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Recent reports on the quality of education in South Africa seem to be negative, indicating a downwards trend on a yearly basis. Consequently, early literacy is lacking in the majority of learners who enter the formal school environment. As part of the South African government’s literacy campaign, Read Educational Trust, an NGO involved in literacy programmes, launched a literacy initiative to increase the level of reading ability of learners. To determine the extent of the problem, a baseline study was undertaken in five provinces in South Africa. Both a qualitative and a quantitative research approaches were followed. It is clear from the results that the quality of preschool programmes in South Africa in general is below standard. The programmes offered, as well as the knowledge and understanding of caregivers regarding young children, need urgent attention from those concerned about the standard of literacy in formal schools.  相似文献   

Introduction Since 2001, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HRSA MCHB) has funded and directed the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), unique sources of national and state-level data on child health and health care. Between 2012 and 2015, HRSA MCHB redesigned the surveys, combining content into a single survey, and shifting from a periodic interviewer-assisted telephone survey to an annual self-administered web/paper-based survey utilizing an address-based sampling frame. Methods The U.S. Census Bureau fielded the redesigned NSCH using a random sample of addresses drawn from the Census Master Address File, supplemented with a unique administrative flag to identify households most likely to include children. Data were collected June 2016–February 2017 using a multi-mode design, encouraging web-based responses while allowing for paper mail-in responses. A parent/caregiver knowledgeable about the child’s health completed an age-appropriate questionnaire. Experiments on incentives, branding, and contact strategies were conducted. Results Data were released in September 2017. The final sample size was 50,212 children; the overall weighted response rate was 40.7%. Comparison of 2016 estimates to those from previous survey iterations are not appropriate due to sampling and mode changes. Discussion The NSCH remains an invaluable data source for key measures of child health and attendant health care system, family, and community factors. The redesigned survey extended the utility of this resource while seeking a balance between previous strengths and innovations now possible.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine children’s recognition of common signs. A group of 449 children ages 4–5 years old were recruited from preschools in three Jordanian cities. The children were presented with a collection of common signs found in public spaces and asked to identify the sign’s meaning. Results revealed a low frequency of correctly recognising a sign’s meaning, as reflected in the total score. Signs were categorised as guided, warning, or public. Results showed that the most frequently identified signs were guided signs, with the mosque sign in particular being mostly often correctly identified. Results also showed that the least recognised sign was the elevator sign. Additionally, findings revealed that sign recognition differed significantly depending on the child’s gender, age, and location. The results of this study highlight the lack of knowledge children have about common public signs.  相似文献   


The article discusses the changing world of work and the attendant uncertainty and loss of work-life identity. Little research has been done on career development and life design in the early years of a person’s life, especially in developing countries characterized by disadvantage. The underlying theoretical models of career development are reviewed accompanied by a discussion of the theory of life design counselling in terms of the role of stories and meaning-making and pursuing purpose in the counselling process. The importance of promoting career development and life design in the early years is also discussed with the focus on developmental tasks that must be completed successfully in childhood to motivate learners to set and realize specific goals. Ultimately, the goal is to prepare young people to manage the complexities of their career journeys and career-related transitions, not only in the early years but, indeed, throughout their working lives.  相似文献   

Partly in order to dissociate itself from eugenics, genetic counselling values the principle of nondirectiveness as a key feature. Recent reports have upheld the importance of this approach, treating it unproblematically. However, doubts have been expressed about whether nondirective counselling is possible or indeed, desirable. Changes in organisational aspects of antenatal screening delivery in the UK have meant that genetic counselling is now being carried out by a variety of practitioners other than counsellors and specialists. These are often practitioners such as obstetricians and midwives who, in many other aspects of their work do not practise in a nondirective way. This paper explores some of the difficulties health practitioners encountered when attempting to work nondirectively. Reasons given by practitioners for not following this approach fell into categories, which in turn formed a continuum. Categories along the continuum ranged from acting directively at the request of women, through to deciding for women, either covertly or overtly, in their "best interests". It appears that for practitioners, the boundary between choice and coercion is not a clearcut one, and visualising it instead as a continuum may make it easier to see how slippage between choice and coercion can occur. The paper highlights the dilemmas which a variety of practitioners are dealing with in their daily work, in the hope of encouraging debate about these complex clinical and ethical issues.  相似文献   



Alzheimer’s disease (AD) impairs cognitive functions, subsequently decreasing activity of daily living (ADL), and is frequently accompanied by lower limb fracture including hip fracture in the elderly. However, there have been few studies on what kinds of physical functions are affected or what degrees of dysfunction are produced by this combination. This study aims to clarify the relationship between decreased ADL and the combination of AD and lower limb fracture.


We examined present illness and ADL in 4340 elderly aged 82.8 ± 9.36 years [average ± standard deviation (SD)] requiring nursing care and compared ADL between elderly with and without AD or lower limb fracture treated with surgery or conservatively using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with age and sex as covariants.


