surface models. Current surface radiation budget products have fine temporal resolutions, but only coarse spatial resolutions that are not suitable for land applications. A hybrid algorithm was developed in this study to estimate Sn from MODIS data under both clear and cloudy sky conditions without requiring coarser resolution ancillary data. This algorithm was validated using ground measurements at seven sites of the SURFace RADiation budget observing network (SURFRAD) in the United States. Instantaneous Sn estimated by this method was also compared with GEWEX/SRB and ISCCP data, and other methods. The results indicate that our algorithm can produce Sn at 1-km resolution with improved accuracy and is easily implemented to generate operational global products. Daily integrated Sn is estimated at 1-km resolution using instantaneous Sn. These finer spatial resolution datasets capture the specific sequence of the redistribution of the available energy at the Earth's surface. Therefore, they support recent high resolution land surface models.  相似文献   

Estimation of aerosol loadings is of great importance to the studies on global climate changes. The current Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol estimation algorithm over land is based on the “dark-object” approach, which works only over densely vegetated (“dark”) surfaces. In this study, we develop a new aerosol estimation algorithm that uses the temporal signatures from a sequence of MODIS imagery over land surfaces, particularly “bright” surfaces. The estimated aerosol optical depth is validated by Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements. Case studies indicate that this algorithm can retrieve aerosol optical depths reasonably well from the winter MODIS imagery at seven sites: four sites in the greater Washington, DC area, USA; Beijing City, China; Banizoumbou, Niger, Africa; and Bratts Lake, Canada. The MODIS aerosol estimation algorithm over land (MOD04), however, does not perform well over these non-vegetated surfaces. This new algorithm has the potential to be used for other satellite images that have similar temporal resolutions.  相似文献   

Land surface and climate modelling requires continuous and consistent Leaf Area Index (LAI). High spatiotemporal resolution and long-time record data are more in demand nowadays and will continue to be in the future. MODIS LAI products meet these requirements to some degree. However, due to the presence of cloud and seasonal snow cover, the instrument problems and the uncertainties of retrieval algorithm, the current MODIS LAI products are spatially and temporally discontinuous and inconsistent, which limits their application in land surface and climate modelling. To improve the MODIS LAI products on a global scale, we considered the characteristics of the MODIS LAI data and made the best use of quality control (QC) information, and developed an integrated two-step method to derive the improved MODIS LAI products effectively and efficiently on a global scale. First, we used the modified temporal spatial filter (mTSF) method taking advantage of background values and QC information at each pixel to do a simple data assimilation for relatively low quality data. Then we applied the post processing-TIMESAT (A software package to analyze time-series of satellite sensor data) Savitzky-Golay (SG) filter to get the final result. We implemented the method to 10 years of the MODIS Collection 5 LAI data. In comparison with the LAI reference maps and the MODIS LAI data, our results showed that the improved MODIS LAI data are closer to the LAI reference maps in magnitude and also more continuous and consistent in both time-series and spatial domains. In addition, simple statistics were used to evaluate the differences between the MODIS LAI and the improved MODIS LAI.  相似文献   

Information related to land surface phenology is important for a variety of applications. For example, phenology is widely used as a diagnostic of ecosystem response to global change. In addition, phenology influences seasonal scale fluxes of water, energy, and carbon between the land surface and atmosphere. Increasingly, the importance of phenology for studies of habitat and biodiversity is also being recognized. While many data sets related to plant phenology have been collected at specific sites or in networks focused on individual plants or plant species, remote sensing provides the only way to observe and monitor phenology over large scales and at regular intervals. The MODIS Global Land Cover Dynamics Product was developed to support investigations that require regional to global scale information related to spatio-temporal dynamics in land surface phenology. Here we describe the Collection 5 version of this product, which represents a substantial refinement relative to the Collection 4 product. This new version provides information related to land surface phenology at higher spatial resolution than Collection 4 (500-m vs. 1-km), and is based on 8-day instead of 16-day input data. The paper presents a brief overview of the algorithm, followed by an assessment of the product. To this end, we present (1) a comparison of results from Collection 5 versus Collection 4 for selected MODIS tiles that span a range of climate and ecological conditions, (2) a characterization of interannual variation in Collections 4 and 5 data for North America from 2001 to 2006, and (3) a comparison of Collection 5 results against ground observations for two forest sites in the northeastern United States. Results show that the Collection 5 product is qualitatively similar to Collection 4. However, Collection 5 has fewer missing values outside of regions with persistent cloud cover and atmospheric aerosols. Interannual variability in Collection 5 is consistent with expected ranges of variance suggesting that the algorithm is reliable and robust, except in the tropics where some systematic differences are observed. Finally, comparisons with ground data suggest that the algorithm is performing well, but that end of season metrics associated with vegetation senescence and dormancy have higher uncertainties than start of season metrics.  相似文献   

