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Cloud computing is an IT service paradigm that can, if used meaningfully, enhance traditional health IT approaches and offer major benefits to the healthcare industry. However, its adoption by healthcare organizations has been accompanied by diverse challenges that could impede its meaningful use. Decisions about its adoption should be made after serious consideration of relevant industry-specific factors. Whereas the literature has focused on cloud computing adoption in general, the industrial specificities that influence the decision to adopt cloud computing in the healthcare context have yet to be systematically addressed. We reviewed empirical studies on both information systems and medical informatics to investigate the determinant factors of the cloud computing adoption decision in healthcare organizations and the industrial specificities of those factors. Based on the results of our review, we proposed a conceptual framework of cloud computing adoption studies in healthcare and made seven recommendations for related future research. Our research contributes to the theory by providing a comprehensive list of industry-specific factors that influence cloud computing adoption decisions in healthcare and explains their specificities for the healthcare industry. For practitioners, the identified factors serve as a checklist that informs healthcare organizations’ decision making regarding cloud computing adoption.  相似文献   

Floridi’s ontocentric ethics is compared with Spinoza’s ethical and metaphysical system as found in the Ethics. Floridi’s is a naturalistic ethics where he argues that an action is right or wrong primarily because the action does decrease the ?entropy’ of the infosphere or not. An action that decreases the amount entropy of the infosphere is a good one, and one that increases it is a bad one. For Floridi, ?entropy’ refers to destruction or loss of diversity of the infosphere, or the total reality consisting of informational objects. The similarity with Spinoza is that both philosophers refer to basic reality as a foundation for normative judgments. Hence they are both ethical naturalists. An interpretation of both Floridi and Spinoza is offered that might begin to solve the basic problems for any naturalistic ethics. The problems are how a value theory that is based on metaphysics could maintain normative force and how normative force could be justified when there appear to be widely differing metaphysical systems according to the many cultural traditions. I argue that in Spinoza’s and presumably in Floridi’s system, there is no separation between the normative and the natural from the beginning. Normative terms derive their validity from their role in referring to action that leads to a richer and fuller reality. As for the second problem, Spinoza’s God is such that He cannot be fully described by mere finite intellect. What this translates to the contemporary situation of information ethics is that there are always bound to be many different ways of conceptualizing one and the same reality, and it is the people’s needs, goals and desires that often dictate how the conceptualizing is done. However, when different groups of people interact, these systems become calibrated with one another. This is possible because they already belong to the same reality.  相似文献   

The findings of our experiments showed that social network sites (SNSs) such as Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter, have the ability to acquire knowledge about their users’ movements not only within SNSs but also beyond SNS boundaries, particularly among websites that embedded SNS widgets such as Google’s Plus One button, Facebook’s Like button, and Twitter’s Tweet button. In this paper, we analysed the privacy implication of such a practice from a moral perspective by applying Helen Nissenbaum’s decision heuristic derived from her contextual integrity framework in order to answer the question of whether or not an online user’s privacy is being violated by this practice.  相似文献   

With this work, we propose and validate a new service system in the context of Wayfinding services to improve the SmartCities mechanism: smart mobility, smart people, smart governance and smart living services. Steering and navigation tasks through an environment constitute an essential activity in our daily lives. They have a high degree of practical value in a variety of domains, such as public area design, architectural Wayfinding, geo-positioning and navigation, as well as urban planning and environmental design. At times, people with a visual impairment may also have problems in navigating autonomously and without personal assistance, especially in unknown environments (outdoor and indoor) using a smartphone. There could also be emergency situations in which the receiving of information in real time could be crucial. People with motor disabilities usually need information to avoid environments with obstacles, to arrive at a target or to manage touchscreens in daily activities and different environments. The use of landmarks is therefore vitally important in human navigation. Wayfinding systems must change, given that according to the United Nations (UN) Development Program, people with a disability represent around 10% of the world’s population, which is approximately 650 million people. Additionally, according to the World Health Organization, the world’s population of people 60 years of age and older has doubled since 1980 and is predicted to reach 2 billion by 2050. Most Wayfinding applications in the Smartphone market suffer from at least one of the following problems: the information is not dynamic, the design is not universal or the interface is not adapted to different users and preferences. Accordingly, apps do not currently have a universal design. The GAWA platform provides a universal and accessible solution to manage Wayfinding applications that focuses on people with a disability in outdoor and indoor environments in Smartcities. According to the results, the platform could be used for performing activities in their daily lives.  相似文献   

