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Excessive heat from microelectronic components is essential to remove to increase the reliability of the system. In this paper, various types of perforations in the form of small channels such as square, circular, triangular and hexagonal cross sections are introduced and thermal performances are compared to improve the cooling performance of heat sink. The governing equations are solved by adopting a control volume based finite element method with an unstructured non-uniform grid system. Flow and heat transfer characteristics are presented for Reynolds numbers from 2 × 104 to 4 × 104 based on the fin length and Prandtl number is taken as Pr = 0.71. RANS based k-ε turbulence model is used to predict the turbulent flow parameters. The predicted results are validated by the previously published experimental data and in reasonable agreement with the experiment. Results show that fins having circular perforations have better thermal and fluid dynamic performances than the other types of fins considered here.  相似文献   

Increasing miniaturization of high speed multi-functional electronics demands ever more stringent thermal management. The present work investigates experimentally and numerically the use of staggered perforated pin fins to enhance the rate of heat transfer in these devices. In particular, the effects of the number of perforations and the diameter of perforation on each pin are studied. The results show that the Nusselt number for the perforated pins is 45 % higher than that for the conventional solid pins and it increases with the number of perforation. Pressure drop with perforated pins is also reduced by 18 % when compared with that for solid pins. Perforations produce recirculations in the xy as well as the xz planes downstream of the pins which effectively increase convective heat transfer. However, thermal dissipation decreases significantly when the ratio of pin diameter to perforation diameter exceeds 0.375. This is due to both a reduction in the number of perforation per pin and the decrease in the axial heat conduction along the pin.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an experimental study of free convective heat transfer from fins and fin arrays attached to a heated horizontal base. The technique of differential interferometry has been utilised and experiments have been carried out under steady state conditions. Local values of heat flux, temperature, heat transfer coefficients, local and overall Nusselt numbers have been estimated. An attempt has been made to discuss in detail the flow and heat transfer mechanisms for three cases namely an isothermal vertical flat plate, a single fin attached to a heated horizontal base and a fin array in the light of the experimental findings. Correlations are presented relating the overall Nusselt number with the relevant non-dimensional parameters in these cases.Diese Abhandlung beschäftigt sich mit einer experimentellen Studie über freie konvektive Wärmeübertragung von Rippen und Rippenfeldern, die an eine erwärmte horizontale Grundfläche angebracht sind. Es wurde die Technik der differentiellen Interferometrie verwendet. Die Versuche sind unter konstanten Zustandsbedingungen ausgeführt worden. Lokale Werte des Wärmestroms, der Temperatur, des Wärmeübertragungskoeffizienten sowie lokale und mittlere Nusseltzahlen sind bestimmt worden. Der Strömungs- und Wärmeübertragungsmechanismus wurde an drei Fällen detailliert untersucht: nämlich eine isotherme vertikale ebene Platte; eine einzelne Rippe, angebracht an einer beheizten horizontalen Grundfläche und ein dem Strahlengang entsprechend angeordnetes Rippenfeld. Für diese drei Fälle werden die Berechnungen der mittleren Nusseltzahl in Abhängigkeit der relevanten dimensionslosen Parameter dargestellt.  相似文献   

The principle of surface renewal is utilized in the analysis of fully turbulent free convection. The present analysis together with a previous surface renewal ased analysis of combined forced and free convection associated with supercritical fluids demonstrate the potential usefulness of the surface renewal approach in modelling buoyancy influenced turbulent convection processes.  相似文献   

An analytical model to predict heat transfer rates to an incompressible fluid in turbulent flow, with fully developed velocity profile, between a heated plate and a parallel, insulated plate is developed. The model employs van Driest's mixing length expression near the wall, a constant eddy diffusivitiy in the core and a constant turbulent Prandtl number. An approximate solution obtained by employing Rayleigh-Ritz method is shown to compare well with the exact solution obtained by numerical integration of the differential equations. The results are compared with the available experimental data and analytical solutions.
Anwendung der Rayleigh-Ritz-Methode auf die Wärmeübertragung bei erzwungener turbulenter Strömung
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein analytisches Modell zur Berechnung der Wärmeübertragung an ein inkompressibles Fluid in turbulenter Strömung mit voll ausgebildetem Geschwindigkeitsprofil zwischen einer beheizten Platte und einer dazu parallelen isolierten Platte angegeben. Das Modell verwendet van Driest's Ausdruck für die wandnahe Mischungslänge, eine konstante Wirbeldiffusivität im Kern und eine konstante turbulente PrandtlZahl. Eine Näherungslösung nach der Rayleigh-Ritz-Methode läßt sich gut mit der exakten Lösung vergleichen, die durch numerische Integration der Differentialgleichungen erhalten wurde. Die Ergebnisse werden mit verfügbaren Versuchswerten und analytischen Lösungen verglichen.

