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Zhang L 《Biochemical genetics》2008,46(5-6):293-311
This work examines the molecular evolution of a brain-expressed X-linked gene family in the mammalian genomes of human, chimp, macaque, mouse, rat, dog, and cow. The gene structures are well conserved across family members and among the mammals in that all five members have three exons with the first two exons untranslated. Furthermore, the five members are arranged tandemly on chromosome X with Bex5, Bex1, Bex2 on the negative strand and Bex4, Bex3 on the positive strand, and this physical arrangement remains conserved among species. Sequence analyses indicate that gene conversion has been frequent and ongoing among Bex1-4, occurring in multiple species independently. All gene conversions in different species between Bex1 and Bex4, and between Bex2 and Bex3, appear to be limited to the upstream regions of the third exon, whereas the gene conversions occurred independently in different species between Bex1 and Bex2 and cover only the third exon. Bex5 appears to have little exchange of genetic information with other members, possibly due to its distance from other members. The GC content decreases from 5′-UTR, intron 1, intron 2, coding region, to 3′-UTR, reflecting faithfully the frequency of gene conversion in different regions of the Bex genes. Sequence analyses also suggest that both relaxed selective constraint and positive selection have acted on the Bex members after duplication. In particular, Bex3 shows strong evidence of positive selection and seems to have evolved a new gene function after gene duplication.  相似文献   

It is widely established that proteins involved in reproduction diverge between species more quickly than other proteins. For male sperm proteins, rapid divergence is believed to be caused by postcopulatory sexual selection and/or sexual conflict. Here, we derive the expected levels of gene diversity within populations and divergence between them for male sperm protein genes evolving by postcopulatory, prezygotic fertility competition, i.e. the function imputed for some sperm and seminal fluid genes. We find that, at the mutation‐selection equilibrium, both gene diversity within species and divergence between them are elevated relative to genes with similar selection coefficients expressed by both sexes. We show that their expected level of diversity is a function of the harmonic mean number of mates per female, which affects the strength of fertility selection stemming from male–male sperm competition. Our predictions provide a null hypothesis for distinguishing between other selective hypotheses accounting for the rapid evolution of male reproductive genes.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) and its receptors make diverse contributions to development. The ECM comes in a variety of forms, including the more “standard” ECM that is internal to the animal and on the basal side of epithelial sheets, as well as the apical ECM, which is especially elaborated in the invertebrates to form the exoskeleton. ECM proteins accumulate adjacent to particular target tissues in the developing animal by a variety of mechanisms: local synthesis in the target tissue; local synthesis by migrating cells; and secretion from a distant source and capture by the target tissue. The diverse developmental functions of the ECM are discussed, including the generation of a road for cell migration, creation of morphogenetic checkpoints for differentiation, modulation of morphogen gradients, insulation of organs, gluing together cell layers, and providing structure for the organism.This article will discuss the many functions of the ECM that are important in animal development. First, I will discuss the production of ECM in the developing animal (see Adams and Lawler 2011, Barros et al. 2011; Chiquet-Ehrismann and Tucker 2011; Schwarzbauer and DeSimone 2011; Watt and Fujiwara 2011; Wickstrom et al. 2011; Yurchenco 2011), and then describe briefly the range of ways that the ECM contributes to development. Given the space constraints of this article, I will not attempt to be exhaustive in my coverage, but instead will seek to identify examples that show the different kinds of ECM function that have been revealed from studies of development. My examples will be focused on developmental processes shared between invertebrates and vertebrates, as many vertebrate-specific roles of the ECM are covered in other references that are part of this subject collection. The somewhat different compositions, arrangements, and developmental changes in invertebrate ECMs provide an illuminating perspective from which to consider ECM function more generally.  相似文献   

The subfamilies Erinaceinae and Galericinae of the extant family Erinaceidae are the only living representatives of the once diverse taxon Erinaceomorpha. In the present study, we performed the first multilocus analysis of phylogenetic relationships among genera of Erinaceidae and estimated the split times between and within the two subfamilies. The analyses of five nuclear and two mitochondrial genes produced a well‐resolved molecular phylogeny. Generally, the molecular tree is compatible with the morphology‐based taxonomy proposed by Frost, Wozencraft & Hoffmann with the exception of the position of Mesechinus, which is placed as the closest sister taxon of Hemiechinus. Another point of contradiction between molecular and morphological phylogenies is the position of Hylomys megalotis, which was consistently placed as the most basal branch among all gymnures in molecular analyses. Genetic relationships between Erinaceus and Atelerix remain unclear, suggesting a hard trichotomy among these two lineages and Hemiechinus + Paraechinus. Molecular dating suggests an ancient origin of the extant gymnure lineages, which date back to the late Eocene to early Oligocene. The age of the basal split within spiny hedgehogs is relatively recent and corresponds to the Miocene–Pliocene boundary. Possible changes to the erinaceid taxonomy are considered. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 499–519.  相似文献   