李伟  华梦莲 《科学学研究》2020,38(4):588-594
自动驾驶汽车的核心问题是当自动驾驶汽车遇到车祸时,应该做出怎么的道德选择,是拯救驾驶员、乘客还是行人?面对这个问题,学者们从自动驾驶汽车本身视角提出了自己的见解,这些见解依据相应的伦理学原则,如功利主义、利己主义和康德义务论,但是都存在着一定的问题。本文从驾驶员本身出发,提出了道德原则自我选择的方法来解决该伦理难题,这个方法包含伦理直觉主义与自我预设道德选择。本文所提出来的方法将思考方式从智能机器的视角拉回到人类本身,提供了一个对该问题的另外一种思考角度。  相似文献   

谭国强  王开珍 《科教文汇》2014,(29):219-221
职业道德,就是同人们的职业活动紧密联系的符合职业特点所要求的道德准则、道德情操与道德品质的总和,它既是对本职人员在职业活动中行为标准和要求,同时又是职业对社会所负的道德责任与义务。文章通过对行政人员职业道德建设的现状及失范原因进行分析,指出了行政人员职业道德的特殊性及行政道德准则和具体规范,阐明了职业道德建设的对策,强调了行政人员职业道德素质建设对实现依法治国具有重要意义。  相似文献   

For cutting down cost and improving the efficiency of enterprises, adoption of innovations in ICT especially in cloud computing applications is the need of the time in the highly competitive global environment. It has been noted that generally, the Indian MSMEs are not utilizing the CC applications for the promotion of their business activities and are not availing their benefits. Hence, in the present investigation, the critical success factors (CSFs) for cloud computing adoption (CCA) in the Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are identified through an exhaustive literature review and expert opinions. The association between the identified factors is established by employing an interpretive structural modeling methodology that is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach. Later, the MICMAC analysis is carried out for identifying the factors having high influential power. The results of the study revealed that a CSF namely ‘previous technological experience’ is the most significant factor having the highest driving power. The findings of this research are intended to guide cloud service providers, enterprise managers, and governmental bodies in formulating the strategies and policies for effective implementation of cloud computing facilities and harness the benefits of the same. This study makes a significant contribution to the knowledge base of CC adoption for future research in the subject field.  相似文献   

We argue that a command and control system can undermine a commander’s moral agency if it causes him/her to process information in a purely syntactic manner, or if it precludes him/her from ascertaining the truth of that information. Our case is based on the resemblance between a commander’s circumstances and the protagonist in Searle’s Chinese Room, together with a careful reading of Aristotle’s notions of ‘compulsory’ and ‘ignorance’. We further substantiate our case by considering the Vincennes Incident, when the crew of a warship mistakenly shot down a civilian airliner. To support a combat commander’s moral agency, designers should strive for systems that help commanders and command teams to think and manipulate information at the level of meaning. ‘Down conversions’ of information from meaning to symbols must be adequately recovered by ‘up conversions’, and commanders must be able to check that their sensors are working and are being used correctly. Meanwhile ethicists should establish a mechanism that tracks the potential moral implications of choices in a system’s design and intended operation. Finally we highlight a gap in normative ethics, in that we have ways to deny moral agency, but not to affirm it.  相似文献   

生态环境的建设与优化关系到国家的生态安全与生态文明的建设.生态文明的实现形式分为萌芽、准备、建设和高级四个阶段,制度化的生态责任和义务是生态文明发展的必要步骤和重要途径.因此,构建生态义务制势在必行,生态义务理应成为宪法规定的公民的基本义务.从实现生态文明社会的视角,文章界定了生态义务制的法制内涵与特性.作为新型的义务形式,生态义务制可以与其他宪法规定的义务制有效联结起来.文章认为,生态义务制的实现关键在于:一是从法律关系明确生态环境的责任客体和责任主体;二是从制度上设计出履行生态义务制度的框架与运行机制.生态义务制度的实行,需要动员包括政府在内的全民责任.政府作为公权力组织,负有生态规划、管理与购买三大政治责任;不同形式的个体与组织,基于法定社会责任或基本伦理道理,也要依法履行与承担各自相应的生态义务.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies in use in government systems can bring about expected benefits only when citizens are willing and able to use such systems. Previous studies from various disciplines provided a fundamental understanding of human behavior with technology adoption that focused mainly on the technical and supply sides of this adoption. We argue that it is necessary to move away from an assumption that users form a homogeneous group under the phenomenon of the digital divide. Having conducted an online experiment, this study empirically examined the effects of personal factors, particularly the perceived information literacy, and the perceived information overload, on the user’s perceptions on the usefulness and trust in a government website. We find that the higher an individual perceives one’s information literacy, the more he or she trusts the website, and this is mediated by one’s perceived information overload (negatively) and perceived usefulness (positively). This research provides a more balanced understanding of the behavior of e-government adoption, supplemented with the details of citizen engagement factors, and specifies meaningful practical implications for successful e-government policies.  相似文献   