Nomenclature A+ dimensionless constant in van Driest formula - a+ dimensionless distance from the wall after which the eddy diffusivity of momentum is constant - b half-gap of passage - b+ dimensionless half-gap=bu*/ - Cf skin friction coefficient - Cp constant pressure specific heat - d hydraulic mean diameter defined as 4xarea/perimeter=4b - h convective heat transfer coefficient - K+ dimensionless constant in van Driest formula - k fluid thermal conductivity - m mass flow rate of fluid - Nu Nusselt number hd/k - P pressure - Pr Prandtl number=/ - Prt turbulent Prandtl number=m/ - qw heat flux at wall - Re Reynolds number=vmd/ - T Temperature - u+ dimensionless velocity=Vx/u* - u* friction velocity= - Vx axial velocity - x axial distance from the entrance - x+ dimensionless distance=x/d - y distance from the heated wall - y+ dimensionless distance=yu*/ Greek Symbols thermal molecular diffusivity - function equal to (H+)/ - boundary layer thickness - H eddy diffusivity of heat - m eddy diffusivity of momentum - m0 uniform eddy diffusivity of momentum in the core - dimensionless temperature - T-Ti/qwd/k uniform heat flux - T-Tw/Ti-Tw uniform temperature - fluid kinematic viscosity - fluid density - fluid shearing stress - bulk mean temperature—fully developed region - fully developed transverse temperature profile Suffixes 1 fully developed - 2 in the entrance region - i at the inlet - m bulk mean value - w at the heated wall  相似文献   

Vertical enclosures with conducting fins attached to the cold wall were considered. Side walls were kept at constant but different temperatures, while horizontal top and bottom walls were insulated. A conjugate formulation was used for the mathematical formulation of the problem, and a computer program based on the control volume approach and the SIMPLE algorithm was developed. Computations were performed to investigate the effects of the fin configuration and Rayleigh number on the flow structure and heat transfer. It was observed that the heat transfer rate through an enclosure can be controlled by attaching fins to the wall(s) of the enclosure. At low Rayleigh numbers (conduction controlled regime), the heat transfer rate increases with the increasing number of fins and the fin length. However, at higher Rayleigh numbers (convection dominant regimes), the heat transfer rate can be decreased or increased by properly choosing the number of fins and the fin lengths. Received on 07 April 1997  相似文献   

Two dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes and the energy equations are solved using finite element method for the case of flow past five row deep in-line bundle of circular cylinders with pitch to diameter ratios (PDR) of 1.5 and 2.0. Numerical solutions of governing equations have been obtained using Euler's explicit algorithm. Analysis have been made for Reynolds number of 100 and Prandtl number of 0.71. The effect of Richardson number (Ri=Gr/Re 2) on the flow and heat transfer have been investigated forRi=?1.0, ?0.5, 0.0, +0.5 and +1.0. Streamlines, isovorticity lines, pressure and temperature contours, local and average Nusselt numbers, pressure and shear stress distribution around the cylinders are presented. Results obtained for forced convection (Ri=0.0) agree well with the available experimental and numerical results. There is considerable effect of buoyancy over tube bundles both in buoyancy aiding and opposing flows.  相似文献   

