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为了明确生根剂GGR-6对植物生长与抗旱性的生理作用,以2种优质草坪草-紫羊茅'梦神'(Festuca rubra 'Rubra')、草地早熟禾'优异'(Poa pratensis' Merit')为供试材料,通过控水的处理方法,分别在播种后不同时期,用不同浓度的GGR-6对2种草坪草进行浇灌.结果 表明:随着干旱胁迫...  相似文献   

黄淮海三省两市作物秸秆及其养分资源利用现状分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
摘要:基于历年统计数据和农户调研数据,分析了黄淮海地区作物秸秆及其养分资源的利用情况。结果表明:2007年黄淮海地区秸秆资源数量达到2.1亿t,秸秆N、P2O5、K2O、C养分资源产生量分别在189.8、60.0、298.2、8944.8万t。从秸秆资源利用来看,2006年秸秆还田比例较2000下降6.1%,其中河北省秸秆还田比例上升16.7%,河南和山东两省秸秆还田比例分别下降13.6%、12.6%。从主要作物秸秆还田比例分析,河北省秸秆还田比例中,小麦秸秆、玉米秸秆还田比例历年平均分别达到65.1%、53.0%;河南和山东分别为56.5%、57.1%,44.8%、18.1%。作物秸秆养分还田情况表明:各种秸秆养分中,N、C养分还田比例较低,只有不到50%,大量损失到环境中去; P2O5、K2O养分还田比例较高,平均在60%以上,这与假设的秸秆作燃料和饲料养分的还田率有关,估算中假设大部分畜禽排泄物和秸秆燃料的灰分能够及时还田。因此,加强畜禽粪便和灰分的管理,增加其还田比例,是提高养分循环利用率和减少秸秆养分利用过程中损失的重要途径。  相似文献   

Although a high biomass yield is obtained from established Miscanthus crops, previous studies have shown that fertilizer requirements are relatively low. As little information on the role of the Miscanthus roots in nutrient acquisition is available, a study was conducted to gather data on the Miscanthus root system and root nutrient content. Therefore in 1992, the root distribution pattern of an established Miscanthus crop was measured in field trials using the trench profile and the auger methods. Also, in 1994/1995, seasonal changes in root length density (RLD) and root nutrient content were monitored three times during the vegetation period.

The trench profile method showed that roots were present to the maximum depth measured of 250 cm. The top soil (0–30 cm) contained 28% of root biomass, while nearly half of the total roots were present in soil layers deeper than 90 cm. Using the auger method, we found that RLD values in the topsoil decreased with increasing distance from the centre of the plants. Below 30 cm, RLD decreased markedly, and differences in root length in the soil between plants were less pronounced. The total root dry weight down to 180 cm tended to increase from May 1994 (10.6 t ha−1) to November 1994 (13.9 t ha−1) and then decreased again until March 1995 (11.5 t ha−1). Nutrient concentrations in the roots decreased with increasing depth. The concentrations of N (0.7–1.4%) and K (0.6–1.2%) were clearly higher than those of P (0.06–0.17%). The mean values for N, P and K contents of the roots of all three sampling dates in 1994/1995 were 109.2 kg N ha−1, 10.6 kg P ha−1 and 92.5 kg K ha−1.

Although our results showed that RLD values for Miscanthus in the topsoil are lower than for annual crops, the greater rooting depth and the higher RLD of Miscanthus in the subsoil mean that nutrient uptake from the subsoil is potentially greater. This enables Miscanthus crops to overcome periods of low nutrient (and water) availability especially during periods of rapid above-ground biomass growth.  相似文献   

