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Ammonoid diversity patterns show that the spreading of oceanic anoxia is not the initial and major kill mechanism for the Cenomanian/Turonian mass extinction as usually suggested. In the Anglo-Paris Basin and the Vocontian Basin, the drop of ammonoid species richness starts around the middle/late Cenomanian boundary, i.e. 0.75 myr before the occurrence of anoxic deepwater sediments. The stepwise extinction of first heteromorphs and then acanthoceratids is incompatible with the rise of the oxygen minimum zone. Moreover, shelf environments of these basins remained well oxygenated during the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval. Thus, we stress that other causative mechanisms initiated the ammonoid extinction even if anoxia subsequently participated in the demise of marine ecosystems. Editorial handling: M.J. Benton & J.-P. Billon-Bruyat  相似文献   

Brachiopod events in the European Middle Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian). Brachiopod species proliferated in the Late Aptian and Cenomanian. Significant palaeobiogeographical events took place during the Middle Cretaceous, in particular during Early and Late Albian time.  相似文献   

Cenomanian paralic deposits of Charentes (southwestern France) have yielded abundant vertebrate microremains, including rather diversified continental taxa (e.g., frogs, turtles, crocodilians, dinosaurs, pterosaurs, lizards, and mammals). In this short report, the succession of faunal assemblages observed is briefly described in relation to palaeoenvironmental change resulting from the Cenomanian-early Turonian transgressive episode. Continental forms occur commonly in estuarine and shallow marine rocks of the lower part of the Cenomanian stage, but seem to be lacking in younger strata deposited in more open marine settings. Among an unexpected biodiversity, several non-marine groups (e.g., ziphodont crocodilians, carcharodontosaurid and troodontid dinosaurs, marsupial-like mammals) are recorded for the first time in the lower Upper Cretaceous of Europe, thus providing new palaeobiogeographical indications for this poorly documented part of the world.  相似文献   

A Cretaceous amber deposit has recently been discovered in a quarry of Charente-Maritime (southwestern France), at Cadeuil. This paper presents the sedimentary and palaeoenvironmental settings of the uppermost Albian-lowermost Cenomanian series including the amber deposit. A preliminary analysis of the amber samples reveals diverse fossil arthropods (a few mites and at least 20 insect families within 9 orders), as well as numerous micro-organisms, mainly algae and mycelia. A myceloid colony of bacteria, a flagellate algae and four especially well preserved insects are illustrated (Diptera Dolichopodidae, Diptera Chironomidae, Hymenoptera Parasitica, and Heteroptera Tingidae). The abundance of the limnic micro-organisms is discussed in terms of bloom events. Their relative scarcity in almost all the amber pieces containing fossil arthropods is attributed to differences in the origin of resin: production along trunk and branches for amber with arthropods; production by aquatic roots for amber rich in algae. The absence of pollen and spores in amber is attributed to differences in the respective periods of resin and palynomorph production, which may be related to a seasonal climate during the Albian-Cenomanian transition in Western Europe.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic division and sequence of the Upper Cretaceous sediments in eastern Heilongjiang Province,China,have been ambiguous and controversial,mainly due to a lack of biostratigraphically useful fossils and related radiometric dating.A new species of angiospermous fossil plant.Platanus heilongjiangensis sp.nov.,from Qitaihe in eastern Heilongjiang has been found in sediments conformably above which zircons from a rhyolitic tuff has been dated by U-Pb radiometric methods as 96.2± 1.7 Ma.indicating that the Upper Houshigou Formation is of Cenomanian age.This discovery not only provides new data to improve our stratigraphic understanding of the Houshigou Formation,but also shows that Platanus flourished in the early Late Cretaceous floras of the region.This new study also indicates active volcanism taking place in the eastern Heilongjiang region during the Cenomanian of the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Early and early middle Cenomanian turrilitid ammonoids from the upper part of the Albian–Cenomanian Aitamir Formation of the Koppeh Dagh (northeast Iran) are described, illustrated and placed in an integrated stratigraphic context. The Aitamir Formation represents a graded siliciclastic shelf system and the turrilitid faunas comprise eight different species. Representatives of Mariella and Hypoturrilites have been recorded from a lower Cenomanian horizon in the Ghorghoreh section, corresponding to the Mantelliceras mantelli ammonite biozone. Mariella bicarinata (Kner, 1852) and H. wiedmanni Collignon, 1964 are recorded for the first time from Iran and the larger palaeobiogeographical area, respectively. The horizons with Turrilites costatus and T. scheuchzerianus at Taherabad can be dated as early middle Cenomanian Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone, T. costatus Subzone. Concentrations of ammonoids commonly occur above regressive sandstone units, at the transition into overlying deeper marine shale units and in their lower parts, respectively. Such intervals represent the early transgressive systems tract of depositional sequences and may thus be regarded as early transgressive, slightly condensed shell accumulations. The uppermost lower to lower middle Cenomanian succession at Taherabad is of striking bio-, event- and sequence stratigraphic similarity to contemporaneous sections in northwest Europe. It reflects deposition during falling and low sea-level associated with the latest early Cenomanian unconformity SB Ce 3 as well as the pulsating transgressive development during the early middle Cenomanian, including levels correlative to the arlesiensis, primus and Mid-Cenomanian events in northwest Europe.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the extant dermestid genus Attagenus, Attagenus burmiticus sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on a well-preserved specimen from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. The discovery suggests that Attagenus is an ancient group, originating as early as in the mid-Cretaceous. Along with another species of Attagenus known from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, it implies that Attagenus were widespread in the Mesoozic.  相似文献   