A perturbation analysis is presented for periodic heat transfer in radiating fins of uniform thickness. The base temperature is assumed to oscillate around a mean value. The perturbation expansion is carried out in terms of dimensionless amplitude of the base temperature oscillation. The zero-order problem which is nonlinear, and corresponds to the steady state fin behaviour, is solved by quasilinearization. A method of complex combination is used to reduce both the first and the second order problems to two, coupled linear boundary value problems which are subsequently solved by a noniterative numerical scheme. The second-order term is composed of an oscillatory component with twice the frequency of base temperature oscillation and a time-independent term which causes a net change in the steady state values of temperature and heat transfer rate. Within the range of parameters used, the net effect is to decrease the mean temperature and increase the mean heat transfer rate. This is in constrast to the linear case of convecting fins where the mean values are unaffected by base temperature oscillations. Detailed numerical results are presented illustrating the effects of fin parameter N and dimensionless frequency B on temperature distribution, heat transfer rate, and time-average fin efficiency. The time-average fin efficiency is found to reduce significantly at low N and high B.
Störungsanalyse für periodische Wärmeübertragung an Strahlungsrippen
Zusammenfassung Eine Störungsanalyse wird für periodische Wärmeübertragung in Strahlungsrippen gleicher Dicke vorgelegt. Die Fußtemperatur wird als um einen Mittelwert schwingend angenommen. Die Störungsentwicklung wird in Termen einer dimensionslosen Amplitude e dieser Schwingung angesetzt. Das Problem nullter Ordnung, das nichtlinear ist und dem stationären Verhalten der Rippe entspricht, wird durch Quasilinearisierung gelöst. Eine Methode der komplexen Kombination wird angewandt, um die Probleme erster und zweiter Ordnung auf zwei gekoppelte Grenzwertprobleme zu reduzieren, die nacheinander nach einem nichtiterativen Schema gelöst werden. Der Term zweiter Ordnung besteht aus einer Schwingungskomponente mit der doppelten Frequenz der Schwingung der Fußtemperatur und einem zeitunabhängigen Term, der eine Nettoänderung der stationären Werte der Temperatur und der Wärmeübertragung verursacht. Im verwendeten Bereich der Parameter tritt eine Abnahme der mittleren Temperatur und eine Zunahme der mittleren Wärmeübertragung auf. Das steht im Gegensatz zum linearen Fall der Konvektionsrippe, bei dem die Mittelwerte durch Schwingungen der Fußtemperatur nicht beeinflußt werden. Detaillierte numerische Ergebnisse zeigen die Einflüsse des Rippenparameters N und der dimensionslosen Frequenz B auf Temperatur Verteilung, Wärmeübertragung und zeitliches Mittel des Rippengütegrades. Dieses zeitliche Mittel nimmt merklich ab bei kleinem N und hohem B.

Nomenclature b fin thickness - B dimensionless frequency, L2/ - E emissivity - f0, f1 functions of X - g0, g1, g2 functions of X - h0, h1, h2 functions of X - k thermal conductivity - L fin Length - N fin parameter, 2EL2Tbm/bk - q heat transfer rate - Q dimensionless heat transfer rate, qL/kbTbm - t time - T temperature - Tb fin base temperature - TS effective sink temperature - Tbm mean fin base temperature - x axial distance - X dimensionless axial distance, x/L - dimensionless amplitude of base temperature (s. Eq.2) - thermal diffusivity - instantaneous fin efficiency - time-average fin efficiency - ss steady state fin efficiency - dimensionless temperature, T/Tbm - 0 zero-order approximation - 1 first-order approximation - 2 second-order approximation - 2s steady component of 2 - , 1, 2 constants - complex function of X - 1 real part of - 2 imaginary part of - complex function of X - 1 real part of Y - 2 imaginary part of - dimensionless time, t/L2 - frequency of base temperature oscillation  相似文献   

