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The authors discuss Late Pleistocene–Holocene depositional environments in one of the Fuegian Andes valleys on the basis of palynological, geomorphological, and sedimentological analyses from two sites located near the Beagle Channel. The results obtained at these localities reinforce and refine the Late Pleistocene–Holocene climatic pattern previously recorded there. A colder period, associated with the Younger Dryas stadial event, is suggested by low Nothofagus pollen frequency, and communities of grass, low scrub, and shrub heath expanded into the low/middle slopes (10,310 14C yr BP). By ca. 9500 14C yr BP, warmer and drier conditions occurred, as evidenced by the development of open-grown vegetation in the valley floors (pollen zone O-3), followed by the expansion of open Nothofagus woodland (pollen zone O-2) in the middle Holocene. The milder climate subsequently changed, as indicated by the spreading of the closed forest and mire (pollen zone O-1), to more humid and cooler conditions during the last ca. 5000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Guanaco carcasses are deposited in great quantities in Cabo San Pablo, Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), as a result of winter stress. Taphonomic studies indicate that the gnawing action of foxes on guanaco (Lama guanicoe) carcasses produces only very tenuous marks on the bones. Lack of sustained interest in the carcasses by carnivores results in slow disarticulation. The articulated and disarticulated bones are exposed to heavy trampling by guanacos, a process that produces vertical migration of small/dense bones and fracturing of the most weathered bones. An understanding of this ongoing process is important for local archaeology, since modern bones are migrating into archaeological contexts. A regional approach to taphonomy is the most appropriate instrument to solve this and other related problems.  相似文献   

Peter Klepeis  Paul Laris 《Geoforum》2006,37(4):505-518
Despite wide ranging interpretations of the concept of sustainable development there is growing consensus about the ecological, social, and economic conditions necessary to foster a sustainability transition. In addition to quantitative assessments of sustainability indicators, qualitative process indicators are being identified. For example, active, democratic, and inclusive decision-making are shown to lead to more informed decisions and, presumably, more sustainable use systems. The creation of these conditions, however, often requires bridging lack of mutual trust and scientific uncertainty. And while the ideals of sustainable development suggest that all stakeholders get what they want, without compromise nothing approaching sustainable development is attainable. Obstructing compromise, environmental ideology represents a key remaining hurdle to achieving a middle ground in environment and development debates. In the 1990s, the US-based Trillium Corporation sought to implement a large-scale logging project in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, but was rebuffed by environmentalists who embraced ecotourism as the preferred development option. The case is analyzed in the context of calls to reconsider conceptually nature-society relationships and ideas in sustainability science about which land management systems best match sustainability goals. Findings show that the decision-making process for determining whether or not to implement the logging project was flawed. We explore two implications. First, achieving sustainable development requires a consensus view of nature-society relationships that embraces humanized landscapes. Second, inclusive and effective decision-making about sustainable development necessitates free and open exchange of information, collective learning about regional environment and development, and the identification of compromise positions.  相似文献   

A ca. 1400-yr record from a raised bog in Isla Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, registers climate fluctuations, including a Medieval Warm Period, although evidence for the ‘Little Ice Age’ is less clear. Changes in temperature and/or precipitation were inferred from plant macrofossils, pollen, fungal spores, testate amebae, and peat humification. The chronology was established using a 14C wiggle-matching technique that provides improved age control for at least part of the record compared to other sites. These new data are presented and compared with other lines of evidence from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. A period of low local water tables occurred in the bog between A.D. 960-1020, which may correspond to the Medieval Warm Period date range of A.D. 950-1045 generated from Northern Hemisphere tree-ring data. A period of cooler and/or wetter conditions was detected between ca. A.D. 1030 and 1100 and a later period of cooler/wetter conditions estimated at ca. cal A.D. 1800-1930, which may correspond to a cooling episode inferred from Law Dome, Antarctica.  相似文献   