Divergence time studies rely on calibration information from several sources. The age of volcanic islands is one of the standard references to obtain chronological data to estimate the absolute times of lineage diversifications. This strategy assumes that cladogenesis is necessarily associated with island formation, and punctual calibrations are commonly used to date the splits of endemic island species. Here, we re-examined three studies that inferred divergence times for different Hawaiian lineages assuming fixed calibration points. We show that, by permitting probabilistic calibrations, some divergences are estimated to be significantly younger or older than the age of the island formation, thus yielding distinct ecological scenarios for the speciation process. The results highlight the importance of using calibration information correctly, as well as the possibility of incorporating volcanic island studies into a formal, biogeographical hypothesis-testing framework.  相似文献   

Identification of key sequence, expression and function related features of nucleic acid-sensing host proteins is of fundamental importance to understand the dynamics of pathogen-specific host responses. To meet this objective, we considered toll-like receptors (TLRs), a representative class of membrane-bound sensor proteins, from 17 vertebrate species covering mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes in this comparative study. We identified the molecular signatures of host TLRs that are responsible for sensing pathogen nucleic acids or other pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and potentially play important roles in host defence mechanism. Interestingly, our findings reveal that such host-specific features are directly related to the strand (single or double) specificity of nucleic acid from pathogens. However, during host-pathogen interactions, such features were unable to explain the pathogenic PAMP (i.e., DNA, RNA or other) selectivity, suggesting a more complex mechanism. Using these features, we developed a number of machine learning models, of which Random Forest achieved a high performance (94.57% accuracy) to predict strand specificity of TLRs from protein-derived features. We applied the trained model to propose strand specificity of some previously uncharacterized distinct fish-specific novel TLRs (TLR18, TLR23, TLR24, TLR25, TLR27).  相似文献   

Taxonomy of the East Asian moles of the genus Mogera is still controversial. Based on the sequence data of 12 nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene, we examine genetic variation in the Mogera wogura species complex and demonstrate that M. robusta, from the continental Far East, and M. wogura, from the Japanese Islands, are not conspecific. Our data do not support the existence of two or more species of Mogera in the Russian Far East. We suggest that the form “coreana” from the Korean Peninsula should be treated as a subspecies of M. robusta. Our morphological analysis shows that M. r. coreana differs from typical M. robusta, from Primorye, primarily in its smaller size. We show that there is strong morphological variability among continental moles, which may be associated with ecological and geographical factors. The time since the split between M. wogura s. str. and M. robusta dates back to the Middle Pleistocene (0.30–1.0 Myr), while M. r. coreana separated from M. r. robusta in the Upper Pleistocene (0.04–0.18 Myr). The results of the mismatch analysis indicate recent demographic expansion in populations of moles from Primorye.  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferases (GTs) control the synthesis and structures of glycans. Inactivation and intense allelic variation in members of the GT6 family generate species-specific and individual variations in carbohydrate structures, including histo-blood group oligosaccharides, resulting in anti-glycan antibodies that target glycan-decorated pathogens. GT6 genes are ubiquitous in vertebrates but are otherwise rare, existing in a few bacteria, one protozoan, and cyanophages, suggesting lateral gene transfer. Prokaryotic GT6 genes correspond to one exon of vertebrate genes, yet their translated protein sequences are strikingly similar. Bacterial and phage GT6 genes influence the surface chemistry of bacteria, affecting their interactions, including those with vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression are common in species in which one sex (usually males) competes for access to mates or resources necessary for reproduction – sexually dimorphic weaponry and aggression, in other words, are frequently the result of intrasexual selection. In snapping shrimp, the major chela (snapping claw) can be a deadly weapon, and males of many species have larger chelae than females, a pattern readily interpreted as resulting from intrasexual selection. Thus, males might be expected to show more sex‐specific aggression than females, and be more aggressive overall. We tested these predictions in two species of snapping shrimp in a territorial defense context. Neither of these predictions was supported: in both species, females, but not males, engaged in sex‐specific aggression and females were more aggressive than males overall. These contrasting sexual dimorphisms – larger weaponry in males but higher aggression in females – highlight the importance of considering the function of weaponry and aggression in contexts other than direct competitions over mates. In addition, species differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism in chela size were due to differences in female, not male, chela size, and the species with greater sexual dimorphism in weaponry was significantly less aggressive overall; also, while paired and solitary males did not differ in residual chela size, for the species with greater sexual dimorphism, females carrying embryos had smaller residual chela sizes. These results suggest that understanding the sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression in snapping shrimp requires understanding the relative costs and benefits of both in females as well as males.  相似文献   