The first alveolinoidean appearing in the Cenomanian Natih Formation of Oman (Adam foothills and southern edge of Jabal Akhdar) are studied in detail. Morphological analysis results in the creation of one new family, Myriastylidae, two new genera, Myriastyla and Alveocella, and four new species, M. omanensis, M. grelaudae, A. wernliana, and Cisalveolina nakharensis. These four new taxa have a short stratigraphic extension restricted to the uppermost part of Natih E unit and are dated early middle Cenomanian by neighboring foraminifers and ammonite levels.  相似文献   

A new pterosaur, Microtuban altivolans gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Sannine Formation of northern Lebanon. The specimen is the first pterosaur from the Early Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) locality of Hjoûla and is regarded as the most complete pterosaur fossil discovered from Africa. While postcranial characters indicate a possible relationship with members of the Thalassodromidae or Chaoyangopteridae, the specimen possesses an exceptionally short wing-finger phalanx 4, forming only 1.1% of the total length of the wing-finger. Its appearance along with an unnamed ornithocheiroid from the slightly younger locality of Hâqel suggests that a number of pterosaur taxa existed within the local area, perhaps living on exposed carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Axelrodichthys megadromos sp. nov. is a coelacanth described based on a single specimen collected in the lower Campanian site of Ventabren motorway, Southern France. The new species is referred to the mawsoniids because of the ornamentation of the skull roof and of the proportionally wide supraorbital series. The specimen belongs to the Mawsonia-Axelrodichthys complex based on features present on the lower jaw and on the basisphenoid. The new species is referred to the genus Axelrodichthys because of proportions of its parietonasal shield and because of the arrangement of the posterior parietals relative to the supraorbitals. Autapomorphic characters, in particular on the parasphenoid, justify the inclusion of the specimen in a new species. The occurrence of a mawsoniid in the Ibero-Amorican Island that formed part of the European Archipelago in the terminal Cretaceous is an evidence of a dispersal event from the southern land masses. The occurrence of A. megadromos in the Campanian-Maastrichtian represents the last occurrence of mawsoniids worldwide, after a gap in the fossil record of about 30 million years. This belated occurrence of Axelrodichthys extends the time range of this genus to approximately 40 myr and suggests that this genus, together with its sister genus Mawsonia, were organisms with a slow morphologic evolution.  相似文献   

