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Neonicotinoids are the most widely applied class of insecticides in cocoa farming in Ghana. Despite the intensive application of these insecticides, knowledge of their fate in the Ghanaian and sub-Saharan African environment remains low. This study examined the behavior of neonicotinoids in soils from cocoa plantations in Ghana by estimating their sorption and degradation using established kinetic models and isotherms. Studies of sorption were conducted using the batch equilibrium method on imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, acetamiprid and thiacloprid, while degradation of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and their respective deuterated counterparts was studied using models proposed by the European forum for coordination of pesticide fate and their use (FOCUS). Analytes were extracted using the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) procedure and quantified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Average recoveries were high (≥ 85%) for all analytes. The findings from the study suggest that neonicotinoid insecticides may be persistent in the soils studied based on estimated half-lives > 150 days. The study also revealed generally low-sorption coefficients for neonicotinoids in soils, largely influenced by soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

为有效去除水中多种新型烟碱类农药(neonicotinoid insecticides, NNIs),通过水热法合成了氨基化金属有机骨架纳米材料(NH2-MIL-101),结合材料的理化性质表征结果及其对NNIs的吸附性能,探究NH2-MIL-101对水中NNIs的去除机制。结果表明:NH2-MIL-101对6-氯烟酸、啶虫脒、噻虫胺、吡虫啉、噻虫嗪的去除率优于MIL-101,最高可达86%、92%、30%、63%、47%,且20 min内可达到吸附平衡;π-π作用和分子空间位阻的不同导致NH2-MIL-101对不同NNIs的去除存在差异;对于不同NNIs的去除,溶液最佳pH存在差异,综合而言,在pH为3~7时去除效果较好;水中共存阴离子Cl(0~1 000 mg·L−1)与${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - }$(0~100 mg·L−1)对5种NNIs的去除效果影响不大,${\rm{HCO}}_3^ - $(0~100 mg·L−1)对NNIs的去除呈现明显的抑制作用。综合上述结果,NH2-MIL-101对NNIs的吸附符合Langmuir模型和准二级动力学模型,具有良好的吸附效果,且能够重复利用5次,在NNIs的水处理中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

Dinetofuran (DNT), imidacloprid (IMD) and thiamethoxam (THM) are among the neonicotinoid insecticides widely used for managing insect pests of agricultural and veterinary importance. Environmental occurrence of neonicotinoid in post-application scenario poses unknown issues to human health and ecology. A sorption kinetic study provides much needed information on physico-chemical interaction of neonicotinoid with soil material. In this research study, time-dependent sorption behavior of DNT, IMD and THM in vineyard soil was studied. Sorption kinetics studies were conducted over a period of 96 hours with sampling duration varying from 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 60 and 96 hours. All three neonicotinoids exhibited very low sorption potential for the soil investigated. Overall percent sorption for all three neonicotinoids was below 20.04 ± 2.03% with highest percent sorption being observed for IMD followed by DNT and THM. All three neonicotinoids are highly soluble with solubility increasing with IMD < THM < DNT. Although, DNT has the highest solubility among all three neonicotinoids investigated, it exhibited higher percent sorption compared to THM, indicating factors other than solubility influenced the sorption kinetics. Low sorption potential of neonicotinoids indicates greater leaching potential with regard to groundwater and surface water contamination.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of amendment of two fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] on sorption behavior of metsulfuron-methyl in three Indian soil types. Kota fly ash (5%) did not show any effect on herbicide sorption while IP fly ash significantly enhanced the sorption. Further studies on metsulfuron-methyl sorption-desorption behavior in 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% IP fly ash-amended soils suggested that effect of fly ash varied with soil type and better effect was observed in low organic carbon content soils. The sorption-desorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich sorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less than unity were observed. Metsulfuron-methyl sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to the Freundlich sorption constant (K f), K FA values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metsulfuron-methyl leaching studies suggested greater retention of herbicide in the application zone in IP fly ash-amended soils, but effect varied with soil type and no herbicide leaching was observed in 5% fly ash-amended soils. The study suggested that all coal fly ashes are not effective in enhancing the sorption of metsulfuron-methyl in soils. However, one which enhanced herbicide sorption, could play an important role in reducing its leaching losses.  相似文献   

