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The structural,electronic and elastic properties of solid nitromethane are investigated under pressure by performing first-principles density functional theory(DFT)calculations within the generalized gradient approximation(GGA)and the local density approximation(LDA).The obtained ground state structure properties are found to be consistent with existing experimental and theoretical results.The pressure-induced variations of structure parameters(a,b,c and V)indicate that the solid nitromethane has an anisotropic compressibility,and the compression along the c direction is more difficult than along a and b directions.From the vibration curves of intermolecular bond length and bond angle,we find that the C—N bond is the most sensitive among these bonds under pressure,suggesting that the C—N bonds may be broken first under external loading.The influence of pressure on the electronic properties of solid NM has been studied,indicating that solid NM is an insulating compound with a large indirect band gap and tends to be a semiconductor with increasing pressure.Finally,we predict the elastic constants and their pressure dependence for the solid NM with the bulk modulus,Young’s modulus,shear modulus and the Poisson’s ratio derived.  相似文献   

The structural, elastic and electronic properties of BaZnO2 under pressure are investigated by the plane wave pseudopotential density functional theory (DFT). The calculated lattice parameters and unit cell volume of BaZnO2 at the ground state are in good agreement with the available experimental data and other theoretical data. The pressure dependences of elastic constants Cij, bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, B/G, Poisson’ s ratio σ, Debye temperature Θ and aggregate acoustic velocities VP and VS are systematically investigated. It is shown that BaZnO2 maintains ductile properties under the applied pressures. Analysis for the calculated elastic constants has been made to reveal the mechanical stability and mechanical anisotropy of BaZnO2. At the ground state, the calculated compressional and shear wave velocities are 8.26 km/s and 1.81 km/s, respectively, and the Debye temperature Θ is 240.8 K. The pressure dependences of the density of states and the bonding property of BaZnO2 are also investigated.  相似文献   

First-principles FLAPW–GGA calculations for six possible polymorphs of ruthenium mononitride RuN indicate that the most stable structure is that of zinc blende rather than the rock salt structure recently reported for synthesized RuN samples. The elastic, electronic properties and the features of chemical bonds of zinc-blende RuN polymorph were investigated and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The structural, electronic, elastic and optical properties as well as phase transition under pressure of SrTe have been systematically investigated by first-principles pesudopotential calculations. Five possible phases of SrTe have been considered. Our results show that SrTe undergoes a phase transition from NaCl-type (B1) to CsCl-type (B2) structure at 10.9 GPa with a volume collapse of 9.43%, and no further transition is found. We find that SrTe prefer h-MgO instead of wurtzite (B4) structure for its metastable phase because that the ionic compound prefers a high coordination. The elastic moduli, energy band structures, real and imaginary parts of the dielectric functions have been calculated for all considered phases, and we find that a smaller energy gap yields a larger high-frequency dielectric constant. Our calculated results are discussed and compared with the available experimental and theoretical data.  相似文献   

We use an ab initio full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method within the local density approximation (LDA) to study the structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of the antiperovskite BiNBa3. The calculated lattice parameter is in good agreement with previous calculations. The elastic constants and their pressure dependence are calculated; we found a linear dependence of elastic stiffness on the pressure. We estimated the Debye temperature of this compound from the average sound velocity. We also present results of the effective masses for the electrons in the conduction band (CB) and the holes in the valence band (VB). To complete the fundamental characteristics of this compound we have analyzed the optical properties.  相似文献   


The effects of biaxial strain on the electronic structure and the elastic and optical properties of monolayer CaI2 were studied using first-principles calculations. The two-dimensional (2D) equation of state for monolayer CaI2 as fit in a relative area of 80–120% is more accurate. The band gap can be tuned under strain and reached a maximum at a tensile strain of 4%. Under compressive strains, the absorption spectrum showed a significant red shift at higher strains. The static reflectance and static refractive index decreased in the strain range of ?10% to 10%.  相似文献   

The structural and elastic properties of multiferroic Ca3Mn2O7 with ferroelectric orthorhombic (O-phase) and paraelectric tetragonal structures (T-phase) have been studied by first-principles calculations within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the GGA plus Hubbard U approaches (GGA + U). The calculated theoretical structures are in good agreement with the experimental values. The T-phase is found to be antiferromagnetic (AFM) and the AFM O-phase is more stable than the T-phase, which also agree with the experiments. On these bases, the single-crystal elastic constants (Cijs) and elastic properties of polycrystalline aggregates are investigated for the two phases. Our elasticity calculations indicate Ca3Mn2O7 is mechanically stable against volume expansions. The AFM O-phase is found to be a ductile material, while the AFM T-phase shows brittle nature and tends to be elastically isotropic. We also investigate the influence of strong correlation effects on the elastic properties, qualitatively consistent results are obtained in a reasonable range of values of U. Finally, the ionicity is discussed by Bader analysis. Our work provides useful guidance for the experimental elasticity measurements of Ca3Mn2O7, and makes the strain energy calculation in multiferroic Ca3Mn2O7 thin films possible.  相似文献   

