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In this research,the Factor Analysis model of measuring provincial low carbon development in China has been constructed.Based on data from 30 provinces,an empirical study was developed to measure comprehensive low carbon development using the Factor Analysis model(Principal Components method and Normalized Varimax Rotation).The results reveal that the provincial marks of low carbon development are generally low and only nine provinces have high marks(more than 0.80).The results also show significant regional disparity.The provincial marks of the eastern region are higher than both the middle and western provinces of mainland China.All of the provinces with high marks(more than 0.90) are located in the eastern region,and those with the lowest marks(0.60) are located in the middle region.Furthermore,regional disparity in low carbon development follows the same pattern as economic development in China.Finally,some suggestions for decision-makers are presented.  相似文献   

A three-year study over the Bai, Jingpo and Huayaodai communities in Yunnan Province reveals that the community development is significantly influenced in various ways by such cultural factors as the concepts of development; concepts and traditions of inter-community relationships, consumption, mar- riage and gender; patterns of decision-making and production, resource and income allocation; as well as the role of information dissemination systems, religion and ritual. Based on the analysis over the interactive relevance between each factor and community development, some strategies and methods for dealing with such a cultural relevance in development projects are recommended.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the dynamic mechanism of urban expansion and its role. Based on the economic model of urban spatial structure and applying panel data in Shandong Province, the paper concludes. Economic growth and transition of economic structure have played the most powerful role in urban expansion. An increase in population helps the core to extend. Increasing agricultural productivity can provide a countervailing force. An increase in transportation costs will limit urban expansion. An increase in the marginal productivity of land in housing production will increase urban expansion. Fiscal and taxation policies also have encouraged the extensive shift of cultivated land into build-up area. This paper also suggests that if high rate increasing GDP is needed, the urban core will continue to expand. The government should take measures to improve the rapid growth of the city.  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the driving forces for the land use change in type and structure, and its prominent effect is to convert rural land to urban land. This paper takes Shan-dong Province as an example to analyze the current situation of the mutual conversion between the urban and rural areas from the aspects of the structure of land use, the decreasing tendency of the cultivated land, the changes of land use in urban and rural residential areas. It points out that cultivated land is converted to residential area land, industrial and/or mining area land. The relationship between the urban area land and the cultivated land is more direct; meanwhile, the changes of rural residential area lag behind obviously. The decrease of the cultivated land and the decline of soil quality will be the two difficult problems in the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

The paper took the human-land relations as a basic point, and the theories of tourism industry system and sustainable development as the guidance, with Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Gannan) as the case study area. From microcosmic and macroscopic viewpoints, the author carded out function orientation and evaluation to the tourism industry development, and research on the comprehensive tourism industry development pattern of Gannan. Results show that the fragile ecological environment and the traditional economic growth pattern have restricted regional sustainable development, and made Gannan to become a representative of the periphery minority areas in Northwest China. Tourism development of Gannan is at the primary phase, with the characteristics of short industry chain and low economic efficiency. It is an inevitable choice to transform the way of regional economic growth and the development pattern of tourism industry from the traditional pattern to the pattern of sustainable development. Simultaneously, Gannan's natural, national and religious culture makes Gannan a broad prospect on the comprehensive tourism development. Gannan should choose the comprehensive tourism industry as its scientific pattern to realize sustainable development, promote harmonious social, economic and ecological development, alleviate the human-land contradictory, and realize dual goals in terms of ecology construction and economical development. For Gannan and the similar areas in China, studies on the sustainable development pattern of tourism have extremely important strategic sense with respect to tourism development and the sustainable development of regional economy.  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modem cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

In the first, the paper gave a retrospective analysis on the comprehensive assessment of circular economic development. According to the requirement of improving resource & environment efficiency, the paper designed an analytical framework for a comprehensive assessment of regional circular economic growth, which consists of the goal, object and technical line of the comprehensive assessment of regional circular economic development. Given that, the paper discussed the criterion for choosing the assessment index, the approaches of index's weighing determination, the means of data standardization, and the reference system of assessment index value and so on. According to the framework of regional circular economic development evaluation, the paper made a comprehensive evaluation of Jiangsu Province's circular economic development. The result shows that from temporal change, Jiangsu Province's circular economic development had different stages; from the spatial comparison, there is variance among different regions, which could be divided into different types according to the spatial variance and the relation between the development of circular economy and the aggregative index number. There was a remarkable correlation between circular economic development level and GDP or the 2nd industry GDP. Finally, the ?aper gives some suggestions on how to promote the development of drcular economy in Jiangsu Province.  相似文献   