Mapping surface temperature in large lakes with MODIS data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Satellite sensor MODIS on two platforms can produce Sea Surface Temperature over certain regions about three to four times per day. Our objective was to test if the MODIS SST product can be applied for lakes whose surface areas are large enough to be observed at the MODIS spatial resolution and to compare the satellite-derived lake surface temperatures with in situ measurements. Surface temperatures for Lakes Vänern and Vättern in Sweden, two of the largest European lakes, are extracted from the MODIS/Terra images for period 2001-2003. The results are analyzed on different quality levels, as all MODIS L2 products are equipped with an additional quality flag. We present temperature development over 2001-2003, and show the capability of the MODIS SST product to couple the known thermodynamical features in the lakes under study, where temperature varies greatly with space and time. These results can complement lake monitoring programs anywhere.  相似文献   

Regional evaporation estimates from flux tower and MODIS satellite data   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two models were evaluated for their ability to estimate land surface evaporation at 16-day intervals using MODIS remote sensing data and surface meteorology as inputs. The first was the aerodynamic resistance-surface energy balance model, and the second was the Penman-Monteith (P-M) equation, where the required surface conductance is estimated from remotely-sensed leaf area index. The models were tested using 3 years of evaporation and meteorological measurements from two contrasting Australian ecosystems, a cool temperate, evergreen Eucalyptus forest and a wet/dry, tropical savanna. The aerodynamic resistance-surface energy balance approach failed because small errors in the radiative surface temperature translate into large errors in sensible heat, and hence into estimates of evaporation. The P-M model adequately estimated the magnitude and seasonal variation in evaporation in both ecosystems (RMSE = 27 W m− 2, R2 = 0.74), demonstrating the validity of the proposed surface conductance algorithm. This, and the ability to constrain evaporation estimates via the energy balance, demonstrates the superiority of the P-M equation over the surface temperature-based model. There was no degradation in the performance of the P-M model when gridded meteorological data at coarser spatial (0.05°) and temporal (daily) resolution were substituted for locally-measured inputs.The P-M approach was used to generate a monthly evaporation climatology for Australia from 2001 to 2004 to demonstrate the potential of this approach for monitoring land surface evaporation and constructing monthly water budgets from 1-km to continental spatial scales.  相似文献   

利用MODIS数据反演地表温度的研究   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
地表温度(LST)是气象、水文、生态等研究中一个重要的参数,目前国内的研究大多使用NOAA/AVHRR数据来获取地表温度,应用MODIS数据获取LST基本上还是空白。MODISLST反演算法精度较高但是计算复杂,在很大程度上限制了其应用。采用简单的统计方法和神经网络方法,得出了内蒙古东北地区的LST计算公式。该公式计算简单而且精度很高,完全能够满足一般的研究需要。  相似文献   

针对MODIS 数据的地表温度非线性迭代反演方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地表温度是气象、水文、生态等研究领域中的一个重要参数。构建了MODIS31/ 32 波段的热辐射传输方程, 讨论了方程的数值迭代解法, 提出了针对MODIS 数据地表温度的非线性迭代反演方法, 并介绍了大气透过率和地表比辐射率这两个中间参数的估计方法。误差及敏感性分析表明,提出的方法对大气透过率和地表比辐射率都不敏感, 反演精度优于传统的线性分裂窗算法。  相似文献   

