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Direct mapping of variability in soils can be a complex, time-consuming and costly process. Consequently, maps of geophysical data such as ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic induction (EMI) are commonly used as proxies for soil maps, and these geophysical maps are most useful if they relate to variations in plant attributes such as grapevine trunk circumference. This article demonstrates that vine trunk circumference in five pinot noir vineyards is primarily influenced by changes in slope, elevation and aspect. Variability in GPR maps shows mixed correlations with vine trunk circumference data. In contrast, multi-frequency EMI surveys yield soil apparent electrical conductivity data that commonly show significant correlations with variations in vine trunk circumference data, especially when coupled with global positioning system surveys, suggesting that this is the preferred geophysical tool for mapping variability in soils.  相似文献   

The percentage saleable meat yield was determined for 42 carcasses from grass-fed steers representing a range of breed types purchased in Australia for the Japanese market. Their mean (s.d.) carcass weight and P8 fat depth were 329 (28.1) kg and 17.3 (4.3) mm, respectively. All measures of subcutaneous fat depth were significantly (P < 0.05) and moderately correlated with percentage saleable meat yield, with measures in the loin region showing a stronger association than those taken in the rump region. The association between P8 fat depth and the loin measures of subcutaneous fat were low and there was a significant (P < 0.05) association only between P8 and fat depth at the 10th rib (FD 10). The use of fat depth measurements from the loin region reduced the error associated with predicting saleable meat yield more than those from the rump region and significantly increased the amount of variation (R(2)) in saleable meat yield that was explained. Hot carcass weight (HCW) did not significantly (P > 0.05) improve prediction models when combined with subcutaneous fat depth measurements and overall, the R(2) values were low ranging from 0.19 to 0.42. The models indicated that fat depth measures and carcass weight are poor predictors of percentage meat yield in heavy-weight carcasses from mixed breed cattle as produced and processed in Australia. The prediction of percentage yield was in general significantly (P < 0.05) improved when measures of M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LD) area were added as independent variables to models based on hot carcass weight and subcutaneous fat depth measurements. With LD area added the amount of variation in yield that could be explained by the models increased by as much as 28%. Overall, the best model was based on fat depth at the 12th rib and LD area measured at the 5th rib for which the R(2) was 0.58 and the residual standard deviation was 1.63%. The next most accurate prediction of yield was provided by a model which included the independent variables used in the Australian Chiller Assessment Scheme namely HCW, FD10 and LD area at the 10th rib upon which breed type had no significant (P > 0.05) effect.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition to the oceans is a key process affecting the global dynamics and sinks of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). A new methodology that combines aerosol remote sensing measurements with measured POP aerosol-phase concentrations is presented to derive dry particulate depositional fluxes of POPs to the oceans. These fluxes are compared with those due to diffusive air-water exchange. For all polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and lower chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), air-water exchange dominates the dry deposition mechanism. However, this tendency reverses in some areas, such as in marine aerosol influenced areas and dust outflow regions, consistent with the important variability encountered for the depositional fluxes. Seasonal variability is mainly found in mid-high latitudes, due to the important influence of wind speed enhancing dry deposition fluxes and temperature as a driver of the gas-particle partitioning of POPs. The average dry aerosol deposition flux of sigmaPCBs and sigmaPCDD/Fs to the Atlantic Ocean is calculated to be in the order of 66 ng m(-2) yr(-1) and 9 ng m(-2)yr(-1) respectively. The total dry aerosol deposition of sigmaPCBs and sigmaPCDD/Fs to the Atlantic Ocean is estimated to be 2200 kg yr(-1) and 500 kg yr(-1), respectively, while the net air-water exchange is higher, 22000 kg sigmaPCBs yr(-1) for PCBs and 1300 kg sigmaPCDD/Fs yr(-1). Furthermore, it is suggested that marine aerosol plays an important role in scavenging atmospheric contaminants.  相似文献   

Diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon were reared for 32 months in seawater, from October 1998 to January 2000. During this period of time, four samplings were taken to study differences in quality traits and chemical components in the flesh between diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon. Season was found to be the dominant factor explaining the variation in flesh quality traits in both triploid and diploid fish. Ploidy affected the majority of investigated variables while body size had lesser impact. Triploid Atlantic salmon had fewer small muscle fibres and up to 23% larger mean cross‐sectional muscle fibre area than diploids. Triploids also displayed more gaping, softer fillet texture, lower post mortem end pH, darker (L value) and redder (a value) flesh colour, and more soluble and less insoluble collagen compared with diploid fish. No effect of ploidy was found on crude chemical composition. Furthermore, a negative relationship was found between gaping score and muscle fibre area, and a weak positive correlation was found between fibre density and texture firmness. However, when body size and sampling time was included in the statistical model, this relationship between gaping and fibre area became very weak, and the relationship between texture and fibre area was completely negated. This suggests that intra‐species variation in both texture and gaping is more related to season and body size than to average muscle fibre area size. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Improvements in diet diversification and quality can be facilitated by greater cooperation between the agricultural and the nutrition communities, according to an expert panel that met in early 2002. Encouraged to think innovatively, the panelists agreed that modern technology offers the potential to increase the amount and nutritional content of the food supply in developing countries, especially if the enhancements are made to the highest-yielding indigenous staple crops and if a total food-systems approach is taken. All types of interventions should be evaluated for their cost-effectiveness in preventing nutritional deficiencies in the developing world and for their sustainability.  相似文献   

This article discusses the needs and challenges of developing good, science-based, simple methods for postharvest handling that can be made available in developing countries. Some of the traditional challenges have been successfully met (i.e. identifying causes and sources of losses for key crops, identifying many potential postharvest technologies of practical use for reducing losses), but many challenges remain. These include the characterization of indigenous crops in terms of their unique postharvest physiology (e.g. respiration rate, susceptibility to water loss, chilling sensitivity, ethylene sensitivity), ascertaining the differences between handling recommendations made for well-known varieties and the needs of local varieties of crops, and determining cost effectiveness of scale-appropriate postharvest technologies in each locale and for each crop. Key issues include building capacity at the local level in postharvest science, university teaching and extension, and continued adaptive research efforts to match emerging postharvest technologies to local needs as these continue to change over time. Development of appropriate postharvest technology relies upon many disciplines that are relevant to the overall success of horticulture, i.e. plant biology, engineering, agricultural economics, food processing, nutrition, food safety, and environmental conservation. The expanding pool of new information derived from postharvest research and outreach efforts in these areas can lead in many directions which are likely to have an impact on relieving poverty in developing countries.  相似文献   

Very low surface area (ca. 0.5 m2/g) and a low pore volume (ca. 0.002 cm3/g) have been obtained for oven dried wood, using the nitrogen adsorption technique. The microporous structure of wood flour was partially preserved by the solvent exchange drying (SED) employed in this study, in particular when toluene was used as a final solvent. However, the resulted surface area (ca. 6 m2/g) and a pore volume values (ca. 0.015 cm3/g) indicated that such a structure is in no way representative of a fully swollen cell wall. By using solvent exchange drying (SED), it is possible to preserve the swollen pore structure of holocellulose samples. However, with samples which contain significant amounts of lignin, such as native wood, it is not possible to prevent re-collapse of the pores. This problem arises because as micropore swelling occurs, the surrounding lignin network of the cell wall is stretched. When the molecules occupying the micropores are removed, the lignin returns to its original configuration, re-collapsing the micropores in the process. Chemical modification resulted in significant reduction in surface area and pore volume, possibly a result of pore blocking by the large acyl group.
Bestimmen der inneren Oberfläche und des Porenvolumens von Holocellulose und chemisch modifiziertem Holzmehl mit Hilfe der Sickstoffadsorptions-Methode
Zusammenfassung Sehr geringe Oberflächenanteile (ca. 0,5 m2/g) und Porenvolumina (ca. 0,002 cm3/g) wurden in ofengetrocknetem Holz mit Hilfe der Stickstoffadsorptios-Methode gefunden. Die Mikroporenstruktur in Holzmehl blieb nach Trocknen durch Lösemittelaustausch (SED) teilweise erhalten, insbesondere, wenn Toluol als letztes Lösemittel verwendet wurde. Allerdings zeigen die gemessenen Oberflächen (ca. 6 m2/g) und Volumina (ca. 0,015 cm3/g), daß solche Strukturen keineswegs den Verhältnissen in der gequollenen Holzzellwand entsprechen. Bei Holocellulosen kann die Porenstruktur des gequollenen Zustands nach Lösemittelaustausch erhalten werden. In Proben, die beträchtliche Mengen an Lignin enthalten, wie ursprüngliches Holz, ist es jedoch nicht möglich, den Kollaps der Poren zu verhindern. Das Problem ergibt sich dadurch, daß aufgrund des Quellens der Mikroporen das umgebende Lignin-Netzwerk der Zellwand gestreckt wird. Wenn die Lösemittel-Moleküle in den Mikroporen durch Trocknen entfernt werden, kehrt das Lignin in die ursprüngliche Konfiguraton zurück und verschließt so die Mikroporen wieder. Chemische Modifizierung hatte eine beträchtliche Verringerung der Flächen und Volumina zur Folge, womöglich durch Blockieren der Poren durch die großen Acetylgruppen.

