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Li改性铌钽酸钾钠无铅压电陶瓷的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用固相反应法制备了(Na 0.52 K 0.48-x Li x)(Nb 0.86 Ta 0.10 Sb 0.04)O 3系无铅压电陶瓷, 研究了不同Li含量(x分别为0、0.02、0.04、0.06、0.08)样品的显微结构、物相组成及电性能. 结果表明, Li含量的改变对其物相组成、压电性能、铁电性能、介电性能都有显著影响. 当Li含量x从0增大到0.04时, 其压电性能相应提高, 当Li含量x超过0.04时, 压电性能明显下降; 在x=0.04时综合性能最好, 其压电常数d33高达260pC/N, 介电损耗tanδ为0.027, 平面机电耦合系数kp值达到50%, 剩余极化强度Pr为22μC·cm-2, 矫顽电场Ec为0.95kV·mm-1, 居里温度为316℃. 另外, 随着Li含量增加, 该系统的矫顽电场明显增强, 居里温度有所提高.  相似文献   

铌酸钾钠(K0.5Na0.5NbO3, KNN)基陶瓷具有充放电速度快、透明度高、应用温度范围宽、使用寿命长等优点, 在脉冲功率器件等领域具有广阔的应用前景。通过改性技术提高铌酸钾钠基陶瓷的电、光性能是该方向的研究热点。本研究采用固相法制备0.825(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.175Sr1-3x/2Lax(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O3(x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)陶瓷(简称0.825KNN- 0.175SLSN), 研究La2O3掺杂对其相结构、微观形貌、光学、介电、铁电及储能性能的影响。研究结果表明: 0.825KNN- 0.175SLSN陶瓷具有高对称性的伪立方相结构; 随着La2O3掺杂量增大, 陶瓷的平均晶粒尺寸减小, 相变温度(Tm)及饱和极化强度(Pmax)增大, 达到峰值后下降。在x=0.3时, 该体系陶瓷表现出优异的透明性, 在可见光波长(780 nm)及近红外波长(1200 nm)范围内透过率分别达65.2%及71.5%, 同时实现了310 kV/cm的击穿场强和1.85 J/cm 3的可释放能量密度。  相似文献   

复相弛豫铁电陶瓷的相组成与介电性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用两相混合烧结法在Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-BaTiO3-PbTiO3系统中制备了弛豫铁电陶瓷材料,相组成研究表明,该陶瓷具有两相共存的复相结构,对复相陶瓷的介电性能进行了研究,结果表明,复相结构可有效地改善弛豫铁电陶瓷的介温特性、频率特性和介质老化性能。  相似文献   

结合目前有关铌酸钾钠基无铅压电陶瓷的研究,综述了近年来铌酸钾钠基无铅压电陶瓷在粉体制备、陶瓷的成型、烧结以及陶瓷的织构化特别是反应模板晶粒取向等制备技术上研究的新进展,并比较分析了NNK、NNK-LN、NNK-LT-LS等不同的掺杂改性体系在压电性能上的差异和改进.结果显示,改进后的铌酸钾钠基无铅压电陶瓷致密度高,在压电、介电等性能上均有大幅度的提高,并且出现较宽的准同型相界.最后从不同方面展望了今后铌酸钾钠基无铅压电陶瓷在性能改进上的研究趋势及其制备技术上可能的进展.  相似文献   

以新型溶胶-凝胶法制备的平均晶粒尺寸为30 nm的铌酸钾钠粉体为原料, 采用放电等离子体烧结工艺, 在烧结温度为900℃, 压力30 MPa, 烧结时间1 min的条件下, 制备得到纯正交相, 相对密度高达99%以上, 平均晶粒尺寸为40 nm的纳米铌酸钾钠陶瓷, 并对该陶瓷的相结构、微观形貌、介电性能和铁电性能进行了研究。结果表明, 与普通微米晶陶瓷不同, 纳米铌酸钾钠陶瓷的室温介电常数仅为341, 并且随温度变化不明显, 表现出明显的介电弛豫现象, 弥散因子γ为1.60, 并具有明显的电滞回线, 矫顽场强度为13.5 kV/cm, 剩余极化为1.5 μC/cm2。尺寸降低所引起的纳米铌酸钾钠陶瓷中晶界相所占的比例增大是其性能变化的主要原因, 并且可以推断, 如果铌酸钾钠陶瓷具有“临界尺寸”, 那么其值应该在40 nm以下。  相似文献   

基于对人类生存环境的保护和发展环境友好型材料与电子产品的要求,铌酸钾钠(K0.5Na0.5NbO3,简写为KNN)基无铅压电陶瓷由于其具有优越的电学性能和较高的居里温度而成为目前世界范围内压电铁电材料研究的热点之一。材料制备工艺技术在材料科学技术中占有极其重要的地位。结合国际无铅压电陶瓷的研究情况,综述了近年来铌酸钾钠基无铅压电陶瓷在粉体制备、陶瓷烧结以及陶瓷织构化等制备工艺技术上研究的新进展并展望了其发展趋势。  相似文献   