PT conditions and prograde PT paths have beencalculated for amphibolite-grade pelites and amphibolites fromCordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Peak PT conditionsare nearly all within the kyanite stability field; temperaturesgenerally show an increase with increasing grade, but pressureshave a less consistent trend, possibly increasing slightly fromgarnet to kyanite grade. PT paths from pelites show heatingby 80–100C during loading of 0•2–3 kbar. Texturalanalysis and previous structural work indicate that this segmentof the path correlates with back-folding deformation. PTpaths from two Mg-rich garnet amphibolites suggest a decreasein pressure of as much as 3 kbar with 25–50C of heatingfrom the kyanite stability field to the sillimanite, and areconsistent with pervasive, minor development of fibrolitic sillimanitealong plagioclase grain boundaries. Together, the PTpath segments from pelites and amphibolites constitute a clockwisePT trajectory. The proposed clockwise PT paths are consistent with theinterpretation that Cordillera Darwin represents an extensionallyexhumed metamorphic core complex, in which loading during garnetgrowth in the pelitic rocks was succeeded by differential upliftduring garnet growth in magnesian amphibolites. * Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the late Holocene occupation of hunter‐gatherers at the Marazzi 2 site located on the northwestern steppe of Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Our aim is to understand stratigraphy, formation processes, and pedogenesis with respect to human occupation over the last 3000 years. Based on archaeological excavations on a fluvial terrace of the Torcido River, we integrate soil micromorphology, mineralogy, geochemistry, magnetic susceptibility, and geomorphology, as well as the micro‐ and macrofrequency distributions of archaeological material. A micro‐taphonomical perspective is also applied to anthropogenic components recorded in sedimentary thin sections. We discuss various events in the interplay between soil development and human occupation through time. Marazzi 2 was witness to aggradation and pedogenesis with an episode of surface stability coincident with a phase of more intense human occupation at about 860 BC. Taphonomic analysis suggests that there are multiple occupation events mixed together, probably by biomechanical processes, resulting in a palimpsest with poor temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Chemical studies on 19 lakes of the Argentine sector of the Patagonian Tierra del Fuego Island were performed. These lakes are placed in two geological provinces, Extra Andine (northern) and Fueguian Cordillera (southern). Range of the results obtained, pH (5.80–8.60), TDS (29.5–10,232 mg/l), ionic composition (from calcium bicarbonate to sodium chloride type), Secchi disc depth (0.05–12 m), total inorganic nitrogen (20–237 μg N/l), orthophosphate (5–498 μg P/l), total phosphorus (5–3,800 μg P/l) and chlorophyll a (0.1–63.0 μg/l), indicated the presence of a wide variety of aquatic ecosystems. According to Gibbs model, the mechanisms that control the water chemistry are mainly rock dominance and evaporation–crystallization processes.  相似文献   

The Arroyo Rojo deposit, located in Tierra del Fuego, is the most important polymetallic, volcanic-hosted massive sulphide in the rhyolitic belt of the Fuegian Andes. The best intercepts in drill holes indicate a true thickness of 18.6 m and concentrations of 2.2% Cu, 3.9% Pb, 14.5% Zn, 140 g/t Ag, 1.1 g/t Au). This deposit, located near the town of Ushuaia, is hosted in a Middle Jurassic volcanic and volcanoclastic sequence. Massive and semimassive bodies display stacked lenticular morphologies with disseminated mineralization in both the footwall and hanging wall. The associated hydrothermal alteration system is partially conformable with the layering of the volcanic rocks. The ores and host rocks display a penetrative tectonic foliation and were metamorphosed to greenschist facies.Previous studies have not resulted in a consensus regarding the nature and the source of ore-forming fluids and the style of deposition of the sulphides at Arroyo Rojo. In this study, both stable and radiogenic isotopes were used develop a better understanding of these aspects of the deposit.Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes indicate that an evolved seawater mixed with significant contributions from other fluid reservoirs such as magmatic and/or metamorphic waters was the most likely source of the ore-forming fluids. These fluids underwent significant interaction with the underlying volcanic and sedimentary rocks, which promoted partial (Sr isotopes) or full (Pb isotopes) homogenization of radiogenic isotopes. δ34SCDT values suggest that the sulphur was derived from several sources: biogenic reduction of seawater sulphate (BSR) in a restricted to closed basin was mixed with a heavier component derived from inorganic reduction of seawater sulphate (TRS) and possibly from sulphur leached from igneous footwall rocks and/or direct contribution from magmatic fluids.Lateral infiltration of hydrothermal fluids resulted in the formation of a halo of semimassive to disseminated ore due to the replacement of porous, reactive glassy and breccia tuffs.As a result of the hydrothermal circulation, two styles of mineralization are observed in the Arroyo Rojo deposit: a stringer zone and a halo of semimassive to disseminated ore corresponding to sub-seafloor replacement, and syn-sedimentary mineralization consisting of massive sulphides.This model is consistent with the geodynamic context of the study area: a narrow, deep-marine volcano-tectonic rift parallel to the Andean side of South America and related to the initial break-up of Gondwana (ca. 145 Ma).  相似文献   

