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电化学门控已成为一种可行且高效调节单分子电导的方法。在本研究中,我们证实了具有两个平行苯环的单分子电路中电子传输可以通过电化学门控控制。首先,我们利用STM-BJ技术以金为电极构筑了具有两条平行路径的单分子结。与单条路径的单分子结相比,两条路径的分子结由于具有增强性量子干涉效应,具有2.82倍的电导值。进一步地,我们利用电化学门控对具有两个平行苯环的单分结的电导进行调控,获得了333%·V~(-1)调节比。结合DFT计算,发现在E=E_F附近的V形透射系数谱图导致了实验观测的电导门控行为。本研究揭示了具有平行路径的单分子电路的电化学门控行为,并为设计高性能分子器件的分子材料提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

分子导线是构成分子器件的关键部分,它的发展有望解决未来将要面临的电子器件尺寸即将达到理论极限而无法满足人们更高需求的问题.茂铁类分子凭借优秀的物理、化学性质被广泛应用于非线性光学、分子电子学等领域.在过去的十多年里,茂铁基团的引入构建了多种结构新颖的分子导线,为单分子器件的基础研究做出了巨大贡献.然而对于茂铁类分子导线的研究,大多集中于其异茂环取代的衍生物,同茂环取代的衍生物因合成较为困难,并没有受到研究者们的关注.根据分子的结构特征,将茂铁类分子导线分为π共轭型与非π共轭型两大类.以分子的构效关系为主线,对近十几年来茂铁类单分子结电子传输性质方面的工作进行了概括与总结,期望为未来茂铁类分子导线的研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

自组装单分子膜在电化学电子转移过程中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了自组装单分子膜作为模型体系在电化学电极过程中长程电子转移方面应用的一些重要研究成果。重点介绍了电子转移距离、电活性中心的微环境、膜表面分子的设计和状态等因素对长程电子转移的影响情况。展望了该领域今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

纳米孔道分析技术是一种基于电化学空间限域效应的单分子检测技术。测量纳米孔道产生的单分子皮安级微弱电流信号对电化学测量仪器的电流分辨、时间分辨和抗噪音能力提出了挑战。Cube纳米孔道电化学测量仪器通过设计频率补偿电路、前置电流放大器测量系统和基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的高速数字处理电路,实现了便携式超灵敏电化学测量仪器对微弱电流信号的高时间分辨、高电流分辨,以及低噪音的放大、采集和快速处理。稳定性是仪器能够应用于实际单分子测量分析的重要衡量指标之一。该文通过高阻值电阻对该仪器进行稳定性测试,在截止滤波频率为5、10、100 kHz条件下,Cube纳米孔道仪器获取的电流基线的噪音均方根(RMS)值分别比商品化仪器减小了80.0%、87.5%、48.2%,证明Cube纳米孔道仪器抑制噪音能力更强,电流分辨能力更好,仪器测量稳定性更佳。进一步通过统计比较施加电压值的实际值和标准偏差,结果显示该仪器施加电压误差小,其仪器施加电压标准偏差仅为施加电压变化量(10 mV)的0.14%。同时,通过Aerolysin纳米孔道检测Poly(dA)4的实验,对比Cube仪器和...  相似文献   

张伟为  应佚伦  龙亿涛 《色谱》2020,38(9):993-998
该文旨在从电泳分离技术的角度认识纳米孔道电化学单分子分析技术,这种技术可以作为"单分子电泳"来理解和研究。纳米孔道电化学单分子分析技术与电泳的本质都是采用外加电场使待测分子产生电迁移。待测分子性质不同,且与介质材料孔道外露基团相互作用不同,使得分子移动速度具有差异,据此实现分离识别。气单胞菌溶素(Aerolysin)纳米孔道,由于其孔径与待测分子尺寸相匹配,其孔道内壁可以看作是由氨基酸组成的具有调控单个分子电迁移能力的特异性孔道界面。每一个氨基酸残基都相当于一个探测单元,在电场力的作用下,待测分子逐一进入孔道时与每一个探测单元相互作用方式、程度与时长不同,从而形成了单个待测分子特征的迁移速度和迁移运动轨迹。在纳米孔道实验中,每秒可以有上千个待测分子穿过孔道,产生特征阻断电流信号。通过对这些信号的阻断电流、阻断时间、阻断频率、信号特征等进行统计分析,可以从"单分子电泳"水平对单个待测物实现高通量的分辨和识别。该文以Aerolysin纳米孔道分辨仅有一个核苷酸差异的寡聚核苷酸(5′-CAA-3′、5′-CAAA-3′、5′-CAAAA-3′)为例,详细阐述了纳米孔道"单分子电泳"的单核苷酸...  相似文献   