This study reports the influence of sugar cane vinasse on the persistence, sorption and leaching potential of diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), hexazinone (3-cyclohexyl-6-(dimethylamino)-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dione) and tebuthiuron (1-(5-tert-butyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-1,3-dimethylurea) in both a clay and sandy soil from a tropical area of Brazil. The experiments were conducted out under controlled laboratory conditions. The addition of sugarcane vinasse to soil influenced the persistence and sorption of the herbicides in both the studied clay and sandy soils, with a considerable decrease in the diuron DT50 values in clay soil. The Ground Water Ubiquity Score (GUS) Index classifies the herbicides as leachers in both soils and treatments, with the exception of diuron, which is classified as a non-leacher in clay soil-vinasse and as a transient herbicide in sandy soil. These results suggest that special attention should be given to areas such as those where the sandy soil was collected in this study, which is a recharge area of the Guarani Aquifer and is likely to experience groundwater contamination due to the high leaching potential of the applied pesticides.  相似文献   

镍渣的重金属浸出特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析镍渣的矿物相组成和重金属元素含量的基础上,鉴定了镍渣样品的浸出毒性,并考察了pH、液固比和浸出时间等条件对镍渣样中铬、铅、铜和锌等重金属浸出特性的影响。结果表明,镍渣中的重金属总量约为渣样的0.9%,且铬、铜和锌的含量较高,需进行安全管理。实验所用镍渣样品为第Ⅰ类一般工业固体废物。在强酸条件下镍渣中重金属浸出浓度较大,pH3后浸出浓度显著降低;液固比40 L/kg时,镍渣中重金属不断溶出,液固比40 L/kg后,浸出达到饱和,浸出浓度趋于平衡;随着浸出时间的增加,重金属离子的浸出浓度先增加后减少,但由于各重金属性质不同,各重金属达到最大浸出浓度的时间不同。  相似文献   

电解锰渣中锰的浸出条件及特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用水洗-酸解法回收电解锰渣中锰,探讨了清水量、酸量以及温度在不同阶段对锰浸(洗)出条件的影响,分析了回收锰的主要因素及浸出特征。实验结果表明,50 g电解锰渣经m渣∶m水=1∶10的清水水洗后,采用10%的硫酸在70℃的水浴温度下酸解2 h,Mn2+浸出量为1.673 g,回收率达到97.3%,而温度和酸度对锰离子的浸出影响明显,酸度调控可有效分离酸浸锰液中金属成分,为减少电解锰渣环境污染的同时,实现电解锰渣资源化利用。  相似文献   

为实现对废旧磷酸铁锂电池的高效资源化回收,提出了一种双氧水氧化—酸浸—浸出液二次浸出的工艺回收正极材料中的Li。通过浸出液二次浸出,选择性地从LiFePO4/C中浸出Li,既减少了双氧水的用量,又提高了锂离子浸出率。通过扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 、原子吸收光谱仪 (AAS) 、X-粉末衍射仪 (XRD) 等分析表征手段考察了浸出温度、浸出时间、液固比 (L/S) 、pH以及H2O2/Li的摩尔比对Li、Fe、P元素浸出率的影响。结果表明,通过浸出液的二次浸出,Li的浸出率从94.82%上升到99.46%;同时,Fe和P的浸出率分别控制在0.03%和2.3%之内,为后续Fe、P的回收创造了有利条件。所得的Li2SO4浸出滤液,经过进一步的除杂和沉锂后得到Li2CO3白色粉末;Fe、P以橄榄型无水FePO4的形式存在于灰色浸出渣中。本研究结果可为废旧磷酸铁锂电池正极材料中锂的工业化回收提供参考。  相似文献   