Forests situated above active fault zones may record hillslope evolution, thus holding information about recent seismic events. Lenga trees (Nothofagus pumilio) extend across the Magallanes–Fagnano fault system (MFFS), the active transform boundary between the South American and Scotia plates. Coseismic surface ruptures along the fault scarp tilt trees located uphill. During the interseismic period, tree growth curves the trunks. Annual tree rings from the study area show abrupt changes from concentric to asymmetric, allowing the timing of major historical earthquakes to be established. In this case, tree‐ring analysis suggests rupture on the MFFS fault scarp in 1883 ± 5 and 1941 ± 10, coinciding with the February 1, 1879 (Modified Mercalli Scale, VI) and the December 17, 1949 (Ms 7.8) earthquakes in Tierra del Fuego. Our results provide evidence that this fault system was the source of these earthquakes, which has implications for seismic hazard in the study region.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to further substantiate multistep climatic forcing of late‐glacial vegetation in southern South America. A secondary objective is to establish the age of deglaciation in Estrecho de Magallanes–Bahía Inútil. Pollen assemblages at 2‐cm intervals in a core of the mire at Puerto del Hambre (53°36′21″S, 70°55′53″W) provide the basis for reconstructing the vegetation and a detailed account of palaeoclimate in subantarctic Patagonia. Chronology over the 262‐cm length of core is regulated by 20 AMS radiocarbon dates between 14 455 and 10 089 14C yr BP. Of 13 pollen assemblage zones, the earliest representing the Oldest Dryas chronozone (14 455–13 000 14C yr BP) records impoverished steppe with decreasing frequencies and loss of southern beech (Nothofagus). Successive 100‐yr‐long episodes of grass/herbs and of heath (Empetrum/Ericaceae) before 14 000 14C yr BP infer deglacial successional communities under a climate of increased continentality prior to the establishment of grass‐dominated steppe. The Bølling–Allerød (13 000–11 000 14C yr BP) is characterised by mesic grassland under moderating climate that with abrupt change to heath dominance after 12 000 14C yr BP was warmer and not as humid. At the time of the Younger Dryas (11 000–10 000 14C yr BP), grass steppe expanded with a return of colder, more humid climate. Later, with gradual warming, communities were invaded by southern beech. The Puerto del Hambre record parallels multistep, deglacial palaeoclimatic sequences reported elsewhere in the Southern Andes and at Taylor Dome in Antarctica. Deglaciation of Estrecho de Magallanes–Bahía Inútil is dated close to 14 455 14C yr BP, invalidating earlier dates of between 15 800 and 16 590 14C yr BP. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Upper Oligocene–Miocene deposits of the foreland Austral Basin of Tierra del Fuego represent the youngest foredeep fill, developed in front of the adjacent fold and thrust belt. They consist of superbly exposed, sub-horizontal clastic successions of more than 600 m of sedimentary thickness. The study of 11 sections by means of facies analysis and sequence stratigraphic criteria enabled the identification of five depositional sequences (SISV), bounded by unconformities (dI-dV) involving hiatuses of different magnitudes. The basal sequence (SI) includes two members: A, mudstone dominated, deposited by cohesive flows; and B, glauconite-rich, sandstone dominated, deposited by episodic turbidity currents. The remaining sequences (SIISV) are composed of complex arrangements of fine conglomerates, coarse- to fine-grained sandstones, and mudstones that were deposited mainly by hyperpycnal flows. The basal unconformities of the SI to SIV involve minor hiatuses, while that of the SV is a major order unconformity. Two types of clinofom geometries are recognized in the foredeep sequences. Type a clinoforms present a wedge shaped geometry and characterize the foredeep infill during the compressional tectonic regime. Regarding this clinoform type, SI is situated closer to the orogen and shows variations in the bedding dip with development of internal unconformities. SII to SIV are situated towards the foreland and are characterized by subhorizontal conformable beds of large lateral extension. Type b clinoforms, with sigmoidal geometry, show a clear northeast progradation related to a progressive foredeep fill under tectonic quiescence. This clinoform type characterizes the deposits in SV. The recognition of hyperpycnites and different types of clinoform geometries in these sequences incorporates new concepts in reservoir prospects, which are critical for the evaluation of the petroleum system in the Austral Basin.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the chronology and the palaeoclimatic understanding of Antarctic ice core records point towards a larger heterogeneity of latitudinal climate fluctuations than previously thought. Thus, realistic palaeoclimate reconstructions rely in the development of a tight array of well‐constrained records with a dense latitudinal coverage. Climatic records from southernmost South America are critical cornerstones to link these Antarctic palaeoclimatic archives with their South American counterparts. At 54° S on the Island of Tierra del Fuego, Lago Fagnano is located in one of the most substantially and extensively glaciated regions of southernmost South America during the Late Pleistocene. This elongated lake is the largest (~110 km long) and non‐ice covered lake at high southern latitudes. A multi‐proxy study of selected cores allows the characterisation of a Holocene sedimentary record. Detailed petrophysical, sedimentological and geochemical studies of a complete lacustrine laminated sequence reveal variations in major and trace elements, as well as organic content, suggesting high variability in environmental conditions. Comparison of these results with other regional records allows the identification of major known late Holocene climatic intervals and the proposal for a time for the onset of the Southern Westerlies in Tierra del Fuego. These results improve our understanding of the forcing mechanisms behind climate change in southernmost Patagonia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and preliminary interpretation of a new locality with glacial deposits in a previously interpreted ice-free area in Tierra del Fuego are presented. These deposits consist of basal proglacial gravels (at least 4–5 m thick) covered by the Drift Cabo Campo del Medio. The drift consists of a lower, 2 m thick, lodgment till and a upper, 7 m thick, glaciotectonized composite till, reflecting basal glacier shearing and upthrusting of glaciofluvial deposits and lodgment till, with superimposed deformation by gelifluction. These two main drift packages are interpreted as ground moraines, reflecting two corresponding glacial advances with an intervening recess of the glacier front. The altitude of the Drift Campo del Medio, well above younger fluvioglacial deposits related to the Last Glaciation, the degree of erosional modifications, and its external position, to the NE of the Last Glaciation moraine system, are evidence suggesting that the Drift Cabo Campo del Medio was related to a glaciation older than the Penultimate Glaciation. The finding of this locality sheds new light on the old controversy of total vs partial ice coverage of the island.  相似文献   

