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Electrically addressed spatial light modulation (SLM) may be carried out in a GaAs charge-coupled device (CCD) by charge-transfer control of the electroabsorption in the individual storage wells. One-dimensional modulator arrays may be utilized in both space-integrating and time-integrating correlators operated as incoherent optical processors. In the space-integrating case, one SLM controlled by the input signal is operated in cascade with a second SLM controlled by a reference waveform. This arrangement yields a single-detector output which is the correlation as a function of time. In the time-integrating correlator, the input signal is carried by the light source while a single SLM with a traveling reference wave controls the output intensity to a detector array. The modulator arrays may be operated with the light at normal incidence to a CCD with transparent gates or in a guided-wave mode, where the light propagates beneath the gate electrodes and parallel to the surface. The calculated dynamic range is greater for the guided-wave case because of the greater depth of modulation, although the fabrication and optical coupling are more critical. Space-integrating correlator performance is limited by "bleaching" or well-filling by the modulated light and predicted dynamic ranges are 20 dB for normal-incidence operation and 40 dB for the guided-wave mode. In the time-integrating correlator, saturation of the detector array is limiting, but the 100-percent modulation available in the input optical source yields 35-dB dynamic range for normal-incidence and 55 dB for guided-wave operation.  相似文献   

Walker  J.C. Holmes  R. Jones  G.R. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(22):2022-2023
Most optical sensor multiplexing systems results in a decrease in signal to noise ratio for each additional sensor added to the network. A technique using a spatial light modulator (SLM) which overcomes this problem is described. The techniques has been tested in a system which addresses eight photoelastic strain sensors.<>  相似文献   

液晶空间光调制器用于波前校正的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高液晶空间光调制器用于波前校正的精度,测试了美国BNS公司反射式255×256像素纯相位液晶空间光调制器.由于非线性相位响应特性会降低该器件用于波前校正的性能,因此通过反插值法将相位调制曲线的非线性度减小到原来的1/8,建立了0~2π区间内相位与灰度之间的线性关系.以液晶空间光调制器作为渡前校正器,数字相移干涉仪作为波前传感器,对含有高频误差的不规则波面进行了测量和误差校正.畸变波前的峰谷值(PV)由校正前的0.78A减小到校正后的0.27A,均方根(RMS)由校正前的0.13λ减小到校正后的0.02λ.实验结果表明:液晶空间光调制器能够代替传统的变形镜,实现低成本、高分辨、高精度的波前校正.  相似文献   

A high-speed, coherent spatial light modulator is under development. It is based on the coupling of a silicon photodiode and electrooptic crystal. The design criteria and theoretical performance are presented. Optical quality oflambda/20rms atlambda = 500nm over a 1 in aperture has been demonstrated. Submicrosecond write and erase rates are predicted. Heat dissipation limits the predicted continuous rate to 2.5 kHz or higher, depending on required optical quality. Calculated phase MTF is 50 percent at 10 cycles/mm.  相似文献   

为了解决产生拉盖尔-高斯模式光束较难的问题,采用二进制振幅全息图方法,基于空间光调制器,产生了拉盖尔-高斯光束,进行了理论分析和实验验证。推导了高斯光束到拉盖尔-高斯光束傅里叶变换的传递函数,通过对拉盖尔-高斯模拟图的修正,得出了可以用于空间光调制器的二进制全息图; 搭建了基于4f系统的实验平台,取得了不同阶数的拉盖尔-高斯模式输出,并在实验中对产生的拉盖尔-高斯光束进行了检测。结果表明,此套装置搭建及操作简便,且可实现动态可控的光束输出,对于产生高阶涡旋光束以及因斯-高斯模式都有重要意义。  相似文献   

利用光在液晶中的双折射效应和泰曼-格林干涉原理,提出了一种测量电寻址液晶空间光调制器相位特性,即相移量与驱动电压(灰度)之间关系的新方法。该方法抗干扰能力强,实验精度高。通过测试Boulder Nonlinear Systems(BNS)公司的256×256像素反射式液晶空间光调制器,得到了其在一定电压范围内的相位调制特性具有良好的线性关系,而且在线性调制范围内器件稳定,有效孔径内各个点的平均调制误差约为0.032?姿,与理论值相吻合,从而验证了该实验方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The memory devices in multi-valued logic are of most significance in modem research. This paper deals with the implementation of basic memory devices in multi-valued logic using Savart plate and spatial light modulator (SLM) based optoelectronic circuits. Photons are used here as the carder to speed up the operations. Optical tree architecture (OTA) has been also utilized in the optical interconnection network. We have exploited the advantages of Savart plates, SLMs and OTA and proposed the SLM based high speed JK, D-type and T-type flip-flops in a trinary system.  相似文献   

