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Eleven pheromone-like compounds were identified in excised abdomen tip extracts of calling adult females of darksided cutworm,Euxoa messoria (Harris). The essential pheromone components were (Z)-7- and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetates in a ratio of 140, which agreed with an attractant blend developed empirically by field testing the attractancies of synthetic blends. The pheromone component, (Z)-11-hexadecenol, improved the attraction of darksided cutworm males whereas the components (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate inhibited their attraction. The other pheromone-like compounds identified in the female extracts had no obvious effect on the attraction of darksided cutworm males. Three compounds that functioned as parapheromones when substituted for (Z)-7-hexadecenyl acetate in the two-component blend were (Z)-7-pentadecenyl, (Z)-7-tetradecenyl, and (Z)-7-tridecenyl acetates. (Z)-11-hexadecenal was not detected in the female extracts, but it had a synergistic effect on the attraction of darksided cutworm moths and inhibited the attraction of male moths of a nontarget species,Helotropha reniformis (Grote). As a trap bait for monitoring purposes, we recommend a four-component blend of (Z)-7-hexadecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenol, and (Z)-11-hexadecenal at 12.5, 500, 1, and 10 g/red rubber septum dispenser containing 5 g of antioxidant 2,6-tert-butyl-4-methyl phenol. This blend is effective under field conditions for at least six weeks.  相似文献   

Female cabbage looper moths,Trichoplusia ni, from laboratory colonies initiated from three locations across the United States emitted similar quantities and blend ratios of the six known pheromone components. In contrast, females from a long-established laboratory colony emitted a greater proportion of four of the five minor components relative to the major component, (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate; only the relative proportion of 11-dodecenyl acetate was similar in all of the populations sampled. Females from this population emitted (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate at a rate similar to that from females from field-collected colonies. Within each population there were highly significant correlations among the quantities of pheromone components of similar molecular weights. Correlations between components of different molecular weights were not as great, but often were significant. Similarities of blend ratios among field populations may indicate that the chemical signal in this species is conservative. The difference of the blend ratios in our laboratory population from the other populations may indicate a decrease in the intensity of selection pressure that usually would maintain these values.  相似文献   

Solvent extracts of individual pheromone glands were prepared from femaleHelicoverpa assulta (Guenée) at 2-hr intervals throughout the scotophase. The amounts of female sex pheromone components, (Z)-9-hexadecenal, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate, and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate, in the extracts were determined by gas chromatographic analysis. Although females called from early scotophase (2 hr) until late scotophase (6 hr) the quantity of extracted pheromone remained high at 8 hr, the end of the scotophase. More than 70% of the pheromone gland extracts contained sex pheromone components regardless of whether the donor females had been called or resting. Pheromone components were absent from gland extracts prepared at the onset of the scotophase. The quantity of (Z)-9-hexadecenal and (Z)-11-hexadecenal increased rapidly to reach a maximum of approximately 260 and 30 ng/female, respectively, that was maintained for up to 8 hr, the duration of the scotophase. The quantity of (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate increased continuously during the scotophase to peak at 600 and 30 ng/female, respectively, 8 hr into the scotophase. At the end of scotophase the quantity of all pheromone components decreased significantly.  相似文献   

Sex gland extracts ofOstrinia nubilalis females collected in the wild or laboratory-reared from Switzerland, Italy, and Hungary were analyzed. Individuals collected in the north of Switzerland contained (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate at the approximate ratio of 973 (Z type), in accordance with field responses of males and previous findings. On the other hand, females from a laboratory culture derived from field collections made in the same area and reared for four to five generations contained theZ andE isomers at ratios of ca. 397 and 3565, respectively. In the south, one of the eight wild females analyzed was of theZ type and the rest intermediate, whereas males were predominantly trapped with blends of the two isomers containing 60 to 97E. In a laboratory culture reared for one to two generations from corn borers collected in Hungary, three of nine females were of the intermediate type and the restZ. Small amounts of (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate were detected in female glands of theE strain; however, no effect of this compound could be observed in the field.  相似文献   

Studies to determine possible differences in the pheromone communication system of three different populations of the corn stalk borer Sesamia nonagrioides (Lef.) in France, Spain, and Greece were carried out. The two main pheromone components (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11–16:Ac) and (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z11–16:OH), were detected in all analyses with very small differences in the three populations. Among the minor components, analyzed by GC-MS on concentrated gland extracts from French and Greek origin females, (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11–16:Ald) was detected in minor amounts. Wind-tunnel and field studies revealed similar a male response in the three populations to pheromone glands extracts and synthetic pheromone regardless of the female/male origin. The results do not support the assumption of the existence of different pheromone types of the corn stalk borer S. nonagrioides due to geographic isolation.  相似文献   