Plant immune genes, or resistance genes, are involved in a co‐evolutionary arms race with a diverse range of pathogens. In agronomically important grasses, such R genes have been extensively studied because of their role in pathogen resistance and in the breeding of resistant cultivars. In this study, we evaluate the importance of recombination, mutation and selection on the evolution of the R gene complex Rp1 of Sorghum, Triticum, Brachypodium, Oryza and Zea. Analyses show that recombination is widespread, and we detected 73 independent instances of sequence exchange, involving on average 1567 of 4692 nucleotides analysed (33.4%). We were able to date 24 interspecific recombination events and found that four occurred postspeciation, which suggests that genetic introgression took place between different grass species. Other interspecific events seemed to have been maintained over long evolutionary time, suggesting the presence of balancing selection. Significant positive selection (i.e. a relative excess of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN/dS>1)) was detected in 17–95 codons (0.42–2.02%). Recombination was significantly associated with areas with high levels of polymorphism but not with an elevated dN/dS ratio. Finally, phylogenetic analyses show that recombination results in a general overestimation of the divergence time (mean = 14.3%) and an alteration of the gene tree topology if the tree is not calibrated. Given that the statistical power to detect recombination is determined by the level of polymorphism of the amplicon as well as the number of sequences analysed, it is likely that many studies have underestimated the importance of recombination relative to the mutation rate.  相似文献   

CASP and GRASP are small cytoplasmic adaptor proteins that share highly similar protein structures as well as an association with the cytohesin/ARNO family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors within the immune and nervous systems respectively. Each contains an N-terminal PDZ domain, a central coiled-coil motif, and a carboxy-terminal PDZ-binding motif (PDZbm). We set out to further characterize the relationship between CASP and GRASP by comparing both their gene structures and their functional motifs across several vertebrate organisms. CASP and GRASP not only share significant protein structure but also share remarkably similar gene structure, with six of eight exons of equal length and relative position. We report on the addition of a unique amino acid within the coiled-coil motif of CASP proteins in several species. We also examine the Class I PDZbm, which is highly conserved across all classes of vertebrates but shows a functionally relevant mutation in the CASP proteins of several species of fish. Further, we determine the evolutionary relationship of these proteins both by use of phylogenetics and by comparative analysis of the conservation of genes near each locus in various chordates including amphioxus. We conclude that CASP and GRASP are the products of a relatively recent gene duplication event in early vertebrate organisms and that the evolution of the adaptive immune system and complex brain most likely contributed to the apparent subfunctionalization of these proteins into tissue-specific roles.  相似文献   