The effect of regeneration of Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra from embryogenic suspension cells and protoplasts on fertility and growth was evaluated. Embryogenic suspension cultures were either routinely subcultured or cryopreserved and re-established. Phenology, morphology and fertility of regenerated plants were studied for two growing seasons in a replicated field experiment. Most regenerated L. perenne and F. rubra plants showed a delay in inflorescence emergence, a reduced seed yield and differences in morphological traits when compared with seed-grown plants. For L. perenne, performance of plants regenerated from cryopreserved suspension cultures and protoplasts was similar to that of respective plants regenerated from routinely maintained suspension cultures. However, differences in performance were observed for respective regenerants in F. rubra. The phenotypic deviation observed was partly reflected in the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis performed. However, regenerants of both species showing similar, or even superior performance to the seed-grown plants were also found. Embryogenic suspension cells and corresponding protoplasts of L. perenne and F. rubra have the potential for producing fertile, well-performing plants which can be integrated in breeding programs.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the ability of Piriformospora indica to colonize the root of Chenopodium quinoa and to verify whether this endosymbiont can improve the growth, performance and drought resistance of this species. The study delivered, for the first time, evidence for successful colonization of P. indica in quinoa. Hence, pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse, where inoculated and non‐inoculated plants were subjected to ample (40%–50% WHC) and deficit (15%–20%WHC) irrigation treatments. Drought adversely influenced the plant growth, leading to decline the total plant biomass by 74%. This was linked to an impaired photosynthetic activity (caused by lower gs and Ci/Ca ratio; stomatal limitation of photosynthesis) and a higher risk of ROS production (enhanced ETR/Agross ratio). P. indica colonization improved quinoa plant growth, with total biomass increased by 8% (controls) and 76% (drought‐stressed plants), confirming the growth‐promoting activity of P. indica. Fungal colonization seems to diminish drought‐induced growth hindrance, likely, through an improved water balance, reflected by the higher leaf ψw and gs. Additionally, stomatal limitation of photosynthesis was alleviated (indicated by enhanced Ci/Ca ratio and Anet), so that the threat of oxidative stress was minimized (decreased ETR/Agross). These results infer that symbiosis with P. indica could negate some of the detrimental effects of drought on quinoa growth, a highly desired feature, in particular at low water availability.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an important macronutrient required for plant growth and yield formation. Since decades, breeders aim to optimize P efficiency in crops. We studied a set of 47 wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum, Hsp) introgression lines (ILs) in hydroponic culture to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) improving growth and nutrient content under P deficiency. Applying a mixed model analysis, a total of 91 independent QTLs were located among 39 ILs, of which 64 QTLs displayed trait‐improving Hsp effects. For example, an unknown Hsp allele on barley chromosome 4H increased shoot dry weight under P deficiency in three overlapping ILs by 25.9%. Likewise, an Hsp allele on barley chromosome 6H increased root dry weight under P deficiency in two overlapping ILs by 27.6%. In total, 31 QTLs confirmed Hsp effects already identified in previous field and glasshouse experiments with the same ILs. We conclude that wild barley contains numerous trait‐improving QTL alleles, which are active under P deficiency. In future, the underlying genes can be subjected to cloning and, simultaneously, used in elite barley breeding.  相似文献   

以观赏凤梨为试材,研究了高硼胁迫对植株生长、叶绿素含量、可溶性糖和淀粉含量、元素含量的影响。结果表明,与不施硼相比,施硼抑制了观赏凤梨地上部和根系的生长,随硼浓度增加,抑制程度增加;施硼引起植株中下部叶片叶尖发黄焦枯坏死,叶片叶绿素含量降低;施硼引起叶片和根系可溶性糖和淀粉含量下降;施硼提高了根系N、P、Fe、Mn、Zn含量,但降低了叶片这些元素含量,引起叶片和根系Cu含量的下降。表明,观赏凤梨对硼过量的反应非常敏感,栽培基质或灌溉水中含硼不利于观赏凤梨植株生长。  相似文献   

为深入了解植物生长调节剂对烤烟生长发育的影响,以云烟87为试验材料,采用大田试验的方法,研究微生物菌剂、生根粉和表油菜素内酯对烤烟农艺性状、抗氧化酶、多酚氧化酶、根系活力以及烤后烟叶化学成分的影响。结果表明,施用植物生长调节剂对烟株农艺性状、根系活力、过氧化指标相关酶类和烟叶化学成分均有影响。随着烟株的生长,各处理过氧化物酶(POD)活性逐渐升高,多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性呈现降-升-降的趋势。与对照和施用表油菜素内酯相比,施用微生物菌剂灌根和生根粉浸根提高了烤烟的株高、茎围、最大叶长、最大叶宽和有效叶片数;在移栽后45d提高了POD和PPO活性,增强了根系活力,使烤后烟叶化学成分更加协调。综合来看,施用微生物菌剂灌根和生根粉浸根能够改善烤烟的生长发育情况,提高烟叶品质。  相似文献   

The legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, is one of the most devastating pests of pigeonpea. High levels of resistance to pod borer have been reported in the wild relative of pigeonpea, Cajanus scarabaeoides. Trichomes (their type, orientation, density and length) and their exudates on pod wall surface play an important role in the ovipositional behavior and host selection process of insect herbivores. They have been widely exploited as an insect defense mechanism in number of crops. In the present investigation, inheritance of resistance to pod borer and different types of trichomes (A, B, C and D) on the pod wall surface in the parents (C. cajan and C. scarabaeoides) and their F1, F2, BC1 (C. cajan × F1), and F3 generations has been studied. Trichomes of the wild parents (high density of the non-glandular trichomes C and D, and glandular trichome B and low density of glandular trichome A) were dominant over the trichome features of C. cajan. A single dominant gene as indicated by the segregation patterns individually will govern each trait in the F2 and backcross generation. Segregation ratio of 3 (resistant): 1 (susceptible) for resistance to pod borer in the F2 generation under field conditions was corroborated with a ratio of 1:1 in the backcross generation, and the ratio of 1 non-segregating (resistant): 2 segregating (3 resistant: 1 susceptible): 1 non-segregating (susceptible) in F3 generation. Similar results were obtained for pod borer resistance under no-choice conditions. Resistance to pod borer and trichomes associated with it (low density of type A trichome and high density of type C) are governed individually by a dominant allele of a single gene in C. scarabaeoides. Following backcrossing, these traits can be transferred from C. scarabaeoides into the cultivated background.  相似文献   

在重金属污染土壤中添加化学稳定剂,可降低重金属的生物有效性,阻控重金属进入食物链。设计盆栽试验,在铀尾渣污染土壤中添加不同浓度的磷肥(0、30、60、120、240和480 mg kg-1),调查磷对芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea)和甘蓝型油菜(B. napus)的生长及植株积累重金属铀、镉、锌和铅含量的状况,分析添加磷肥前后植株内磷含量和土壤重金属DTPA提取态含量的变化。结果表明,添加磷肥前,铀尾渣污染土壤总氮、总磷、总钾和有机质的含量低,铀、镉、锌和铅的含量高,对两种油菜的生长有抑制作用;添加磷肥后,两种油菜体内磷含量增加,污染土壤中的铀、镉、锌和铅的DTPA提取态含量显著降低,其降幅分别为17.1%~70.5%、24.0%~57.6%、8.9%~32.4%和8.6%~55.8%;大幅度降低两种油菜体内的铀、镉、锌和铅含量,其含量与土壤中这些重金属DTPA提取态含量显著正相关;显著增加两种油菜的干重、株高、根长和叶绿素含量,显著降低其体内的SOD活性和MDA含量。因此在铀尾渣污染土壤中添加磷可有效减少重金属在油菜体内积累,降低重金属沿食物链传递的风险。  相似文献   

外源赤霉素对旱区烤烟叶片生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在豫西旱区,利用田间试验,进行了不同时期喷施不同浓度赤霉素对烤烟叶片生长和品质影响的初步研究。结果表明,打顶当天喷施适当浓度的赤霉素,可增大烤烟上部和全株叶面积,尤以喷施20mg/kg的处理效果最好,烤烟产量构成因素较为优化,明显降低上部烟叶厚度与烟碱和游离烟碱含量,提高上部烟叶可用性;稳定NO2-含量,并使上部和中部烟叶主要化学成分具有较好协调性。  相似文献   

施氮量对四川雪茄烟叶碳氮代谢及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究施氮量对雪茄烟叶生长过程中碳氮代谢及调制后烟叶品质的影响,以德雪1号为试验材料,分析了不同施氮量(120、165和210kg/hm2,分别记为T1、T2和T3处理)对雪茄烟叶生长期间碳氮代谢关键酶活性、质体色素以及调制后化学成分含量、物理特性和感官质量的影响。结果表明,在雪茄烟叶生长过程中,各处理烟叶淀粉酶(AL)、中性转化酶(NI)、硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性以及淀粉含量均呈先升高后降低的趋势,总氮含量呈下降趋势。随着施氮量的增加,不同时期鲜烟叶AL、NI、NR和GS活性均有所升高,淀粉含量降低,总氮含量升高。烟叶成熟时,T3处理叶片叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量较T1处理分别增加了41.71%和21.31%,不利于烟叶成熟落黄。从调制后烟叶化学成分来看,T2处理的烟叶氮碱比较低而钾氯比较高,内在化学成分较协调,拉力和平衡含水率较高,含梗率较低,物理特性较好,香气质、香气量以及燃烧性等指标的分值较高,感官质量较优。因此,四川什邡雪茄烟种植区采用165kg/hm2的施氮量有利于提高烟叶碳氮代谢能力,改善烟叶内在品质,提高烟叶可用性。  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization offers potential to improve the hydroxy fatty acid (HFA) content of lesquerella. Lesquerella fendleri is currently being developed for cultivation as a potential new industrial oilseed crop because of its seed productivity. However, it has lower HFA content compared to L. pallida and L. lindheimeri. The objectives of this research were to improve the HFA oil content of L. fenderi through interspecific hybridization and to characterize hybrids and successive generations for seed oil fatty acid profile, fertility, seed set and other morphological traits. In this work, three species were successfully hybridized, self-pollinated, and backcrossed. Ovule culture was used in some cases to produce progeny where interspecific hybrids did not produce viable embryos. The traits measured were petal length, ovules per silique, seeds per silique, and weight of 1000 seed. Patterns of leaf trichomes were used to distinguish between parents and hybrids. Seed per silique indicated that autofertility occurred in L. pallida but not in the other two species. HFA oil content of L. fendleri seed were 50.5% compared to 80 and 84% for L. pallida and L. lindheimeri, respectively. The HFA oil content of the hybrids ranged from 57 to 70% in A2 and A3 generations, and the range of values depended on the parents used in the crosses. These measurements will help predict the value of different interspecific crosses for breeding. Segregation for various yield related traits should allow selection for favorable improvements in the HFA trait and in seed yield.  相似文献   