The steady-state natural convection heat transfer from aluminum vertical rectangular fins extending perpendicularly from vertical rectangular base was investigated experimentally. Thirty different fin configurations were tested. Experiments were performed for fin lengths of 250 and 340 mm. Fin thickness was kept fixed at 3 mm. Fin height and fin spacing were varied from 5 to 25 mm and 5.75 to 85.5 mm, respectively. Five heat inputs ranging from 25 to 125 W were supplied for all fin configurations, hence; the base-to-ambient temperature differences were measured in order to evaluate the heat transfer rates from fin arrays. The results of experiments have shown that the convective heat transfer rate from fin arrays depends on geometric parameters and base-to-ambient temperature difference. The separate roles of fin height, fin spacing and base-to-ambient temperature difference were investigated. It was found that, for a given base-to-ambient temperature difference, the convective heat transfer rate from fin arrays takes on a maximum value as a function of fin spacing and fin height and an optimum fin spacing value which maximizes the convective heat transfer rate from the fin array is available for every fin height. These measurements were to extend data obtained earlier from aluminum fin-arrays using the same experimental system and method (Yüncü and Güvenç in Heat Mass Transfer 37:409–416, 2001). Data collated from earlier and present work cover the range of fin spacing from 4.5 to 85.5 mm. The fin length range was from 100 to 340 mm, the fin height from 5 to 25 mm and the number of fins per array 3 to 34. The range of base-to-ambient temperature difference was quite extensive, from 30 to 150 K. These results indicate that the optimum fin spacing is between 6.1 and 11.9 mm, for the fin arrays employed in the earlier and present work. A scale analysis is performed in order to estimate the order-of-magnitude of optimum fin spacing at a given fin length and base-to-ambient temperature difference. From the scale analysis, correlations to evaluate the optimum fin spacing value and the corresponding maximum convective heat transfer rate at a given fin length and base-to-ambient temperature difference were obtained.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new formulation for the laminar free convection from an arbitrarily inclined isothermal plate to fluids of any Prandtl number between 0.001 and infinity. A novel inclination parameter is proposed such that all cases of the horizontal, inclined and vertical plates can be described by a single set of transformed equations. Moreover, the self-similar equations for the limiting cases of the horizontal and vertical plates are recovered from the transformed equations by setting=0 and=1, respectively. Heated upward-facing plates with positive and negative inclination angles are investigated. A very accurate correlation equation of the local Nusselt number is developed for arbitrary inclination angle and for 0.001 Pr .
Wärmeübertragung bei freier Konvektion an einer isothermen Platte mit beliebiger Neigung
Zusammenfasssung Diese Untersuchung stellt eine neue Formulierung der laminaren freien Konvektion von Flüssigkeiten mit einer Prandtl-Zahl zwischen 0,001 und unendlich an einer beliebig schräggestellten isothermen Platte dar. Ein neuer Neigungsparameter wird eingeführt, so daß alle Fälle der horizontalen, geneigten oder vertikalen Platte von einem einzigen Satz transformierter Gleichungen beschrieben werden können. Die unabhängigen Gleichungen für die beiden Fälle der horizontalen and vertikalen Platte wurden für=0 und=1 aus den transformierten Gleichungen wieder abgeleitet. Es wurden erwärmte aufwärtsgerichtete Platten mit positiven und negativen Neigungswinkeln untersucht. Eine sehr genaue Gleichung wurde für die lokale Nusselt-Zahl bei beliebigen Neigungswinkeln und für 0,001 Pr entwickelt.

Nomenclature C p specific heat - f reduced stream function - g gravitational acceleration - Gr local Grashof number,g(T w T w ) x3/v2 - h local heat transfer coefficient - k thermal conductivity - n constant exponent - Nu local Nusselt number,hx/k - p pressure - Pr Prandtl number, v/ - Ra local Rayleigh number,g(T w T )J x3/v - T fluid temperature - T w wall temperature - T temperature of ambient fluid - u velocity component in x-direction - v velocity component in y-direction - x coordinate parallel to the plate - y coordinate normal to the plate Greek symbols thermal diffusivity - thermal expansion coefficient - (Ra¦sin¦)1/4/( Ra cos()1/5 - pseudo-similarity variable, (y/) - dimensionless temperature, (TT )/(T wT ) - ( Ra cos)1/5+(Rasin)1/4 - v kinematic viscosity - 1/[1 +(Ra cos)1/5/( Ra¦sin)1/4] - density of fluid - Pr/(1+Pr) - w wall shear stress - angle of plate inclination measured from the horizontal - stream function - dimensionless dynamic pressure  相似文献   