We recognized that activities of cognitive function (p < 0.001), eating (dysphagia) (p < 0.001), eating (feeding) (p < 0.001), and toilet use (p < 0.001) in the elderly with AD were significantly lower than in those without the disease, even after adjusting for sex and age. Activities of bed mobility (p < 0.05), transfer and locomotion (p < 0.001), and bathing (p < 0.05) in the elderly with a fracture treated with surgery were significantly lower, which differed from the results of AD. Significant interactions of AD and fracture treated with surgery on the ADL scores for bed mobility (p < 0.001), dysphagia (p < 0.01), feeding (p < 0.001), and toilet use (p < 0.05) show that the combination had a much more profound influence on the ADL scores than AD or fracture alone. We obtained almost the same results for fractures treated conservatively as for fractures treated with surgery.


These results demonstrated that the combined effects of AD and lower limb fracture were significantly greater than expected additive effects of AD and fracture, suggesting that the combination of AD and lower limb fracture has synergistic effects on almost all types of ADL except cognitive functions.  相似文献   

The prevalence of mental health problems among children and adolescents is of growing importance. Intervening in children’s mental health early in life has been shown to be more effective than trying to resolve these problems when children are older. With respect to prevention activities in community settings, the prevalence of problems should be estimated, and the required level of services should be delivered. The prevalence of children’s mental health disorders has been reported for many countries. Preventive intervention has emphasized optimizing the environment. Because parents are the primary influence on their children’s development, considerable attention has been placed on the development of parent training to strengthen parenting skills. However, a public-health approach is necessary to confirm that the benefits of parent-training interventions lead to an impact at the societal level. This literature review clarifies that the prevalence of mental health problems is measured at the national level in many countries and that population-level parenting interventions can lower the prevalence of mental health problems among children in the community.Key words: child, mental health, prevalence, family intervention, evaluation  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of child life specialists’ intervention to minimize distress for children undergoing IV placement procedures. We hypothesized that regardless of child age or gender, children who received child life services during IV placement would exhibit less distress than would children undergoing the procedure absent a child life specialist (i.e., those with standard care). Ninety-five children were observed during IV placement at a children’s hospital, and children’s level of distress was rated by observers during the placement. Presence of child life specialist occurred randomly. Results indicated that children who had child life intervention during IV placement (n = 45) exhibited less distress than those children with standard care (n = 50), controlling for child age and typical distress during procedures. They were also more likely to have a J-Tip used during IV placement. The most common strategy employed by child life specialists was distraction, which was used for every IV placement. The results support the use of certified child life specialists (CCLS) for reducing children’s distress during painful and invasive procedures such as IV placement.  相似文献   


Book review | Buchbesprechung

Children’s health and the environment. A global perspective  相似文献   

It has been proposed that an old and ill person may have a ‘duty to die’, i.e. to refuse life-saving treatment or to end her own life, when she is dependent on the care of intimates and the burdens of care are becoming too heavy for them. In this paper I argue for three contentions: (1) You cannot have a strict duty to die, correlating to a claim-right of your relatives, because if they reach the point at which the burdens of care are larger than you can reasonably expect them to take, the natural conclusion is that their duty ends. (2) They may be prepared, however, to go on caring for you beyond that point. In that case your responsibility for their wellbeing may require you to refuse this care, even if this results in a situation for you in which death will be preferable to continued life. (3) If this is the correct understanding of your responsibilities, the objection that in the context of family life the burdens of care attached to one family member’s valued existence can never be ‘too heavy’, fails. It postulates unlimited concern on one side and a total lack of concern on the other.  相似文献   

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy - “Patient-centred care” is the recent response to the malaise produced in the field of health care from the point of view both of a technical...  相似文献   

Gender differences in color preferences have been found in adults and children, but they remain unexplained. This study asks whether the gendered social environment in adulthood affects parents’ color preferences. The analysis used the gender of children to represent one aspect of the gendered social environment. Because having male versus female children in the U.S. is generally randomly distributed, it provides something of a natural experiment, offering evidence about the social construction of gender in adulthood. The participants were 749 adults with children who responded to an online survey invitation, asking “What’s your favorite color?” Men were more likely to prefer blue, while women were more likely to prefer red, purple, and pink, consistent with long-standing U.S. patterns. The effect of having only sons was to widen the existing gender differences between men and women, increasing the odds that men prefer blue while reducing the odds that women do; and a marginally significant effect showed women having higher odds of preferring pink when they have sons only. The results suggest that, in addition to any genetic, biological or child-socialization effects shaping adults’ tendency to segregate their color preferences by gender, the gender context of adulthood matters as well.  相似文献   



Obesity has serious psychosocial consequences for youth and family members and has reached epidemic levels in Portugal.


This study had two goals: (1) to investigate differences in family cohesion, mothers’ quality of life (QoL), and externalizing/internalizing symptoms between children/adolescents with healthy-weight and overweight/obesity; (2) to assess the mediating role of maternal QoL and children/adolescents’ externalizing/internalizing symptoms in the association between family cohesion and weight.


Children/adolescents with healthy-weight (n = 134) and with overweight/obesity (n = 163) and their mothers participated in the study. Mothers completed measures of family cohesion (FC) and QoL and children/adolescents completed measures of externalizing and internalizing symptoms. This study used a cross-sectional design.