Although "intrasexual selection" has been accepted as the mechanism by which males evolve elaborate secondary sexual traits which are used in aggressive contests, the importance of "intersexual selection" as a mechanism by which males have acquired exaggerated traits to display to females during courtship was less readily accepted. In spite of this scepticism, several genetic models have supported the latter idea, and many empirical studies showed that females were generally more discriminating in mate choice than males, because of differences in relative investment between sexes. Nowadays, this idea is reinforced by various concepts (parental investment, potential reproductive rate, environmental potential for polygamy...) which stress that the strength of sexual selection is related to many interdependent factors, such as mating systems, resource distribution (food, habitat, mate), life history and other ecological characteristics. The case of Salmonids is presented here to show how novel information on sexual selection has contributed to the understanding of the plasticity of breeding patterns in the context of evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Resolution of urban and suburban deer problems often depends on learning and co-management. Local newspapers may reflect the learning occurring in a community. Past authors have identified 4 primary types of learning (technical, conceptual, social, and political). We studied newspaper content related to deer management for insights about the types of learning occurring in selected regions in New York State. We analyzed 263 newspaper articles published between 2000 and 2006. We found that the majority of content related to learning focused on conceptual and technical learning, but relatively little, particularly early in the evolution of deer management issues, focused on social or political learning. Our results suggest that additional attention to social learning focusing on collaborative relationships and constructive dialogue among stakeholders by both communities and newspapers could be beneficial in the resolution of deer problems. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Rapidly evolving genes (e.g. candidate selected loci) are of increasing interest to molecular ecologists and conservation geneticists. Here, we report primers for five regions from three independent nuclear reproductive genes that reliably generate polymorphic sequences across the widespread wild goats of the Capra ibex species group and likely many other species of bovids. From three to nine single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in each gene region among C. ibex subspecies. Average numbers of SNPs per 1000 bp across all five gene regions was 15.0, with a high of 25.3 in the ZP3 exons 3 and 4 sequence and a low of 6.1 in the TNP1 sequence.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta virus ribozyme is a small, self-cleaving RNA with a compact tertiary structure and buried active site that is important in the life cycle of the virus. The ribozyme's function in nature is to cleave an internal phosphodiester bond and linearize concatemers during rolling circle replication. Crystal structures of the ribozyme have been solved in both pre-cleaved and post-cleaved (product) forms and reveal an intricate network of interactions that conspire to catalyze bond cleavage. In addition, extensive biochemical studies have been performed to work out a mechanism for bond cleavage in which C75 and a magnesium ion catalyze the reaction by general acid-base chemistry. One issue that has remained unclear in this ribozyme and in other ribozymes is the nature of long-distance communication between peripheral regions of the RNA and the buried active site. We performed molecular dynamics simulations on the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme in the product form and assessed communication between a distal structural portion of the ribozyme—the protonated C41 base triple—and the active site containing the critical C75. We varied the ionization state of C41 in both the wild type and a C41 double mutant variant and determined the impact on the active site. In all four cases, effects at the active site observed in the simulations agree with experimental studies on ribozyme activity. Overall, these studies indicate that small functional RNAs have the potential to communicate interactions over long distances and that wild-type RNAs may have evolved ways to prevent such interactions from interfering with catalysis.  相似文献   

Using both nuclear and mitochondrial sequences, we demonstrate high genetic differentiation in the genus Talpa and confirm the existence of cryptic species in the Caucasus and Anatolia, namely, T. talyschensis Vereschagin, 1945, T. ognevi Stroganov, 1948, and Talpa ex gr. levantis. Our data support four clades in the genus Talpa that showed strong geographical associations. The ‘europaea’ group includes six species from the western portion of the genus' range (T. europaea, T. occidentalis, T. romana, T. caeca, T. stankovici, and T. levantis s.l.); another three groups are distributed further east: the ‘caucasica’ group (Caucasus), the ‘davidiana’ group (eastern Anatolia and Elburz) and T. altaica (Siberia). The phylogenetic position of T. davidiana was highlighted for the first time. The order of basal branching remains controversial, which can be attributed to rapid diversification events. The molecular time estimates based on nuclear concatenation estimated the basal divergence of the crown Talpa during the latest Miocene. A putative scenario of Talpa radiation and issues of species delimitation are discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) is a serious systemic complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) causing considerable morbidity and mortality. Acute GVHD occurs when alloreactive donor-derived T cells recognize host-recipient antigens as foreign. These trigger a complex multiphase process that ultimately results in apoptotic injury in target organs. The early events leading to GVHD seem to occur very soon, presumably within hours from the graft infusion. Therefore, when the first signs of aGVHD clinically manifest, the disease has been ongoing for several days at the cellular level, and the inflammatory cytokine cascade is fully activated. So, it comes as no surprise that progress in treatment based on clinical diagnosis of aGVHD has been limited in the past 30 years. It is likely that a pre-emptive strategy using systemic high-dose corticosteroids as early as possible could improve the outcome of aGVHD. Due to the deleterious effects of such treatment particularly in terms of infection risk posed by systemic steroid administration in a population that is already immune-suppressed, it is critical to identify biomarker signatures for approaching this very complex task. Some research groups have begun addressing this issue through molecular and proteomic analyses, combining these approaches with computational intelligence techniques, with the specific aim of facilitating the identification of diagnostic biomarkers in aGVHD. In this review, we focus on the aGVHD scenario and on the more recent state-of-the-art. We also attempt to give an overview of the classical and novel techniques proposed as medical decision support system for the diagnosis of GVHD.  相似文献   

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