In pot experiments under controlled conditions we investigated the effects of water stress on oilseed rape. Yield and yield components were mainly affected by water shortage occurring from flowering to the end of seed set. The greatest reduction (48%) was observed when only 37% of full water requirement was supplied to the plant during this stage. The number of seeds per plant was the main yield component affected. Some compensation occurred when the water supply was restored. The 1000-seed weight was only affected by a water stress from the stage when the pods were swollen until the seeds colored stage. The results demonstrated a marked reduction in oil concentration when water deficit occurred from anthesis to maturity. There was an inverse relationship between oil and protein concentration. The most marked effect observed in this experiment was on the glucosinolate concentration where increases of up to 60% were observed. These results may explain effects on seed quality of field grown oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Wheat grain protein content (GPC) is important for human nutrition and has a strong influence on the quality of pasta and bread. The objective of this study was to analyse the introduction of the Gpc‐B1 allele into two Argentinean bread wheat cultivars. Near‐isogenic lines were developed in ‘ProINTA Oasis’ and ‘ProINTA Granar’ using marker‐assisted selection. Gpc‐B1 lines showed a significant (P = 0.01) increase in GPC and a significant (P = 0.001) decrease in grain weight in comparison with control lines without Gpc‐B1. Differences in yield were not significant (P = 0.49) between lines. Gpc‐B1 lines significantly reduced (P = 0.02) straw nitrogen concentration at maturity and significantly increased (P = 0.02) the nitrogen harvest index. When data were analysed by genotype and environment, differences in some analysed parameters were found, indicating that Gpc‐B1 expression may be affected by different genetic backgrounds and environmental conditions. These results suggest that the introgression of the Gpc‐B1 allele into Argentinean wheat germplasm could be a valuable resource for improving GPC with no detrimental effect on grain yield.  相似文献   

The effects of soil water deficit and interspecific plant interaction were studied on the dry matter (DM) yield of white clover and ryegrass and on the morphogenesis of white clover. Plants were grown either: (1) individually (no interaction); or in a mixture of equal plant numbers with either (2) just shoot interaction, or (3) both shoot+root interaction. Plants were subjected to soil water deficits corresponding to no (0 MPa), moderate (−0.5 MPa) or severe (−1.0 MPa) water deficit. Ryegrass had higher above- and below-ground DM yields than white clover. The above- and below-ground DM yield for ryegrass, and the above-ground DM yield, stolon growth and relative growth rate (RGR), and leaf appearance rate (LAR) for white clover decreased as soil water deficit increased. In shoot+root interaction at no and moderate soil water deficit levels, white clover had the highest proportion of above-ground growth in the leaf form (69%) and had, respectively, 11% and 32% more above-ground DM yield than when grown in just shoot interaction; ryegrass had, respectively, 20% and 25% more above-ground DM yield than ryegrass grown in just shoot interaction. In shoot+root interaction at severe soil water deficit, ryegrass had twice as much above-ground DM yield as white clover (3.50 g per plant versus 1.59 g per plant, respectively) and white clover had 60% less above-ground DM yield than when grown in just shoot interaction. In a soil column of restricted depth (30 cm) at no and moderate soil water deficit levels, remarkable increases in shoot biomass yield were observed for both white clover and ryegrass grown in shoot+root interaction. The increased shoot biomass yield of ryegrass can be attributed to benefits from white clover's N fixing ability, whereas the causes for increased white clover biomass yield need to be studied further. However, at severe soil water deficit, ryegrass had a competitive advantage over white clover when grown in shoot+root interaction. This was due to the larger root system of ryegrass and its ability to control transpirational losses more efficiently, thus prolonging its growth period compared with white clover.  相似文献   

