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长链烯酮及U37k值在北极海洋古温度的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在北极楚科奇海和白令海表层沉积物中检出长链烯酮化合物,研究结果表明楚科奇海和白令海沉积物中长链烯酮以C37:3甲基酮占优势,C37~C39不饱和烯酮丰度变化顺序为C37>C38>C39.根据∑C37/∑C38比值,所检出的长链烯酮母质生物主要是颗石藻(Emiliania huxleyi).应用U37k和U37k'标准校正关系式估算了表层海水古温度,其中U37k'估算值为4.147~5.706℃(平均为5.092℃).  相似文献   

The speciation of dissolved iodine and the distributions of the iodine species in the deep Chesapeake Bay underwent seasonal variations in response to changes in the prevailing redox condition. In the deep water, the ratios of iodate to iodide and iodate to inorganic iodine decreased progressively from the Winter through the Summer as the deep water became more poorly oxygenated before they rebounded in the Fall when the deep water became re-oxygenated again. The composition of the surface water followed the same trend. However, in this case, the higher biological activities in the Spring and the Summer could also have enhanced the biologically mediated reduction of iodate to iodide by phytoplankton and contributed to the lower ratios found during those seasons. Superimposed on this redox cycle was a cycle of input and removal of dissolved iodine probably as a result of the interactions between the water column and the underlying sediments. Iodine was added to the Bay during the Summer when the deep water was more reducing and removed from the Bay in the Fall when the deep water became re-oxygenated. A third cycle was the inter-conversion between inorganic iodine and ‘dissolved organic iodine’, or ‘‘DOI’’. The conversion of inorganic iodine to ‘DOI’ was more prevalent in the Spring. As a result of these biogeochemical reactions in the Bay, during exchanges between the Bay and the North Atlantic, iodate-rich and ‘DOI’-poor water was imported into the Bay while iodide- and ‘DOI’-rich water was exported to the Atlantic. The export of iodide from these geochemically reactive systems along the land margins contributes to the enrichment of iodide in the surface open oceans.  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations in interstitial water were measured throughout the year in two brackish tidal marshes differing in elevation and vegetation. At all sites, sulfate to chloride ratios were lowest during the fall. In contrast, dissolved ammonia, phosphate, organic nitrogen, and organic phosphorus concentrations did not vary seasonally but differed among sample sites. These nutrients were generally enriched in interstitial water relative to tidal water and those that were most enriched declined in concentration with increasing proximity to creeks. In the low elevation marsh, flow of interstitial water towards creek banks was traced with Rhodamine WT dye. Consequent seepage of interstitial water into the creek of the low marsh was estimated from continuous monitoring of water table heights and from measurements of hydraulic conductivity. The estimated seepage could account for a portion, probably less than half, of the tidal export of dissolved nutrients from the low marsh.  相似文献   

The concentrations of total selenium (Se) and Se (IV) were determined in the surface waters of 30 stations located in the James River and southern Chesapeake Bay. The concentrations of total Se and Se (IV) ranged from 0·28 to 1·91 nM and from 0·07 to 1·36 nM, respectively, between salinities of 31·78 and 0·06‰. The concentration of Se (VI), calculated as the difference between the concentrations of total Se and Se (IV), ranged from 0·08 to 0·67 nM. While total Se seemed to be conservative in this study area at salinities above 0·36‰, Se (IV) might have been removed during estuarine mixing. The removal of Se (IV) occurred primarily at salinities below 4‰ possibly via the oxidation of Se (IV) to Se (VI).  相似文献   

Hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) may be used as tracers of particle dynamics in aquatic systems. Internal cycling of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay to assess the role of resuspension in maintaining particle and contaminant inventories in the water column, and to compare settling and suspended particle characteristics. Direct measurements of sediment resuspension and settling conducted in conjunction with one of the sediment trap deployments indicate reasonable agreement between measurements of particle flux using the two different methods. Organic carbon and PCB concentrations in settling solids collected in near-surface sediment traps were remarkably lower than concentrations in suspended particles collected by filtration during the trap deployments, but higher PAH concentrations were found in the settling particles. The different behaviors of PAHs and PCBs in the settling particles are due to their different source types and association to different types of particles. Sediment trap collections in near bottom waters were dominated by resuspension. Resuspension fluxes of HOCs measured 2 m above the bay bottom were as high as 2.5 μg/m2 day for total PCBs and 15 μg/m2 day for fluoranthene, and were 25 and 10 times higher than their settling fluxes from surface waters, respectively. HOC concentrations in the near bottom traps varied much less between trap deployments than HOC concentrations in the surface traps, indicating that the chemical composition of the resuspended particles collected in the near bottom traps was more time-averaged by repeated resuspension than the surface particles.  相似文献   