The Dalichai Formation with an age of Late Bajocian-Late Callovian was sampled in Central Alborz Mountains of northern Iran and studied for palynological, palaeobiogeographical and palynocorrelation purposes. Palynological studies revealed diverse and well-preserved dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and lead to identification of three zones i.e., Cribroperidiniumcrispum (Late Bajocian), Dichadogonyaulaxsellwoodii (Bathonian to Early Callovian) and Ctenidodiniumcontinuum (Early to Middle Callovian) Zones. Subzone a of the D. sellwoodii Zone (Early to Middle Bathonian) was also differentiated. This biozonation corresponds to those recognised in Northwest Europe. Furthermore, the ammonoid families recorded including Phylloceratidae, Oppeliidae, Reineckeiidae, Perisphinctidae, Haploceratidae, Parkinsoniidae and Sphaeroceratidae, which confirm the Late Bajocian to Late Callovian age, are quite similar to those of Northwest Europe and the northwestern Tethys. The close similarities of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and ammonite fauna of northern Iran with those of Northwest Europe and the northwestern Tethys during the Middle Jurassic indicate direct but episodic marine connection and faunal exchange between the two areas.  相似文献   

色度学方法在揭示未固结或半固结沉积物沉积时的古气候方面有着良好的应用,但成岩或成岩后演化对原岩成分的改造使得其在已成岩岩石中的应用还不多。文中以藏南定日贡扎剖面白垩系晚赛诺曼阶到早土仑阶的98件岩石样品为研究对象,应用色度学方法,并结合镜下观察和主量元素分析,得到以下的主要结论:(1)对样品的CIE1976L*a*b*色度空间分析显示,L*与a*的变化趋势呈镜像对称,通过快速傅里叶变换可识别出半周期分别为9.2m和1.8m的两个主周期;而L*与b*的变化趋势大致相同。(2)色度指标与主量元素的相关性分析表明,L*值与碳酸盐含量正向相关,b*值可能主要与Mn元素含量相关,L*和b*可以对古海洋化学条件做出一些制约;a*受粘土矿物含量制约,反映了古气候的变化。  相似文献   

Sampling of Cenomanian fossil-rich horizons within the La Luna Formation of two localities in the Zulia and Trujillo states (northern Venezuela) yielded numerous shark teeth belonging to various species within the order Lamniformes (Mackerel sharks). Twelve lamniform species were identified including three new species (Squalicorax lalunaensis sp. nov., Squalicorax moodyi sp. nov., Acutalamna karsteni gen. et sp. nov.) and the genus Microcarcharias gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate with the peculiar morphology of the small-sized odontaspidid M. saskatchewanensis. Other taxa reported here include Cretoxyrhina mantelli, Cretolamna sp., cf. Nanocorax sp. and five Squalicorax species left in open nomenclature. This is the first report of chondrichthyans from the mid-Cretaceous of Venezuela and one of the few records of this group from the Cenomanian of South America. The composition of these assemblages suggests some degree of endemism in the La Luna Sea but also possible connexions with the Western Interior Seaway. One of the most striking features of these assemblages is the high anacoracid diversity (eight species) despite the corresponding outer shelf/upper slope palaeoenvironments of the La Luna Formation. The high diversity of these opportunistic predators is probably related to the high diversity of medium to large marine vertebrates that provided food resources.  相似文献   

The note describes a well-preserved ichthyosaur vertebra from the upper Cretaceous Karai Formation (late Albian to late Cenomanian) of the Uttattur Group of rocks exposed near Ariyalur, Tamil Nadu, southern India.  相似文献   

Five successive ammonite assemblages are distinguished in the basal part (Riasanites rjasanensis Zone s. l.) of the Ryazanian Stage of the East European platform. These are (from the base upward) (1) Hectoroceras tolijense; (2) Hectoroceras kochi; (3) Riasanites swistowianus; (4) Riasanites rjasanensis; and (5) Transcaspiites transfigurabilis assemblages. Two lower assemblages consist entirely of boreal taxa, which occur in association with diverse ammonites of the Tethyan origin higher in the section. The data obtained show that three upper assemblages are correlative with the Berriasian Dalmasiceras tauricum, Riasanites rjasanensis-Spiticeras cautleyi, and Euthymiceras euthymi subzones of the northern Caucasus. The succession of five–six ammonite assemblages established in the East European platform above the top of the Craspedites nodiger Zone may correspond to the same number of ammonite assemblages characterizing lower subzones of the standard Berriasian. Berriasella rulevae Mitta, sp. nov. from the upper part of the Riasanites rjasanensis Zone (transfigurabilis biohorizon) is described.  相似文献   

