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A major aim of the current study was to determine what classroom teachers perceived to be the greatest barriers affecting their capacity to deliver successful physical education (PE) programs. An additional aim was to examine the impact of these barriers on the type and quality of PE programs delivered. This study applied a mixed-mode design involving data source triangulation using semistructured interviews with classroom teachers (n = 31) and teacher-completed questionnaires (n = 189) from a random sample of 38 schools. Results identified the key factors inhibiting PE teachers, which were categorized as teacher-related or institutional. Interestingly, the five greatest barriers were defined as institutional or out of the teacher's control. The major adverse effects of these barriers were evident in reduced time spent teaching PE and delivering PE lessons of questionable quality.  相似文献   

Using Nicholl's (1989) and Dweck's (1999, 2002) theories on ability as conceptual frameworks, this study explored teachers' and students' conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Participants were 8 physical education specialists from five public schools and 160 students from their second- and fourth-grade classes. Teacher and student interviews and questionnaires were used for data collection. When asked to describe the “best” and “poorest” students in their physical education classes, teachers defined or referenced student status solely in terms of class behavior and effort, such as participation and working hard. In contrast, students primarily used ability-related indicators, such as task mastery and social comparison along with class behavior as criteria of their own ability. Overall, teachers and students had different views of “good” students in elementary physical education. In an era of standards-based learning and accountability in education, teachers may need to focus more on a task-involved climate by taking into account student learning and achievement.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and markers of health among a cohort of Irish primary school children. Methods: Participants (N = 296, mean age: 7.99 ± 2.02 years) were senior infant (n = 149, mean age: 6.02 ± 0.39 years) and 4th class (n = 147, mean age: 9.97 ± 0.40 years) students from three primary schools in Cork, Ireland. FMS proficiency (TGMD-2) and markers of health (BMI percentile, waist circumference percentile, blood pressure percentiles, resting heart rate, cardiorespiratory fitness, objectively measured physical activity; PA) measurements were recorded. Correlation and hierarchical stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to investigate the relationship between FMS and markers of health. Results: A small, positive relationship was found between FMS (Gross Motor Quotient; GMQ) and cardiorespiratory fitness with small negative correlations between GMQ and 550 m time SDS among 6-year-olds (r(129) = ?.286, p < .05) and 10-year-olds (r(132) = ?.340, p < .05). A moderate, positive correlation was found between GMQ and light PA (r(71) = .400, p < .05). Small positive correlations were revealed between GMQ and moderate PA (r(71) = .259, p < .05) and between GMQ and total PA (r(71) = .355, p < .05). After adjusting for age, sex, the interaction effect of age and sex, and school attended, FMS explained 15.9% and 24.8% of the variance in 550 m time SDS among 6- and 10-year-olds, respectively, and 6% and 6.5% of the variance in light PA and moderate PA, respectively. After adjusting for age and sex, FMS explained 11.6% of the variance in total PA. Conclusion: A wide range of FMS is important for children’s cardiorespiratory fitness and PA.  相似文献   

通过定向运动教学实验和对相关文献资料的查阅,了解定向运动的起源以及在我国的发展状况,结合我国农村中小学体育教育现状,经过分析研究认为,利用业余时间在我国农村中小学开展定向运动是可行的,它可以激发学生对体育的兴趣,增强学生体质,培养学生对社会、对自然环境的适应能力。  相似文献   


This paper examined effects of two interventions on cardiorespiratory fitness and motor skills, and whether these effects are influenced by baseline levels, and dose of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during the intervention. A cluster randomized controlled trial was implemented in 22 schools (n = 891; 9.2 ± 07 years). Intervention groups received aerobic or cognitively engaging exercise (14-weeks, four lessons per week). Control groups followed their regular physical education programme. Cardiorespiratory fitness, motor skills and MVPA were assessed. Multilevel analysis showed no main effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and motor skills although the amount of MVPA was higher in the aerobic than in the cognitively engaging and control group. Intervention effects did not depend on baseline cardiorespiratory fitness and motor skills. Children with a higher dose of MVPA within the intervention groups had better cardiorespiratory fitness after both interventions and better motor skills after the cognitively engaging intervention. In conclusion, the interventions were not effective to enhance cardiorespiratory fitness and motor skills at a group level, possibly due to large individual differences and to a total dose of MVPA too low to find effects. However, the amount of MVPA is an important factor that influence the effectiveness of interventions.  相似文献   