C37–C39 alkenones were measured in time-series sediment trap samples collected from August 1998 to June 2000 at two depths in the seasonal sea ice region of the western Sea of Okhotsk, off Sakhalin, in order to investigate alkenone production and water-column processes in the region. Measurable export fluxes of alkenones are ranged from < 0.1 to 5.8 μg/m2/day and clearly showed that the alkenone production was restricted to autumn. In 1998, maximum export flux of alkenones occurred in September when surface water column was well stratified with low nutrients in the surface mixing layer. In the next year, the maximum flux is observed in October. Comparison between alkenone temperature and satellite based sea surface temperature (SST) shows that the estimated alkenone temperatures in August 1998 were found to be  10 °C lower than the temporal satellite SST, suggesting that alkenones are produced in surface to subsurface thermocline layers during the period. Annual mean flux of alkenones is lower in the lower traps than that of the upper traps, suggesting rapid degradation of alkenones in water column, but the UK37′ value is not significantly altered. This study indicates that UK37′ values preserved in the surface sediments off Sakhalin reflect the seasonal temperature signal of near surface water, rather than annual mean surface temperature.  相似文献   

The concept of age of water (AW) is applied to the Chesapeake Bay to investigate the long-term transport properties for dissolved substances. A real-time calibrated hydrodynamic Chesapeake Bay model in 3 Dimensions (CH3D), employing a boundary-fitted curvilinear grid, is used for the study. The long-term transport properties, represented by AW, are investigated under the conditions of low river inflow of 1995 and high river inflow of 1996, as well as for constant mean inflows. The influences of freshwater, density-induced circulation, and wind-induced transport on age distribution have been investigated. Model results show that river inflows, wind stress, and density-induced circulation play important roles in controlling the long-term transport in the Bay. The model results shows that it requires 120–300 days for a marked change in the characteristics of the pollutant source discharged into the Bay from the Susquehanna River to affect significantly the conditions near the mouth under different hydrodynamic conditions. An increase of river discharge results in increases of downstream residual current and gravitational circulation, and thus reduces AW. The density-induced circulation contributes to the transport substantially. The dissolved substances discharged into the Bay are transported out of the Bay more rapidly when the estuary becomes more stratified. Southeasterly and southwesterly winds have strong impacts on the transport compared to the northeasterly and northwesterly winds. The former increases lateral and vertical mixing significantly. Consequently, the gravitational circulation is reduced and the transport time is increased by 50%. The model results provide useful information for understanding the long-term transport processes in the Bay.  相似文献   

生物固氮作用是一个重要的海洋新氮来源,在海洋生物地球化学循环中扮演着不可替代的角色。基于稳定同位素(15N2)示踪吸收法,是目前直接测定海洋生物固氮速率最有效的手段。其中,高效、洁净地将15N2引入海水培养体系,并准确定量培养体系底物的同位素示踪水平,是同位素示踪吸收法准确获取固氮速率的关键。本研究针对15N2同位素示踪剂引入这一关键环节进行了探讨,确认改进气泡法是将15N2引入海水培养体系的首选操作。在对培养体系造成的较小扰动的情况下,可将培养体系氮气底物的15N原子丰度提升至10%以上,相对于另一种导入同位素示踪剂的手段——预溶解海水法,改进气泡法将培养瓶中氮气底物的15N原子丰度提升了近200%。此外,改进气泡法还具有最小化痕量金属沾污、操作简便等优点。将改进气泡法结合与稳定同位素比值质谱测定结合,是准确测定水体生物固氮速率的推荐方法。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton composition differences were used to identify and plot the extent of the Chesapeake Bay plume over the continental shelf. Distinct but different phytoplankton assemblages were noted within the plume for March, June and October 1980. The major constituents in the plume were Skeletonema costatum, a variety of other diatoms and an unidentified ultraplankton component assumed to consist of several cyanophycean and chlorophycean species. The shelf plankton outside of the plume was mainly characterized by the coccolithophores and other phytoplankters that formed different seasonal assemblages than what was within the plume. Patchiness and fluctuations in the shape, size and extent of the plume were noted. A total of 235 species is given, with their presence within the plume and at shelf stations indicated.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of the bed textural and morphologic properties that influence boundary-layer roughness characteristics in the lower Chesapeake Bay, the lower portions of the York, James and Elizabeth Rivers, and the adjacent inner continental shelf were systematically mapped. A high resolution, fully-corrected side-scan sonar mapping system (100 kHz) was used for remote acoustic detection of bottom roughness, supported by ‘ground-truthing’ by direct in situ observations by divers. These complementary methods proved to be especially effective in detecting a wide range of roughness-controlling bed surface properties at various scales. Fine-scale variations in sediment size and associated bottom texture are considered to be the main source of heterogeneity in Nikuradse (skin friction) roughness. A wide variety of small- and intermediate-scale morphologic elements provide meso-scale and small-scale distributed (form drag) roughness. Depending upon location, the distributed roughness may be either biogenic or hydrodynamically induced (by currents and waves), although anthropogenic roughness prevails in certain instances (e.g. port areas). In terms of particular combinations of roughness scales and types, combined sonar and diver observation data allow the beds to be systematically but qualitatively classified into 10 bottom types, each of which is associated with a particular type of subenvironment.  相似文献   

