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The PA700-like proteasome activator complex was highly purified from porcine erythrocytes, and its properties were compared with those of the regulatory complex disassembled from the purified 26S proteasome. The molecular mass of the PA700-like complex, which comprises 25-110-kDa subunits, was estimated to be 800 kDa by Superose 6 gel filtration. This complex showed neither ATPase activity nor peptidase activity toward Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-MCA. Nevertheless, it was possible to make a high molecular mass complex from the purified PA700-like complex by incubating with the 20S proteasome in the presence of ATP. In contrast, the regulatory complex dissociated from the 26S proteasome did not reconstitute a larger complex under the same conditions. The subunit composition of the PA700-like complex was similar but not identical to that of the regulator complex dissociated from the 26S proteasome: the former complex had a 25-kDa subunit which is absent in the latter, whereas the latter had two or three 43-kDa subunits lacking in the former. These results indicate that the purified PA700-like proteasome activator complex is structurally and functionally distinct from the regulatory complex dissociated from the 26S proteasome, implying the involvement of modulating factors in the 26S proteasome assembly.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome can be assembled from the multicatalytic protease (or 20 S proteasome) and a large multisubunit regulatory complex in an ATP-dependent reaction. The 26 S proteasome and its regulatory complex were purified from rabbit reticulocytes for characterization of their nucleotidase properties. Both particles hydrolyze ATP, CTP, GTP, and UTP to the corresponding nucleoside diphosphate and inorganic phosphate. The Km values for hydrolysis of specific nucleotides by the 26 S proteasome are 15 microM for ATP and CTP, 50 microM for GTP, and 100 microM for UTP; Km values for nucleotide hydrolysis by the regulatory complex are 2-4-fold higher for each nucleotide. Several ATPase inhibitors (erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)]adenine, oligomycin, ouabain, and thapsigargin) had no effect on ATP hydrolysis by either complex whereas known inhibitors of proteolysis by the 26 S enzyme (hemin, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and vanadate) significantly reduced ATP hydrolysis by both particles. Hydrolysis of all nucleotides was inhibited by 5 mM NEM but only GTP and UTP hydrolysis was significantly reduced at 50 microM NEM. The 15 microM Km for ATP hydrolysis by the 26 S proteasome is virtually identical to the observed Km of 12 microM ATP for Ub-conjugate degradation. Although nucleotide hydrolysis is required for protein degradation by the 26 S proteasome, nucleotide hydrolysis and peptide bond cleavage are not strictly coupled. Substrate specificity constants (kcat/Km) are similar for hydrolysis of each nucleotide, yet GTP and UTP barely supported Ub-conjugate degradation. Further evidence that nucleotide hydrolysis is not coupled to peptide bond cleavage was obtained using N-acetyl-leucyl-leucyl-norleucinal (LLnL). This compound inhibited peptide hydrolysis by the multicatalytic protease and Ub-conjugate degradation by the 26 S proteasome, but it had little effect on ATP or UTP hydrolysis by the 26 S enzyme.  相似文献   

The inactivation of the prototype NF-kappaB inhibitor, IkappaBalpha, occurs through a series of ordered processes including phosphorylation, ubiquitin conjugation, and proteasome-mediated degradation. We identify valosin-containing protein (VCP), an AAA (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) family member, that co-precipitates with IkappaBalpha immune complexes. The ubiquitinated IkappaBalpha conjugates readily associate with VCP both in vivo and in vitro, and this complex appears dissociated from NF-kappaB. In ultracentrifugation analysis, physically associated VCP and ubiquitinated IkappaBalpha complexes sediment in the 19 S fractions, while the unmodified IkappaBalpha sediments in the 4.5 S fractions deficient in VCP. Phosphorylation and ubiquitination of IkappaBalpha are critical for VCP binding, which in turn is necessary but not sufficient for IkappaBalpha degradation; while the N-terminal domain of IkappaBalpha is required in all three reactions, both N- and C-terminal domains are required in degradation. Further, VCP co-purifies with the 26 S proteasome on two-dimensional gels and co-immunoprecipitates with subunits of the 26 S proteasome. Our results suggest that VCP may provide a physical and functional link between IkappaBalpha and the 26 S proteasome and play an important role in the proteasome-mediated degradation of IkappaBalpha.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is a large multisubunit complex involved in degrading both cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins. We have investigated the localization of this complex in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows a striking localization pattern whereby the proteasome is found predominantly at the nuclear periphery, both in interphase and throughout mitosis. Electron microscopic analysis revealed a concentration of label near the inner side of the nuclear envelope. The localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged 26S proteasomes was analyzed in live cells during mitosis and meiosis. Throughout mitosis the proteasome remained predominantly at the nuclear periphery. During meiosis the proteasome was found to undergo dramatic changes in its localization. Throughout the first meiotic division, the signal is more dispersed over the nucleus. During meiosis II, there was a dramatic re-localization, and the signal became restricted to the area between the separating DNA until the end of meiosis when the signal dispersed before returning to the nuclear periphery during spore formation. These findings strongly imply that the nuclear periphery is a major site of protein degradation in fission yeast both in interphase and throughout mitosis. Furthermore they raise interesting questions as to the spatial organization of protein degradation during meiosis.  相似文献   

