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Mastocytosis is a term used for a spectrum of disorders characterized by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells. The cutaneous variants of the disease have to be distinguished from systemic mastocytosis (SM), in which at least one extracutaneous organ is involved. In contrast to cutaneous mastocytosis, SM is often associated with another hematologic neoplasm. In most cases clonal myeloid malignancies such as a myeloproliferative or myelodysplastic syndrome occur. In a few cases of SM, however, clonal lymphoid disorders have been described. We here report on a case of SM associated with multiple myeloma. At first presentation, the 48-year old female patient showed monoclonal IgGlambda gammopathy and bone marrow (BM) mastocytosis, but no BM plasma cell infiltrates. Eight years later, the patient presented with BM mastocytosis and overt multiple myeloma. The co-existence of myeloma and mastocytosis was demonstrable by staining serial BM sections with antibodies against mast cell tryptase, CD68R, and the plasma cell marker VS38c. Interphase FISH analysis of BM sections revealed a numeric gain of chromosome 5 and chromosome 7 in the plasma cells but not in the mast cell infiltrates, thereby confirming the presence of two different neoplastic cell populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the co-existence of multiple myeloma and mastocytosis.  相似文献   

Marrow stromal fibroblasts (MSFs) are essential for the formation of the haemopoietic microenvironment and bone; however, regulation of MSF proliferation is poorly understood. MSF colony formation was studied in primary mouse and human marrow cell cultures. After a brief exposure to serum, MSF colony formation occurred in the absence of both serum and non-adherent marrow cells, if medium conditioned by marrow cells was present (serum-free conditioned medium, SF-CM). In mouse and human cultures stimulated to proliferate by SF-CM, neutralizing antibodies against PDGF, TGF-beta, bFGF and EGF specifically suppressed MSF colony formation. The degree of supression was species-dependent, with the most profound inhibition achieved in mouse cultures by anti-PDGF, anti-bFGF and anti-EGF, and in human cultures by anti-PDGF and anti-TGF-beta. Serum-free medium not conditioned by marrow cells (SFM) did not support MSF colony formation. In mouse cultures in SFM, human recombinant bFGF and bovine natural bFGF were able to partially substitute for the stimulating effect of SF-CM. Other growth factors, including TGF-beta1, TGF-beta2, PDGF, EGF, IL-6, IGF-I and IGF-II, showed no activity when tested alone. In human cultures in SFM, none of the growth factors, alone or in combination, stimulated MSF colony formation. Mouse and human MSFs grown in SF-CM formed bone and a haemopoietic microenvironment when transplantated into immunodeficient mice in vivo, and therefore were functionally equivalent to MSFs generated in the presence of serum. These data indicate that stimulation of the initial proliferation of an MSF precursor cell is complex, and requires participation of at least four growth factors: PDGF, bFGF, TGF-beta and EGF. In addition, mouse and human MSF precursor cells have different requirements for each of the growth factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Erythrocytosis is relatively common after renal transplantation and is associated with a higher risk of thromboembolism. Its aetiology is unclear and there is still debate about the most frequently suggested causes. The culture in vitro of erythroid progenitors is regarded as a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of patients with unclear erythrocytosis. We studied the growth in vitro of bone marrow erythroid progenitors from renal transplant patients with erythrocytosis and controls without erythrocytosis. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirteen renal transplant patients with erythrocytosis and 12 normocythaemic renal transplant controls were studied. The clinical characteristics of these patients were evaluated and serum erythropoietin (Epo) and ferritin levels were determined. Bone marrow erythroid progenitors were cultured both with and without the addition of Epo to the medium. RESULTS: Samples from six polycythaemic patients and seven controls did not grow spontaneously in the absence of exogenous Epo. Three cases of post-transplant erythrocytosis and five controls produced CFU-E, but not BFU-E. A few CFU-E and BFU-E grew spontaneously in samples from four polycythaemic patients but not in samples from the controls. Addition of 1 unit per millilitre Epo caused similar increases in the number of colonies in both polycythaemic patients and controls. Of the nine patients eligible for follow-up, all four with spontaneous growth of BFU-E had transient erythrocytosis and four of the five patients with no spontaneous growth or spontaneous growth of CFU-E only had persistent erythrocytosis requiring treatment with ACE inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: Pathophysiology of post-transplant erythrocytosis is heterogeneous. In one-third of the patients, there was unexpected, spontaneous and transient growth of BFU-E which was not predictive of permanent erythrocytosis. The results of stem-cell studies suggest that in these cases erythrocytosis may be caused by defective regulation of erythroid progenitor proliferation, possibly due to particular cellular interactions or the effect of cyclosporin on erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a non-invasive means to evaluate a large fraction of marrow in less than one hour. Marrow disorders produce non-specific changes in marrow signal intensities which primarily reflect changes in proportions of fat and cellular elements. The pattern of these signal changes narrows the differential diagnosis, and the combination of these features with the clinical context allows interpretations which are clinically useful in many ways. These include: 1) the diagnosis of avascular necrosis (and its distinction from other causes of joint pain), 2) detection of osteomyelitis, 3) differential diagnosis of hypoplastic disorders, 4) staging of lymphomas and myeloma, 5) selection of patients for autologous bone marrow transplant, 6) objective measures of marrow response to therapy, 7) detection of leukemic transformation, and 8) improved detection of marrow disease (primary or secondary) in patients with otherwise unexplained bone pain.  相似文献   

Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (GOT), and acid and alkaline phosphatase activities in bone marrow and in cubital vein serum were compared. For patients without cancer, marrow serum LDH attained levels four times as high, and GOT and alkaline phosphatase, levels twice as high as those normal for cubital vein serum; levels of acid phosphatase were the same for both sources. For patients with cancer, significant increase of enzyme levels over reference levels depends on the tumor origin and on the presence and localization of metastases. Marrow enzyme levels may become elevated with or without concurrent elevation in cubital vein serum. Concurrent elevations were found with colonic carcinoma and lymphoid leukemia, and noncurrent elevations, with prostatic cancer, myeloid leukemia, and myeloma. A nonconcurrent elevation of marrow enzymes indicates that the origin of the enzyme is in the marrow, whereas with concurrent elevation, the source of the enzyme may be another organ.  相似文献   

We studied the prevalence of hypophosphataemia (< 0.80 mmol/l) in seventeen patients who had undergone bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Thirteen (77%) of the seventeen patients had hypophosphataemia at some stage during the conditioning phase or after their BMT. Seven (41%) of the seventeen patients had hypophosphataemia in the peri-BMT period that is during the conditioning phase or within one week thereafter. Two of the patients showed severe hypophosphataemia (< 0.30 mmol/l). We suggest that plasma phosphate should be monitored in patients with a bone marrow transplant.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have demonstrated that cyclosporine A (CsA) acts by inhibiting the phosphatase activity of calcineurin, an important mediator of T-cell activation. The relationship of CsA administration in vivo, calcineurin activity, and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) has yet to be studied. The calcineurin activities of mononuclear cells isolated from 62 bone marrow transplant recipients and 12 normal volunteers were determined and analyzed with respect to administration of CsA, presence or absence of CsA in plasma, and presence or absence of GVHD. Of 62 patients, 33 were taking CsA and 29 were not. Early posttransplant (< 100 days), the calcineurin activity of patients on CsA was significantly lower than that of patients not on CsA (P = .0004) and than that of normal volunteers (P < .0001). Similarly, late posttransplant (> 100 days), the calcineurin activity of patients taking CsA was inhibited compared with normal volunteers (P < .05). The calcineurin activity of patients with acute GVHD who were taking CsA was lower than that of patients on CsA without acute GVHD matched for time posttransplant (P = .02). Calcineurin activity in patients on CsA with chronic GVHD was similar to those without chronic GVHD on drug. In conclusion, calcineurin activity is significantly suppressed by in vivo administration of CsA. The lower calcineurin activity of patients on CsA with acute GVHD suggests that CsA-resistant GVHD is not the result of inadequate suppression of calcineurin activity. These data suggest that if inhibition of calcineurin is the only physiologic target of CsA administration, simply increasing doses of CsA or treatment with other inhibitors of calcineurin, such as FK506, would not be expected to ameliorate GVHD.  相似文献   