This study presents a novel ‘model-data’ approach to detect groundwater-dependent vegetation (GDV), through differences in modelled and observed land surface temperatures (LST) in space and time. Vegetation groundwater use is inferred where modelled LST exceeds observed LST by more than a threshold determined from consideration of systematic and random errors in model and observations. Modelled LST was derived from a surface energy balance model and LST observations were obtained from Terra-MODIS thermal imagery. The model-data approach, applied in the Condamine River Catchment, Queensland, Australia, identified GDV coincident to existing mapping. GDV were found to use groundwater up to 48% of the time and for as many as 56 consecutive days. Under driest of conditions, groundwater was estimated to contribute up to 0.2 mm h−1 to total ET for GDV. The ability to both detect the location and water-use dynamics of GDV is a significant advancement on previous remote-sensing GDV methods.  相似文献   

The surface temperature of permafrost soils in remote arctic areas is accessible by satellite land surface temperature (LST) detection. However, the spatial resolution of satellite measurements such as the MODIS LST products is limited and does not detect the heterogeneities of the wet polygonal tundra landscape where surface wetness varies over distances of several meters. This paper examines the spatial and temporal variability of summer surface temperatures of a polygonal tundra site in northern Siberia using a ground based high resolution thermal imaging system. Thermal infrared images were taken of a 1000 m2 polygonal tundra area in 10 min intervals from July to September 2008. Under clear sky conditions, the individual measurements indicate temperature differences of up to 6 K between dry and wet tundra surfaces and which can exceed 12 K when dry tundra and water surfaces are compared. These differences disappear when temperature averages are considered for intervals longer than the diurnal cycle; for weekly averages the spatial temperature variability decreases below 1 K. The exception is the free water surface of a shallow polygonal pond where weekly averaged temperature differences of 2.5 K are sustained compared to the tundra surface.The ground based thermal infrared images are upscaled to MODIS sized pixels and compared to available MODIS LST data for individual measurements and weekly averages. The comparisons show generally good agreement for the individual measurements under clear sky conditions, which exist during 20% of the studied time period. However, several erroneous measurements and large data gaps occur in the MODIS LST data during cloudy conditions, leading to biased weekly temperature averages inferred from the satellite observations. Based on these results the following recommendations are given for future permafrost temperature monitoring based on MODIS LST products: (i) high resolution surface water masks for the quality assessment in landscapes where lakes and ponds are frequent and (ii) reliable cloud cover detection in conjunction with a gap filling procedure for accurate temporal averages.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared images are being acquired by satellites for more than two decades enabling studies of the human-induced Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. As a result, the requirement of the scientific community for fast and efficient methods for extracting and analyzing the thermal patterns from a vast volume of acquired data has emerged. The present paper proposes an innovative object-based image analysis procedure to extract thermal patterns for the quantitative analysis of satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) maps. The spatial and thermal attributes associated with these objects are then calculated and used for the analyses of the intensity, the position and the spatial extent of UHIs. A case study was conducted in the Greater Athens Area, Greece. More than 3000 LST images of the area acquired by MODIS sensor over a decade were analyzed. Three daytime hot-spots were identified and studied (Megara, Elefsina-Aspropyrgos and Mesogeia). They were all found to exhibit similar behavior, gradually increasing their maximum temperature during the summer season and reaching their maxima in mid-July. The hot-spots' thermal intensities compared to a suburban area were of 9-10 °C and were found to be highly correlated to their areal extent. During the night-time, Athens center developed a typical UHI spatially coinciding with the dense urban fabric. The nighttime maximum LST peaked (on average) at the end of July, two weeks later than the daytime surface patterns. The mean spatial extent of UHI in Athens was 55.2 km2, whilst its mean intensity was 5.6 °C. The proposed automatic extraction process can be customized for other cities and potentially used for comparison of LST patterns and UHI behavior between different cities.  相似文献   

MODIS数据陆面温度反演研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
陆面温度(LST,landsurfacetemperature)是研究地表和大气之间物质交换和能量交换的重要参数。基于推广的分裂窗算法,运用MODIS数据,在青海湖地区(200km*200km)进行了陆面温度反演研究。在实验区,推广的分裂窗算法传感器高度角大于40°,将原分裂窗的区间进行了细化,与分裂窗方法相比,传感器高度角在40°~50°,大气柱水汽含量小于1.5cm时,反演精度较高,小于1K;与分裂窗方法类似,该方法对比辐射率和传感器仪器质量的误差不甚敏感。  相似文献   

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