Large eddy simulations of two basic configurations (decay of isotropic turbulence, and the academic plane channel flow) with heat transfer have been performed comparing several convection numerical schemes, in order to discuss their ability to evaluate temperature fluctuations properly. Results are compared with the available incompressible heat transfer direct numerical simulation data. It is shown that the use of regularizing schemes (such as high order upwind type schemes) for the temperature transport equation in combination with centered schemes for momentum transport equation gives better results than the use of centred schemes for both equations. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental work has been carried out on horizontal fin arrays using the differential interferometric technique. The local variations of heat flux and temperature in the central fin of a three fin array have been studied in the transient heating and cooling regimes. The average values of heat transfer coefficients in the transient state have been calculated for three spacings of 10 mm, 15 mm and 25 mm and with two materials namely aluminum and mild steel under constant heat input to the system. The results have been compared with experimental findings in the cases of a single fin attached to a base and a vertical isothermal flat plate. Attempt has been made to explain the differences between these cases in relation to the physical mechanism of heat and fluid flow about a fin array.
Eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wärmeübertragung bei instationärer freier Konvektion an horizontalen Rippenanordnungen
Zusammenfassung Unter Anwendung der Differential-Interferometrie-Technik wurde eine experimentelle Arbeit auf dem Gebiet horizontaler Anordnungen von Kühlrippen durchgeführt. Die lokale Veränderung von Wärmestrom und Temperatur der mittleren Rippe einer Dreieranordnung wurde an transienten Heiz- und Kühlbereichen untersucht. Im transienten Zustand wurden die Durchschnittswerte der Wärmeübertragungskoeffizienten bei konstanter Wärmezuführ in das System für Aluminium und Flußstahl bei Zwischenräumen von 10 mm, 15 mm und 20 mm berechnet. Die Berechnungen wurden mit experimentellen Ergebnissen einer einzigen, auf einer Basis befestigten Rippe und einer vertikalen isothermen flachen Platte verglichen. Es wurde der Versuch gemacht, den Unterschied zwischen diesen Fällen, in bezug auf den physikalischen Mechanismus der Wärmeübertragung und Strömung über eine Rippenanordnung, zu erklären.

 Natural convection heat transfer in rectangular fin-arrays mounted on a vertical base was investigated experimentally. An experimental set-up was constructed and calibrated to test 15 different fin configurations. Fin length and fin thickness were kept fixed at 100 and 3 mm respectively, while fin spacing was varied from 4.5 to 58.75 mm and fin height was varied from 5 to 25 mm. Base-to-ambient temperature difference was also varied through a calibrated wattmeter ranging from 10 to 50 W. The results showed that fin spacing is the most significant parameter in the performance of fin arrays; and for every fin height, for a given base-to-ambient temperature difference, there exists an optimum value for the fin spacing for which the heat transfer rate from the fin array is maximized. It was seen that higher heat transfer enhancement are obtained with vertically oriented bases than with horizontally oriented bases for fin arrays of the same geometry. Received on 16 February 2000  相似文献   

Using thermocouples and a particle tracking velocimetry technique, temperature and velocity measurements are conducted to investigate flow and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent natural convection from a vertical heated plate in water with sub-millimeter-bubble injection. Hydrogen-bubbles generated by the electrolysis of water are used as the sub-millimeter-bubbles. In the turbulent region, the heat transfer deterioration occurs for a bubble flow rate Q = 33 mm3/s, while the heat transfer enhancement occurs for Q = 56 mm3/s. Temperature and velocity measurements suggest that the former is caused by a delay of the transition due to the bubble-induced upward flow. On the other hand, the latter is mainly due to two factors: one is the enhancement of the rotation of eddies in the outer layer, and the other is the increase in the gradient of the streamwise liquid velocity at the heated wall. These are caused by bubbles, which are located in the inner layer, rising at high speed.  相似文献   

The effect of swirling intensity on the structure and heat transfer of a turbulent gas–droplet flow after a sudden pipe expansion has been numerically simulated. Air is used as the carrier phase, and water, ethanol, and acetone are used as the dispersed phase. The Eulerian approach is applied to simulate the dynamics and heat transfer in the dispersed phase. The gas phase is described by a system of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, taking into account the effect of droplets on mean transport and turbulent characteristics in the carrier phase. Gas phase turbulence is predicted using the second-moment closure. A swirling droplet-laden flow is characterized by an increase in the number of small particles on the pipe axis due to their accumulation in the zone of flow recirculation and the action of the turbulent migration (turbophoresis) force. A rapid dispersion of fine droplets over the pipe cross-section is observed without swirling. With an increase in swirling intensity, a significant reduction in the length of the separation region occurs. The swirling of a two-phase flow with liquid droplets leads to an increase in the level of turbulence for all three types of liquid droplets investigated in this work due to their intensive evaporation. It is shown that the addition of droplets leads to a significant increase in heat transfer in comparison with a single-phase swirling flow. The greatest effect of flow swirling on heat transfer intensification in a two-phase gas-droplet flow is obtained for the droplets of ethanol and water and smallest effect is for the acetone droplets.  相似文献   

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