mHealth applications (MHA) have recently attracted great attention from various stakeholders as they are indeed important means to enhance users’ subjective well-being. While prior research has mainly focused on intention or adoption phase, little work has empirically examined the post-adoption effects of MHA with scarce attention given to the well-being outcome. Actual users are likely to conceive the values of MHA based mainly on their direct experience with it. In this paper, the dimensions of users’ technology readiness are regarded as major impetuses for perceived utilitarian and hedonic values, which in turn influence subjective well-being among MHA users. The proposed readiness-value model is analyzed using survey data collected from 731 users of MHA. The findings show that the model significantly predicts users’ subjective well-being considering that utilitarian value is more important for male users, whereas hedonic value has a more salient effect for female users. It also reveals that enablers of technology readiness (i.e., innovativeness and optimism) exert a stronger influence than that of inhibitors (i.e., discomfort and insecurity) on the perceived values of MHA. These results have essential implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

本文通过对毛泽东功利思想的构成要素、本质与核心分析,阐述了毛泽东“人民利益为本”功利思想的实质,并在此基础上,分析探讨了毛泽东功利思想在发展社会主义市场经济中对巩固社会主义核心价值体系的主导地位以及在提高党的执政能力、解决社会道德问题与和谐社会建设中的指导作用与价值.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the effects of individual pressure level and time constraint on searchers' behaviors and their assessment of search experience within the framework of interactive information retrieval. A user experiment was conducted in which 40 participants individually searched for information in a laboratory setting under two conditions: with time constraint (TC) and with no time constraint (NTC). Participants filled in a Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire to measure their chronic pressure value (subjective stress), and their pressure value was recorded as their individual characteristic. The results showed that the more chronic pressure the searcher has, the more search efforts they devote, including more time in searching and more time to complete the search tasks, especially when there was no time constraint. Time constraint and searchers’ pressure value had a significant effect on users’ numbers of scrolling actions per minute. The results indicate that when given a time constraint, searchers with higher-pressure values tend to lower their reading or scanning speed, while searchers with lower-pressure values tend to accelerate their reading or scanning speed. The results suggested different people would react to the time condition change in different ways, especially people with higher pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to examine users’ search behaviors in person-in-situation frameworks to analyze the effects of contextual factors on users. This study contributes to our knowledge of how contextual factors and individual characteristics affect searchers’ behaviors and have implications for the design of IIR systems.  相似文献   

党的十九大对于加强社会思想道德建设做出重大部署。作为社会主义核心价值观的生动诠释,雷锋精神以崇高理想、坚定信念、爱岗敬业、精益求精为意蕴,在提升人民道德觉悟与社会文明程度方面发挥着重要作用。立足新时代对雷锋精神的基本内涵进行理论梳理,并从认知、认同、践行三重维度对其传承逻辑予以分析,有助于彰显新时代雷锋精神在深植爱国主义情怀、引领社会文明风尚和指明青年发展方向中的时代价值。  相似文献   