Sorption and leaching of the organophosphate (OP) pesticides chlorpyrifos, profenofos, methyl parathion and malathion were investigated with four different types of biomass: coconut husk, rice husk, peat moss and peanut shell. Organic carbon contents of the biomass were in the range of 35.4–45.4%. Sorption studies were carried out by the batch (equilibrium) method at 4 different OP spike concentrations and at pH 3–7. Sorption isotherms conformed to a linear Freundlich equation and the Freundlich constant or sorption coefficient (KD) confirmed that biomass organic carbon content was the principal sorbent factor affecting OP sorption. For a given sorbent, correlation of the extent of sorption with sorbate chemical properties was examined. Column leaching experiments involving different masses of coconut husk and peanut shell pre-spiked with OPs at the level equivalent to actual spraying concentrations in some Thai tangerine orchards were conducted. These experiments included repeated spikings and leaching. A water flow rate of 20 mL min?1 was employed corresponding to the current average watering regime. Retardation and biodegradation with these sorbents were also examined.  相似文献   

Twenty microfungal isolates were collected from diseased fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus sampled from Serbian mushroom farms during 2003–2007. Based on morphological characteristics and pathogenicity tests, the isolates were identified as Cladobotryum dendroides. The isolates of C. dendroides and A. bisporusF56 and U3 were tested for sensitivity to several selected fungicides in vitro. C. dendroides isolates were found to be more sensitive to prochloraz manganese and flusilazole + carbendazim than to the other fungicides tested (EC50 values were 0.09 and 0.11 mg L? 1, respectively) and weakly resistant to thiophanate-methyl (EC50 values ranged between 6.53 and 12.09 mg L? 1). Selectivity indexes of the tested fungicides on both C. dendroidesand A. bisporusindicated that thiophanate-methyl, cyproconazole + carbendazim and flusilazole + carbendazim had much less selective fungitoxicity than benomyl, carbendazim and prochloraz manganese.  相似文献   

Isolates of Cladobotryum dendroides from Serbian mushroom farms and Agaricus bisporus F56 were tested for sensitivity to selected fungicides in vitro. Chlorothalonil was the most toxic fungicide to C. dendroides isolates (EC50 values were below 1.68 mg L? 1). Trifloxystrobin and kresoxim-methyl were not effective in growth inhibition of C. dendroides isolates (EC50 values exceeded 300 mg L? 1). Metalaxyl-M+mancozeb was the most toxic fungicide to strain F56 of A. bisporus, and iprodione the least toxic. The fungicide selectivity indexes for both C. dendroides and A. bisporus indicated that iprodione, chlorothalonil, captan and metalaxyl-M+mancozeb had satisfactory selective fungitoxicity. Iprodione had the best selectivity to both the pathogen and the host, although inferior than prochloraz manganese and carbendazim, fungicides officially recommended for mushroom cultivation in European Union (EU) countries.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine whether active ingredients (AIs) of currently recommended plant protection products (PPPs) could be transferred to beehives from apple and pear trees. A field trial was carried out with apple trees of Ligol and Idared variety, and pear trees of Conference variety. For pest and diseases control of fungal origin, recommended PPPs were applied. Samples of flowers from the above-mentioned varieties of fruit trees, of bees, brood and honey from beehives located in their direct neighborhood were collected regularly and analyzed for the presence of lambda-cyhalothrin (an insecticide) and cyprodinil, captan, fluopyram, kresoxim-methyl, penthiopyrad and trifloxystrobin (fungicides). In samples of flowers of Ligol variety, fluopyram residues (on average 0.621 µg single flower?1) were at the highest levels, whereas in samples of pear flowers of Conference variety, and in flowers of Idared variety, captan residues (on average, respectively, 0.705 and 165.7 µg single flower?1). In samples of bees and honey, residues of five AIs were detected, and in brood six AIs, whereby in each case captan residues prevailed, respectively, up to 585.2, 51.52 and 126.5 µg kg?1 bees and honey. In the honey, significantly larger residues of captan were found out than maximum residue level (MRL) for this AI – 103.04% MRL. In the case of any AI, the daily intake did not exceed 0.002% acceptable daily intake (ADI).  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of the insecticide pyraclofos in buffered solutions at pH 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0, and its sorption on four soils of different physicochemical properties were investigated. The results showed that the degradation of pyraclofos in buffered solutions followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. At 40°C, the rate constants for the hydrolysis of pyraclofos at pH 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0 were 0.0214, 0.1293, and 2.1656 d?1, respectively. Pyraclofos was relatively stable under both acidic and neutral conditions, while it was readily hydrolyzed under basic conditions. The sorption of pyraclofos on four soils was well described by the Freundlich equation. The sorption constant, K f, increased with an increase in soil organic carbon content, suggesting that organic carbon content was an important factor affecting sorption. The K oc values for Xiaoshan clay loam soil, Hangzhou I clay loam soil, Hangzhou II soil, and Fuyang silt loam soil were 30.4, 6.7, 5.3, and 7.1, respectively. These results suggest that the sorption of pyraclofos on the tested soils was relatively weak.  相似文献   