Abstract 40Ar/39Ar data collected from hornblende, muscovite, biotite and K-feldspar constrain the P-T-t history of the Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. These data show two periods of rapid cooling, the first between c. 500 and c. 325° C at rates ≥25° C Ma-1, and the second between c. 250 and c. 200°C. For high-T cooling, 40Ar/39Ar ages are spatially disparate and depend on metamorphic grade: rocks that record deeper and hotter peak metamorphic conditions have younger 40Ar/39Ar ages. Sillimanite- and kyanite-grade rocks in the south-central part of the complex cooled latest: 40Ar/39Ar Hbl = 73–77 Ma, Ms = 67–70 Ma, Bt = 68 Ma, and oldest Kfs = 65 Ma. Thermobarometry and P-T path studies of these rocks indicate that maximum burial of 26–30 km at 575–625° C may have been followed by as much as 10 km of exhumation with heating of 25–50° C. Staurolite-grade rocks have intermediate 40Ar/39Ar ages: Hbl = 84–86 Ma, Ms = 71 Ma, Bt = 72–75 Ma, and oldest Kfs = 80 Ma. Thermobarometry on these rocks indicates maximum burial of 19–26 km at temperatures of 550–580° C. Garnet-grade rocks have the oldest ages: Ms = 72 Ma and oldest Kfs = 91 Ma; peak P-T conditions were 525–550° C and 5–7 kbar. Regional metamorphic temperatures for greenschist facies rocks south of the Beagle Channel did not exceed c. 300–325° C from 110 Ma to the present, although the rocks are only 2 km from kyanite-bearing rocks to the north. One-dimensional thermal models allow limits to be placed on exhumation rates. Assuming a stable geothermal gradient of 20–25° C km-1, the maximum exhumation rate for the St-grade rocks is c. 2.5 mm yr-1, whereas the minimum exhumation rate for the Ky + Sil-grade rocks is c. 1.0 mm yr-1. Uniform exhumation rates cannot explain the disparity in cooling histories for rocks at different grades, and so early differential exhumation is inferred to have occurred. Petrological and geochronological comparisons with other metamorphic complexes suggest that single exhumation events typically remove less than c. 20 km of overburden. This behaviour can be explained in terms of a continental deformation model in which brittle extensional faults in the upper crust are rooted to shallowly dipping ductile shear zones or regions of homogeneous thinning at mid- to deep-crustal levels. The P-T-t data from Cordillera Darwin (1) are best explained by a ‘wedge extrusion’model, in which extensional exhumation in the southern rear of the complex was coeval with thrusting in the north along the margin of the complex and into the Magallanes sedimentary basin, (2) suggest that differential exhumation occurred initially, with St-grade rocks exhuming faster than Ky + Sil-grade rocks, and (3) show variations in cooling rate through time that correlate both with local deformation events and with changes in plate motions and interactions.  相似文献   