Children/adolescents with overweight/obesity reported higher levels of externalizing and internalizing symptoms than children/adolescents with healthy-weight. Mothers of children/adolescents with overweight/obesity reported lower levels of FC and QoL than mothers of children/adolescents with healthy-weight. Mothers’ QoL and children/adolescents’ externalizing symptoms sequentially mediated the relationship between FC and weight status. Specifically, an increase in FC and QoL resulted in a decreased likelihood of the child/adolescent reporting overweight or obesity, whereas an increase in externalizing symptoms resulted in a higher likelihood of the child/adolescent reporting overweight or obesity.


This study identifies mechanisms that might account for the link between FC and weight, suggesting the importance of mothers’ QoL and children’s externalizing symptoms. Moreover, it provides a better understanding of the psychosocial outcomes related to pediatric obesity, highlighting the relevance of working with the parents to promote weight reduction in youths.

The proportion of children suffering from chronic illnesses—such as asthma and obesity, which have significant environmental components—is increasing. Chronic disease states previously seen only in adulthood are emerging during childhood, and health inequalities by social class are increasing. Advocacy to ensure environmental health and to protect from the biological embedding of toxic stress has become a fundamental part of pediatrics. We have presented the rationale for addressing environmental and social determinants of children’s health, the epidemiology of issues facing children’s health, recent innovations in pediatric medical education that have incorporated public health principles, and policy opportunities that have arisen with the passage of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.In pediatrics, the acknowledgment of child development as a transactional process and ultimate determinant of adult capacity has important implications for the development of systems, practice models, and training. If we are to ensure children’s health and, ultimately, overall population well-being, childhood service systems must become responsive and coordinated on many levels; practitioners must develop multiple skills outside the traditional medical model; and training strategies must become innovative. Promoting access to effective health and health-related services is essential for achieving Healthy People 2020 objectives (the US Department of Health and Human Services’ set of health-promotion and disease-prevention goals to be achieved nationwide by 2020). There are many examples of shortfalls in adequacy of available services, effectiveness of care provided, organization of services, and focus on primary prevention. Up to 50% of developmental problems in children are not identified until school entry,1 more than 8 million children remain without health care coverage in the United States, and a much larger number have no regular source of health care except in emergencies.2 In addition to inadequate funding for appropriate services, the network of programs serving children is increasingly fragmented, difficult to navigate, and unresponsive.A major challenge for children’s and youths’ services is to develop more effective and efficient service integration models. In the present system, pediatricians tend to avoid asking parents about matters for which they feel inadequately trained and for which they are not aware of patient resources, including child development, obesity, breastfeeding, family violence, environmental health, and mental health. The system will not respond without adequately prepared clinician–advocates who recognize and understand these issues and their relationship to ultimate outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper examines racial and ethnic disparities in continuation of mental health services for children and youth in California and how English language proficiency moderates the effect of race/ethnicity on the continuation of service. While previous research indicated racial/ethnic or geographic disparities in accessing mental health services among children and youth, few studies specifically focused on the continuation of mental health care. The authors used administrative data from California county mental health services users under age 25. Applying logistic regression, English language proficiency was found to be the major determinant of continuation of mental health services in this age group. With the exception of children of Asian descent, non-English speaking children and youth of diverse racial/ethnic background were significantly less likely to continue receiving mental health services compared with White English-speaking peers, even after controlling for sociodemographic, clinical and county characteristics.  相似文献   



The return to work of patients who undergo spinal surgery poses important medical and social challenge.


1) To establish whether patients who undergo spinal stenosis surgery later return to work. 2) To establish the patient’s attitude towards employment. 3) To assess the quality of life of the patients and its influence on their attitude to work.

Materials and Methods

The study population consisted of 58 patients aged from 21 to 80 years (the mean age was 52.33±14.12). There were 29 women (50%) and 29 men (50%) in the group. The patients’ quality of life was measured by the use of the WHOQOL-BREF instrument. Individual interviews were conducted 3 to 8 months (a mean of 5.72 months ±1.6) after the surgery.


1) Although 13 patients (22.3%) returned to work, 44 (75.9%) did not, these being manual workers of vocational secondary education. 2) Almost half of the patients (27 patients, i.e. 44%) intend to apply for disability pension, 16 patients (27.6%) consider themselves unfit to work, 22 patients (37.9%) do not feel like working again. 3) The quality of life of the patients decreased. Domain scores for the WHOQOL-BREF are transformed to a 0-100 scale. The mean physical health amounted to 60.67 (±16.31), the mean psychological health was 58.78 (±16.01), while the mean social relations with family and friends were 59.91 (±20.69), and the mean environment 59.62 (±12.48).


1) A total of 75% of the patients operated for lumbar spinal stenosis do not return to their preoperative work. Difficulties in returning to work and decreased quality of life are associated with female sex, lower-level education, hard physical work and low income. 2) Physical health, psychological health, social relations and environment decreased to the mean of approximately 60. 3) The quality of life of the patients who did return to work was similar to that of healthy people.  相似文献   

Quality of Life Research - The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether an educational palliative care intervention improved the quality of life for next of kin to older persons in nursing...  相似文献   

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