This work aims to provide a strategy for rapidly screening food raw materials of bovine origin for the presence of the most frequent O-serogroups of Shiga toxin-encoding Escherichia coli (STEC) involved in food poisoning outbreaks. The prevalence of highly pathogenic serogroups of STEC was surveyed in 25 g portions of minced meat and raw milk using PCR-ELISA and multiplex real-time PCR assays. The prevalence of STEC in raw milk (n=205) and meat samples (n=300) was 21% and 15%, respectively. Contamination by the main pathogenic E. coli O-serogroups representing a major public health concern, including O26, O103, O111, O145, and O157, was potentially around 2.6% in minced meat and 4.8% in raw milk. The MPN values showed an overall contamination ranging from 1 to 2 MPN cells from highly pathogenic serogroups/kg. This survey would indicate that the human pathogenic potential of STEC present in these samples probably remains limited. No conclusion can be drawn at the moment concerning a potential risk for consumers. This rapid screening approach for evaluating the potential presence of highly pathogenic serogroups of STEC in food raw materials should help to improve risk assessment of food poisoning outbreaks.  相似文献   

Lameness poses a considerable problem in modern dairy farming. Several new developments (e.g., herd health plans) strive to help farmers improve the health and welfare of their herd. It was thus our aim to identify lameness risk factors common across regions, breeds, and farming systems for freestall-housed dairy cows. We analyzed data from 103 nonorganic and organic dairy farms in Germany and Austria that kept 24 to 145 Holstein Friesian or Fleckvieh cows in the milking herd (mean = 48). Data on housing, management, behavior, and lameness scores for a total of 3,514 cows were collected through direct observations and an interview. Mean lameness prevalence was 34% (range = 0-81%). Data were analyzed applying logistic regression with generalized estimating equations in a split-sample design. The final model contained 1 animal-based parameter and 3 risk factors related to lying as well as 1 nutritional animal-based parameter, while correcting for the significant confounders parity and data subset. Risk for lameness increased with decreasing lying comfort, that is, more frequent abnormal lying behavior, mats or mattresses used as a stall base compared with deep-bedded stall bases, the presence of head lunge impediments, or neck rail-curb diagonals that were too short. Cows in the lowest body condition quartile (1.25-2.50 for Holstein Friesian and 2.50-3.50 for Fleckvieh) had the highest risk of being lame. In cross-validation the model correctly classified 71 and 70% of observations in the model-building and validation samples, respectively. Only 2 out of 15 significant odds ratios (including contrasts) changed direction. They pertained to the 2 variables with the highest P-values in the model. In conclusion, lying comfort and nutrition are key risk areas for lameness in freestall-housed dairy cows. Abnormal lying behavior in particular proved to be a good predictor of lameness risk and should thus be included in on-farm protocols. The study is part of the European Commission's Welfare Quality® project.  相似文献   

Azaspiracid Poisoning (AZP) is a new toxic syndrome that has caused human intoxications throughout Europe following the consumption of mussels (Mytilus edulis), harvested in Ireland. Shellfish intoxication is a consequence of toxin-bearing microalgae in the shellfish food chain, and these studies demonstrated a wide geographic distribution of toxic mussels along the entire western coastal region of Ireland. The first identification of azaspiracids in other bivalve mollusks including oysters (Crassostrea gigas), scallops (Pecten maximus), clams (Tapes phillipinarium), and cockles (Cardium edule) is reported. Importantly, oysters were the only shellfish that accumulated azaspiracids at levels that were comparable with mussels. The highest levels of total azaspiracids (microg/g) recorded to-date were mussels (4.2), oysters (2.45), scallops (0.40), cockles (0.20), and clams (0.61). An examination of the temporal variation of azaspiracid contamination of mussels in a major shellfish production area revealed that, although maximum toxin levels were recorded during the late summer period, significant intoxications were observed at periods when marine dinoflagellate populations were low. Although human intoxications have so far only been associated with mussel consumption, the discovery of significant azaspiracid accumulation in other bivalve mollusks could pose a threat to human health.  相似文献   

