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环境监测实验室的环境污染与防治   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
主要分析了环境监测实验室产生的污染特点 ,指出环境监测实验室是一类典型的小型污染源。同时详细阐述了环境监测实验室防治污染、加强实验室环境管理的几种途径  相似文献   

This paper has been presented at a meeting of the National Research Council in February 1995, in Perugia, Italy. This is a preview of that which is to be the final product of the study: a manual for evaluating the environmental impact of pig-breeding farms. The most important issues in the environment-hog production relationship are discussed. After that, some elements for a sustainable swine production are focused. To solve the pig-breeding/environment conflict is not an easy task. The challenge is to find the right compromises, adopting all possible technologies for minimizing the impact on the environment. Since the first problem is the risk of water pollution due to manure, it is important to study the best solutions from the viewpoint of the watershed, taking into account the interactions and synergies occurring in the drainage system, and especially for the communities at the lower part of the basin. Therefore it becomes more and more of an absolute necessity to plan and manage resources using the watershed as a reference.Prof. Paolo Abbozzo is the Scientific Head of the CNR-RAISA Monodisciplinary Group of the Institute of Estimo Rurale e Contabilità at the University of Perugia; Dr. Antonio Boggia is a teaching/research assistant and Dr. Mauro Brunetti is CNR scholarship holder at the same Institute.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the optimal use of productive capacity and optimal investment in environmental quality when the latter has a positive impact on the production process. For the case of a single country, we find conditions under which capital should or should not be fully utilized, and investment in environmental quality should be positive or zero. We then extend the model to the case of two countries playing a non-cooperative dynamic game. The Nash equilibrium turns out to be a dominant-strategy equilibrium. Since this equilibrium is not Pareto efficient, we show how one country may bribe the other country to achieve a better outcome, for example, by refraining from full utilization of capacity. Under certain conditions, the optimal solution requires that a constant fraction of one country's income be used to bribe the other country to scale down its production.  相似文献   

In order to control the quality of rare earth determinations in environmental matrices, the Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme (formerly Community Bureau of Reference, BCR) of the European Commission has started a project, the final aim of which is to certify four types of matrices (tuna muscle, mussel tissue, aquatic plant and estuarine sediment) for their contents of a range of rare earth elements (Sc, Y and the lanthanides: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu). The elements U and Th were added to the study. The first part of this project consisted of an interlaboratory study which aimed to test the feasibility of preparation of environmental reference materials and to detect and remove most of the pitfalls observed in rare earth determinations. This paper presents the preparation of the four matrices for the intercomparison study and for the candidate reference material. The main results are presented of the interlaboratory study that was carried out prior to the certification campaign. This collaborative trial is the first attempt ever carried out at this scale to evaluate the state-of-the-art of rare earth determinations in the environment. Its impact on the improvement of chemical measurements will have positive effects on the comparability of data necessary for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Royal Commission Environmental Control Department (RC-ECD) at Yanbu industrial city in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has established a well-defined monitoring program to control the pollution from industrial effluents. The quality of effluent from each facility is monitored round the clock. Different strategic measures have been taken by the RC-ECD to implement the zero discharge policy of RC. Industries are required to pre-treat the effluent to conform pretreatment standards before discharging to central biological treatment plant. Industries are not allowed to discharge any treated or untreated effluent in open channels. After treatment, reclaimed water must have to comply with direct discharge standards before discharge to the sea. Data of industrial wastewater collected from five major industries and central industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) is summarized in this report. During 5-year period, 3,705 samples were collected and analyzed for 43,436 parameters. There were 1,377 violations from pretreatment standards from all the industries. Overall violation percentage was 3.17%. Maximum violations were recorded from one of the petrochemical plants. The results show no significant pollution due to heavy metals. Almost all heavy metals were within RC pretreatment standards. High COD and TOC indicates that major pollution was due to hydrocarbons. Typical compounds identified by GC-MS were branched alkanes, branched alkenes, aliphatic ketones, substituted thiophenes, substituted phenols, aromatics and aromatic alcohols. Quality of treated water was also in compliance with RC direct discharge standards. In order to achieve the zero discharge goal, further studies and measures are in progress.  相似文献   

