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利用非肥胖糖尿病型重症联合免疫缺陷型(NOD/SCID)小鼠模型, 比较了新鲜及培养后的CD34+和CD34-细胞在体内植入及重建造血能力。从新鲜脐血及培养后的单个核细胞(MNC)中分离出CD34+和CD34-细胞, 经尾静脉输注入经亚致死剂量照射的NOD/SCID小鼠体内, 6周后处死存活的小鼠, 取其骨髓、脾脏和外周血细胞, 分别进行细胞表型分析、造血集落形成单位和人特异性基因的检测。经检测, 输注CD34+细胞和混合细胞的小鼠, 其体内CD45+细胞及人源各系血细胞的含量相近, 两者均远远高于输注CD34-细胞的小鼠。输注培养后CD34-细胞的小鼠饲养6周后全部死亡,输注培养后CD34+细胞的小鼠存活率约为66.7%, 而输注培养后混合细胞的小鼠全部存活, 且在两组存活的小鼠体内均能检测到CD45+细胞及人源各系血细胞。结果表明: 无论是新鲜还是培养后的CD34+细胞均具有在NOD/SCID小鼠体内植入和重建造血能力, 而CD34-细胞不具有该能力, 但CD34-细胞与CD34+细胞同时输注有助于提高小鼠的存活率, 说明其对CD34+细胞在小鼠体内发挥植入和造血重建能力有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   

赵琪  刘勇  程健  严晓敏  吴超 《现代生物医学进展》2008,8(10):1813-1815,1804
目的:探讨NOD/SCID(nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient)小鼠移植人脐带血(human umbilical cord blood,HUCB)CD34+细胞后免疫重建的特性。建立hu—NOD/SCID人鼠嵌合模型并观察其人源化免疫细胞在小鼠体内的生长分化特性、存活时间及其对HBV感染的清除作用。方法:1.NOD/SCID小鼠于C0603.5Gy照射后24h内尾静脉输注HUCBCD34+细胞;2.以流式细胞技术鉴定小鼠外周血中CD45+,CD3+,CD19+,CD56+等人源化细胞的比例;3.NOD/SCID小鼠于移植后第4wk注射HBV感染者血清并以未移植的NOD/SCID小鼠作为对照,注射同等量的患者血清;4.于感染后1、7、10、15天采血,免疫荧光定量PCR方法分别检测其HBV—DNA含量。结果:1.HUCBCD34+细胞移植后第2wk,在小鼠外周血中检测出的CD3+CD8+T细胞、CD3+CD4+T细胞、CD19+B细胞、CD56+NK细胞的比例分别为18.6%、16.1%、13.1%和27.8%。各细胞比例随小鼠周龄而变化。所有移植小鼠存活时间均达9wk;2.移植后小鼠感染HBV血清后,病毒仅在感染后第一天检出,随后消失;未移植CD34+细胞的小鼠外周血HBV—DNA一直维持在103水平:结论:1.NOD/SCID小鼠经射线照射后移植HUCBCD34+细胞,在不加任何刺激因子的情况下小鼠可以长时间存活并重建免疫;2.hu—NOD/SCID人鼠嵌合模型小鼠免疫成功重建后,对HBV感染有快速的清除作用。  相似文献   

利用非肥胖糖尿病型重症联合免疫缺陷型(NOD/SCID)小鼠模型,比较了新鲜及培养后的CD34 和CD34-细胞在体内植入及重建造血能力.从新鲜脐血及培养后的单个核细胞(MNC)中分离出CD34 和CD34-细胞,经尾静脉输注入经亚致死剂量照射的NOD/SCID小鼠体内,6周后处死存活的小鼠,取其骨髓、脾脏和外周血细胞,分别进行细胞表型分析、造血集落形成单位和人特异性基因的检测.经检测,输注CD34' 细胞和混合细胞的小鼠,其体内CD45 细胞及人源各系血细胞的含量相近,两者均远远高于输注CD34-细胞的小鼠.输注培养后CD34-细胞的小鼠饲养6周后全部死亡,输注培养后CD34 细胞的小鼠存活率约为66.7%,而输注培养后混合细胞的小鼠全部存活,且在两组存活的小鼠体内均能检测到CD45 细胞及人源各系血细胞.结果表明:无论是新鲜还是培养后的CD34 细胞均具有在NOD/SCID小鼠体内植入和重建造血能力,而CD34-细胞不具有该能力,但CD34-细胞与CD34 细胞同时输注有助于提高小鼠的存活率,说明其对CD34 细胞在小鼠体内发挥植入和造血重建能力有一定的辅助作用.  相似文献   