Purpose: This systematic review describes the state of the art of the impact of hypothyroidism on exercise tolerance and physical performance capacity in untreated and treated patients with hypothyroidism. Method: A systematic computer-aided search was conducted using biomedical databases. Relevant studies in English, German, and Dutch, published from the earliest date of each database up to December 2012, were identified. Results: Out of 116 studies, a total of 38 studies with 1,379 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. These studies emphasize the multifactorial causes of exercise intolerance in untreated patients by the impact of limitations in different functional systems, with cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and cellular metabolic systems acting in concert. Moreover, the studies affirm that exercise intolerance in patients is not always reversible during adequate hormone replacement therapy. As a consequence, despite a defined euthyroid status, there remains a significant group of treated patients with persistent complaints related to exercise intolerance who are suffering from limitations in daily and sport activities, as well as an impaired quality of life. An explanation for this phenomenon is lacking. Only 2 studies investigated the effects of a physical training program, and they showed inconsistent effects on the performance capacity in untreated patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Conclusions: A limited body of knowledge exists concerning exercise tolerance in treated patients with hypothyroidism, and there is an insufficient amount of quantitative studies on the effects of a physical training program. To enhance exercise and sports participation for this specific group, more research in this forgotten area is warranted.  相似文献   

通过调研发现,现行中小学主要从"德、能、勤、绩"四个方面对教师进行评价,不能体现教师工作的特殊性,更不能体现体育教师的工作性质。本研究,采用文献资料法、调查法、特尔斐法,结合中小学体育教师专业和学科特点,构建了体育教师评价指标体系,确立了体育教师评价指标体系的权重系数。  相似文献   

通过对现代体能训练理念和方法的引进和改造,制定了小学生灵敏素质促进的实践方案,采用准实验设计法,对小学生实施了为期3个月的灵敏素质促进的教学实验。实验结果表明:以敏感期为主线组织中小学体能相关的教学内容,更容易体现教材内容的逻辑层次性;把改造后的现代体能训练理念、方法和器材引入中小学课堂,并采用和设计“一举多得”的功能性练习动作,能够有效地改善学生的体能状况,提高教学效果,从而为当前的基础教育体育课程改革提供新的思路。  相似文献   

钟海燕  曾进 《体育科技》2006,27(4):95-97
“小团体”教学模式是对传统班级授课模式的一种突破,是团体心理辅导在教学过程中的应用。笔者通过教学实验,证明了在小学体育教学中采用“小团体”教学模式,能够使学生有效开展适当的竞争和积极的合作,营造民主和谐的课堂氛围,有效培养了学生的集体意识、合作意识和良好的竞争意识,提高了学生对体育课的兴趣,有利于顺利完成教学任务,提高教学效果和教学质量。  相似文献   

体育活动与老年人的抑郁:系统综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
抑郁是老年人一种常见的不良情绪,通过对描述性研究,元分析研究,流行病学研究和实验研究的综述,认为体育活动对减轻老年人的抑郁有积极作用。  相似文献   

针对我国体育教材存在的问题,把科学健身的知识引入小学体育教材内容之中,依据有关健身知识技能教学的理论和操作方法,提出了构建健身知识技能教材内容的指导思想和原则,以此构建相应的教材内容,并在小学1、2年级的体育课教学中进行教学实验。结果表明,健身知识技能作为小学体育教材,符合学生发展的需要。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法对我国中小学武术教育的历史进行了回顾,并且对武术在中小学开展的重要性进行了分析,希望中小学武术的开展能够得到人们的重视。  相似文献   

中小学体育教师继续教育现状调查与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用文献法、问卷调查法、专家谈访法、比较分析法、层次分析法,就我国中小学体育教师继续教育现状,对全国7省市593名体育教师及体育教研员进行了调查研究,旨在探索新时期中小学体育继续教育的优化与整合。结果表明:体育教师对继续教育的权利和义务认识模糊;体育教师参加继续教育的动机呈现多元化趋势;职后教育体制不完善、培训模式单一、课程内容针对性不强是影响继续教育效果的主要因素;学校体育地位理论与实践的反差、领导重视程度、培训经费、自身要求和认识的局限性是影响体育教师积极参加继续教育的主要原因。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和统计分析法等研究方法,抽样调查涪陵城区10所小学开展武术活动的情况,掌握城区小学开展武术活动的现状,分析影响武术活动开展的不利因素,从而提出:改善师资状况;提高学生对武术的认识;严格按照《课程标准》,认真制订武术教学计划;通过多种渠道丰富武术教学的方式;开展丰富多彩的武术活动等对策。  相似文献   

我国新一轮基础教育体育课程改革10年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法等,对我国新一轮基础教育体育课程10年改革的情况进行回顾和总结.结果表明:10年来,我国体育教育思想、课程理念、教师教的行为和学生学的行为等均发生积极变化;同时,体育课程改革在体育教师教育观念、专业化水平、地方重视程度及新课程指导与培训等方面存在问题.  相似文献   