We performed a pilot study of human recombinant IL-6 (SDZ ILs 969) in 6 patients with poor prognosis Hodgkin's disease following autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) to determine its safety and tolerability. IL-6 was administered the day following bone marrow infusion by subcutaneous injection once daily at a dose of 1 micro/kg/day to 3 patients and 2.5 microg/kg/day to 3 patients and was continued for 6 weeks or until platelet engraftment (>50 x 10(9)/L independent of transfusion). No severe or life threatening toxicities were seen at either dose level. A reversible elevation in alkaline phosphatase occurred in 4 patients and all patients complained of headache, myalgias, and fever. Gastrointestinal toxicity was low, grade 3-4 mucositis occured less frequently than in similarly-treated historical controls receiving GM-CSF. Serum concentrations of other cytokines such as IL-3 and G-CSF after ABMT differed from results obtained in transplant recipients given GM-CSF. The median time to an ANC >0.5 x 10(9)/L was 25.5 days and to a platelet count of >20 x 10(9)/L independat of transfusion was 35.5 days. Engraftment was no different from controls. Five patients relapsed at a median of 5 months post-ABMT and four remain alive at a median of 12 months post-ABMT. We conclude that IL-6 administration is safe and well tolerated in patients following ABMT. Further efforts to evaluate its effect on hematopietic recovery as well as relapse following transplantation in a larger patient series are warranted.  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical method using an antibody probe to recognise the epithelial membrane antigen was used to screen smears obtained surgically from bone-marrow in 88 patients with gastric cancer. Tumor cells were detected in the bone-marrow of 58 patients (65.9%). The EMA positive cells in the marrow were not correlated with the location and node status of the stomach. In the stage of TNM I, II, III and IV, the positive rates of micrometastases in the bone marrow were 42.9%, 57.1%, 73.7% and 69.0%, respectively. The results showed that the poorer differentiated lesion, the higher rate of positive cells in the bone marrow. The curative surgery and multimodality treatment after operation could result in remission of positive cells in some patients. The method can detect occult metastases in bone marrow, and may be useful to monitor patients for evidence of response. It can measure the efficacy of adjuvant therapy, and predict prognosis of the patients.  相似文献   

Preparative regimens containing busulfan (BU) followed by allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) were used in 27 consecutive patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The median age was 33 years (range, 4 to 54). Ten were female and 17 male. Sixteen patients had primary MDS, 11 other patients had antecedent hematologic diseases or developed MDS after cytotoxic and/or radiation therapy. Six patients had leukemic transformation and received antileukemic therapy before BMT. Pre-BMT cytogenetic studies showed complex chromosomal abnormalities in 13 patients, a simple abnormality in 5 patients, and normal chromosome in 8 patients. Three BU-based preparative regimens were used: 1 patient received BU 4 mg/kg orally (PO) daily for 4 days and cyclophosphamide (CY) 50 mg/kg intravenously (IV) daily for 4 days (BUCY-4); 24 patients received BU 4 mg/kg PO daily for 4 days, cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) 2 g/m2 IV every 12 hours for 4 doses, and CY 60 mg/kg IV daily for 2 days (BAC); and 2 patients with preceding Fanconi anemia received BU 2 mg/kg PO daily for 4 days followed by total lymphoid irradiation of 5 Gy. Seventeen of 27 patients are alive with no evidence of disease. Ten patients have died: 2 from hepatic veno-occlusive disease, 3 from sepsis, 1 from a cerebral bleed, 1 from a massive gastrointestinal (GI) bleed associated with acute graft-versus-host disease, 1 from hemolytic uremic syndrome with adult respiratory distress syndrome, 1 from bronchiolitis obliterans, and the only patient who did not engraft died from acute myeloid leukemia. Regimen-related toxicities (RRT) include GI tract (diarrhea, 14; stomatitis, 11), liver (9), cardiac (1), and skin (5). Patients who received a genotypically matched marrow graft had a significantly better disease-free survival (DFS) than patients who received a nongenotypic marrow graft (P = .02). The Kaplan-Meier analysis projects an overall DFS of 56% +/- 13% and 78% +/- 10% for patients who received a genotypically matched marrow graft. With the exception of a child who did not engraft, there was no relapse of MDS or leukemia. Excellent DFS, acceptable RRT, and the ease of administration are advantages of this regimen.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent bone resorbing factor. We investigated the effect of LPS on osteoclast formation in three types of cultures. LPS inhibited osteoclast formation induced by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], in a dose-dependent manner, in cultures of whole bone marrow cells without dexamethasone. LPS increased the amount of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in the culture supernatant, and anti-GM-CSF antiserum almost abolished the inhibition of osteoclast formation by LPS, thereby indicating that GM-CSF generated by treatment with LPS may be responsible for the inhibition of osteoclast formation. In cultures with dexamethasone, the amount of GM-CSF was decreased to one-third of that with 1,25(OH)2D3 alone and was not changed by treatment with LPS. In this culture system, LPS enhanced osteoclast formation. In the coculture system of nonadherent bone marrow cells and a stromal cell line in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3 and dexamethasone, where no detectable GM-CSF was present in the supernatant, LPS markedly enhanced osteoclast formation, whereas exogenously added GM-CSF (100 pg/ml) almost completely inhibited osteoclast formation. LPS stimulated pit formation on dentin slices by the osteoclast-like cells formed by in vitro culture system.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe a new methodology for the separation of human high-density lipoproteins (HDL) into apolipoprotein (apo) E-poor and apo E-rich subfractions by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) using a heparin affinity column. Recoveries for apolipoproteins AI, AII, CI, CII, CIII, and E were 68.9, 74.7, 71.9, 73.5, 40.0, and 55.8%, respectively. We provide suggestive evidence that apo E-rich HDL is produced from apo E-poor HDL by the displacement of apo AI by apo E. Apo E-poor HDL was the predominant fraction. The molar ratio of apo E to apo AI in apo E-poor HDL was 0.02 and 0.01 for the subjects studied while in apo E-rich HDL it was 1.86 and 1.25. The molar ratios of the C apolipoproteins to apo AI are markedly different between the subfractions.  相似文献   