A peculiar new lineage of sawflies (‘Symphyta’) is described and figured from a female beautifully preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from northern Myanmar. Syspastoxyela rhaphidia Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., shares many plesiomorphic features with the primitive Xyelidae, 2Xyelotomidae, and 2Xyelydidae such as enlarged and thickened first flagellomere succeeded by a series of thinner and shorter flagellomeres, absence of a transverse mesoscutal sulcus, multiple preapical spurs, and two protibial spurs among other traits. However, the new lineage has an apomorphically contracted forewing venation, lacks a subcostal vein, has a single marginal cell, and lacks crossvein 1r-rs, and thus it is segregated into a new family, Syspastoxyelidae Engel and Huang, fam. nov. The phylogenetic affinities of the new family are discussed and a position near Pamphilioidea or Pamphilioidea + Unicalcarida is advocated.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous Pterophyllum species survived as relict elements in areas influenced by volcanism in the North-East of Russia. Two new species are described: P. philippoviae Gnilovskaya from the Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Vetvinskaya Unit (Penzhina and Oklan Rivers interfluve, Magadan Region) and P. terechoviae from the Maastrichtian deposits of the Kakanaut Formation (Kakanaut River Basin, Koryak Upland). The upper boundary of Pterophyllum stratigraphic range is extended from the Turonian-Coniacian up to the K/Pg boundary. Pterophyllum terechoviae is the youngest member of the genus and probably the latest occurrence of Bennettitales in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven species of cephalopods are identified from an exposure of the Grayson Formation, Washita Group at the Waco Dam Spillway, McLennan County, north-central Texas. Mariella (Mariella) camachoensis (Böse), (?)Stomohamites sp., Engonoceras serpentinum (Cragin), Puzosia cf. crebrisulcata Kossmat, Mantelliceras cf. cantianum Spath, Mantelliceras saxbii (Sharpe), Sharpeiceras mexicanum (Böse), (?)Paracalycoceras sp., and Neohibolites sp. are reported from the Grayson Formation for the first time. The occurrence of Mantelliceras cf. cantianum, Mantelliceras saxbii, Sharpeiceras mexicanum, and (?)Paracalycoceras sp. indicates an early Cenomanian age for the Grayson exposed at the Waco Spillway locality. Previously, these mantellicerid ammonites have been recorded from the Buda Limestone interval which overlies the Grayson in north-central Texas.  相似文献   

Cenomanian (mid Cretaceous) oysters from the Sergipe Basin in northeastern Brazil are described, with revisions of previously described forms. Nine genera and subgenera, including eleven species, are distinguished: Rastellum diluvianum (Linné, 1767), Amphidonte (Ceratostreon) reticulata (Reuss, 1846), A. (Ceratostreon) flabellata (Goldfuss, 1833), Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis Sharpe, 1850, Ilymatogyra (Afrogyra) africana (Lamarck, 1801), Rhynchostreon (Rhynchostreon)mermeti (Coquand, 1862), R. (Laevigyra) obliquatum (Pulteney, 1813), R. (Laevigyra) sp., Pycnodonte (Phygraea) vesiculosa (J. Sowerby, 1823), Curvostrea rouvillei (Coquand, 1862) and Ambigostrea sp. No undoubted Turonian oysters are known from Sergipe, althoughR. (R.) mermeti possibly straddles the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary. This is in sharp contrast with the situation in the more northerly Brazilian basins, from where several Turonian but no Cenomanian forms have been described. Well-preserved material from Sergipe confirms the close relationship between Exogyra (Costagyra) Vialov andVultogryphaea Vialov. The palaeobiogeographical affinity of the oyster fauna is typically Tethyan with many taxa that are known particularly from the southern Tethys. The inferred palaeoenvironment as implied by the oysters is that of a shallow shelf.  相似文献   

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