目的 探索急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患者CD34+ CD38-细胞移植到NOD/SCID小鼠体内建立白血病的可行性、自我更新与增殖潜能.方法 分选并鉴定ALL患者骨髓CD34+ CD38-细胞及对照CD34- CD38+细胞后,经尾静脉分别注射104个细胞于亚致死剂量射线照射的NOD/SCID小鼠体内,连续监测小鼠状态以及外周血血象改变,对濒死或死亡小鼠进行骨髓检查、肝脾病理学检查.结果 接种从ALL患者分选的CD34+ CD38-细胞到NOD/SCID小鼠体内后4周,小鼠外周血白细胞上升,到8周左右达高峰,约15×109~20× 109/L,原始及幼稚淋巴细胞明显增多.骨髓象显示以原始及幼稚淋巴细胞增生为主,约为40%,且肝脾组织也有白细胞浸润,明显高于接种了对照组CD34- CD38+细胞的NOD/SCID小鼠.结论 ALL患者CD34+CD38-细胞可以成功移植NOD/SCID 小鼠,在小鼠体内增殖形成白血病,说明该群细胞具有自我更新和增殖的潜能,可作为探索白血病起始细胞研究的重要载体.  相似文献   

人免疫重建SCID小鼠的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
42只不渗漏SCID小鼠分别腹腔注射经冷冻、复苏的胎肝或胎肝加胎胸腺细胞,每鼠2×107活细胞,建立人胎肝细胞SCID小鼠模型Ⅰ和Ⅱ,研究人免疫系统。用人肝癌细胞(HHCC)免疫,SCID鼠出现初始免疫答应,血清人IgG平均滴度分别达到513.0±84.2ng/ml和719.7±201.6ng/ml,IgG峰值分别出现在免疫重建后10~12和10~14周,特异性抗HHCC抗体滴度分别达到1∶70.4±35.05和1∶294.4±168.52,免疫重建后7~8周龄,ABC法免疫组化染色,免疫鼠模型肝、脾中可检出标记人的CD3+、CD20+T和B淋巴细胞克隆和细胞岛。流式细胞仪检测了抗原免疫组和模型组外周血、脾脏、肝脏的人CD3+、CD4+、CD8+、CD19+、CD20+标记的淋巴细胞数,其中标记CD20+淋巴细胞平均值外周血3.12±3.03%、脾脏1.4±0.20%、肝脏2.32±1.49%。而无抗原免疫的模型组在肝脏仅有微量或检测不到人标记淋巴细胞。  相似文献   

利用EB病毒转化可产生较高水平人IgG和特异性抗2型登革病毒人抗体的Hu-TLC-SCID小鼠脾细胞,通过免疫组化、免疫荧光和PCR法检测转化细胞的人B细胞表面标志、EB病毒抗原和EB病毒基因。结果表明,被转化的Hu-TLC-SCID小鼠脾细胞能继续产生抗2型登革病毒的特异性人抗体,并具有人B细胞的、SmIgG标志及EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白-1(LMP-1)基因,可表达LMP-1和EB病毒核抗原(EBNA)。  相似文献   

利用EB病毒转化可产生较高水平人IgG和特异性抗2型登革病毒人抗体的Hu-TLC-SCID小鼠脾细胞,通过免疫组化、免疫荧光和PCR法检测转化细胞的人B细胞表面标志、EB病毒抗原和EB病毒基因。结果表明,被团体的Hu-TLC-SCID小鼠脾细胞能继续产生抗2型登革病毒的特异性人抗体,并具有人B细胞的CD20^+、SmIgG标志及EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白-1(LMP-1)基因,可表达LMP-1和EB病毒核  相似文献   