随着廉价高铝铁矿石的不断使用,高炉炉渣内Al2O3含量也随之升高,这势必会影响高炉炉渣的各项冶金性能。为深入研究高铝高炉渣脱硫性能,明确MgO含量对高铝渣脱硫性能的影响,笔者通过改变高铝渣中MgO的含量,分别设定渣中MgO含量为5%、9%、13% MgO,研究不同MgO含量高炉高铝渣的脱硫性能及其脱硫动力学。结果表明:MgO含量不仅对高铝渣的黏度、脱硫能力有不同的影响,还使炉渣的脱硫速率发生了很大的改变。MgO含量越高对应的黏度越低,脱硫能力越大;但脱硫速率却表现出了不同规律,9% MgO的脱硫速率表现为最大;经过综合比较,当碱度固定为1.1、Al2O3含量固定为17%时,MgO含量为9%的炉渣同时具有较好的粘度和脱硫性能。  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat and triticale leads to contamination of the grain with the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) that is harmful to animal and man. A fast, low-cost, and reliable method for quantification of the DON content in the grain is essential for selection. We analysed 113 wheat and 55 triticale genotypes for their symptom development on spikes, Fusarium exoantigen (ExAg) and DON content in the grain after artificial inoculation with a highly aggressive isolate of F. culmorum in three (wheat) and six (triticale) location-by-year combinations. Additionally, in triticale the amount of Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) was assessed. ExAg content was analysed by a newly developed Fusarium-specific plate-trapped antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PTA-ELISA) and DON content by an immunoassay. A moderate disease severity resulted in an ExAg content of 0.87 optical density (OD) units in wheat and 1.02 OD in triticale. DON content ranged from 12.0 to 105.2 mg kg–1 in wheat and from 24.2 to 74.0 mg kg–1 in triticale. Genotypic and genotype-by-environment interaction variances were significant (P < 0.01). Coefficient of phenotypic correlation between DON content analysed by the immunoassay and ExAg content was r = 0.86 for wheat and r = 0.60 for triticale. The highest correlation between DON content and symptom rating was found by FHB rating in wheat (r = 0.77) and by FDK rating in triticale (r = 0.71). In conclusion, selection for reduced FHB symptoms should lead to a correlated selection response in low fungal biomass and low DON content in the grain.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids were produced from reciprocal crosses between Brassica napus (2n = 38, AACC) and B. oleracea var. alboglabra (2n = 18, CC) to introgress the zero-erucic acid alleles from B. napus into B. oleracea. The ovule culture embryo rescue technique was applied for production of F1 plants. The effects of silique age, as measured by days after pollination (DAP), and growth condition (temperature) on the efficiency of this technique was investigated. The greatest numbers of hybrids per pollination were produced under 20°/15°C (day/night) at 16 DAP for B. oleracea (♀) × B. napus crosses, while under 15°/10°C at 14 DAP for B. napus (♀) × B. oleracea crosses. Application of the ovule culture technique also increased the efficiency of BC1 (F1 × B. oleracea) hybrid production by 10-fold over in vivo seed set. The segregation of erucic acid alleles in the self-pollinated backcross generation, i.e. in BC1S1 seeds, revealed that the gametes of the F1 and BC1 plants carrying a greater number of A-genome chromosomes were more viable. This resulted in a significantly greater number of intermediate and a smaller number of high-erucic acid BC1S1 seeds.  相似文献   

Nineteen genotypes of Hordeum vulgare (L.) were screened and characterized as partially resistant or susceptible regarding growth of the bird cherry—oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.). In a separate test, these same genotypes were treated with volatiles from undamaged plants of barley cultivar Alva. As a result of this treatment, aphid host acceptance (AHA) was significantly affected in seven genotypes, and the magnitude of the effect was positively correlated with aphid growth (AG) in the independent resistance screening test. Changes in AHA induced by volatiles from the same genotype as the volatile receiver were also positively correlated with AG. All the 19 genotypes were also tested as inducers with cultivar Kara as the receiver of volatiles. Five genotypes induced significant reductions in AHA of Kara. The results show that aphids are able to detect changes in responding plants induced by volatiles from another plant. Plant volatile interactions may thus be a component of induced resistance to aphids. These interactions could influence the results of experiments used to select for insect-resistant plants in plant breeding programmes, where normally plant genotypes are mixed at testing.  相似文献   

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