The bolas spider, Mastophora hutchinsoni, attracts adult males of four species of moths by aggressively mimicking their sex pheromone. Here, we report the identification of two sex pheromone components of one of these species, the bronzed cutworm, Nephelodes minians. Simultaneous gas chromatographic (flame ionization detection) and electroantennographic detection (EAD) analysis of extracts of the sex pheromone glands of female N. minians indicated two components eliciting strong EAD responses from a conspecific male antenna that corresponded in retention time with (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald) and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11-16:OAc), using both polar and nonpolar columns. Mass spectra of these two peaks were identical to those of synthetic Z11-16:Ald and Z11-16:OAc. The double-bond positions were confirmed by GC-MS analysis of dimethyl disulfide derivatives of the putative pheromone components. In a field test, a 5:1 blend of Z11-16:Ald to Z11-16:OAc attracted male N. minians. Overall, there is no overlap in the chemical constituents of the sex pheromones of three moth species preyed upon by this bolas spider for which pheromones have now been identified. These studies suggest that bolas spiders are versatile in their ability to synthesize semiochemicals for different prey species. This versatility may be advantageous to a predator that has an otherwise extremely specialized hunting tactic.  相似文献   

Aggregation pheromones ofDrosophila immigrans, D. phalerata andD. subobscura were demonstrated by testing attraction of adult flies to hexane extracts of the flies in a windtunnel bioassay. Extracts of adult males of all species attracted conspecific males and females. However,D. subobscura flies were attracted only when the extract (cVA) in the extracts of adult maleD. immigrans andD. phalerata. Both species were attracted to synthetic cVA. Male and femaleD. phalerata. Both species were attracted to synthetic cVA. Male and femaleD. subobscura produced 5,9-pentacosadiene, 5-pentacosene, 2-methylhexacosene and 5,9-heptacosadiene, while only maleD. subobscura produced (Z)-5-tricosene and minor amounts of cVA.  相似文献   

Both calling behavior and titer of (Z)-9-hexadecenal (Z9-16: Al), the major sex pheromone component ofHelicoverpa assulta, in pheromone glands showed distinct diel periodicity, and these two were synchronous. Calling was most actively performed and the pheromone titer reached a maximum from 2 to 6 h after lights-off. During photophase, no calling was shown and only a relatively small amount of Z9-16:A1 was detected. However, there was a time lag of a few days between peak calling activity and maximum pheromone titer. The pheromone titer was maximal from age 1 day to age 5 days and thereafter decreased while calling was most actively performed after age 3 days. Titers of three minor components, hexadecenal, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, and (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate, showed similar daily fluctuation patterns to that of Z9-16:Al, but relative to the titer of Z9-16:Al, the titer of the two aldehyde components remained relatively constant whereas that ofZ9-16:Ac increased in the late scotophase.  相似文献   