Commercial hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is a high-production-volume flame-retardant applied in polystyrene foams. It contains three stereoisomers, of which gamma-HBCD always dominates. Here we report on the levels of HBCD in blubber of harbor porpoise and common dolphin from different European seas. The highest total (sigma)-HBCD levels were measured in harbor porpoises stranded on the Irish and Scottish coasts of the Irish Sea (median concentration 2.9 microg (g of lipid)(-1)) and the northwest coast of Scotland (median concentration 5.1 microg (g of lipid)(-1)). The median levels in other areas were, for the harbor porpoise south coast of Ireland, 1.2 microg (g of lipid)(-1), for the coasts of The Netherlands, Belgium, and France north of Calais (southern North Sea), 1.1 microg (g of lipid)(-1), for the east coast of Scotland (northern North Sea), 0.77 microg (g of lipid)(-1), and, for Galicia (Spain), 0.1 microg (g of lipid)(-1). The median levels for the common dolphin were, for west coast of Ireland, 0.9 microg (g of lipid)(-1), for the French coast of the English Channel between Normandy and Brest, 0.4 microg (g of lipid)(-1), and, for Galicia, 0.2 microg (g of lipid)(-1). A subset of 10 harbor porpoise and 9 common dolphin blubber samples representing all areas were analyzed by LC/MS to determine the diastereomeric composition of their HBCD residues. All samples showed exclusively the peak of alpha-HBCD. To test if biotransformation by the cytochrome P450 system could explain the observed compositional difference with technical HBCD mixtures, a number of in vitro assays with microsomal preparations of liver were carried out. We had to revert to material stored at -80 degrees C from laboratory rats and a fresh harbor seal found dead in the Dutch Wadden Sea, since such liver samples of cetaceans were not in our possession. The in vitro assays showed that beta- and gamma-HBCDs were indeed significantly metabolized when incubated in the presence of NADPH as electron donor, compared to a set of reference samples which were identical except for the addition of NADPH. In contrast, the peak of alpha-HBCD did not decrease significantly in the presence of NADPH. In separate microsomal assays with beta- and gamma-HBCDs, new peaks of brominated compounds (signal at m/z = 79 or 81) with masses of [M + 0] were formed only when NADPH was added. This confirms the process of cytochrome P450 mediated biotransformation. Although rat and harbor seal belong to different families of the mammalia than the cetaceans, we propose that biotransformation by the cytochrome P450 system is also the most likely process to explain the exclusive accumulation of alpha-HBCD in harbor porpoise and common dolphin.  相似文献   

看发达国家的企业培训,谈我国制笔的人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入世贸组织后面对更加激烈的竞争环境,企业间表现为产品、技术、管理等方面的竞争,实质上,归根到底是人才的竞争,企业的成败兴衰在很大程度上取决于人力资源的开发和利用程度。同时“入世”后,由于外资进入中国会带来更多的就  相似文献   


Tropical root crops are important staple foods for about a third of the world's population. In this paper the production and consumption of tropical root crops by major world regions and individual countries are analyzed. Three of the world's leading producers and consumers of tropical root crops are China, Nigeria, and Brazil. The annual, global per capita consumption is about 70 kg. The nutritional content of tropical root crops is discussed, followed by a review of some nutritional studies done in India, Zambia, Brazil, and the South Pacific. In some countries tropical root crops supply up to 75% of the daily diet. Tropical root crops have high return to energy expenditure in their production. The various utilization methods of tropical root crops are then discussed. There is very little international trade in tropical root crops, the main products being cassava pellets and starch. Most of the trade is of a domestic nature, consisting of fresh tubers for urban markets. The contribution of tropical root crops in the agricultural economy of the main producing nations varies greatly. It ranges from about 25% in a highly subsistence oriented economy like Papua New Guinea to 10% in a semi‐subsistence economy like Fiji to a mere 2% in a highly commercialized economy like Japan. The development potential of tropical root crops is very high because they can produce large amounts of food per unit of labor or time, they are well adapted to a wide range of environments, and they have a strong interdependence with man. It is argued that in this hungry world tropical root crops have a major role to play in meeting the food needs of rural and urban populations of less developed countries. Rural development programs in many less developed countries would have greater chances of success if they were strongly integrated with tropical root crops development programs. Finally, general conclusions and recommendations for research and development in tropical root crops are made in agronomy, production systems, germplasm, breeding, diseases and pests, storage, utilization, and marketing.  相似文献   

