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无论是新民主主义革命时期、新中国成立后的集体化时代,还是改革开放以来,“工人是企业的主人”是贯穿不同历史时期的重要产权话语。新民主主义革命时期,革命化的新劳动伦理将工人的生产与中国共产党领导的革命结合起来,强调工人是公营企业的一份子,工人是为了自己和解放劳苦大众而劳动。改革开放前的集体化时代,“工人国家”的体制定位、职工“以厂为家”的生产生活实践以及“工人老大哥”的政治地位强化了以工人主人翁意识为基础的产权认知。改革开放以来,国有企业产权变革主要历经了放权让利、抓大放小、主辅分离、股权多元等多个阶段,与企业所有权置换并行的是企业职工的身份置换,国企职工重申“工人是企业的主人”的产权话语意在依凭身份追溯就业权和福利权。中国改革进程中的产权实践与社会主义市场经济的理论表达相契合,产权话语的嬗变是透视国企改革与社会主义市场经济演变的重要视角。  相似文献   

面对“未富先老”的人口老龄化,尤其是4-2-1家庭的大量出现,养老负担是一个日益沉重的社会问题。即使在经济发达的珠三角地区,家庭养老仍是绝大多数老人的养老方式。子女在父母的养老生活中仍起着举足轻重的作用。目前珠三角地区中、青年人群对自己的养老负担还并不觉得重,但他们的养老观念略有差异。  相似文献   

养老是一个连续、动态、综合的过程,养老机构的存在是社会发展的必然,机构养老是养老保障体系的重要组成部分,继续协调发展机构养老具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

陈欣  黄露 《社会福利》2010,(6):34-35
随着老龄化进程加快,中国面临着严峻的养老问题。家庭养老和机构养老已不能满足客观的需要,新形势要求养老模式必须不断创新。互助式家庭养老就是一种有益的探索,它是以家庭为核心,以亲情和友情为纽带,家庭成员、亲戚或朋友在自愿的基础上,三、五家,七、八家结伴为邻而居,相互扶持帮助,自我管理,协商解决共同事务的养老模式。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查的方式,考察计生父母对养老的看法,主要研究现阶段的养老储备、对未来养老的担心方面、养老意愿以及老年自养观念的倾向。从而进一步研究现阶段城市计生父母对未来养老的意愿,并发现其中所面临的问题和主导的养老趋势,更好地为今后的养老问题做决策。  相似文献   

青岛市市南区认真贯彻民政部关于开展养老服务社会化示范活动的指示精神,从构筑以居家养老为基础、社区养老为依托、机构养老为补充的养老服务体系入手,组织实施"3456"工程(构筑三个网络、搭建四大平台、倡导五种互动、健全六项机制),使5万多名老人参加了各种学习与培训,1 800余名"三无"等困难老人享受到了每天1~2小时的政府购买服务,9000余名独居老人享受了每天送奶(送报)探视服务,建立起了养老服务工作的长效机制,实现了困难和独居老人养老服务的全覆盖.  相似文献   

本文从产权主体的法人地位、责任限度、分解和融合,产权的流动性,产权的组织形式等方面,分析和论述了法人产权与自然人产权的差异,并论及法人所有权与经营权分离的功用与意义。  相似文献   

物质资本产权与人力资本产权的"化合反应"是两种权利融合为一种权利的反应.物质资本产权中的占有权权能、使用权权能和处置权权能,与人力资本产权中的法权使用权权能、法权处置权权能和收益权权能(人力资本所有者谈判能力弱时)参与了"化合反应"."化合反应"的条件产权归属清晰、产权可以分解、产权彼此相容和资本相互关联;"化合反应"的动力物质资本与人力资本保值和增值的需要;"化合反应"经历了四个阶段,生成物为企业所有权.  相似文献   

社区化的居家养老模式探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国人口老龄化的特征越来越明显,传统的家庭养老与社会化的机构养老已经无法满足我国日益增长的养老需求。近些年来,我国的养老形势比较严峻,老年人的养老问题已经成为政府和社会面对的一大难题。在这样的背景下,社区化的居家养老,作为一种将传统的家庭养老和社会化的机构养老二者优点相结合而产生的全新养老模式,既能较好地满足我国日益膨胀的养老需求,又能够有效地解决我国传统的"孝"文化与现实生活中家庭对老年人生活照料的压力日益增大二者之间的冲突,为解决我国的老有所养问题指明一条新的道路。  相似文献   

家庭养老在欠发达地区的农村已经弱化,主要原因是社会变迁、社会流动、社会竞争和家庭结构的变化;社区养老的覆盖面太窄,发挥作用小;社会化养老还存在着接受的问题。该地区农村养老面临严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

The privatization of social services is gaining popularity worldwide, and it is occurring in places as diverse as the United States and central and eastern Europe. It is also a concept that is now being widely adopted in Israel, where it is having a dramatic effect on the structure and function of Israeli social services. This article critically examines the issues involved in privatizing social welfare service in Israel. First, we explore the relationship between Israel's mixed welfare economy and privatization and examine the driving forces behind it. Second, this article investigates the moral and social dimensions of privatizing social in Israel and the implications of injecting the United States model of privatization directly into the Israeli welfare state. Finally, we explore whether privatization will lead to a better and more efficient method of funding and delivering social services in Israel.  相似文献   