We report the identification of the southwestern corn borer,Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), female sex attractant pheromone as a mixture of (Z)-9-hexadecenal, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, and (Z)-13-octadecenal in the ratio 21.570.67.9. Initially, six 16- and 18-carbon aldehydes includingn-hexadecanal, (Z)-9-octadecenal, (Z)-11-octadecenal, and the three above were isolated from female gland rinses and evaluated as potential pheromone components by GLC-MS and laboratory bioassays. By laboratory flight chamber and field tests, the stated mixture of (Z)-9-hexadecenal, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, and (Z)-13-octadecenal was shown to be as effective as the female for male attraction. Electrophysiological studies confirmed the requirement for these three compounds, but not forn-hexadecanal, (Z)-9-octadecenal, and (Z)-11-octadecenal.Lepidoptera: Pyralidae.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in this paper does not constitute endorsement of this product by USDA.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of Lobesia botrana males to calling females, pheromone gland extracts, and synthetic sex pheromones were recorded in a wind tunnel. Gland extracts and synthetic pheromones were released from a pheromone evaporator. The numbers of males reaching the source and their flight tracks in response to calling females and pheromone gland extracts were compared to those of synthetic blends. Upwind flights to natural sex pheromone were straighter and faster than to a three-component blend of (E)-7,(Z)-9-dodecadienyl acetate (E7,Z9–12:Ac), (E)-7,(Z)-9-dodecadien-1-ol (E7,Z9–12:OH), and (Z)-9-docecenyl acetate (Z9–12:Ac) (100:20:5). The optimum ratio of E7,Z9–12:OH and Z9–12:Ac to E7,Z9–12:Ac was found to be 5% and 1%, respectively. An additional seven compounds identified in the sex pheromone gland were investigated for their biological activity. Two unsaturated acetates, i.e., (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate (E9–12:Ac) and 11-dodecenyl acetate (11–12:Ac), increased the number of males reaching the source as well as straightness, linear velocity, and decreased the track angle of upwind flight. Optimum response was obtained by releasing 10 pg/min E7,Z9–12:Ac in a mixture with 0.5 pg/min E7,Z9–12:OH, 0.1 pg/min Z9–12:Ac, 0.1 pg/min E9– 12:Ac and 1 pg/min 11-12–Ac. The saturated acetates previously identified in the female glands were biologically inactive.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone behavioral responses were analyzed in a flight tunnel with European corn borer,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), males from three distinct populations. Males from a bivoltine and a univoltine biotype using a 97.82.2 blend (Z strains) of (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate were assayed with treatments containing 0, 0.5, 1, and 3% of theE isomer. Males from neither population oriented in the plume to the 100%Z treatment, but bivoltine males oriented and flew to the source to the other three treatments, whereas univoltine males oriented and flew to the source only to the 1 % and 3 %E treatments. Males from a bivoltine biotype using a 199 blend ofZ/E isomers (E strain) were assayed with sources containing 0, 0.5, 1, and 3% of theZ isomer. Males did not orient to the 0%Z source, but oriented and flew to the source to the other three treatments. In addition to using opposite geometric isomers for the main pheromone component, the bivoltineE strain differed from the bivoltineZ strain by producing and responding better to 1 % of the minor component and by storing 3 times more pheromone in the female glands. Contrary to previous reports, the blend of two pheromone components is significantly better than the main component alone in eliciting oriented flight and close-range behavior with males from all three populations of European corn borer.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of the almond moth, Cadra cautella, is a blend of (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (Z9,E12–14:Ac, the major component capable of inducing attraction alone) and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9–14:Ac, the minor component, which is unattractive alone but augments attraction of the major component). In this study, the ratio of the two components responded to artificial directional selection in five of six selected lines, whereas no change was observed in the three control lines. The mean ratio (±SE) of Z9,E12–14:Ac to Z9–14:Ac went from 13.72 ± 1.02:1 to 20.13 ± 0.68:1 in high line 1, an increase of 47%. In the second high-selected line, the mean ratio (±SE) increased from 9.87 ± 0.54:1 to 15.89 ± 0.85:1, an increase of 61%. In low line 1, the mean ratio (±SE) in the parental generation was 10.74 ± 0.78:1 and 7.35 ± 0.41:1 in the last selected generation, a decrease of 32%. The response to selection was greater in low line 2, as the mean ratio (±SE) decreased from 10.11 ± 0.66:1 to 5.65 ± 0.55:1 in the last generation, a decrease of 44%. In low line 3, the mean ratio (±SE) in the parental generation was 13.63 ± 0.82:1 and 6.47 ± 0.26:1 in the last generation, a decrease of 53%. The response to selection was approximately symmetrical with a mean increase of 54% and a mean decrease of 43%. The increases in ratio observed in the high lines were caused by an increase in the titer of the Z9,E12–14:Ac component with no concurrent change in the titer of the component Z9–14:Ac. Among the low selected lines, the titers of both components increased; however, there was a greater relative increase in the titer of the component Z9–14:Ac. The absolute and relative titers of the sex pheromone components had decreased significantly in the F10 generation in some of the selected lines, five generations after the discontinuation of selection.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of the female almond moth, Cadra cautella, constitutes a highly variable signal. Age and period of the L/D cycle had significant effects on the variation in titers of (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (Z9,E12-14:Ac) and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:Ac) and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac. Across age classes, minimum and maximum mean titers (ng +/- SE) of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac ranged from 8.7 +/- 0.46 to 21 +/- 1.0 and from 2.0 +/- 0.14 to 2.9 +/- 0.15, respectively; the mean ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac ranged from 5.2 +/- 0.21 to 11 +/- 0.40. The titers of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac were highest at the onset of the scotophase and lowest at the onset of the photophase. Similarly, the titer of Z9,E12-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac were highest in females sampled 1 d postemergence and declined over all age classes. The titer of Z9-14:Ac increased from day 1 to day 2, and then declined to levels equivalent to day 1. Analysis of pupal and adult mass demonstrated a positive correlation (r = 0.874, P < 0.001); however, the titer of neither Z9,E12-14:Ac or Z9-14:Ac nor the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac were significantly correlated with pupal mass. Age-related variations in pheromone titer and ratios were heritable. The narrow-sense heritability of the observed variation in 1-d-old females, 1 hr into the scotophase is 1.2 +/- 0.32, 0.75 +/- 0.24, and 0.46 +/- 0.17 for the titer of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac, respectively. A significant additive genetic correlation was observed between that of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac, but not between that of either Z9,E12-14:Ac or Z9-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac. The results of the genetic analyses suggest that the traits of titer of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac have a greater potential to respond to selection than the trait of ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac.  相似文献   