In a subset of patients with early gastric cancer, there were recurrences of the disease after a curative resection had been done. Direct evidence of tumor seeding in distant organs at the time of surgery for gastric cancer is not available. An immunocytochemical assay for epithelial cytokeratin protein may fill this gap because it is a feature of epithelial cells that would not normally be present in bone marrow. From 1994-1997, the bone marrow of 45 patients with early gastric cancer was examined for tumor cells, using immunocytochemical techniques and an antibody reacting with cytokeratin, a component of the intracytoplasmic network of intermediate filaments. Intratumoral microvessels were stained with anti-CD31 monoclonal antibody. Clinicopathological characteristics were determined for subjects with cytokeratin-positive cells in the bone marrow. Of these 45 patients, 9 (20.0%) had cytokeratin-positive cells in the bone marrow at the time of primary surgery. These positive findings were not related to tumor advance-related factors of lymph node metastasis and distinct lymphatic and vascular invasion. Microvessel density in the primary tumor exceeded 2-fold in cytokeratin-positive cells, compared with findings in negative cells (P < 0.05). Tumor cells in bone marrow are indicative of the general disseminative metastasis in patients with early gastric cancer, and the metastatic potential was closely related to angiogenesis in the primary tumor.  相似文献   

Forty-three patients with severely resorbed maxillae who had been referred for implant treatment were assigned to one of three treatment groups: bone grafting and implant placement (graft group); modified implant placement but no bone grafting (trial group); or optimized complete dentures (no-implant group). Sixteen, 20, and 7 patients, respectively, were assigned to the three groups. At the 1-year follow-up, 10% of the implants had been lost. Only a few of the failures (3/22) occurred after prosthesis placement. The cumulative success rates were 83% in the graft group and 96% in the trial group. A substantial reduction of the grafted bone, especially of the onlay grafts, occurred in many patients. During the period from prosthesis connection to the 1-year follow-up, marginal peri-implant bone loss was on average 0.5 mm. Despite the often demanding procedures involved, all but one patient in each implant group said that they would undergo the treatment again. Most patients were very satisfied with the treatment outcome and their improved masticatory ability. Those who had renounced implant treatment appeared modestly adapted to their optimized dentures, but reported retention problems and less satisfaction with mastication.  相似文献   

To determine if neurochemical function might be impaired in cell models with altered cholesterol balance, we studied the effects of U18666A (3-beta-[(2-diethyl-amino)ethoxy]androst-5-en-17-one) on intracellular cholesterol metabolism in three human neuroblastoma cell lines (SK-N-SH, SK-N-MC, and SH-SY5Y). U18666A (< or =0.2 microg/ml) completely inhibited low density lipoprotein (LDL)-stimulated cholesterol esterification in SK-N-SH cells, while cholesterol esterification stimulated by 25-hydroxycholesterol or bacterial sphingomyelinase was unaffected or partially inhibited, respectively. U18666A also blocked LDL-stimulated downregulation of LDL receptor and caused lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol as measured by filipin staining. U18666A treatment for 18 h resulted in 70% inhibition of K+-evoked norepinephrine release in phorbol ester-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells, while release stimulated by the calcium ionophore A23187 was only slightly affected. These results suggest that U 18666A may preferentially block a voltage-regulated Ca2+ channel involved in norepinephrine release and that alterations in neurotransmitter secretion might be a feature of disorders such as Niemann-Pick Type C, in which intracellular cholesterol transport and distribution are impaired.  相似文献   

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