Nin1p, a component of the 26S proteasome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for activation of Cdc28p kinase at the G1-S-phase and G2-M boundaries. By exploiting the temperature-sensitive phenotype of the nin1-1 mutant, we have screened for genes encoding proteins with related functions to Nin1p and have cloned and characterized two new multicopy suppressors, SUN1 and SUN2, of the nin1-1 mutation. SUN1 can suppress a null nin1 mutation, whereas SUN2, an essential gene, does not. Sun1p is a 268-amino acid protein which shows strong similarity to MBP1 of Arabidopsis thaliana, a homologue of the S5a subunit of the human 26S proteasome. Sun1p binds ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates as do S5a and MBP1. Sun2p (523 amino acids) was found to be homologous to the p58 subunit of the human 26S proteasome. cDNA encoding the p58 component was cloned. Furthermore, expression of a derivative of p58 from which the N-terminal 150 amino acids had been removed restored the function of a null allele of SUN2. During glycerol density gradient centrifugation, both Sun1p and Sun2p comigrated with the known proteasome components. These results, as well as other structural and functional studies, indicate that both Sun1p and Sun2p are components of the regulatory module of the yeast 26S proteasome.  相似文献   

The 436-amino acid protein enolase 1 from yeast was degraded in vitro by purified wild-type and mutant yeast 20S proteasome particles. Analysis of the cleavage products at different times revealed a processive degradation mechanism and a length distribution of fragments ranging from 3 to 25 amino acids with an average length of 7 to 8 amino acids. Surprisingly, the average fragment length was very similar between wild-type and mutant 20S proteasomes with reduced numbers of active sites. This implies that the fragment length is not influenced by the distance between the active sites, as previously postulated. A detailed analysis of the cleavages also allowed the identification of certain amino acid characteristics in positions flanking the cleavage site that guide the selection of the P1 residues by the three active beta subunits. Because yeast and mammalian proteasomes are highly homologous, similar cleavage motifs might be used by mammalian proteasomes. Therefore, our data provide a basis for predicting proteasomal degradation products from which peptides are sampled by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules for presentation to cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

The primary structures of the interferon-gamma-inducible mouse 20S proteasome subunit MECL-1 and its alternate homolog MC14 were determined. Northern analysis of mouse tissues revealed that MECL-1 mRNA predominantly occurred in thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen, whereas small amounts were detected in non-lymphoid tissues such as kidney, muscle, and testis. Unexpectedly, probing RNA blots with MC14 showed that tissues with high MECL-1 expression contained little MC14 and vice versa. A very similar reciprocal tissue expression was subsequently found for the homologous subunit pairs LMP2 and delta as well as LMP7 and MB1. The subunit protein composition of 20S proteasomes purified from liver, thymus, and lung reflected RNA expression. The impact of a regulated reciprocal tissue expression is discussed with respect to thymic selection and the induction of tolerance in potentially autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