基于空间光调制器的一步相移同轴数字全息   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱竹青 《光电子.激光》2009,(12):1681-1684
提出了一种基于空间光调制器的一步相移同轴数字全息术,该技术利用空间光调制器相位调制特性一步实现参考光四种相位延迟,获取含有四种相移信息的单幅复合数字全息图。数值模拟和预研实验表明,复合数字全息图经过插值和再现运算后,再现物波中的零级和共轭像被有效地去除,再现图像清晰。相比于时间相移全息术仅能研究静态物体的局限性,基于空间光调制器的一步相移数字全息术可用于实时记录和表征物体动态变化特性,在生物细胞活体观测、粒子场动态测量等领域有着广泛的应用前景和研究价值。  相似文献   

液晶空间光调制器与相干光波前实时变换   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了一种利用纯相位调制液晶空间光调制器进行波前相位实时变换的方法,可将相干平面波变换成任意期望的波前。该方法采用由伪随机编码产生初始相位矩阵的相位恢复优化算法,从期望的远场衍射图形得到液晶空间光调制器所在衍射面的相位分布,当单色相干平面波通过液晶空间光调制器时,利用液晶空间光调制器纯相位调制特性复现该相位分布,在远场产生期望的衍射图形。实验验证了上述波前实时变换的可行性。  相似文献   

A drive circuit, with software preprocessing unit, is developed for Multi-quantum-well (MQW) spatial light modulator (SLM). According to the characteristic values of different SLM reflective properties, software preprocessing unit fits the curve of reflectivity spectra for the modulator and generates photoelectric-conversion-controlling signals, which improve the commonality of the drive circuit. A new method of scanning was researched in this paper to substitute the old method of one-step scanning. The new method, that rough-scan is followed by fine-scan, could achieve high scanning speed and high output resolution. Apart from this, it could also effectively reduce the pixel size to be integrated with MQW SLM by flip-chip bonding. SPICE simulation and chip test results show that, the chip could work well, and the swing of drive voltage is from 0 to V DD , the resolution of drive voltage could be up to 256. In a word, this circuit could meet the requirements of MQW SLM.  相似文献   

林超  沈学举  杨胜翔 《激光技术》2013,37(3):365-370
为了构建基于空间光调制器的实时光学加密系统,采用仿真实验的方式,分析了在双随机相位光学加密系统中使用空间光调制器实现随机相位编码时相位编码参量对加密效果的影响。重点研究了随机相位模板中独立相位调制点的个数及相位调制范围对加密图像质量的影响,并引入相关系数来衡量加密图像和原始图像的差异。结果表明,在设定相关系数阈值为0.1的条件下,独立相位调制点个数达到128×128,相位调制范围达到2π时,加密效果较好。该结果对设计实时光电加密系统有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

基于液晶空间光调制器的同步移相共光路干涉技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了实现透明物体的相位测量,提出一种基于液 晶空间光调制器(LC-SLM)的同步移 相共光路干涉 方法。在由4f光学成像系统构成的三窗口共光路干涉仪基础上, 利用LC-SLM的灰度调制能力,在 LC-SLM上加载光栅进行频域滤波,进而通过1次曝光获得3幅移相干涉图实现相位测量。 给出了本文 方法的相位恢复数学模型,并通过光学实验对本文方法和标准四步相移算法的性能进行了比 较,最后通过重 复实验对方法的稳定性和重复性进行了评估。结果表明,本文方法具有较好的相位恢复效果 ,而且稳定性和重复性以标准差表示时分别可达0.032rad和 0.073rad。  相似文献   

A 1.55 μm laser source with low chirp and high speed can be achieved when a single-mode DFB laser is modulated by an integrated quantum-confined Stark effect electroabsorptive modulator. The dynamic characteristics of such a device are simulated by a time domain, large signal dynamic model. The simulation demonstrates that the frequency chirp has two components: 1) changes of the refractive index induced by variation of the absorption coefficient during the modulation and 2) changes in the lasing frequency caused by changes in the effective residual facet reflection as the external modulator is switched on and off. Optimization by choice of the operating wavelength and coupling coefficient in the lasing section is discussed  相似文献   