Under the globalization, the coastal China becomes a hot area of the international manufacturing investment due to its priority location, excellent environment, lower labor and land costs, etc. However, the fast industrialization has aroused the great demolishment to the local ecological environment. For example, the heavy water eutrophication in Taihu Lake has affected the source of drinking water for the cities around the lake. Anyway, in order to keep the economic increase and reduce the resource ex- pense and pollution at the same time, it is necessary to encourage the greening of industrial enterprises actively for sustainable de- velopment. On the basis of the investigation of industrial enter- prises in Wuxi city within Taihu Basin, the relatively developed region in coastal China, this paper analyzed the development process of green industry. This article concluded that governmen- tal principal is the main pressure for enterprises to protect envi- ronment while the market factor plays a part role. Moreover, en- terprises in the high technology development zone work better in environmental protection than those in the villages and towns, while the large enterprises work better than those small enterprises.  相似文献   

High-tech industrial zone is an important carrier for constructing innovative cities. It also plays an important role in implementing the national independent innovative strategy. However, most of the high-tech industrial zones have many problems in their development process, such as efficiency of land use, weakness of oriented function and lack of land intensive. To solve these problems, the authors of this paper introduced the concept of land use performance and established the theoretical model to assess the land use performance of high-tech industrial zones. The model consists of the following three-dimensional parts: land use benefit, land use efficiency and innovative function. Based on this theory model, an index system which was composed of three secondary indictors, eight tertiary indictors and 37 fourth-grade indictors was set up to evaluate the land use performance of high-tech zone. To avoid the defects of plus model and function model, the authors brought out a three-dimensional evaluation model to examine the index of the land use performance of the high-tech industrial parks, which equals to the evaluation indicator system of land use performance of high-tech zone based on the above research. The authors examined the land use performance of five different high-tech industrial parks in Haidian District, Beijing City. The results indicated that the indicator system performs better in the aspect of evaluating land use benefit, land use efficiency and function of the high-tech industrial zone compared with other models.  相似文献   

Energy is now becoming the bottleneck of urban and regional development. The paper takes Shandong Province, one of the most energy consuming provinces in China, as an example, uses quantity methods such as SPSS (Stastics Package for Social Science) cluster sampling and regression analysis, and applies quantity analysis, to analyze the situation of energy issues in Shandong province. The conflicts between the quick industrialization and increasing extensive economic development, between urban population and energy consuming per head, between the infinite energy consuming desire and the low level of managing system, and between the unstable world energy supply and the limited energy storage in China are the main factors of energy crisis in Shandong, which not only results in energy shortage, but also becomes the barrier of economic and social development. In order to ensure sufficient energy supply for Shandong province in the 21 st century, we should take countermeasures, such as changing the economic development model, pursuing a multiple and high quality energy strategy, improving the intensive urbanization strategy, and building a scientific energy system.  相似文献   


At present, internal rural tourism is at the stage of upgrading and renewing, and ecotourism has been considered to be the main direction. This paper discussed the concepts and criteria of rural tourism and ecotourism, analyzed a typical case of Nongke Village of Chengdu City-being considered to be the first rural tourism site in China, went deep into the problems of the contents and criteria of the development of rural ecotourism, and tried to probe into the principles of the development of rural ecotourism both theoretically and practically so as to understand the rules of the development of rural ecotourism.  相似文献   

Using a case study, involving turtle-based ecotourism, we explore the role of ecotourism in promoting environmental learning and in sustaining conservation of nature. Mon Repos Conservation Park (an important marine turtle rookery involved in ecotourism) in Queensland, Australia, was selected for this study and visitors were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The reported on-site experiences of respondents are analysed to identify important factors that alter their stated conservation attitudes and behaviours. The impact of these factors (such as the amount of environmental education that respondents claimed they obtained, sighting of sea turtles, nationality) is quantified using regression analyses. There has been little previous quantification of such influences. The study reveals that a considerable amount of environmental knowledge is gained by visitors to Mon Repos. The ecotourism experience, involving environmental education and seeing of turtles, was found to have positive and statistically significant impacts on the visitors' stated desire and intended behaviour to protect sea turtles. The study reveals the importance of learning and the interaction of tourists with wildlife as a contributor to their pro-conservation sentiments and actions. It shows how ecotourism can support nature conservation. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村,是党中央运用科学发展观破解三农问题的新理念和新实践,是中国特色社会主义现代化的必然要求,是建设社会主义和谐社会的战略举措,也是增进农民福祉、惠及广大农民群众的民心工程。金融作为现代经济的核心,责无旁贷,义不容辞的要充分发挥杠杆作用,肩负起支持新农村建设与特色产业可持续发展的历史重任,紧密结合当地实际,不断创新金融产品,积极优化信贷结构,着力提升服务水平,切实解决金融支持乏力、担保机构缺位、农业保险缺失、信用环境不佳等诸多困难与问题,尚需研究和解决。本文以平凉市为例,进行了实证分析与思考。  相似文献   