The combination of the Ran-binding domain 4 and cyclophilin domains of Ran-binding protein 2 selectively associate with a subset of G protein-coupled receptors, red/green opsins, upon cis-trans prolyl isomerase-dependent and direct modification of opsin followed by association of the modified opsin isoform to Ran-binding domain 4. This effect enhances in vivo the production of functional receptor and generates an opsin isoform with no propensity to self-aggregate in vitro. We now show that another domain of Ran-binding protein 2, cyclophilin-like domain, specifically associates with the 112-kDa subunit, P112, and other subunits of the 19 S regulatory complex of the 26 S proteasome in the neuroretina. This association possibly mediates Ran-binding protein 2 limited proteolysis into a smaller and stable isoform. Also, the interaction of Ran-binding protein 2 with P112 regulatory subunit of the 26 S proteasome involves still another protein, a putative kinesin-like protein. Our results indicate that Ran-binding protein 2 is a key component of a macro-assembly complex selectively linking protein biogenesis with the proteasome pathway and, thus, with potential implications for the presentation of misfolded and ubiquitin-like modified proteins to this proteolytic machinery.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome is a multisubunit proteolytic complex responsible for degrading eukaryotic proteins targeted by ubiquitin modification. Substrate recognition by the complex is presumed to be mediated by one or more common receptor(s) with affinity for multiubiquitin chains, especially those internally linked through lysine 48. We have identified previously a candidate for one such receptor from diverse species, designated here as Mcb1 for Multiubiquitin chain-binding protein, based on its ability to bind Lys48-linked multiubiquitin chains and its location within the 26 S proteasome complex. Even though Mcb1 is likely not the only receptor in yeast, it is necessary for conferring resistance to amino acid analogs and for degrading a subset of ubiquitin pathway substrates such as ubiquitin-Pro-beta-galactosidase (Ub-Pro-beta-gal) (van Nocker, S., Sadis, S., Rubin, D.M., Glickman, M., Fu, H., Coux, O., Wefes, I., Finley, D., and Vierstra, R. D. (1996) Mol. Cell. Biol. 16, 6020-28). To further define the role of Mcb1 in substrate recognition by the 26 S proteasome, a structure/function analysis of various deletion and site-directed mutants of yeast and Arabidopsis Mcb1 was performed. From these studies, we identified a single stretch of conserved hydrophobic amino acids (LAM/LALRL/V (ScMcb1 228-234 and At-Mcb1 226-232)) within the C-terminal half of each polypeptide that is necessary for interaction with Lys48-linked multiubiquitin chains. Unexpectedly, this domain was not essential for either Ub-Pro-beta-gal degradation or conferring resistance to amino acid analogs. The domain responsible for these two activities was mapped to a conserved region near the N terminus. Yeast and Arabidopsis Mcb1 derivatives containing an intact multiubiquitin-binding site but missing the N-terminal region failed to promote Ub-Pro-beta-gal degradation and even accentuated the sensitivity of the yeast delta mcb1 strain to amino acid analogs. This hypersensitivity was not caused by a gross defect in 26 S proteasome assembly as mutants missing either the N-terminal domain or the multiubiquitin chain-binding site could still associate with 26 S proteasome and generate a complex indistinguishable in size from that present in wild-type yeast. Together, these data indicate that residues near the N terminus, and not the multiubiquitin chain-binding site, are most critical for Mcb1 function in vivo.  相似文献   

Dissecting the assembly pathway of the 20S proteasome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embryogenic cell lines of Pinus caribaea were isolated from somatic embryogenesis from zygotic embryos. Previous studies showed that the proteins and glycoproteins were characteristic of the embryogenic state. In the present work we were seeking typical feature in the polysaccharide from the cell walls of embryogenic calli at nine days of culture. Sequential extraction with water, ammonium oxalate, dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium borohydride and 4.3 M potassium hydroxide revealed that the extracted polysaccharides contained high proportions of arabinose and significant amounts of xylose. Fractionation of the hydrosoluble polymers on DEAE cellulose afforded a xylose-rich fraction (80% xylose, 24% glucose and lower properties of fucose and mannose). Methylation analysis and 13C-NMR spectra showed that the glycan backbone consisted of beta 1 --> 4 linked xylosyl residues Similar study of the fractions extracted respectively with DMSO and 4.3 M KOH showed the presence of polydisperse glycoxylans but excluded the presence of xyloglucan in significant amount. This could be a characteristic feature of embryogenic cells walls of Pinus caribaea or could be typical of cells grown as calluses. In the various fractions obtained from DEAE cellulose chromatography of the alkaline extract the infrequent occurrence of fucoxylans beside an arabinogalactan showed again the unusual nature of the cell wall polymers of this embryogenic lines, which seems to differ greatly from those found in the primary wall of cells from suspension cultures.  相似文献   

The COP9 complex, genetically identified in Arabidopsis as a repressor of photomorphogenesis, is composed of multiple subunits including COP9, FUS6 (also known as COP11) and the Arabidopsis JAB1 homolog 1 (AJH1) ([1-3]; unpublished observations). We have previously demonstrated the existence of the mammalian counterpart of the COP9 complex and purified the complex by conventional biochemical and immunoaffinity procedures [4]. Here, we report the molecular identities of all eight subunits of the mammalian COP9 complex. We show that the COP9 complex is highly conserved between mammals and higher plants, and probably among most multicellular eukaryotes. It is not present in the single-cell eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae, however. All of the subunits of the COP9 complex contain structural features that are also present in the components of the proteasome regulatory complex and the translation initiation factor eIF3 complex. Six subunits of the COP9 complex have overall similarity with six distinct non-ATPase regulatory subunits of the 26S proteasome, suggesting that the COP9 complex and the proteasome regulatory complex are closely related in their evolutionary origin. Subunits of the COP9 complex include regulators of the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and c-Jun, a nuclear hormone receptor binding protein and a cell-cycle regulator. This suggests that the COP9 complex is an important cellular regulator modulating multiple signaling pathways.  相似文献   