钾离子掺杂PZN基陶瓷的相结构和介电性能   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用复相混合烧结制备出掺杂钾离子的PZN基陶瓷,研究了钾离子对PZN-BT-PT三元系弛豫铁电陶瓷的相结构、介电性能的影响。结果表明,钾离子掺杂可使材料的居里温度向低温方向移动,降低陶瓷的介电常数,但可有效改善陶瓷试样的温度稳定性;复相混合烧结可以消除由于钾离子掺杂而引起的焦绿石相;二者结合可获得具有纯钙钛矿相结构,弥散相变度宽(-100℃),室温介电常数高,介电损耗低(0.011)的PZN基弛豫铁电陶瓷,并能显著提高材料的温度稳定性。  相似文献   

近十年来, 铌酸钾钠(KNN)基无铅压电陶瓷一直是国内外的研究热点。基于笔者的研究工作, 本文从晶体结构、性能优化、制备工艺三个方面总结了KNN陶瓷的发展现状, 并进而尝试分析了该体系在未来发展中面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

考察了不同交流测试电场对PMN-PZN-PT系弛豫铁电陶瓷介电性能的影响。测试结果表明,交流测试电场的增大导致介电常数最大值对应的温度Tmax下降,同时介电常数在Tmax附近及低于Tmax温度以下增大。并应用冻结偶极子、慢偶极子的概念对实验结果进行了定性分析。  相似文献   

采用两相混合烧结法在Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-BaTiO3-PbTiO3系统中制备了弛豫铁电陶瓷材料.相组成研究表明,该陶瓷具有两相共存的复相结构.对复相陶瓷的介电性能进行了研究,结果表明,复相结构可有效地改善弛豫铁电陶瓷的介温特性、频率特性和介质老化性能.  相似文献   

(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (KNN) and 0.995(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.005AETiO3 (AE = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) were successfully prepared by conventional ceramic processing and without the cold-isostatic-pressing (CIP) process. The effects of low AETiO3 (AET) concentration on crystal structure, density, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the KNN based ceramics were evaluated. The results show that adding MgTiO3(MT) and BaTiO3(BT) to KNN can lead to the appearance of a trace amount of second phase(s), reduced density and deteriorated electrical properties. Adding CaTiO3(CT) and SrTiO3(ST) to KNN can promote densification and optimize electrical properties. Two phase transitions at Tt-o ( the temperature at which the phase transition from orthorhombic to tetragonal occurs) and Tc (the Curie temperature) were observed in KNN and all KNN-AET ceramics, by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis and dielectric characterization. Adding AET to KNN caused the variations of Tt-o and Tc.  相似文献   

Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (1 − x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-xLiNbO3 have been synthesized by traditional ceramics process without cold-isostatic pressing. The effect of the content of LiNbO3 and the sintering temperature on the phase structure, the microstructure and piezoelectric properties of (1 − x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-xLiNbO3 ceramics were investigated. The result shows that the phase structure transforms from the orthorhombic phase to tetragonal phase with the increase of the content of LiNbO3, and the orthorhombic and tetragonal phase co-exist in (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-LiNbO3 ceramics when the content of LiNbO3 is about 0.06 mol. The sintering temperature of (1 − x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-xLiNbO3 decreases with the increase of the content of LiNbO3. The optimum composition for (1 − x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-xLiNbO3 ceramics is 0.94(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.06LiNbO3. The optimum sintering temperature of 0.94(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.06LiNbO3 ceramics is 1080 °C. Piezoelectric properties of 0.94 (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.06LiNbO3 ceramics under the optimum sintering temperature are piezoelectric constant d33 of 215 pC/N, planar electromechanical coupling factor kp of 0.41, thickness electromechanical coupling factor kt of 0.48, the mechanical quality factor Qm of 80, the dielectric constant of 530 and the Curie temperature Tc = 450 °C, respectively. The results indicate that 0.94(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.06LiNbO3 piezoelectric ceramics is a promising candidate for lead-free piezoelectric ceramics.  相似文献   

Phonons in both ceramic samples KNbO3 (KN) and K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN-50) were investigated from 10 to 900 K by means of Raman, infrared, and THz spectroscopy. First-order transitions from cubic to tetragonal phases were detected at about 755 K (in KN) and 710 K (in KNN-50), where the first component of the polarization appears. Transitions from the tetragonal to the orthorhombic phases take place around 510 and 475 K, respectively. The last transitions from orthorhombic to rhombohedral phases are strongly first-order type. TC is shifted from 200 K in KN to about 90 K in KNN-50. All Raman active modes below 200 cm-1. disappear in KN but not in KNN-50. The overdamped soft mode present at high temperatures in the THz range changes its dielectric strength at each phase transition (when the corresponding component jumps to higher frequencies) and abruptly disappears from THz spectra in the rhombohedral phase, because it stiffens up to 200 cm-1. This mode has lower frequency and higher dielectric strength in KNN-50.  相似文献   