Plasma vitellogenin and related parameters in the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus were measured at selected sites in the Chesapeake Bay. In males, vitellogenin was above the detection limit 14% of the time, and detections did not differ between sites or seasons. Few differences in plasma vitellogenin levels were found between sites during fall in either male or female F. heteroclitus, the time of natural gonadal regression for this species. There was some variation in the ratio of male to female F. heteroclitus, but was not consistent at most sites. Significant negative correlations were found between reported sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and GSI, and PAHs and plasma vitellogenin in females in both Spring 1999 and Spring 2000. Gonadal anomalies in F. heteroclitus included slight reductions in certain tissue types. Overall, reproductive endocrine disruption in the killifish F. heteroclitus at the sites sampled in the Chesapeake Bay appeared somewhat minimal.  相似文献   

-Long-chain alkenones were detected in samples of sea surface sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea areas, the Arctic Pole. The analysis result indicates that C37:3 methylketone is pre dominate in the long-chain alkenones from the Chukchi and Bering Sea sediments. The abundance of C37to C39 unsaturated alkenones changes in an order of C37 >C38 >C39. Based on ∑37/∑38 ratio, the de tected organism precursors of the long-chain alkenones are mainly coccolithophrid (Emiliania huxleyi).By the calibration relationship between U3k7 and U37k indices, the sea surface paleotemperature in these seas is estimated. The estimated values of U37k vary from 4.147℃ to 5. 706℃, with a mean value of 5.092℃.  相似文献   

We tested and refined the Neutral Red staining method for separating live and dead copepods in natural samples. Live copepods were stained red whereas dead copepods remained unstained. The staining results were not affected by method of killing, time of death or staining time. Tow duration had no significant effect on the percent dead copepods collected. The Neutral Red staining method was applied to study the occurrence of dead copepods along the York River and the Hampton River in the lower Chesapeake Bay during June–July, 2005. The zooplankton community was dominated by copepods; on average 29% of the copepod population appeared dead. Recovery of percent dead copepods did not differ between horizontal tows and vertical tows, suggesting that dead copepods were homogenously distributed in the water column. No significant relationship was found between the percent dead copepods and surface water temperature, salinity, Secchi depth or chlorophyll concentration. In laboratory experiments, dead copepods were decomposed by ambient bacteria and the rate of decomposition was temperature-dependent. Combining field and laboratory results we estimated that the non-consumptive mortality (mortality not due to predation) of copepods in the lower Chesapeake Bay was 0.12 d−1 under steady-state condition, which is within the global average of copepod mortality rate.  相似文献   

彭鹏飞  马媛  史荣君  王迪  许欣  颜彬 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):140-149
根据2018年7月、11月和2019年1月、4月对广东考洲洋牡蛎养殖海域进行4个季节调查获得的p H、溶解无机碳(DIC)、水温、盐度、溶解氧(DO)及叶绿素a(Chla)等数据,估算该区域表层海水溶解无机碳体系各分量的浓度、初级生产力(PP)、表层海水CO2分压[p(CO2)]和海-气界面CO2交换通量(FCO2),分析牡蛎养殖活动对养殖区碳循环的影响。结果表明:牡蛎养殖区表层海水中Chl a、DIC、HCO3和PP显著低于非养殖区;养殖淡季表层海水中pH、DO、DIC、HCO3、和CO32–显著大于养殖旺季,养殖旺季的p(CO2)和FCO2显著大于养殖淡季。牡蛎养殖区表层海水夏季、秋季、冬季和春季的海-气界面CO2交换通量FCO2平均值分别是(42.04±9.56)、(276...  相似文献   

陈东猛  刘大勇 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7350-7356
基于自旋-轨道-晶格Hamilton量,应用团簇自洽场方法,研究了双层钙钛矿结构材料K3Cu2F7基态的晶格、磁及轨道结构,发现近孤立的双层的对称破缺和Jahn-Teller晶格畸变使得Cu2+离子在每层内交替占据 z2-x2〉/ z2-y2〉轨道,进而导致双层的层间表现为强的反铁磁耦合,层内为弱的铁磁耦合.强反铁磁耦合导致层间  相似文献   