We have performed the first principles calculation by using the plane-wave pseudopotential approach with the generalized gradient approximation for investigating the structural, electronic, and elastic properties Na-As systems (NaAs in NaP, LiAs and AuCu-type structures, NaAs2 in MgCu2-type structure, Na3As in Na3As, Cu3P and Li3Bi-type structures, and Na5As4 in A5B4-type structure). The lattice parameters, cohesive energy, formation energy, bulk modulus, and the first derivative of bulk modulus (to fit to Murnaghan’s equation of state) of the related structures are calculated. The second-order elastic constants and the other related quantities such as Young’s modulus, shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, sound velocities, and Debye temperature are also estimated.  相似文献   

Structural, elastic and electronic properties of strontium chalcogenides SrX (X = O, S and Se) in the B1 (NaCl) and B2 (CsCl) phases were investigated in the present work. The calculations were performed using density functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using scalar relativistic Vanderbilt-type ultrasoft pseudopotentials. Results for structural properties of both phases, the pressure at which transition from B1 to B2 phase occurs and the volume compression ratio for each compound were reported. Elastic properties of the B1 phase of these compounds, such as elastic constants C11, C12, and C44, shear modulus (G), Young's modulus (E), Poisson's ratio (σ), Kleinman parameter (ξ), and anisotropy factor (A) were also calculated at ambient conditions. The band gaps and density of states were studied too for the B1 structure of these compounds. The present results were compared with the available experimental and other theoretical results, and found to be in satisfactory agreement with them.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of the structural, elastic, electronic, mechanical, and thermal properties of the perovskite-type hydride CaNiH_3 is presented. This study is carried out via first-principles full potential(FP) linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital(LAPW+lo) method designed within the density functional theory(DFT). To treat the exchange–correlation energy/potential for the total energy calculations, the local density approximation(LDA) of Perdew–Wang(PW)and the generalized gradient approximation(GGA) of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof(PBE) are used. The three independent elastic constants(C_(11), C_(12), and C_(44)) are calculated from the direct computation of the stresses generated by small strains.Besides, we report the variation of the elastic constants as a function of pressure as well. From the calculated elastic constants, the mechanical character of CaNiH_3 is predicted. Pertaining to the thermal properties, the Debye temperature is estimated from the average sound velocity. To further comprehend this compound, the quasi-harmonic Debye model is used to analyze the thermal properties. From the calculations, we find that the obtained results of the lattice constant(a_0), bulk modulus(B_0), and its pressure derivative(B_0') are in good agreement with the available theoretical as well as experimental results. Similarly, the obtained electronic band structure demonstrates the metallic character of this perovskite-type hydride.  相似文献   

The structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of the platinum-based superconductor SrPt3P under pressure are investigated by the generalized gradient approximation with the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional in the framework of density-functional theory. The calculated structural parameters (a, c) and the primitive cell volume V of SrPt3P at the ground state are in good agreement with the available experimental data and seem to be better than other calculated results. The pressure dependences of the elastic constants \mathop C\nolimits_{ij}, bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio σ of SrPt3P are also obtained successfully. The computed elastic constants indicate that SrPt3P is mechanically stable up to 100 GPa. The obtained B/G is 2.56 at the ground state, indicating that SrPt3P behaves in a ductile manner. The ratio B/G also increases with growing pressures, indicating that the structure becomes more and more ductile. Even though SrPt3P is an ionic-covalent crystal, the obtained density of states shows that it has metallic characteristic. These conclusions can be further demonstrated by analysing the charge and Mulliken population. In addition, we have investigated the dielectric function and the loss function. It is found that the dielectric function in (E||x, E||y) is isotropic, whereas the directions (E||x, E||z) are anisotropic; the effect of pressure on the loss function of the deep ultraviolet region gradually increases as the pressure increases.  相似文献   

The lattice parameters, cell volume, elastic constants, bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are calculated at zero pressure, and their values are in excellent agreement with the available data, for TiN, Ti2N and Ti3N2. By using the elastic stability criteria, it is shown that the three structures are all stable. The brittle/ductile behaviors are assessed in the pressures from 0 GPa to 50 GPa. Our calculations present that the performances for TiN, Ti2N and Ti3N2 become from brittle to ductile with pressure rise. The Debye temperature rises as pressure increase. With increasing N content, the enhancement of covalent interactions and decline of metallicity lead to the increase of the micro-hardness. Their constant volume heat capacities increase rapidly in the lower temperature, at a given pressure. At higher temperature, the heat capacities are close to the Dulong–Petit limit, and the heat capacities of TiN and Ti2N are larger than that of c-BN. The thermal expansion coefficients of titanium nitrides are slightly larger than that of c-BN. The band structure and the total Density of States (DOS) are calculated at 0 GPa and 50 GPa. The results show that TiN and Ti2N present metallic character. Ti3N2 present semiconducting character. The band structures have some discrepancies between 0 GPa and 50 GPa. The extent of energy dispersion increases slightly at 50 GPa, which means that the itinerant character of electrons becomes stronger at 50 GPa. The main bonding peaks of TiN, Ti2N and Ti3N2 locate in the range from −10 to 10 eV, which originate from the contribution of valance electron numbers of Ti s, Ti p, Ti d, N s and N p orbits. We can also find that the pressure makes that the total DOS decrease at the Fermi level for Ti2N. The bonding behavior of N–Ti compounds is a combination of covalent and ionic nature. As N content increases, valence band broadens, valence electron concentration increases, and covalent interactions become stronger. This is reflected in shortening of Ti–N bonds.  相似文献   