以3-氨基苯硼酸为功能单体,葡萄糖为模板分子,在碳量子点和壳聚糖修饰的玻碳电极表面电聚合生成分子印迹聚合物膜,构建了无酶分子印迹电化学传感器,用于葡萄糖的高灵敏测定。采用循环伏安法(CV)、交流阻抗法(EIS)和差分脉冲伏安法(DPV)研究传感器的电化学特性及分析特性。在最优条件下,DPV电流响应的变化值与葡萄糖浓度在0.1~1.0μmol/L和1.0~300μmol/L范围内分别呈现良好的线性关系,线性方程分别为ΔIp(μA)=3.792+23.41C (R2=0.9968)和ΔIp(μA)=28.18+0.1316C (R2=0.9914),检出限为0.034μmol/L (3σ/k)。将此传感器应用于体液中葡萄糖的测定,回收率为95.1%~106.8%。  相似文献   

随着分子电子器件研究的兴起,人们广泛使用诸如表面电化学、微接触滴汞电极、导电探针显微术和“Break-junction”等各种电化学或电学手段,对电子传递过程进行了深人研究。本文评述了有关电子在有机单分子膜传递研究的最新进展,同时介绍了与此相关的理论。  相似文献   

电化学方法制备原子尺度间隙的Au隧道结过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用电化学方法制备了溶液中稳定的Au隧道结, 对制备过程中量子线到隧道结的整个实验过程进行了研究. 结果表明, 由于存在机械应力, 直接腐蚀Au丝很难精细控制电化学过程, 导致无法直接制得隧道结. 通过向溶液中加入氯金酸进一步电化学沉积/腐蚀成功地解决了此问题, 但溶液中Au离子的自沉积作用导致所形成的隧道结不稳定. 针对这一问题, 对实验过程进行了改进, 采用将腐蚀直接制得的电极对在盐酸溶液中定向电沉积的办法制备得到了溶液中稳定的Au隧道结.  相似文献   

分子电子器件中的单电子现象   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
单电子现象是低温物理学的一个重要研究领域。由于分子电子器件的超小电容结构,使得即使在室温下也能观察到单电子现象,引起了研究人员的广泛重视。本文介绍了单电子现象的基本物理原理,分析了一些分子电子器件中的单电子现象,并说明了分子电子器件中单电子现象的研究意义及其应用前景。  相似文献   

分子印迹电化学传感器的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了分子印迹电化学传感器的制备及其在电分析化学领域中的应用研究。引用文献83篇。  相似文献   

Constructing single-molecule parallel circuits with multiple conduction channels is an effective strategy to improve the conductance of a single molecular junction, but rarely reported. We present a novel through-space conjugated single-molecule parallel circuit (f-4Ph-4SMe) comprised of a pair of closely parallelly aligned p-quaterphenyl chains tethered by a vinyl bridge and end-capped with four SMe anchoring groups. Scanning-tunneling-microscopy-based break junction (STM-BJ) and transmission calculations demonstrate that f-4Ph-4SMe holds multiple conductance states owing to different contact configurations. When four SMe groups are in contact with two electrodes at the same time, the through-bond and through-space conduction channels work synergistically, resulting in a conductance much larger than those of analogous molecules with two SMe groups or the sum of two p-quaterphenyl chains. The system is an ideal model for understanding electron transport through parallel π-stacked molecular systems and may serve as a key component for integrated molecular circuits with controllable conductance.  相似文献   

Polyoxometalates have been proposed in the literature as nanoelectronic components, where they could offer key advantages with their structural versatility and rich electrochemistry. Apart from a few studies on their ensemble behaviour (as monolayers or thin films), this potential remains largely unexplored. We synthesised a pyridyl-capped Anderson–Evans polyoxometalate and used it to fabricate single-molecule junctions, using the organic termini to chemically “solder” a single cluster to two nanoelectrodes. Operating the device in an electrochemical environment allowed us to probe charge transport through different oxidation states of the polyoxometalate, and we report here an efficient three-state transistor behaviour. Conductance data fits a quantum tunnelling mechanism with different charge-transport probabilities through different charge states. Our results show the promise of polyoxometalates in nanoelectronics and give an insight on their single-entity electrochemical behaviour.  相似文献   

Heteroatom substitution into the cores of alternant, aromatic hydrocarbons containing only even-membered rings is attracting increasing interest as a method of tuning their electrical conductance. Here, the effect of heteroatom substitution into molecular cores of non-alternant hydrocarbons, containing odd-membered rings, is examined. Benzodichalcogenophene (BDC) compounds are rigid, planar π-conjugated structures, with molecular cores containing five-membered rings fused to a six-membered aryl ring. To probe the sensitivity or resilience of constructive quantum interference (CQI) in these non-bipartite molecular cores, two C2-symmetric molecules (I and II) and one asymmetric molecule (III) were investigated. I (II) contains S (O) heteroatoms in each of the five-membered rings, while III contains an S in one five-membered ring and an O in the other. Differences in their conductances arise primarily from the longer S−C and shorter O−C bond lengths compared with the C−C bond and the associated changes in their resonance integrals. Although the conductance of III is significantly lower than the conductances of the others, CQI was found to be resilient and persist in all molecules.  相似文献   