产权理论:马克思和科斯的比较(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思用崭新的无产阶级世界观构建了产权理论大厦的主体工程。产权是所有制的法律形态。作为财产形式的法权关系,产权不但是反映经济关系的意志关系,而且是历史的产物和历史的范畴,具有历史的形式。马克思着重研究了资本主义的财产关系,即在揭示经济领域中资本和雇佣劳动之间对立关系的基础上,将价值增值过程表述为法学和产权理论中的所有权关系及其占有过程,涉及所有权、占有权、使用权、支配权、经营权、索取权、继承权等一系列权力的统一与分离,从而论证了资本主义财产关系和产权制度的阶级对抗性质。马克思揭示的从“消极扬弃”到“积极扬弃”的变革方向,把资本主义生产关系及其产权制度将被公有制的经济关系和法权关系所代替这一历史必然性和长期发展趋势清晰地呈现出来。  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, migrant workers in China have exhibited little enthusiasm to participate in the basic pension insurance schemes that have been promoted by the central and local governments in China. Previous research found that socioeconomic and family factors might have influenced migrant workers' decision to participate in the basic pension schemes. This article explores the impact of institutional factors on migrant workers' willingness to participate in the scheme, such as the work place, the nature of the enterprise, workers' labour contract status, workers' knowledge of the scheme, as well as their personal contribution rate.  相似文献   

Social insurance officers, through their work with rehabilitation, have become an important part of the welfare state. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of the dilemmas they experience in their daily work using the critical incident technique. Dilemmas reported concerned 1) cooperation with other agents in the rehabilitation process, 2) internal social insurance routines and 3) direct client management. Consequences of dilemmas were delayed handling, extra work, emotional strain and ethical conflicts. The dilemmas were handled through continued rehabilitation, coordination measures and decision-making. The findings showed the division of medical investigation and benefit decision in two authorities, the lack of education in behavioral sciences among the officers and divergent goals in different authorities. Further studies are needed on the rehabilitation process as well as the daily practice of social insurance officers.  相似文献   

现代企业制度的个人权利基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业从主体性上看,要么是个人,要么是政府.现代企业制度是私人企业社会化的产物,仍然是企业.独立的个人经济权利是企业权利结构的基础,也是企业独立的经济职能得以实现的基础.现代企业制度的核心是法人财产权,法人财产权的基础是出资人个人权利.现代企业效率的主导因素是企业家个人经济权利.没有个人经济权利就没有现代企业制度.我国在国有企业基础上建立现代企业制度,是要在缺乏个人经济权利基础的土壤上走出一条现代企业制度逆向演进的道路,是"前无古人"的.国有企业的主体本来就是政府部门.政府在客观上不可能、在主观上也不能放弃对国有企业的控制.国有企业改革的成功一定在于政府行政制度的现代化和行政能力的提高.  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was launched in 1989 and is ratified in most countries. The UNCRC is considered by child welfare authorities worldwide to be an essential document that aims to improve the rights of children. However, contemporary research indicates that the UNCRC is an obstacle to social work because it emphasizes the legal equality between children and adults. This finding prompts the question of how Western child protection agencies conduct child protection encounters with families with a non-Western ethnic background. The present article aims to examine if specific articles in the UNCRC can serve as a medium for improving social work with ethnic minority families within the child protection sector in Sweden. This article is based on a research project concerning youths with an ethnic minority background in out-of-home care. Relevant articles in the UNCRC are revealed to be potentially helpful to child protection programmes involving ethnic minority families because these articles emphasize considering the perspective of the child and strengthening parenting skills. However, child protection agencies must consider how the UNCRC can be used to teach parents or guardians to understand and acknowledge the perspective of the child without violating the values of the family.  相似文献   

This article argues that the politics of the 'right to difference' and celebration of diversity in social work is a malign tendency that is symptomatic of the malaise of postmodernism and other fashionable trends in human rights discourse. It is suggested that a normative concept of human rights as worked through postmodern preoccupations with difference and diversity is a morally bankrupt perspective. The fixation of the 'right to difference' in social work runs parallel with neoliberalism with its celebration of diversity. The article offers a set of conceptual devices for rethinking social work ethics through the writings of Alain Badiou. His subtractive ontology of truth is presented as an essentialist alternative to the relativist discourses of difference. If social work is to recover a progressive stance, we must reinstall the concepts of sameness and equality. Therefore, social work should be 'indifferent to differences' by transcending the politics of difference.  相似文献   

Pandey S. Rising property ownership among women in Kathmandu, Nepal: an exploration of causes and consequences Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 281–292 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. There is evidence that property ownership empowers women by increasing their self‐confidence, ability to contribute to decisions, control over their reproductive behaviour, ability to borrow and economic independence. Yet, women around the world own negligible assets. It is not surprising that assets ownership among Nepalese women is insignificant. In urban areas of Nepal, however, women's assets holdings have increased dramatically over the last four decades. The article analyses the institutions that resulted in increased asset holdings among women in Kathmandu, Nepal, and shows how strategic action by some men and women has given rise to new norms which favour property ownership among women. The findings are based on a sample of 193 women who legally own property (home or land) in Kathmandu, Nepal.  相似文献   

国有中小企业效率低下的体制原因及其道路分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林民书 《求是学刊》2002,29(1):41-46
国有中小企业在竞争中不断败北 ,其原因是它们无法克服多重代理导致的代理成本高昂。“放开搞活”的改革思路 ,是要克服国有产权制度对中小企业建立灵活经营机制所存在的体制障碍 ,实现消除或者减少中小企业的代理成本。国有中小企业的产权制度必须满足市场对企业经营管理制度所提出的要求。  相似文献   

The findings of the study discussed in this article indicate that the respondents are aware of the power of the economy over social issues in all social affairs in our society. They see the networking role, professional knowledge and leadership skills of the Ombudsman as core competencies in solving problems pertaining to human rights brought about by increasing social inequality. Complex problems regarding human rights demand coordination between national and international governmental and non-governmental organisations because human rights are becoming a central dimension of international affairs today.  相似文献   

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