运用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法研究了ZrRh的晶体结构、弹性性质和电子结构性质.结果表明:计算的B2、B19'和ZrIr结构的平衡晶格常数与相应的实验参数符合很好.从形成焓和态密度的角度来看,ZrRh的相稳定顺序是ZrIrFe BB19'B2,ZrIr结构是最稳定的.ZrIr结构的形成焓最小,说明ZrIr结构最容易生成.利用应力-应变的方法计算了ZrRh的弹性常数,表明B2、FeB和ZrIr结构是力学稳定的.B/G和泊松比均表明ZrRh具有很好的延展性.对ZrRh的态密度研究发现,增强的Rh4d态与Zr4d态杂化作用是ZrIr结构稳定的主要原因.  相似文献   

We theoretically study the possible pressure-induced structural phase transition, electronic and elastic properties of ZrC by using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT), in the presence and absence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC). The calculations indicate that there exists a phase transition from the NaCl-type (B1) structure to CsCl-type (B2) structure at the transition pressure of 313.2 GPa (without SOC) and 303.5 GPa (with SOC). The detailed structural changes during the phase transition were analyzed. The band structure shows that B1-ZrC is metallic. A pseudogap appears around the Fermi level of the total density of states (DOS) of the B1 phase of ZrC, which may contribute to its structural stability.  相似文献   

Investigations into the structural, electronic and elastic properties of intermetallic CuZr compound had been conducted by the plane-wave pseudopotential method. The calculated lattice constant was consistent well with the experimental value. The absence of band gap and finite value of the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level reveal the metallic behavior of CuZr crystal, and Zr 4d states give rise to the electrical conductivity. The calculated elastic constants for single crystal CuZr at zero pressure obey the cubic mechanical stability condition, which indicates that the cubic CuZr crystal is mechanical stable at zero pressure. By analyzing the ratio between the bulk and shear moduli, we conclude that CuZr crystal is ductile in nature. The present theoretical investigations might give prediction to polycrystalline CuZr system.  相似文献   

J. W. Yang 《高压研究》2013,33(3):376-384
A first-principles investigation on the crystal structural and elastic properties and the equation of state of wurtzite-type cadmium selenide (w-CdSe) has been conducted using the plane-wave pseudo-potential density functional theory and the quasi-harmonic Debye model. The elastic constants, the aggregate elastic moduli, the elastic anisotropy, and Poisson's ratio under pressure have been investigated. Our calculated equilibrium lattice constants, the elastic constants, and the aggregate elastic moduli at zero pressure are in good agreement with the experimental data and other theoretical results. The variations in the compressional and shear elastic wave velocities with pressure at zero temperature up to pressure 2.7 GPa have been studied; the computed Debye temperature at zero pressure and zero temperature is in reasonable agreement with the result of Bonello et al., In addition, the equation of state of w-CdSe in the pressure range of 0–2.7 GPa and up to a temperature of 900 K has also been obtained.  相似文献   

The structural, electronic and elastic properties of potassium hexatitanate (K2Ti6O13) whisker were investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculated cell parameters of K2Ti6O13 including lattice constants and atomic positions are in good agreement with the experimental data. The obtained formation enthalpy (−61.1535 eV/atom) and cohesive energy (−137.4502 eV/atom) are both negative, showing its high structural stability. Further analysis of the electronic structures shows that the potassium hexatitanate is a wide-band semiconductor. Within K2Ti6O13 crystal, the TiO bonding interactions are stronger than that of KO, while no apparent KTi bonding interactions can be observed. The structural stability of K2Ti6O13 was closely associated with the covalent bond interactions between Ti (d) and O (p) orbits. Further calculations on elastic properties show that K2Ti6O13 is a high stiffness and brittle material with small anisotropy in shear and compression.  相似文献   

The structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of the monoclinic BiScO3 are investigated in the framework of the density functional theory. The calculated structural parameters are in agreement with the experimental values. Moreover, the structural stability of BiScO3 system has been confirmed by the calculated elastic constants. The band structure, density of states, charge transfers and bond populations are also given. The results indicate that BiScO3 has a direct band gap of 3.36 eV between the occupied O 2p states and unoccupied Bi 6p states, and its bonding behavior is a combination of covalent and ionic nature. Finally, the absorption spectrum, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity, energy-loss function and dielectric function of the monoclinic BiScO3 are calculated. In addition, the variation of the static dielectric constants ε1(0) as a function of pressure for BiScO3 is also discussed.  相似文献   

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