目的建立人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞SCID(Severe combined immunodeficiency,SCID)小鼠转移动物模型。方法采用人乳腺癌细胞株MCF-7细胞悬液,分别接种于5只经放射线处理的SCID小鼠腋背部皮下。记录肿瘤生长情况,处死荷瘤鼠并做病理切片,观察各脏器转移情况。结果接种SCID小鼠后6~10d成瘤,成瘤率为5/5只,潜伏期平均(7.4±1.3)d。接种后5只鼠分别于第60~68天拉颈处死,检测荷瘤,平均直径为(26.6±2.2)mm,平均重量为5.28g。病理学检查,转移脏器有3个部位,出现肺转移的为4/5只、骨转移的为3/5只和淋巴结转移的为1/5只。结论建立了人乳腺癌SCID小鼠转移动物模型,该模型可为肿瘤转移研究提供重要的实验工具。  相似文献   

目的建立人卵巢癌SCID小鼠移植瘤模型和相应体外细胞系.方法将病理证实的人卵巢浆液性乳头状腺癌手术切除标本移植于SCID小鼠皮下,成瘤后行鼠间传代,取移植瘤细胞体外分离培养、传代和建系,并应用细胞、分子生物学手段对移植瘤和建系细胞进行一系列生物学特性检测.结果历时14个月传至5代,皮下移植瘤存活率为90%,持续6个月,体外建系(OVA-319)细胞生长稳定.镜下观察组织形态学和超微结构符合原肿瘤组织基本特征;染色体分布在12~46条之间,多为异倍体,显示人类肿瘤异常染色体;流式细胞术和RT-PCR技术分析原代、体内移植瘤和OVA-319细胞结果一致,表现为瘤细胞生长活跃、细胞周期分布相仿,MAGE-2基因在mRNA水平异常表达.结论人卵巢癌SCID小鼠移植瘤模型和OVA-319细胞系为人类肿瘤的研究提供了良好的实验材料.  相似文献   

动物白血病模型包括自发性白血病、由物理、化学及生物致癌因子诱发的白血病以及在纯系动物中传代的细胞移植性白血病.它们在研究人类白血病和其它恶性肿瘤的病因学、发病学、实验治疗和新抗癌药物的筛选中都发挥了重要作用.早在1908年,有学者用鸡白血病组织的  相似文献   

The effects of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) expanded in the two step coculture with human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on the hematopoietic reconstruction of irradiated NOD/SCID mice were studied. Mononuclear cells (MNCs) were isolated from human umbilical cord blood (UCB) and cultured in the non-coculture scheme of rhSCF + rhG-CSF + rhMDGF combination and the coculture scheme of rhSCF + rhG-CSF + rhMDGF + hMSCs. Sublethally-irradiated NOD/SCID mice were transplanted with ex vivo expanded HSPCs with the dose of 8.5 × 106 cells per mouse. After transplantation, the dynamics of WBC in the transplanted mice was measured periodically, and the Alu sequence fragment special for human in the transplanted mice was inspected by PCR. Results showed that the coculture scheme increased proliferation of UCB-derived HSPCs. After transplantation with expanded HSPCs, the population of WBC in the transplanted mice increased in 12 d and reached the first peak in 25 d, then showed the second increasing of WBC in 45∼55 d. Expanded cells from the coculture scheme appeared to be favorable for the second increasing of WBC in the transplanted mice. After 85 d, the Alu sequence fragment was detected in the probability of 87.5% (7/8) for the non-coculture scheme and 88.9% (8/9) for the coculture scheme. __________ Translated from Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2005, 32 (4) [译自: 浙江大学学报 (理学版), 2005, 32 (4)]  相似文献   