Kachchh in western Indian Shield, according to the Bureau of Indian Standard (IS:1893:2002), falls in Seismic Zone V. This is intriguing considering that the region is far away from active Plate margin. Apart from the recent incidences of earthquakes, there are several pre-historic/archaeological records of earthquakes in the region. Beyond these, the geological evidence of earth-movements (causing earthquakes) is provided by the occurrence of several’ active’ faults, which are considered geological markers of palaeoseismicity. There are records of innumerable incidences of faulting in the region in not so distant geological past. Study of fault features especially the scarp faces marking abrupt change in physical relief proves that the different levels of topography in the entire terrain are fault-bound features. Studies also confirm that the topographic difference between the high and ’sunken’ features have formed due to uplift and relative down-sagging during the geomorphotectonic evolution of the terrain. Features that make the region unique are: (i) restriction of fault-related deformation zone to a narrow strip between the southern margin of Thar Desert and the south coast line of the Kachchh Peninsula; (ii) overall sub-horizontality of bedding and other topographic and planation surfaces over the entire region; (iii) evidence of fault-controlled geomorphology indicating vertical movement along fault planes; (iv) evidence constraining the time of geomorphological evolution of the terrain only during the Late Quaternary, making it the youngest neotectonically evolved terrain in the Precambrian Indian Shield.  相似文献   

Northumberland lies in the transition between Holocene emergence and submergence and is thus a critical zone for testing models of isostatic rebound. We have collected data from this area to reconstruct relative sea‐level changes and lateral coastline movements for the last 14000 y. These are deposits from tidal marsh, back‐barrier wetland and terrestrial environments producing 47 sea‐level index points from 12 sites. There is no unequivocal evidence for Late Devensian sea levels above present and the reliable sea‐level index points are restricted between −6 m and +2.5 m relative to present and 9.0–2.5 kyr cal. BP. Analysis of these quantifies differential responses to glacio‐ and hydroisostatic rebound, with the northern sites recording a mid‐Holocene sea‐level maximum ca. 2.5 m above present, whereas the southern sites show a maximum ca. 0.5 m above present. These observations show a reasonable fit with the predictions from quantitative models of glacio and hydroisostatic rebound, but there is currently no unique solution of Earth and ice model parameters that will explain all the sea‐level observations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The postglacial history of Lake Manitoba has been deduced from a study of the changes in physical, mineralogical, and chemical variables in sediment cores collected from the lake. Six lithostratigraphic units are recognized in the South Basin of the lake. Weakly developed pedogenic zones, reflecting dry or extremely low water conditions in the basin, separate five of these six units. The initial phase of lacustrine sedimentation in the Lake Manitoba basin began shortly after 12,000 yr B.P. as water was impounded in front of the receding glacier to form Lake Agassiz. By 11,000 yr ago, continued retreat of the ice sheet opened lower outlets to the east and much of Lake Agassiz drained, including the Lake Manitoba basin. Water levels again rose at 9900 yr B.P., but by about 9200 yr B.P. the South Basin was again dry. For the next 4700 yr there was an alternation of wet and dry conditions in the basin in response to the interaction of a warmer and drier climate and differential crustal rebound of the basin. About 4500 yr ago a new phase of Lake Manitoba sedimentation was initiated when the Assiniboine River began to discharge into the South Basin. The Assiniboine River was diverted out of the Lake Manitoba watershed about 2200 yr ago. Erosion and redistribution of the sandy deltaic sediments deposited by the Assiniboine River has created the barrier beach that now separates the extensive marsh to the south of the lake from the main lake.  相似文献   

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