通过对感觉统合与感觉统合失调的概念与机制、发生原因与危害,以及感觉统合训练概念与理论依据、效应等进行分析与研究。指出人对外界的正确应答能力是不同感觉刺激在大脑中经无数次统合训练而习得的;儿童的感觉统合失调既有神经解剖学原因,也与刺激量与类别的缺失有关;其危害主要表现在学习障碍、心理障碍、社会适应障碍以及社会行为与生活能力障碍等方面;而感觉统合训练是防治儿童感觉统合失调的一种有效方法。在此基础上,提出了针对学童感觉统合失调问题的小学体育教学建议。  相似文献   

Background: Physical education teacher education (PETE) offers a context for students to learn about the promotion of active lifestyles in secondary schools through their interactions and experiences during the teacher education process. However, previous studies have found low levels of health-related fitness knowledge amongst PETE students, which is a concern given that there are high expectations of physical education (PE) to promote healthy, active lifestyles. In addition, international literature reveals a number of problematic issues associated with health-related teaching, learning and professional development in PE. Exploration of health-related experiences within the PETE process and consideration of the extent to which they address these previously identified issues were considered worthy of study because of PETE's potential to influence the health-related teaching of the students, and to ultimately impact the health-related knowledge and behaviour of the pupils they go on to teach.

Purpose: To explore PETE students' health-related physical education (HRPE) knowledge, perceptions and experiences during a PETE programme.

Participants and setting: Purposive selection of PE students on a one-year post-graduate secondary PETE programme at one University in England, working in partnership with up to 60 schools.

Research design: Case study.

Data collection: A qualitative approach founded on the interpretive paradigm was used, utilising a questionnaire completed by 124 PETE students.

Data analysis: Responses to the open-ended questions were analysed by means of the generation of themes using constructivist grounded theory methods.

Findings: At the outset of their programme, PETE students' knowledge of how active children should be was limited and confused. Their initial perceptions of the learning associated with promoting healthy, active lifestyles in PE were at variance with what they experienced in schools during their training. These experiences were diverse, the most common structure being discrete units of study with no health-related learning evident within the rest of the PE programme. The focus of the HRPE learning was predominantly physiological with minimal attention to physical activity recommendations or monitoring. Most students experienced school-based HRPE programmes, which they considered not particularly effective in promoting healthy, active lifestyles amongst young people.

Conclusion: It would seem that PETE is not adequately preparing future PE teachers to promote healthy, active lifestyles and is not addressing previously identified issues in health-related teaching and learning. Changes clearly need to be made to the health-related interactions and experiences within PETE and within any PE, and sports science degree programmes preceeding or associated with PETE. PE is unlikely to effectively promote healthy, active lifestyles without the health-related aspect of PETE being radically changed, especially and crucially the school-based provision. This requires professionals working together to draw upon and utilise up-to-date health knowledge, as well as the best available guidance on how to ensure that teachers are able to use such information.  相似文献   

湖南省侗族地区中、小学体育师资队伍现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷对湖南省侗族地区中、小学校的体育师资队伍现状进行了调查。结果显示:湖南省侗族地区中、小学体育教师数量有余、质量不足;工作量大、待遇低;教师资源配置城、乡失衡;教师的专业思想欠稳定;师资队伍管理科学化亟待加强。对策:振兴侗乡经济,改善体育教学条件;优化师资队伍结构;加强骨干教师队伍建设;依法治教,规范教师队伍管理;制订激励机制,创造教研氛围。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of classroom-based physical activity interventions that integrate academic content and assess the effectiveness of the interventions on physical activity, learning, facilitators of learning, and health outcomes. Method: Six electronic databases (ERIC, PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, and EMBASE) and reference lists were searched for English-language articles, published January 1990 through March 2015, reporting classroom-based interventions that deliberately taught academic content using physically active teaching methods for at least 1 week duration, with physical activity, health, learning, or facilitators-of-learning outcomes. Two authors reviewed full-text articles. Data were extracted onto an Excel spreadsheet, and authors were contacted to confirm accuracy of the information presented. Results: Fifteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Six studies reporting on physical activity levels were found to have medium-to-large effect sizes. All 4 studies reporting learning outcomes showed positive effects of intervention lessons. Teachers and students were pleased with the programs, and enhanced on-task behavior was identified (n = 3). Positive effects were also reported on students’ body mass index levels (n = 3). Conclusions: Physically active academic lessons increase physical activity levels and may benefit learning and health outcomes. Both students and teachers positively received and enjoyed these teaching methods. These findings emphasize the need for such interventions to contribute toward public health policy.  相似文献   

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