Constructing single‐molecule parallel circuits with multiple conduction channels is an effective strategy to improve the conductance of a single molecular junction, but rarely reported. We present a novel through‐space conjugated single‐molecule parallel circuit (f‐4Ph‐4SMe) comprised of a pair of closely parallelly aligned p‐quaterphenyl chains tethered by a vinyl bridge and end‐capped with four SMe anchoring groups. Scanning‐tunneling‐microscopy‐based break junction (STM‐BJ) and transmission calculations demonstrate that f‐4Ph‐4SMe holds multiple conductance states owing to different contact configurations. When four SMe groups are in contact with two electrodes at the same time, the through‐bond and through‐space conduction channels work synergistically, resulting in a conductance much larger than those of analogous molecules with two SMe groups or the sum of two p‐quaterphenyl chains. The system is an ideal model for understanding electron transport through parallel π‐stacked molecular systems and may serve as a key component for integrated molecular circuits with controllable conductance.  相似文献   

This study describes the modulation of tunneling probabilities in molecular junctions by switching one of two parallel intramolecular pathways. A linearly conjugated molecular wire provides a rigid framework that allows a second, cross-conjugated pathway to be effectively switched on and off by protonation, affecting the total conductance of the junction. This approach works because a traversing electron interacts with the entire quantum-mechanical circuit simultaneously; Kirchhoff's rules do not apply. We confirm this concept by comparing the conductances of a series of compounds with single or parallel pathways in large-area junctions using EGaIn contacts and single-molecule break junctions using gold contacts. We affect switching selectively in one of two parallel pathways by converting a cross-conjugated carbonyl carbon into a trivalent carbocation, which replaces destructive quantum interference with a symmetrical resonance, causing an increase in transmission in the bias window.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 has important roles in proton extrusion, pH homeostasis, sperm motility, and cancer progression. The Hv1 channel has also been found to be highly expressed in cell lines and tissue samples from patients with breast cancer. A high-resolution closed-state structure has been reported for the mouse Hv1 chimera channel (mHv1cc), solved by X-ray crystallography, but the open-state structure of Hv1 has not been solved. Since Hv1 is a promising drug target, various groups have proposed open conformations by molecular modeling and simulation studies. However, the gating mechanism and the open-state conformation under the membrane potential are still debate. Here, we present a molecular dynamics study considering membrane potential and pH conditions. The closed-state structure of mHv1cc was used to run molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with respect to electric field and pH conditions in order to investigate the mechanism of proton transfer. We observed a continuous hydrogen bond chain of water molecules called a water-wire to be formed through the channel pore in the channel opening, triggered by downward displacement of the S2 helix and upward movement of the S4 helix relative to other helices. Due to the movement of the S2 and S4 helices, the internal salt bridge network was rearranged, and the hydrophobic gating layers were destroyed. In line with previous experimental and simulation observations, our simulation results led us to propose a new gating mechanism for the Hv1 proton channel, and may provide valuable information for novel drug discovery.  相似文献   

采用电化学方法产生的H2Te为碲源(Te2-),快速合成了水溶性强荧光的CdTe量子点.该方法具有操作简单、安全、快速廉价和可大量制备等优点.合成过程中考察了合成温度,pH值和配体比例对制备CdTe量子点的影响.在最优化的实验条件下,电化学方法合成的巯基丙酸配位的CdTe荧光量子产率可达到55%;通过紫外可见光谱(UV...  相似文献   

This study describes the modulation of tunneling probabilities in molecular junctions by switching one of two parallel intramolecular pathways. A linearly conjugated molecular wire provides a rigid framework that allows a second, cross‐conjugated pathway to be effectively switched on and off by protonation, affecting the total conductance of the junction. This approach works because a traversing electron interacts with the entire quantum‐mechanical circuit simultaneously; Kirchhoff's rules do not apply. We confirm this concept by comparing the conductances of a series of compounds with single or parallel pathways in large‐area junctions using EGaIn contacts and single‐molecule break junctions using gold contacts. We affect switching selectively in one of two parallel pathways by converting a cross‐conjugated carbonyl carbon into a trivalent carbocation, which replaces destructive quantum interference with a symmetrical resonance, causing an increase in transmission in the bias window.  相似文献   

以邻、间、对-二茂铁苯胺为原料, 合成了含噻酚的二茂铁苯基席夫碱衍生物并还原得到N-2-亚甲基-噻酚-二茂铁基芳胺衍生物,通过元素分析,IR,UV,1H NMR和X-射线单晶衍射等分析手段,确证了标题化合物的组成和结构,单晶结构解析表明,化合物2c属于单斜晶系,P2/n空间群。量化计算结果证明,化合物2c在晶体中的结构并不是它的最稳定结构;其HOMO轨道主要由Fe原子及茂环上C的原子轨道组成的;电化学实验证明所得邻、间、对化合物的电化学性质相似,氧化还原峰对应于二茂铁的氧化还原过程,Fc+ + e-←→Fc;说明化合物中的二茂铁基所处的化学环境相同,苯环上取代基位置的不同,对化合物在电极表面的扩散系数影响不大, 但对反应速率常数则有较大的影响。  相似文献   

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