阐述了校准曲线的制备和应用,标准加入法,空白值参与回归,工作曲线和标准曲线的一些应注意的问题。  相似文献   

A base line study into the environmental quality of soils in the rural areas of the province of Zeeland, the Netherlands, was performed. The polder-landscape in this area was developed in a complex history of floodings and land-reclamation. Samples from 67 sites, at a density of roughly one per 25 km2, were analyzed for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in addition to a physicochemical characterization by pH(KCl), dry solids, organic matter, and clay content. At about 2/3 of the sites samples were taken at more than one depth. Fluoride and pesticides were determined in partly overlapping selections of 30 samples. Four land use classes were distinguished (arable land, grass land, orchards, uncultivated), and samples were labelled by region within the province. Data evaluation was aided by a recursive statistical approach, whereby statistical tests confirm and strengthen geochemical reasoning. Single- and multivariate statistics were used both as exploratory tools and as a measure of significance and relevance of conditions and processes. In general the environmental quality of the soils is satisfactory. Exceedence of the legal standards for natural background values at more than one site occurs for Cd, Cu, Hg and the pesticides DDT/DDE, dieldrin and HCH, at most by a factor of three. High levels of Hg appear related to arable land use; enhanced levels of Cu are found in orchards. High Cd levels primarily seem to follow a regional or geological pattern; yet, a relation with arable land use and clayey soils cannot be excluded. Pesticides are not detected in grass land, incidence is highest in orchards as well as in uncultivated areas. DDT levels appear to be generally inherited from the past. Variation in soil type as described by the macro physico-chemical characteristics is essential in explaining the variation in concentration level of the potential contaminants. Variations with depth also appear largely related to concurrent variation in soil properties. For As redox conditions and hydrological regime seem of importance, in addition to the geologic history. The influence of atmospheric input is inferred for Pb. The available data do not fully resolve the causes for the regional pattern that remains when the influences of soil type, geology, and land use have been taken into account. In addition to current concentration levels, the base line study offers general insight as to what degree variations in potential contaminants are of natural or anthropogenic origin. A succession of similar studies at suitable time intervals, each with a new selection of sampling sites, may constitute an evolving, flexible monitoring system. When putting up a monitoring system, authorities should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a network composed of fixed sites against this alternative.  相似文献   

根据多年从事声环境监测与评价的经验,与客观实际相结合,对《声环境质量标准》(GB 3096-2008)中有关标准限值、测量方法等方面存在的问题进行研究分析,提出修订建议,以期为今后标准的再修订起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

我国城市声环境质量状况与分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
介绍了我国城市声环境质量状况,并就相关问题进行了分析.我国城市道路交通声环境质量大部分处于好和较好水平;城市区域声环境质量主要处于较好和轻度污染状态;约有1%的人口处在噪声重度污染区域;交通噪声影响强度最大;社会生活噪声影响范围最广;环境噪声污染仍存在污染投诉率高、交通噪声污染严重等问题,改善声环境质量仍是今后一项主要工作.  相似文献   

结合和田地区环境监测站环境监测质量管理现状,就提高环境监测质量管理水平,充分发挥其在环境管理中的基础性作用,初步探讨了环境质量管理的必要性和基本思路。  相似文献   

大连市在加强环境立法执法、老污染治理、新建项目管理的同时,通过进行区域总量控制、调整产业结构和工业布局以及对城市环境的综合整治等多种方法和手段,使城市环境空气质量明显改善.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been, and remains for the time being, a very important tool of environmental management — though not always for the reasons one would expect. Major achievements of EIA have been through indirect benefits that have had little recognition to date, particularly the achievements of its stimulative and educative roles. However, EIA is evolving as a planning tool and will continue to do so, and we argue that, in time, we will be able to go beyond EIA as a separate stand alone process. We indicate the requirements for its eventual absorption into project planning and design, and the concomitant need to fully incorporate environmental issues in land use planning to address those matters that cannot be addressed on a project-by-project basis.  相似文献   