Biogenic reefs built by oysters and other suspension feeders are vital components of estuarine ecosystems. By consuming phytoplankton, suspension feeders act to suppress accumulation of organic matter in the water column. Nutrient loading increases the rate of primary production, thereby causing eutrophication. As suspension feeders consume more organic matter from increasing abundance of phytoplankton, their rate of growth should also increase if they are food limited. We show here that the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), from St. Mary's and Patuxent rivers, Chesapeake Bay, grew faster during anthropogenic eutrophication relative to C. virginica before eutrophication. Growth of shell height, shell thickness and adductor muscle increased after eutrophication began in the late 18th century. After 1860, growth decreased, perhaps reflecting the negative effects of hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, disease and fishing on oyster growth. These results are consistent with the view that an increasing supply of phytoplankton resulting from eutrophication enhanced growth of C. virginica between 1760 and 1860, before oyster reefs were degraded by destructive fishing practices between 1870 and 1930. Alternative factors, such as changes in water temperature, salinity, and fishing are less likely to be responsible for this pattern. These results have implications for restoration of oyster reefs in order to mitigate the effects of eutrophication in estuaries, as well as the paleoecological relationship between suspension feeders and paleoproductivity.  相似文献   

2010-2011年胶州湾叶绿素a与环境因子的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王玉珏  刘哲  张永  汪岷  刘东艳 《海洋学报》2015,37(4):103-116
2010年4、6、8、10月和2011年1、3月在胶州湾开展了6个航次的综合调查,研究了表层海水温度、盐度、营养盐和叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征。调查期间,总无机氮(DIN)、磷酸盐(PO4)和硅酸盐(SiO3)多呈现东北部湾边缘高,而湾内和湾口低的空间分布特征。季节变化表明,DIN和PO4主要受养殖排放、河流径流输入和浮游植物生长消耗的影响,呈现初夏和秋季高,夏末和冬季低的特点;而SiO3主要受河流径流输入和浮游植物消耗的影响,呈现夏、秋高,而冬、春低的特点。营养盐浓度和结构分析表明,胶州湾存在PO4和SiO3的绝对和相对限制;SiO3限制尤其严重,是控制胶州湾浮游植物生长的主要环境因子。SiO3和PO4的限制主要表现在冬季,几乎遍布整个海湾;夏季降水可有效缓解海域的SiO3限制。叶绿素a浓度呈现春、夏季高,秋、冬季低的季节分布,温度、营养盐浓度与结构和季节性贝类养殖活动是控制胶州湾叶绿素a浓度时空分布的关键因素。  相似文献   

The response of Cádiz Bay to sea-breeze wind stress and tidal boundary forcing—individually and in combination—is studied using a 2D depth-averaged, non-linear, high-resolution hydrodynamic model. Linear superposition of the solution for the K1 and S1 constituents, like the solution obtained with an allowance for both the input functions together, is shown to give rise to a modulation of the K1 tidal dynamics. It is precisely this modulation which is responsible for the observed seasonal variations in the K1 tidal constants in Cádiz Bay.  相似文献   

应用镭-226解读南极普里兹湾表层水的来源与运移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国第22次南极科学考察航次(2005年12月至2006年1月)期间,利用Mn-纤维富集大体积表层海水中的Ra同位素,并通过222Rn直接射气法测量226Ra的比活度,结果表明,普里兹湾表层水的226Ra比活度变化为0.92~2.09 Bq/m3,平均值为1.61 Bq/m3,在深海区域表现出226Ra含量高的特征。从空间分布看,表层水226Ra比活度呈现出由湾内向湾外增加的反常态势,反映出不同Ra含量水团的混合影响2。26Ra比活度与盐度的关系证实研究海域表层水的Ra含量主要受三种端元水体的混合所控制:其一为具有镭含量高、盐度高特征的南极夏季表层水;其二为低镭、低盐特征的冰融水;其三为高盐、中等镭含量的普里兹湾中深层水,该水体的226Ra纯粹由海底沉积物间隙水向上扩散所维持。结合S-226Ra示踪体系及上述三端元混合模型,计算出各组成水体的比例并描绘出它们的空间分布。南极夏季表层水的份额由湾外向湾内逐渐降低,并且在68°E断面向南影响范围较大;冰融水的比例由湾内向湾外降低,并且在湾内东部的高温水体中具有最大贡献;普里兹湾中深层水中受沉积物镭来源影响比较显著的区域出现在湾内西北部,其影响向湾外逐渐降低。冰融水与普里兹湾中深层水份额分别于普里兹湾湾顶东、西部出现高值的分布特征证实埃默里冰架前沿海流东进、西出的运移规律。  相似文献   

袁昌来  刘心宇  杨云  许积文  谷岩 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7396-7403
以BaBiO3为导电相,BaFe0.4Sn0.6O3为高阻相,采用固态反应法制备了不同BaBiO3含量的BaFe0.4Sn0.6O3/BaBiO3负温度系数(NTC)热敏复合陶瓷.为获得在渗流阈值(即BaBiO3含量为12 mol%)前后复合陶瓷的内部导电机理,对复合陶瓷进行了阻抗分析.分  相似文献   

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