以废旧印刷线路板粉末(WPCBs)为原料,采用矿浆电解法回收WPCBs中金属,研究CuSO4·5H2O浓度、NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度、电流大小、WPCBs加入量和电解时间对矿浆电解过程中金属的浸出和电沉积规律的影响。结果表明:CuSO4·5H2O浓度、WPCBs加入量对WPCBs中金属浸出率影响不大,增加NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度、电流和电解时间有利于WPCBs中金属浸出;增加NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度和电解时间有利于WPCBs中金属沉积,而增加CuSO4·5H2O浓度、WPCBs加入量和电流不利于金属沉积。当CuSO4·5H2O浓度、NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度、电流、WPCBs加入量和电解时间分别为30 g·L-1、60 g·L-1、170 g·L-1、0.5 A、3 g和9 h时,WPCBs中金属的浸出率和沉积率分别为92.28%和67.04%。  相似文献   


In this study, we used two biochars (BC) produced from grapevine pruning residues (BCgv) and red spruce wood (BCrs), two hydrochars (HC) from urban pruning residues (HCup) and the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (HCuw), and two vermicomposts (VC) obtained vermicomposting digestates from buffalo manure (VCbm) and mixed feedstock (VCmf). Adsorption kinetics and isotherms of metribuzin onto these materials were performed. Sorption kinetics followed preferentially a pseudo-second-order model, thus indicating the occurrence of chemical interactions between the sorbate and the adsorbents. Adsorption constants were calculated using the Freundlich and Langmuir models. Metribuzin sorption data on BCgv and both HC fitted preferentially the Freundlich equation, whereas on the other materials data fitted both isotherms well (r?>?0.95). Metribuzin sorption capacity of the materials followed the trend BC?>?HC?>?VC. Sorption constants of metribuzin normalised per organic carbon content (KOC) on BCgv, BCrs, HCup, HCuw, VCbm and VCmf were 561, 383, 251, 214, 102 and 84?L kg?1, respectively. A significant positive correlation (P?=?0.016) was calculated between distribution coefficients (Kd) of all materials and the corresponding organic carbon contents, thus indicating a prominent role of the organic fraction of these materials in the adsorption of metribuzin.  相似文献   

采用再生铝飞灰为研究样品,研究了飞灰重金属浸出毒性水平以及飞灰浸出毒性特征,同时探讨了飞灰的处理处置工艺。结果表明:飞灰中Pb、Cd和Zn浸出浓度超标,超标率为100%,属于具有浸出毒性的危险废物,必须对其进行稳定和固化;再生铝飞灰中锌的浸出浓度所占比例最大,铅的浸出浓度次之,两者之和占总量的98%以上,再生铝飞灰中主要有害重金属为Zn和Pb;并结合当前飞灰的处理处置工艺,提出的可能的控制方法为水泥固化和药剂稳定法,为同类研究提供参考。  相似文献   