Five active compounds were detected during analyses of ovipositor washings and effluvia from virgin female Coniesta ignefusalis moths by gas chromatography (GC) linked to electroantennographic (EAG) recording from a male moth. These were identified as (Z)-7-dodecen-1-ol (Z7–12:OH), (Z)-5-decen-1-ol (Z5–10:OH), (Z)-7-dodecenal (Z7–12:Ald), (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (Z7–12:Ac), and (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-ol (Z9–14:OH) by comparison of their GC retention times, mass spectra, and EAG activities with those of synthetic standards. Laboratory tests of dispensers for these compounds showed that release rates from polyethylene vials increased to relatively uniform values after three to four days, but release from septa was very rapid and nonuniform and decreased to low levels after two to three days. Trapping tests in Niger showed that the major component, Z7–12:OH, and two of the minor components, Z5–10:OH and Z7–12:Ald, were essential for attraction of male C. ignefusalis moths. The most attractive blend contained these three components in a 100:5:3.3 ratio in a polyethylene vial, which emitted the components in similar proportions to those produced by the female C. ignefusalis moth. Water traps baited with this blend containing 1 mg of Z7–12:OH caught more male C. ignefusalis moths than traps baited with newly emerged female moths. Addition of up to 10% of the corresponding E isomers of the pheromone components had no effect on catches, but addition of the other two minor components detected, Z7–12:Ac and/or Z9–14:OH, to the attractive blend at naturally occurring levels caused significant reductions in trap catch.  相似文献   

The female sex pheromone composition and the male electro-physiological response with respect to the three main sex pheromone components, (Z)-5-decenyl acetate, (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate, and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, were investigated in populations ofAgrotis segetum from Armenia and Bulgaria. The percentage composition of the female-produced pheromone was 15247 and 14257 for the respective populations. Corresponding male receptor frequencies were 9901 and 6922. EAG response profiles of the male antennae were similar for the two populations. The populations from Armenia and Bulgaria differed from the earlier investigated French and Swedish populations, which have larger amounts of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate in gland extracts and have a majority of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate-sensitive receptors. Investigation of receptor frequencies on antennae of male Hungarian moths showed that individuals could be classified as either Swedish or Armenian/Bulgarian type. Males of the Swedish type were preferentially attracted to the three-component pheromone blend, whereas blends of (Z)-7-dodecenyl and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, and (Z)-7-dodecenol [pure or in mixture with (Z)-5-decenol] attracted the Armenian/Bulgarian type. The nature of pheromone variation among European and Asian populations of the turnip moth and possible mechanisms maintaining the variation are discussed.Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).  相似文献   

By means of gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and a series of bioassays, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11–14:OAc) and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11–14:OAc) at a ratio of 100:3 were identified as the female sex pheromone of the adzuki bean borer,Ostrinia scapulalis. The average amounts ofZ11–14: OAc andE11–14:OAc in a single sex pheromone gland were 6.6 ± 2.4 ng and 0.2 ± 0.1 ng, respectively. In a wind-tunnel bioassay, the binary blend ofZ11- andE11–14:OAc elicited almost the same male behavioral responses as did virgin females and sex pheromone gland extract. In field trapping experiments, rubber septa impregnated with the binary blend (50 g/septum) attracted more males than virgin females. The sex pheromone ofO. scapulalis thus turned out to be similar to that of theZ-type European corn borer,O. nubilalis, in both components and their ratio.  相似文献   