The effects of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells(HSPCs)expanded in the two step coculture with human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(hMSCs)on the hematopoietic reconstruction of irradiated NOD/SCID mice were studied.Mononuclear cells(MNCs)were isolated from human umbilical cord blood(UCB)and cultured in the non-coculture scheme of rhSCF+rhG-CSF +rhMDGF combination and the coculture scheme of rhSCF+rhG-CSF+rhMDGF+hMSCS.Sublethally-irradiated NOD/SCID mice were transplanted with ex vivo expanded HSPCS with the dose of 8.5×106 cells per mouse.After transplantation.the dynamics of WBC in the transplanted mice was measured periodically,and the Alu sequence fragment special for human in the transplanted mice was inspected by PCR.Results showed that the coculture scheme increased proliferation of UCB-derived HSPCs.After transplantation with expanded HSPCS,the population of WBC in the transplanted mice increased in 12 d and reached the first peak in 25 d,then showed the second increasing of WBC in 45~55 d.Expanded cells from the coculture scheme appeared to be favorable for the second increasing of WBC in the transplanted mice.After 85 d,the Alu sequence fragment was detected in the probability of 87.5%(7/8)for the non-coculture scheme and 88.9%(8/9)for the coculture scheme.  相似文献   

In vivo studies concerning the function of human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are limited by relatively low levels of engraftment and the failure of the engrafted HSC preparations to differentiate into functional immune cells after systemic application. In the present paper we describe the effect of intrahepatically transplanted CD34+ cells from cord blood into the liver of newborn or adult NOD/SCID mice on organ engraftment and differentiation.Analyzing the short and long term time dependency of human cell recruitment into mouse organs after cell transplantation in the liver of newborn and adult NOD/SCID mice by RT-PCR and FACS analysis, a significantly high engraftment was found after transplantation into liver of newborn NOD/SCID mice compared to adult mice, with the highest level of 35% human cells in bone marrow and 4.9% human cells in spleen at day 70. These human cells showed CD19 B-cell, CD34 and CD38 hematopoietic and CD33 myeloid cell differentiation, but lacked any T-cell differentiation. HSC transplantation into liver of adult NOD/SCID mice resulted in minor recruitment of human cells from mouse liver to other mouse organs. The results indicate the usefulness of the intrahepatic application route into the liver of newborn NOD/SCID mice for the investigation of hematopoietic differentiation potential of CD34+ cord blood stem cell preparations.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate gene transfer to human umbilical cord blood (CB) CD34+/CD38low and NOD/SCID repopulating cells using oncoretroviral vectors and to compare the transduction efficiency using three different viral envelopes.


CB cells were transduced on Retronectin using an MSCV‐based vector with the gene for GFP (MGIN), which was packaged into three different cell lines giving different envelopes: PG13‐MGIN (GALV), 293GPG‐MGIN (VSV‐G) or AM12‐MGIN (amphotropic).


Sorted CD34+/CD38low cells were efficiently transduced after 3 days of cytokine stimulation and the percentage of GFP‐positive cells was 61.8±6.6% (PG13‐MGIN), 26.9±3.5% (293GPG‐MGIN), and 39.3±4.8% (AM12‐MGIN). For transplantation experiments, CD34+ cells were pre‐stimulated for 2 days before transduction on Retronectin preloaded with vector and with the addition of 1/10th volume of viral supernatant on day 3. On day 4, the expanded equivalent of 2.5×105 cells was injected into irradiated NOD/SCID mice. All three pseudotypes transduced NOD/SCID repopulating cells (SRCs) equally well in the presence of serum, but engraftment was reduced when compared with freshly thawed cells. Simultaneous transduction with all three vector pseudotypes increased the gene transfer efficiency to SRCs but engraftment was significantly impaired. There were difficulties in producing amphotropic vectors at high titers in serum‐free medium and transduction of CD34+ cells using VSV‐G‐pseudotyped vectors under serum‐free conditions was very inefficient. In contrast, transduction with PG13‐MGIN under serum‐free conditions resulted in the maintenance of SRCs during transduction, high levels of engraftment (29.3±6.6%), and efficient gene transfer to SRCs (46.2±4.8%).