用二级模糊评判模型评价环境质量状况   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用二级模糊评判模型评价区域环境质量状况,弥补了用一级模糊综合评判只可评价各点位环境质量状况的不足,是一种新的环境评价方法,评价结果与实际情况相符,效果良好,方法实用.  相似文献   

In this paper, two cooperative and non-cooperative methodologies are developed for a large-scale water allocation problem in Southern Iran. The water shares of the water users and their net benefits are determined using optimization models having economic objectives with respect to the physical and environmental constraints of the system. The results of the two methodologies are compared based on the total obtained economic benefit, and the role of cooperation in utilizing a shared water resource is demonstrated. In both cases, the water quality in rivers satisfies the standards. Comparing the results of the two mentioned approaches shows the importance of acting cooperatively to achieve maximum revenue in utilizing a surface water resource while the river water quantity and quality issues are addressed.  相似文献   

基于韦伯-费希纳拓广定律的环境空气质量标准   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
基于韦伯--费希纳(Weber-Fischna)定律并加以拓广,指出空气污染物浓度成等比变化时,其对人体和生态环境产生的危害程度成等差变化;应用‘等比赋值,等差分级'的指数标度法,确定出7项空气污染物的日平均浓度的环境空气质量标准,并与国家<环境空气质量标准(GB3095-1996)>进行了比较.结果表明,除NO2、CO和TSP在两种标准中各有一个级别的浓度限值差异稍大外,其余空气污染物的两种标准的相同级别浓度限值十分接近,从而为制订的国家<环境空气质量标准(GB3095-1996)>提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

In spite of rapid progress achieved in the methodological research underlying environmental impact assessment (EIA), the problem of weighting various parameters has not yet been solved. This paper presents a new approach, fuzzy clustering analysis, which is illustrated with an EIA case study on Baoshan-Wusong District in Shanghai, China. Fuzzy clustering analysis may be used whenever a composite classification of environmental quality/impact incorporates multiple parameters. In such cases the technique may be used as a complement or an alternative to comprehensive assessment. In fuzzy clustering analysis, the classification is determined by a fuzzy relation. After a fuzzy similarity matrix has been established and the fuzzy relation stabilized, a dynamic clustering chart can be developed. Given a suitable threshold, the appropriate classification can be accomplished. The methodology is relatively simple and the results can be interpreted to provide valuable information to support decision making and improve management of the environment.  相似文献   

In this study, 28 lakes were selected from the freshwater resources of the network of man-made lakes throughout the Vojvodina Province and the central part of Serbia. Samples were analyzed for the physicochemicals indicators of the water and nutrients. Most of the values of the chemicals indicators and nutrients of the samples from the Vojvodina Province exceeded the Water Act and Regulations on the Monitoring of Water Quality introduced by the Government of the Republic of Serbia (MWQ) and/or the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standards. These samples may not be suitable for human consumption. The sample from Lake Me?uvr?je, where the NH4 + concentration was 0.28 mg/L, and the sample from Ovcar Banja, where the total phosphorus (TP) content was 0.15 mg/L with a high total nitrogen (TN) content of 1.21 mg/L, are particularly noteworthy. These high concentrations exceeded the proposed guidelines for safe drinking water; therefore, water from these lakes should be used with care as harmful health effects may occur. The majority of the Serbian lakes are characterized by phosphorus-limited photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Quality assurance and quality control in monitoring programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are three general characteristics of the data to be collected in a monitoring program that should be met in order to maximize the use and value of the data: the data quality should be known, the data type and quality should be consistent and comparable, and the data should be available and accessible. Potential problems with each of these characteristics are addressed effectively by quality assurance and quality control. One of the most important aspects of quality assurance in a monitoring program is the development of a quality assurance plan, which should identify clearly the quality of the data needed and describe in detail the planned actions to provide confidence that the program will meet its stated objectives.Quality control data, which allow for the quality and suitability of the environmental data to be evaluated and ascertained, should be collected and utilized as an integral part of the QA effort associated with a monitoring program.  相似文献   

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