在可持续发展过程中。政府、民间组织、企业和个人都有其能够发挥作用的地方.但是。地方政府可以说是实现地方可持续发展之关键。以浙江省东阳市横店镇可持续发展实验区为个案。深入探讨地方政府与地方可持续发展的关系。文章的一个基本结论是,从横店镇可持续发展实验区案例来看.我国乡村的可持续发展应该走政府主导的模式.而只有强化地方政府的能力(包括规划、资源与领导能力等)。方能培育地方良治(good governance)与支持可持续发展。  相似文献   

城市旅游发展的动力:理论分析与案例研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
20世纪80年代之初,深圳和珠海旅游发展的内外部条件极为类似,但是20年来两个城市旅游的发展模式却完全不同。本文研究发现:城市旅游发展取决于需求结构和相对优势两个因素的共同作用。基于旅游体验本质的需求结构的变化,决定了同一类型的旅游城市具有相似的变化规律;不同类型的旅游城市变化规律差异较大。另一方面,城市旅游驱动机制决定了相对优势的变化,旅游驱动机制演变轨迹的不同正是建成各个城市旅游目的地旅游发展模式差别的主因。由此可见,城市旅游要实现可持续发展就必须用随外部环境的变化(主要是需求结构的变化),适时培育和转变驱动机制。  相似文献   

实现乡村旅游可持续发展需要正确把握的七个关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
乡村旅游可持续发展的两个基本标准是:保护乡村资源,延续历史文脉;保障经济效益,延长生命周期。作者以此为出发点,从实践中总结出了实现乡村旅游可持续发展需要正确把握的七个关系:即乡村旅游与城市旅游之间的关系、大力发展乡村旅游与发展机遇的关系、市场主导与政府引导之间的关系、旅游开发与生态和历史文化保护的关系、公共利益与个体利益之间的关系、宣传造势与乡村接待能力之间的关系、“农家乐”与“乡村旅游”的关系。  相似文献   

我国生态旅游利益相关者分析   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
发展生态旅游需要在不同利益主体之间建立一个合理的利益协调和分配机制,而利益相关者角色的错位、缺位,其间关系的交叉、矛盾是制约我国生态旅游发展的关键。为了确保生态旅游的可持续发展,需要对现有的利益相关者角色和关系进行调整。真正使政府、当地牡区,旅游企业、保护地、旅游者、非政府组织、学术界及相关机构、媒体分别扮演好调控者、参与和受益者、执行者、执行监督者、实践者。协助者、研究指导者、宣传监督者的角色。  相似文献   

丽江古城的旅游发展与水污染研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多发展中国家和地区视旅游业为增加收入和多样化产业结构的捷径。本文中,丽江古城利用淡水资源作为景观用水发展旅游业。近年来。其旅游业快速发展并保持旺盛的增长态势,这种发展情况对优质淡水资源的需求越来越大,在此过程中,古城内水体水质却在下降。对水质恶化的原因和所造成的影响进行详细调查是根本解决目前这种水资源不可持续利用方式的前提和依据。调查结果表明。水质恶化主要是由于古城旅游业发展过程中的不合理因素,如商铺、餐饮店和客栈数量的惫剧增加以及管理失效造成的,并对当地经济、居民生活质量和环境质量产生了负面影响。然后,提出了三条水资源管理措施以应对目前的水污染,促进丽江古城旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The measurement of urban population carrying capacity is the basis for cities' sustainable development. However, the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area. This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future, which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capacity. This study would also provide a reference to the measurement of the urban population carrying capacity for other cities and districts in China.  相似文献   


The measurement of urban population carrying capacity is the basis for cities’ sustainable development. However, the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area. This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future, which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capacity. This study would also provide a reference to the measurement of the urban population carrying capacity for other cities and districts in China.  相似文献   

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