The best conditions for transduction and engraftment of CB SRCs were obtained with GALV‐pseudotyped vectors using serum‐free conditions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Stem cell homing, engraftment and organ regeneration are controlled by cytokines, chemokines and cell-cell interactions. In this paper, cytokine effects on homing- and engraftment-related characteristics of CD34(+) cord blood cells were examined. Untreated CD34(+) cells were mainly in the G(0)/G(1) cell cycle phase, expressed adhesion receptors on a low level, were positive for vimentin, and negative for the epithelial marker cytokeratin 8/18. Treatment with stem cell factor (SCF) stimulated cell proliferation, increased the number of cells in S and G(2)/M cell cycle phase as well as the expression of adhesion receptors. The expression of cytokeratin 8/18 was increased and that of vimentin remained unchanged. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) did not stimulate cell proliferation and expression of adhesion receptors, but increased expression of cytokeratin 8/18. In NOD/SCID mice, kinetics of stem cell distribution revealed a fast elimination of human cells from blood. An increase in the number of engrafted cells was observed in different mouse organs in a time-dependent manner, preferentially in bone marrow, spleen and liver. Pretreatment with SCF resulted in reduction of long-term engraftment in bone marrow. HGF pretreatment of cord blood cells showed no significant effects on long-term engraftment capacity in mouse organs compared to untreated cells. Our data provide in vivo evidence that pretreatment of CD34(+) cells with SCF reduces long-term cell engraftment in NOD/SCID mice.  相似文献   

目的:通过建立一理想的动物模型来模拟T细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病的发病状态,为探索急性淋巴细胞白血病全新的治疗方法提供平台。方法:采用抗鼠-CD122抗体注射NOD/SCID小鼠进行预处理,通过尾静脉注射9例不同病例的白血病细胞,以及1株T-ALL细胞系。通过检测小鼠体内白血病细胞及脏器白血病细胞浸润情况,观察白血病细胞植入。将白血病细胞进行二次移植,观察移植稳定性。对白血病动物模型进行药物处理,观察小鼠生存期,模拟人体治疗反应。结果:有4例病例的细胞及T-ALL细胞株成功植入。流式细胞检测显示受体小鼠体内较多比例人CD45+细胞表达,免疫组化显示CD45+细胞浸润小鼠不同脏器,系列移植也获得成功。体内药物处理显示地塞米松能延长小鼠的生存期,与临床观察相一致。结论:成功建立经抗鼠CD122单抗预处理的人T细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病NOD/SCID小鼠模型,具有原发疾病的所有主要特征。  相似文献   

SCID-hu小鼠:HIV研究的小型动物模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来缺乏病毒体内感染的小动物模型是制约HIV-1研究取得突破性进展的一大障碍。研究者将胎儿的胸腺和胎肝组织移植到重症联合免疫缺陷(SCID)小鼠体内,构建了SCID-hu(Thy/Liv)人鼠嵌合模型。该模型具备正常功能性的人造血器官“Thy/Liv”,较真实地模拟了HIV-1感染人胸腺后的状况,是研究HIV-1体内感染较成功且很有潜力的嵌合鼠模型。SCID-hu(Thy/Liv)模型的构建使得在小型动物体内研究HIV的某些致病机制、临床前评价各种先导药物的体内抗HIV活性、评价新的治疗方案及寻求合适的基因治疗等成为可能,为在体内研究人造血系统和免疫系统的病理生理机能及人干细胞基因治疗提供了有力的工具,有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

线粒体转移技术的发展和成熟使得我们业已成功的建立了转线粒体小鼠动物模型。目前常用的方法主要有:一是直接应用显微注射技术将活的线粒体转入小鼠胚胎;二是通过脱核胞质体与胚胎干细胞融合,再将胚胎干细胞显微注入小鼠囊胚,从而形成嵌和鼠;三是将脱核胞质体与小鼠胚胎直接融合而产生的转线粒体小鼠。随着越来越多线粒体相关疾病的发现,各种不同线粒体疾病的转线粒体小鼠的开发具有十分重要的应用价值和广阔的研究前景。  相似文献   

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