Information systems research provides increasing evidence that women and men differ in their use of information technology. However, research has not sufficiently explained why these differences exist. Using the theory of reasoned action and social role theory, this paper investigates gender differences in people’s decisions about information sharing in the context of social networking sites (SNSs). We developed a comparative model of the information-sharing decision process across genders and theoretically explained why these differences exist. Data was collected from an online survey taken by American SNS users. We found that privacy risks, social ties, and commitment were more important in the formation of attitudes toward information sharing for women than men. Gender significantly moderates the relationship between people’s perceptions of information sharing and their intention to share information. This paper provides an enhanced understanding of gender differences in people’s decisions about sharing information on SNSs. It advances gender differences research into the use of newly emerged information technology and provides researchers insightful views of the role that gender plays in the social media era. Being aware of the research findings, practitioners may better engage their targeted stakeholders on SNSs and collect more useful information for business purposes.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread adoption of the wearable fitness tracker (WFT), the phenomenon of acceptance-discontinuance has limited their value. This phenomenon has called attention to the issue of continued WFT use, with emphasis on how the value of the WFT can be sustained. Using the concept of value co-creation, this research aims to understand the effects of actor-to-actor interactions on continued use of a WFT, with a specific focus on the interactions generated through two WFT services: choice and involvement of dietitians. Considering a WFT’s service system as part of the greater healthcare ecosystem, this paper also considers the moderating role of self-efficacy in health management as an internal factor and healthcare system satisfaction as an external factor. A randomized experimentation using a scenario-based survey was conducted, and the data generated by 423 participants were analyzed. The results emphasize the significant positive effect of dietitian involvement on users’ intentions to continue using their WFT. Dietitian involvement not only improves continued use intention, but also realizes the effect of choice. The positive effect of dietitian involvement is robust, regardless of user satisfaction with the healthcare service system. Self-efficacy in health management also plays a key role in positively moderating the effect of choice on continued use intention. This study expands information system literature by providing theoretical insights into continued use from the perspective of value-co-creation. Our findings also have implications for the development of service systems for fitness wearables.  相似文献   

The impact of cognitive and emotional factors on the customer's decision to adopt a new technology has long been at the core of innovation and marketing literature. Today, the proliferation of personal technologies makes the understanding of the adoption process of such innovations a vital issue. This article, moving from long-established technology adoption theories, integrates affective factors to propose a comprehensive framework to interpret and orient innovation and marketing approaches of companies. To do this, we review a rich literature from the domains of management, information systems, marketing and cognitive psychology, identifying six possible sources of perceived value for personal technologies, hence attitude to adopt them: functional value, monetary value, social value, entertainment value, epistemic value and aesthetic value. After defining and framing them in the extant literature, we discuss how the framework may be adopted in practice to support Companies' strategies in the surprisingly under-explored industry of personal technologies.  相似文献   

Smartphones and mobile applications are omnipresent in our lives. At the core of this article are ‘other-tracking apps’, i.e. mobile applications that make it possible, via location technology, to track others. These apps ensure that we are never unconnected from the network of ubiquitous information and, via that network, from others. In specific, focus lies on apps designed for parents to remotely track the whereabouts of their child(ren). This particular case can be considered as one example of broader reflection on what continuous technical connectivity means in moral terms. Other-tracking apps give new ground to moral queries related to information technologies. Even though there is little doubt that parents might implement these technologies with good intention to extend care and responsibility over a distance, our concern is that they mistake control for care. This article seeks to demonstrate that a critical stance towards other-tracking by parents is required, because these apps raise a number of concerns that should be recognized as they are implemented. A number of moral critiques are expressed and discussed. These apps have the potential to engender a situation of ‘over-proximity’. A framework is hence required that emphasizes maintaining the critical distance to respect the other’s heterogeneity, autonomy, and privacy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a critique will be developed and an alternative proposed to Luciano Floridi’s approach to Information Ethics (IE). IE is a macroethical theory that is to both serve as a foundation for computer ethics and to guide our overall moral attitude towards the world. The central claims of IE are that everything that exists can be described as an information object, and that all information objects, qua information objects, have intrinsic value and are therefore deserving of moral respect. In my critique of IE, I will argue that Floridi has presented no convincing arguments that everything that exists has some minimal amount of intrinsic value. I will argue, however, that his theory could be salvaged in large part if it were modified from a value-based into a respect-based theory, according to which many (but not all) inanimate things in the world deserve moral respect, not because of intrinsic value, but because of their (potential) extrinsic, instrumental or emotional value for persons.  相似文献   

Telehealth can be used to develop innovative healthcare services for promoting medical quality and efficiency. Despite previous research on users’ adoption intention of telehealth, users’ acceptance and resistance have rarely been considered at the same time. This study used a research model based on the dual-factor concepts of “enablers” and “inhibitors” to explain users’ intentions to utilize telehealth. We extended the Technology Acceptance Model and Status Quo Bias with the technology anxiety concept to explain why patients accept or reject the use of telehealth from the perceived enablers and inhibitors of intentions. The experimental results demonstrated users’ ambiguous and indecisive intentions of adopting telehealth. It was also found that availability and perceived usefulness are the main factors that encourage individuals to adopt telehealth services. Technology anxiety and transition costs are the key factors in discouraging people from using telehealth. Technology anxiety could be overcome through the perceived usefulness to promote the adoption of telehealth.  相似文献   

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