反射式液晶空间光调制器(LC-SLM)反射基板的 曲率误差和液晶盒的边缘 场效应导致波前模拟精度下降问题,本文研究用LC-SLM模拟波前, 通过静态误差补偿法和残差反馈法,探讨提高波前模拟精度的有效方法。实验结果表明,LC -SLM能较好模拟基于Zernike多项式的离焦、像散、彗差和球差等8项波像差,但是具有一 定的模拟误 差,均方根误差(RMS)值平均为0.265λ ,静态误差补 偿法和残差反馈法使波前模拟误差RMS值分别降低到 0.223λ 和0.170λ,残差反馈法更有效。提高波前模拟精度能够使LC-SLM在 自适应光学技术、飞秒激光加工、实时全息显示和光学测量等领域具有更大的应用前景。  相似文献   

光寻址空间光调制器研制进展及性能测试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
报道了自研的光寻址空间光调制器的最新进展,介绍了器件工作原理与结构,并对其光敏响应特性曲线、静态位相波前畸变、透射时间波形畸变的离线测试结果进行了报道,同时也利用该器件在高功率激光装置上进行了在线测试。结果表明,该调制器可以根据需求实现所需的强度透过率分布,而且对高功率激光系统没有引入附加的影响。最后,结合该调制器的实际使用环境,分析了激光系统空间滤波器对整形效果的影响,说明在高功率激光系统中使用该调制器时,空间滤波器尺寸也是决定光束整形精度的重要因素。  相似文献   

由于激光器发出的光束通常在毫米量级,然而在激光测距、激光通信、激光全息等领域中需要较宽的光束,因此需要对激光束进行准直扩束。本文提供了一种基于LC-SLM的变倍率激光扩束方法,利用LC-SLM产生透镜的波阵面。由计算机数值模拟出焦距不同的变焦透镜相位调制图,将其加载到LC-SLM上,利用焦距不同的变焦透镜相位调制图的灰度信号来控制LC-SLM外加电压变化,实现了基于LC-SLM的变焦透镜功能。根据伽利略望远镜形式的扩束系统,本文利用LC-SLM的变焦透镜功能与匹配透镜配合,搭建了基于LC-SLM的变倍率激光扩束系统,实现对激光束的变倍扩束。实验结果表明,该系统实现了2~×~10~×连续变倍率激光扩束。系统结构简单、精度高、响应速度快,具有很大的实用价值。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于相位型空间光调制器(SLM)的相位恢复方法。利用相位型SLM快速准确的相位调制特性,对待测物体的物光波前进行相位调制。每次相位调制后,在物光波的频谱面记录下强度分布。运用GS迭代算法,通过频谱面光强信息反演出相位信息,并且提出了内-外层迭代的思想,进一步提高了相位恢复精度。对一维相位光栅进行了相位恢复试验...  相似文献   

为了测试德国HOLOEYE公司LC-R2500型102像素×768像素反射式空间光调制器的纯相位调制特性,采用了基于双光束干涉原理的测量方法,得到了输入图像灰度与相移量对应关系.将相位恢复算法编码后的纯相位图像作为空间光调制器的输入信息,进行了理论分析和实验验证.结果表明,光学再现像与数值模拟结果相吻合,验证了纯相位调制特性测量的准确性.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用光寻址液晶空间光调制器(LC-SLM)来实现实时可控的激光光束整形的系统和算法.用几何变换法和盖师贝格-撒克斯通(G-S)算法对有振幅调制和位相畸变光束进行均匀分布的平顶光束整形及数值模拟,用几何变换法可以得到非常好的小尺度的均匀性输出光束,而G-S算法能够有效地改善入射光束的大尺度不均匀性.为了减少输出光束的均方根误差和顶部不均匀度,提出结合几何变换方法和G-S算法,由几何变换方法得到的相位分布为G-S算法的初始相位分布.计算机设计的仿真结果表明:利用这种算法可以有效减少大尺度的不均匀度值,并得到合适的输出光束.  相似文献   

Registers and counters are the most important devices in any system of computations. In this paper we have communicated the trinary registers and counters in modified trinary number (MTN) system. It is suitable for the optical computing and other applications in multivalued logic system. Here the savart plate and spatial light modulator (SLM) based optoelectronic circuits have been used to exploit the optical tree architecture (OTA) in optical interconnection network.  相似文献   

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