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吴建祖  毕玉胜 《管理学报》2013,(9):1268-1274
运用自动文本分析法,以华为公司高管团队的公开讲话以及公司年报为分析文本,通过统计包含技术获取、品牌建设与目标市场定位这3个关键词的句子频数,分析高管团队的注意力配置。结果表明,企业国际化战略是其高管团队注意力选择性配置的结果,当高管团队将更多的注意力配置给技术自主研发、品牌自主建设以及成熟市场导向时,企业更倾向于选择自然扩张国际化战略。  相似文献   

高管股权激励对高技术企业的探索式创新起正向促进作用,而高管薪酬激励与探索式创新之间存在倒“U”型关系;政府干预在高管股权激励和探索式创新之间起负向调节作用,并且政府干预和法制水平能够对高管薪酬激励与探索式创新的曲线关系产生显著的调节效应;进一步根据产权对样本进行分组划分,检验了组间主效应影响系数之间差异的显著性,结果表明,仅在国有高技术企业中,高管股权激励负向阻碍企业的探索式创新,而在非国有高技术企业中起正向促进作用。  相似文献   

宋广蕊  马春爱  肖榕 《管理学报》2022,(8):1195-1203
基于同群效应视角,将企业创新投资行为与高管创新注意力及连锁关系相结合,探究企业间创新投资行为互动关系的形成机理及影响因素;以2015~2019年A股研发活跃型上市公司为样本构建多元回归模型。研究发现:同一行业内,企业间创新投资行为具有同群效应;高管创新注意力在企业创新投资行为同群效应中发挥中介作用;连锁董事和连锁股东可以通过正向调节高管创新注意力中介作用的前、后路径,促进同行企业间创新投资行为的相互影响与带动。  相似文献   

苗文龙 《管理评论》2021,33(12):115-127
本文通过构建包括财富异质性的家庭部门和创新异质性的企业部门的动态随机一般均衡模型分析得出:宽松货币政策冲击房产资本及金融资本的价格和收益率上升,冲击生产资本的收益率降低,资金多流向传统企业用于房产和金融资产投资,对生产性投资和创新投资形成一定的挤出效应.高收入家庭的资产配置需求为宽松货币政策下的房产和金融资产提供了有力的需求支撑.在此过程中,部分应当被市场淘汰的传统企业未能被市场及时清算、创新企业未能得到宽松的资金支持,从而延缓了创新企业的发展速度、延长了经济低迷时间.货币政策从数量型向价格型转型,这一效应仍不会改善.  相似文献   

制度环境、股权性质与高管变更研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内部治理机制往往需要与外部治理环境相匹配,中国的分权化改革引发了不同地区间市场化程度的巨大差异,这对不同地区间的公司治理效果产生重大影响.从新制度经济学理论和公司治理理论的角度出发,借鉴国际制度比较研究模式,以中国经济转轨、制度变迁时期各地区制度建设的不平衡为基础,分析外部制度对公司治理(即业绩与高管变更关系)的影响,并进一步探讨不同股权性质的企业其制度环境对公司治理效果影响的差异.通过统计检验发现,公司业绩与高管变更之间的关系是负相关,制度环境好,高管变更与公司业绩之间的负相关关系更强;与公司为国有股股东相比,第一大股东为非国有股股东的公司中,制度环境越好,业绩与高管变更之间的负相关关系越强. 异,这对不同地区间的公司治理效果产生重大影响.从新制度经济学理论和公司治理理论的角度出发,借鉴国际制度比较研究模式,以中国经济转轨、制度变迁时期各地区制度建设的不平衡为基础,分析外部制度对公司治理(即业绩与高管变更关系)的影响,并进一步探讨不同股权性质的企业其制度环境对公司治理效果影响的差异.通过统计检验发现,公司业绩与高管变更之间的关系是负相关,制度环境好,高管变更与公司业绩之间的负相关关系更强;与公司为国有股股东 比,第一大股东为非国有股股东的公司中,制度环境越好,业绩与高管变更之间的负相关关系越强.  相似文献   

在指出制度创新对我国高新区创新网络培育具有重大意义的基础上,根据高新区创新网络的发育特点规律、国际高新区制度建设的成功经验和我国高新区建设的现状提出了培育我国高新区创新网络的制度创新对策。  相似文献   

创建和全面实行绿色经济是处理经济与环境之间基本矛盾和协调性问题的主要方式,然而,绿色经济的全面实行和发展一定要有足够的资金储备,绿色金融制度不但可以成为绿色经济发展的强有力资金后盾,还可以为绿色金融的健康发展提供法律保障,本文就绿色经济与绿色金融法律制度创新进行全面系统的分析。  相似文献   