采用普通烧结方法和热压烧结方法制备了K0.5Na0.5NbO3(KNN)无铅压电陶瓷.着重研究了两种烧结工艺对陶瓷的微观结构、晶粒形貌及致密度的影响.研究结果表明,两种烧结方法制备的陶瓷样品都具有单一的正交钙钛矿结构,与普通烧结工艺相比,利用热压烧结工艺制备的样品呈现较高的相对密度(大于98%)、较小的晶粒尺寸(0.6μm左右)及较低的介电损耗(1 kHz,tanδ≤2.8%).实验中发现对于热压烧结的样品,通过改变后期退火温度,样品的晶粒尺寸,致密度可以有规律地变化.  相似文献   

以片状NaNbO3晶粒为模板,以K4CuNb8O23(KCN)为助烧剂,通过丝网印刷技术制备出晶粒定向的K0.45Na0.55NbO3(KNN)无铅压电陶瓷.片状的NaNbO3模板是以铋层状Bi2.5Na3.5Nb5O18为前驱物,通过熔盐拓扑微观反应制得.织构化(K0.45Na0.55)NbO3陶瓷的晶粒定向程度达到95%,其定向晶粒沿丝网印刷方向平行排列,块体的相对密度达到92%.在平行和垂直于丝网印刷方向的两个面上,织构化(K0.45Na0.55)NbO3陶瓷表现出不同的定向程度,且其介电、铁电和压电性能均明显优于无织构化陶瓷.介电常数εr、压电系数d33、机电耦合系数kp在平行于丝网印刷方向的表面上,分别提高了75%、44%、42%;在垂直于丝网印刷方向的表面上分别提高了35%、30%、35%.相对于目前其它的晶粒定向技术,丝网印刷方法既简单又高效.  相似文献   

In this letter we report the effect of CuO and MnO2 additives on the sintering behavior of 0.95(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-0.05BaTiO3 ceramics. It was found that the composition corresponding to 0.95(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-0.05BaTiO3 + 2.0 mol% CuO + 0.5 mol% MnO2, sintered at 950 °C for 10 h, exhibited excellent piezoelectric properties corresponding to: kp = 0.41, d33 = 248 pC/N, Qm = 305, ε3T/ε0 = 1258, and Tc = 280 °C. These results indicate the prominence of this composition in lead-free systems.  相似文献   

Effects of Cu doping on the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of 0.0038 mol K5.4Cu1.3Ta10O29 modified (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 ceramics have been investigated. On the basis of analyses on crystal structure and polarization hysteresis, it is suggested that Cu ions reveal amphoteric doping behavior in KNN ceramics. At doping levels up to 1 mol%, the Cu ions substitute pentavalent B-site cations, acting as acceptors that generate O-vacancies to resultantly harden the ceramics. At doping levels above 1.5 mol%, however, Cu ions play a role as donors by replacing monovalent A-site cations. A specimen doped with 0.5 mol% CuO shows an extremely high mechanical quality factor of 3053, which is higher than those of any other reports on KNN-based ceramics.  相似文献   

Dielectric properties of 0.945(Bi0.5Na0.5) TiO3-0.055BaTiO3(BNBT5.5) (a composition close to the rhombohedral- tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary) ceramics are studied. It is shown that BNBT5.5 is a relaxor with a characteristic relaxation time that follows Vogel-Fulcher's law. The following Vogel-Fulcher parameters of the relaxation time were calculated: pi0 = (2.0 plusmn 2.4)middot10-14 s, E/kB = (1620 plusmn 270) K, T0 = (262 plusmn 9) K.  相似文献   

(1−x)(0.948 K0.5Na0.5NbO3-0.052LiSbO3)-xBiAlO3 (KNNLS-xBA) lead-free piezoceramics were synthesized by conventional solid state reaction method. The compositional dependence of phase structure and electrical properties of the ceramics was systemically studied. XRD patterns revealed that all the ceramic samples possessed pure perovskite structure. In addition, polymorphic phase transition (PPT) for the ceramics with BA doping could not be observed in the measuring range from room temperature to 500 °C. Within the studied range of BA addition, the ceramics with x = 0.002 represented a relatively desirable balance between the degradation of the piezoelectric properties, improvement in temperature stability and mechanical quality factor. It was found that the KNNLS-0.002BA ceramics exhibited optimum overall properties (d33 = 233 pC/N, kp = 35%, tanδ = 0.047, Pr = 27.3 μC/cm2, Qm = 56 and Tc = 349 °C), suggesting that this material should be a promising lead-free piezoelectric candidate for piezoelectric applications.  相似文献   

LiSbO3 doped and undoped 0.995 K0.5Na0.5NbO3-0.005BiFeO3 piezoelectric ceramics with high properties have been fabricated in air by the conventional ceramic processing. By adding LiSbO3 to K0.5Na0.5NbO3-BiFeO3 ceramics, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties evidently increase. The doped ceramics exhibit good electrical properties. The enhanced piezoelectric properties of the ceramics should be attributed to optimum LiSbO3 substitution and better microstructure with high density. Results show that LiSbO3 doped K0.5Na0.5NbO3-BiFeO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics are a promising lead-free piezoelectric material for applications in different devices.  相似文献   

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