Eleclrophysiological recordings from single olfactory receptor cells were carried out in the male tobacco budworm moth,Heliothis virescens. Recordings were made primarily from the sensilla trichodea type 1, which are located in the characteristic circumferential rows on the antennae. They possess the longest sensilla hairs as revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sensory cells of these sensilla responded specifically to pheromones. Only three types of receptor neurons were found, each tuned to one of the female-produced components. The majority (58%) of the neurons were tuned to the major component (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:A1). Another large group (27%) responded specifically to stimulation with (Z)-9-tetradecenal (Z9-14: Al). These two compounds are the most important components of the pheromones as judged by their influence on the behavioral responses of the males. The third type of neurons responded specifically to (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol (Z11-16: OH), which may act either as a pheromone component or as an interspecific cue. None of the receptor neurons in the long sensilla trichodea responded specifically to the minor aldehyde components of the pheromone, which have subtle effects on behavior. Mixture experiments provided no evidence that minor components influence the receptor responses to the major components. Olfactory sensilla outside the crosswise rows were also characterized morphologically by SEM. Included in these were sensilla of different lengths, corresponding to a classification as s. basiconica and s. trichodea type 2. Electrophysiological recordings from these sensilla showed that they are involved primarily in host odor reception. However, a few of these neurons responded to pheromones.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown intraspecific geographical variation in the composition of sex pheromones. Pheromone lures from North America and Europe were not effective against the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Brazil, so we examined the composition of the sex pheromone produced by females from Brazilian populations. Virgin female gland extracts contained (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (Z7-12:Ac), (E)-7-dodecenyl acetate (E7-12:Ac), dodecyl acetate, (Z)-9-dodecenyl acetate, (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:Ac), (Z)-10-tetradecenyl acetate, tetradecyl acetate/(Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-16:Ac), and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate. The relative proportions of each acetate were 0.8:1.2:0.6:traces:82.8:0.3:1.5:12.9, respectively. This is the first time that E7-12:Ac has been reported from the pheromone gland of S. frugiperda. Only three compounds, Z9-14:Ac, Z7-12:Ac, and E7-12:Ac, elicited antennal responses, and there were no differences in catch between traps baited with either Z7-12:Ac + Z9-14:Ac or Z7-12:Ac + Z9-14:Ac + Z11-16:Ac blends. However, the Z7-12:Ac + Z9-14:Ac + E7-12:Ac blend was significantly better than Z7-12:Ac + Z9-14:Ac, indicating that E7-12:Ac is an active component in the sex pheromone of the Brazilian populations of S. frugiperda.  相似文献   

Ovipositor washings from virgin femaleSpodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography (GC) linked to a male electroantennogram (EAG). GC retention times of the two major EAG responses observed were consistent with their assignment as (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate, as previously identified. However, three other EAG responses were also noted that had GC retention times consistent with (Z)-9-tetradecenal, (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-o 1, and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate. The components were present in the ratio of 10051.53.54, respectively. Further analysis of the ovipositor washings by GC linked to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS) confirmed these findings and indicated the presence of a sixth component consistent with (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate present at 2 % of the major component. In field tests carried out in Kenya, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate was the only newly identified component to enhance the catch of the original two-component mixture when presented in their natural ratio. The addition of (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-ol reduced catch, while (Z)-9-tetradecenal and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate had no apparent effect.  相似文献   

Analysis of ovipositor washings from virgin femaleHelicoverpa assulta (Guenée) (Lepidoptere: Noctuidae) from Korea by gas chromatography (GC) linked to electroantennography and GC linked to mass spectrometry resulted in the identification of nine compounds, hexadecanal, (Z)-9-hexadecenal, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, hexadecyl acetate, (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate, hexadecan-l-ol, (Z)-9-hexadecen-l-ol, and (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol. However, ovipositor washings from females from Thailand contained mainly the 16-carbon aldehydes with very small amounts of (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate. Field tests conducted in Korea, China, and Thailand indicated that a binary blend of (Z)-9-hexadecenal and (Z)-11-hexadecenal was sufficient for attraction, although the most attractive ratio of compounds varied with location. In Korea a 201 blend of compounds was the most attractive, while in Thailand a 7.51 blend was most attractive. In China both blends of hexadecenal isomers were equally attractive. Addition of the hexadecenyl acetates to the 201 blend of hexadecenals in the ratio of 13.3 increased the trap catch of maleH. assulta compared to lures containing the aldehydes alone in Korea but reduced trap catch in China. Addition of the hexadecenyl acetates to the 7.51 blend of hexadecenals had no significant effect on trap catch in Thailand or China compared to the aldehydes alone. The addition of the 16-carbon alcohols to the aldehydes had a significantly inhibitory effect in all three countries, suggesting they are not pheromone components. Taken together these results indicate thatH. assulta is polymorphic with at least two populations responding to different sex pheromones.  相似文献   

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