PA28 is a 180,000-dalton protein that activates hydrolysis of small nonubiquitinated peptides by the 20 S proteasome. PA28 is composed of two homologous subunits, alpha and beta, arranged in alternating positions in a ring-shaped oligomer with a likely stoichiometry of (alphabeta)3. Our previous work demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus of the alpha subunit was necessary for PA28 to bind to and activate the proteasome. The goals of this work were to define the exact structural basis for this effect and to determine the relative roles of the alpha and beta subunits in proteasome activation. Each subunit and various mutants of the alpha subunit were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. PA28alpha stimulated the proteasome, but had a much greater Kact than native heteromeric PA28. In contrast, PA28beta was unable to stimulate the proteasome. Mutants of the alpha subunit in which the carboxyl-terminal tyrosine residue was deleted or substituted with charged amino acids could neither bind to nor activate the proteasome. However, substitution of the carboxyl-terminal tyrosine with other amino acids resulted in proteins which could stimulate the proteasome to various extents. Tryptophan mutants stimulated the proteasome as well as did native PA28, whereas serine or phenylalanine mutants stimulated the proteasome much poorer than did wild type PA28alpha. Deletion of the "KEKE" motif, a 28-amino acid domain near the amino terminus of PA28alpha, had no effect on proteasome stimulatory activity. Hetero-oligomeric PA28 proteins were reconstituted from isolated wild type and mutant subunits. PA28 reconstituted from wild type subunits had structural and functional properties that were indistinguishable from those of the native hetero-oligomeric protein. PA28 molecules reconstituted from inactive alpha subunits and wild type beta subunits remained inactive. However, PA28 molecules reconstituted from suboptimally active alpha mutants and wild type beta subunits had the same activity as native heteromeric PA28. These results indicate that the beta subunit modulates PA28 activity, perhaps by influencing the affinity of PA28 for the proteasome.  相似文献   

The 20S proteasome from the methanoarchaeon Methanosarcina thermophila was produced in Escherichia coli and characterized. The biochemical properties revealed novel features of the archaeal 20S proteasome. A fully active 20S proteasome could be assembled in vitro with purified native alpha ring structures and beta prosubunits independently produced in Escherichia coli, which demonstrated that accessory proteins are not essential for processing of the beta prosubunits or assembly of the 20S proteasome. A protein complex with a molecular mass intermediate to those of the alpha7 ring and the 20S proteasome was detected, suggesting that the 20S proteasome is assembled from precursor complexes. The heterologously produced M. thermophila 20S proteasome predominately catalyzed cleavage of peptide bonds carboxyl to the acidic residue Glu (postglutamyl activity) and the hydrophobic residues Phe and Tyr (chymotrypsinlike activity) in short chromogenic and fluorogenic peptides. Low-level hydrolyzing activities were also detected carboxyl to the acidic residue Asp and the basic residue Arg (trypsinlike activity). Sodium dodecyl sulfate and divalent or monovalent ions stimulated chymotrypsinlike activity and inhibited postglutamyl activity, whereas ATP stimulated postglutamyl activity but had little effect on the chymotrypsinlike activity. The results suggest that the 20S proteasome is a flexible protein which adjusts to binding of substrates. The 20S proteasome also hydrolyzed large proteins. Replacement of the nucleophilic Thr1 residue with an Ala in the beta subunit abolished all activities, which suggests that only one active site is responsible for the multisubstrate activity. Replacement of beta subunit active-site Lys33 with Arg reduced all activities, which further supports the existence of one catalytic site; however, this result also suggests a role for Lys33 in polarization of the Thr1 N, which serves to strip a proton from the active-site Thr1 Ogamma nucleophile. Replacement of Asp51 with Asn had no significant effect on trypsinlike activity, enhanced postglutamyl and trypsinlike activities, and only partially reduced lysozyme-hydrolyzing activity, which suggested that this residue is not essential for multisubstrate activity.  相似文献   

Highly purified 40S- and 60S-subunits of the eukaryotic ribosomes from the rabbit liver have been found to hydrolyze ATP. Their hydrolytic abilities were compared and the effect of the inhibitors: ammonium metavanadate and alkaloid emetine has been studied. Data presented may reflect the existence of a single site for ATP on the 80S-ribosome which is located on the regions of contact between 40S- and 60S-subunits.  相似文献   

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