针对绿色创新过程中企业对制度压力的异质化响应机理不明的研究缺口,本文通过模糊集质性比较研究方法(fsQCA)进行条件组合,识别了企业绿色创新过程中"制度压力-战略柔性-环境伦理"的四种匹配路径类型:被动求生型、趋利避害型、认同应变型和自发变革型路径.研究发现,在趋利避害型和自发变革型路径中,资源柔性和协调柔性互补型联动匹配可响应甚至替代制度压力.在认同应变型路径中,环境伦理可促使企业认同规范压力,并通过与战略柔性的互补联动匹配响应规范压力.在被动求生型绿色创新路径中,规范压力可替代环境伦理和战略柔性,直接促发企业绿色创新.结论揭示了制度压力、战略柔性和环境伦理三者内部及彼此间的联动匹配关系,对制度理论和动态能力理论具有理论意义,且有助于企业绿色创新和政府政策制定.  相似文献   

In today's complex and rapidly changing business environment, team innovation is increasingly critical to the survival and success of organizations. Although the relevant literature highlights the importance of leadership in team innovation, previous studies have mainly focused on transformational leadership and have yielded inconsistent results. To address this void, this study integrates the goal-setting theory into the input-process-output framework and proposes a moderated mediation model to examine the relationship between inclusive leadership and team innovation. The results of hierarchical regression analysis from two survey-based field studies in China demonstrated that team voice mediated the relationship between inclusive leadership and team innovation and performance pressure moderated the direct relationship between inclusive leadership and team voice as well as the indirect relationship between inclusive leadership and team innovation via team voice such that the relationships were stronger when performance pressure was high.  相似文献   

Prior research has argued that external knowledge sourcing can be supported by effective strategic human resource (HR) practices. However, whether and how the adoption of new organizational mechanisms in group settings influences the relationship between external search strategies and innovation performance represents an unanswered question. Therefore, the present paper aims to explore the relationship between the breadth of external knowledge sourcing (i.e., external search breadth) and product innovation by unveiling the moderating effects of strategic HR practices, as represented by the implementation of heterogeneous work groups and brainstorming sessions. On the basis of data from the Italian Innovation Survey, our results reveal that external search breadth is curvilinearly (inverted U) related to product innovation, and its negative effects occur later in the presence of heterogeneous work groups and brainstorming sessions.  相似文献   

本文通过文献分析构建了以社会资本感知的信任为自变量、商业模式创新行为为因变量、社会资本创新能力为调节变量的理论模型。采用问卷调查的方式开展情境模拟实验,并采集到119份有效的实验数据。运用方差分析处理实验数据,对提出的理论模型进行实证检验。研究结果显示:(1)信任的三个维度(制度信任、认知信任、情感信任)对商业模式创新行为的产生和执行均具有显著正向影响;(2)制度信任对商业模式创新行为产生、执行的影响不受社会资本创新能力的调节,而情感信任对商业模式创新行为产生、执行的影响均受到其调节;(3)认知信任对商业模式创新行为产生的影响受到社会资本创新能力的调节,而认知信任对商业模式创新行为执行的影响不受其调节。在此基础上,本文为政府及相关部门激励社会资本进行商业模式创新提出策略建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, the scientific literature on supply chain management has increasingly debated on environmental sustainability as well as collaboration, presenting these issues as an important source of innovation along the supply chain. By combining literature streams on environmental sustainability, supply chain collaboration and innovation at the supply chain level, this paper aims to analyse whether the adoption of environmental sustainability practices and collaboration along the supply chain implies better innovation performance, in terms of differentiation from the competitors for higher quality, product or process. The paper also investigates whether the internationalisation, in terms of both production and distribution activities, negatively moderates this relationship. The study focuses on the fashion industry, and a survey of major Italian fashion companies was conducted. The main results of the research clearly show the positive impact of these practices on innovation performance. The paper also proves the existence of a moderating effect exerted by internationalisation on the relationship between environmental sustainability and innovation performance.  相似文献   

This paper considers industry-specific contingencies that may account for some of the inter-firm heterogeneity in the deployment of specific corporate governance mechanisms in IPO firms. We examine how differences in demand, competitive, and technological uncertainty in the industry influence the levels of IPO firm monitoring by board outsiders and institutional investors. We test our theory using a sample of U.S. firms that completed an IPO in 24 manufacturing industries. The results indicate that industry uncertainty is, indeed, significantly related to the use of corporate governance mechanisms. In particular, the empirical results indicate that industry effects on IPO firm board monitoring and institutional investor ownership are the strongest and most consistent for demand uncertainty and competitive uncertainty.
Sharon WatsonEmail:

Yasemin Y. Kor   is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at University of South Carolina. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration in 2001 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on the intersections of three topics: development and renewal of firm resources and capabilities, top management teams, and corporate governance. The first stream of her research examines how firms develop and deploy their technology and human assets to generate entrepreneurial rents and competitive advantage. The second research area deals with how entrepreneurial skills, experiences, and interactions of top managers shape firms’ strategic choices (including opportunity recognition and team entrepreneurship). The third stream of her research focuses on human and social capital of board directors, and cooperative interactions and frictions between board outside directors and executives. Dr. Kor’s research has been published in Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, and Journal of Management Studies. She received awards from Academy of Management and she currently serves on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, and International Journal of Strategic Change Management. Professor Kor has taught Strategic Management, Corporate Strategy, and Entrepreneurship courses at undergraduate and MBA levels. Joseph T. Mahoney   earned his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. His doctorate from the Wharton School of Business was in Business Economics. Joe joined the College of Business of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1988, was promoted to Full Professor in 2003, and to Investors in Business Education Professor of Strategy in 2007. Joe’s research interest is organizational economics, which includes: resource-based theory, transaction costs theory, real-options theory, agency theory, property rights theory, stakeholder theory, and the behavioral theory of the firm. He has published 42 articles in journal outlets such as Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Organization, and Strategic Management Journal. His publications have been cited over 2000 times from scholars in 36 countries. In 2005, he published his Sage book intended for first-year doctoral students in the Strategy field: Economic Foundations of Strategy. Currently, Joe is an Associate Editor of International Journal of Strategic Change Management, and of Strategic Management Journal. He also serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Management Studies. Joe has taught courses in the undergraduate, M.S., M.B.A., Executive MBA, and Ph.D. programs. He has won the outstanding teaching award (as voted by the executives) five times in the Executive MBA program. In the year 2000, he won the Graduate Studies Teaching Award for the College of Business. In the year 2005, he received honorable mention for the Campus Award for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Education. He has served on 39 completed doctoral dissertation committees. Sharon Watson   is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of Delaware and earned her Ph.D. in International Business from the University of South Carolina. Her research centers around issues involved in the management of multinational corporations. Some of the topics she has studied include foreign subsidiary strategies, interdependence among MNC subsidiaries, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and the influences of cultural values on human resources practices and outcomes. Her research has been published in outlets such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies and Management International Review. Sharon serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Management and reviews regularly for the Journal of International Business Studies and Academy of Management Journal. She teaches undergraduate and MBA courses in Strategic Management, International Business, Strategic Thinking, and New Venture Creation.  相似文献   

本研究基于技术轨道理论,分析了CQI技术间断对其顺轨创新的作用机制。利用萤火虫算法处理356份有效问卷,其研究结果显示,第一,CQI技术间断对其顺轨创新具有正向作用;第二,组织质量特异性免疫在CQI技术间断与其顺轨创新间发挥部分中介作用;第三,技术感知分别正向调节了CQI技术间断与其顺轨创新、组织质量特异性免疫间的正向关系,组织质量特异性免疫与CQI顺轨创新间的正向关系。本研究拓展了组织质量特异性免疫作用逻辑脉络和链条的两阶段调节作用,为组织提升产品质量水平提供有力的理论支撑,也为组织质量管理实践提供了新思路、新视角。  相似文献   

A. Subramanian  S. Nilakanta 《Omega》1996,24(6):631-647
This research study examines the relationships between innovativeness of firms, their organizational characteristics, and organizational performance. Previous studies that have examined these relationships have yielded conflicting results. A fundamental assumption of this research is that these conflicting results may be due to a narrow definition of the construct of innovativeness. This research demonstrates that by using a multidimensional measure of innovativeness, the reasons for the conflicting findings of past research becomes evident. The results of this study show that substantive relationships do exist between organizational factors, organizational innovativeness, and organizational performance. These relationships, however, are complex, and can only be detected if innovativeness is measured as a multidimensional construct. Each of the organizational factors examined in this study showed significantly different effects on each dimension of two types of organizational innovativeness — technical and administrative innovativeness. Further, the results show that innovativeness does improve organizational performance. However, each dimension of the two types of innovativeness affects different aspects of organizational performance.  相似文献   

Leveraging insights gained through a burgeoning research literature over the past 28 years, this paper presents a significant revision of the model of creativity and innovation in organizations published in Research in Organizational Behavior in 1988. This update focuses primarily on the individual-level psychological processes implicated in creativity that have been illuminated by recent research, and highlights organizational work environment influences on those processes. We revisit basic assumptions underlying the 1988 model, modify certain components and causal connections, and introduce four new constructs into the model: (1) a sense of progress in creative idea development; (2) the meaningfulness of the work to those carrying it out; (3) affect; and (4) synergistic extrinsic motivation. Throughout, we propose ways in which the components underlying individual and team creativity can both influence and be influenced by organizational factors crucial to innovation.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(6):102182
The impact of business model innovation (BMI) on business ecosystems, society, and planet is of growing theoretical and practical importance for strategic management. Increasing sustainability pressures warrant a better understanding of the impact of companies’ BMI through a more comprehensive analysis of innovation and its consequences. We discuss four foci of innovation (BMI, sustainable BMI, ecosystem innovation, and sustainable ecosystem innovation) to broaden the conceptualization of innovation and its economic, societal, and natural environmental impacts. We call for scholarship examining the impact of BMI to advance knowledge through research on value destruction and the dynamics of BMI over time.  相似文献   

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