生物碳施加到土壤中可能会影响污染物的环境归趋,而吸附作用是其关键控制因素,为此,本研究考察了400、500和600℃下制备的玉米秸秆生物碳(分别记作CS400、CS500和CS600)和土壤性质对乙草胺吸附行为的影响。结果表明,生物碳和土壤对乙草胺的吸附等温线符合Freundlich模型(R2≥0.99)。随着生物碳热解温度的升高(从CS400到CS600),生物碳吸附乙草胺的非线性指数n值减小且logKOC值增大,说明吸附非线性程度和吸附能力增强,这是因为生物碳炭化程度增强(H/C原子比减小),疏水性增强(O/C原子比减小)和比表面积增大而有利于对乙草胺的吸附,吸附机制以表面吸附为主(比如疏水作用、π-π EDA作用和孔填充作用)。然而,土壤吸附乙草胺的n值(0.95)接近1.0,说明该吸附作用几乎是线性吸附,以分配作用机制为主。3种生物碳对乙草胺的吸附能力都高于土壤,特别是CS600对乙草胺的吸附能力(logKOC)比土壤及文献报道的土壤和沉积物高一个数量及以上,说明生物碳可能会有效保留土壤中的乙草胺而降低其迁移性。  相似文献   

污泥土地利用是目前国内外污泥处置的主要方式和鼓励方向,在中国西北黄土地区更有前景和意义.污泥富含有机质和营养元素可弥补黄土的贫瘠缺陷,改善黄土肥力、增加植物产量.污泥施入黄土后,灌溉水对污泥重金属的淋滤迁移和污染风险是值得研究的课题之一.研究旨在了解重金属Cu、Zn、Cd在黄土层中的淋滤迁移特征,为黄土地区污泥的土地利用及重金属污染控制提供实验依据.实验选择污泥中含量或毒性大的Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属作为研究对象,通过室内模拟土柱对表层堆肥污泥中2种源强的重金属进行1年灌溉用水量的淋滤对比实验,测定淋滤前后土柱中和渗出液的Cu、Zn、Cd总量、有机质及pH值,以期分析重金属在黄土中的淋滤、迁移特征.结果表明,淋滤作用可使堆肥污泥Cu、Zn、Cd发生少量迁移并富集于土柱中、上部,大部分或绝大部分重金属仍滞留于耕作层(0~20 cm);淋滤使堆肥污泥Cd与Cu向下迁移约30 cm,Zn向下迁移约20 cm;渗出液呈弱碱性,其中Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属的浓度较入渗水均有增多,但随渗出液从黄土柱中溶出的重金属量极少.实验表明,耕作层重金属源强对Cu、Zn、Cd在土柱剖面中的淋滤、迁移和滞留作用以及溶出量均有不同程度的影响,堆肥污泥土地利用可以明显改善黄土肥力,灌溉对耕作层污泥有机质的淋滤损失量较小.并得出,堆肥污泥在黄土地区的土地利用是可行的.  相似文献   

考察了煤矸石中Al2O3和Fe2O3在不同浓度盐酸中的浸出行为,着重探讨了Al2O3和Fe2O3在高浓度盐酸中的溶出规律。通过与文献中AlCl3和FeCl3在不同浓度盐酸中的溶解度数据对照,发现煤矸石中Al2O3的溶出率受AlCl3溶解度的影响显著,而Fe2O3的溶出则基本不受FeCl3溶解度影响。进一步的研究结果表明,在高浓度盐酸中,煤矸石中Al2O3的溶出率显著降低,高浓度的盐酸不影响Fe2O3的溶出。当煤矸石的煅烧温度为700℃、酸浸温度为33℃时,酸浸固液比为1∶1(g/mL),利用37%的高浓度盐酸酸浸,Fe2O3和Al2O3的溶出率分别为48.7%和7.3%,可实现煤矸石中铁铝的有效分离。  相似文献   

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