The sources of human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) are not well characterized. Little is known about the presence of BPA in paper products, especially in paper currencies, and its implications for human exposure. In this work, paper currencies from 21 countries (N = 156) were analyzed for BPA, which was measured in 19 mm punches taken from three spots on the paper currencies. BPA was found in all paper currencies at concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 82.7 μg/g (mean 4.94; median 1.02) and the concentrations in samples taken from the middle portion of the currencies were higher than those taken from peripheral portions. We also examined the transfer of BPA from thermal receipt paper to currencies by placing currencies in contact with thermal receipt papers for 24 h in a wallet. Concentrations of BPA dramatically increased after 24 h of contact with thermal receipt papers, suggesting that thermal receipt paper is an important source of BPA in paper currencies. The estimated daily intake of BPA through dermal absorption from handling paper currencies was on the order of a few nanograms per day.  相似文献   

The concept of optothermal transient emission radiometry at a wavelength of 2.94 µm was applied to non-destructively determine the level of hydration and the profile of hydration in the skin of intact fresh grapes taken from top and bottom sections of the same bunch.  相似文献   


This article examines three series of works by the artist Vik Muniz—Pictures of Thread, Piranesi Prisons and Pictures of Wire. These works employ a string-like material to convey pictorial space. The “string” is utilized in different ways: to create a type of landscape tapestry, as a drawing constructed through “string art” techniques, and to make sculptural drawings. The use of string provides a three-dimensional element to the work, yet this apparent three-dimensionality jars with the presentation of the work as photographs of the original drawings. This article proposes an analysis of the work as reflexive examinations of the photograph. The structure of the article follows the movement from the nomadic quality of the string in Pictures of Thread, through to the taut grid construction of Piranesi Prisons and, finally, to the tensile rigid “string” of Pictures of Wire. The first section considers Muniz's Pictures of Thread and Piranesi Prisons series in relation to pictorial space and the haptic. The second section examines Pictures of Wire as an example of trompe l'oeil and simulacra. The article concludes by considering the flatness of the photograph in relation to a Deleuzian account of surface.  相似文献   

Nuclear and isotopic techniques are valuable tools in human nutritional research studies. Isotopes, both radioactive and nonradioactive, enable detailed evaluations of nutrient intake, body composition, energy expenditure, status of micronutrients, and nutrient bioavailability. In recent times, isotopic methods have been widely used in a number of coordinated research projects and technical cooperation projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Nutrition Programme. The doubly labeled water technique combines the use of the stable isotopes oxygen-18 and hydrogen-2 (deuterium) to measure total energy expenditure in free-living human subjects, and to investigate the magnitude and causes of both undernutrition and the emergence of obesity in developing countries. The deuterium dilution technique is a reliable tool to measure breastmilk intake and thereby infant growth and development. In collaboration with the World Health Organization's Growth Monitoring Program, this technique is being used to generate new data on growth standards for children in developing countries. This technique is also used in the measurement of body composition by the estimation of lean body mass and fat mass in individuals. Stable isotopes of iron and zinc have been successfully used to assess the nutritional impact of several nationwide food supplementation-programs conducted on pregnant and lactating women and children in both industrialized and developing countries. Isotopic techniques are especially suitable for monitoring changes in body composition, energy metabolism, and mineral status (with particular reference to osteoporosis) in the elderly. Nuclear methods have also served to develop models for a physiological reference man in Asia in support of radiological health and safety issues, for establishing elemental composition of foods, and for measurement of pollutants in the environment.  相似文献   

A total of 294 honey samples produced in Denmark, Norway and Sweden were studied for the presence of Clostridium botulinum types A, B, E and F by using a multiplex-PCR method. The samples consisted of honeycombs taken directly from beehives, and extracted honey representing several hives or apiaries. The prevalence of C. botulinum showed a significant variation between Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the proportions of positive samples being 26%, 10% and 2%, respectively. The major serotype detected was type B. When analysed with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using restriction enzyme SacII, the 24 strains isolated produced eight different PFGE patterns. At a similarity level of 95%, four clusters were produced, three of which contained 20 of the 24 analysed strains. One of the clusters included isolates from both Denmark and Norway.  相似文献   

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