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The effects of different corrections for background activity in the estimation of low organ uptake of radiopharmaceuticals have been examined using myocardial perfusion imaging agents. Estimates of myocardial uptake of 99mTc-labelled MIBI and tetrofosmin were made both at rest and after exercise. Patients were given one or other of the agents (12 MIBI; 17 tetrofosmin) and the measurements at rest and after exercise were made within a week of each other using a planar gamma camera method incorporating an attenuation-corrected, geometric mean technique. Myocardial uptakes were estimated using two different background corrections and also with no background subtraction. Mean values were in the range 1.3 to 3.0% and showed that, for both agents, uptakes estimated with and without background correction could differ by a factor of two. Although the study was not designed to compare myocardial uptakes of the two agents, a background correction which accounted separately for activity in tissue over- and under-lying the heart resulted in similar mean values for tetrofosmin (1.7% both at rest and after exercise) and for MIBI (1.8% rest; 1.9% exercise). For both agents, no significant difference was observed between myocardial uptakes at rest and after exercise measured at about two hours post-injection.  相似文献   

Redistribution thallium-201 (201T1) imaging is the most common method of assessing resting myocardial perfusion. However, the equivalence of a redistribution image and a separate rest injection is unclear. Although the presence of a defect on rest imaging has normally been equated with the presence of a myocardial infarction, it has recently been shown that a significant proportion of fixed defects on exercise-redistribution 201T1 actually represent areas of viable myocardium. This study was a detailed comparison of rest and redistribution imaging in 30 patients undergoing routine exercise 201T1 scanning for the assessment of coronary artery disease. A small dose (15 MBq) of 201T1 was administered at rest following the imaging in three standard planar views. Similar stress images were acquired using a further 50-55 MBq of 201T1 administered at peak effort. Redistribution images were acquired 3-4 h later and equilibrium blood pool ventriculography performed using in vivo labelling with 600 MBq 99Tcm-pertechnetate. Of 150 abnormal segments on the exercise scans, 74 (49%) were identified as being reversible on the redistribution scans and 58 (39%) on the rest images. Only 39 (53%) of these reversible defects were identified on both the redistribution and rest scans. Only 41% of the fixed defects on the redistribution images (32% of fixed defects on the rest images) had abnormal wall motion. Therefore, rest and redistribution images are not equivalent. Both rest and redistribution images significantly overestimate myocardial infarction. This may have significant effects on patient selection for revascularization procedures and therefore all patients having perfusion scintigraphy should also have additional assessment of regional wall motion to allow accurate classification of the functional status of myocardial segments.  相似文献   

Drug induced immunosuppression of chicken immune response was studied in F1 hybrids of the CB and IC inbred lines. In tuberculin reaction complete inhibition of wattle swelling was induced by the administration of methotrexate, colcemid (1 mg/KBW), and 6-mercaptopurine. The cellular infiltration was substantially reduced in these cases. Cyclophosphamide and colcemid (0.1 mg/KBW) reduced partially the wattle swelling but had no apparent effect on the cellular infiltration. Acetinomycin D did not affect in measurable degree the wattle swelling. The histologic picture was in this case the same as in the control animals. The same drug administration schedule had less pronounced effect on anti-HSA antibody production. No anti-HSA antibody was found after the 500 mg/animal doses of 6-mercaptopurine. Significant reduction of anti-HSA titres was found after 50 mg/animal doses of 6-mercaptopurine, colcemid (1 mg/KBW), 25 MG/KBW or cyclophosphamide and after the methotrexate treatment.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the most appropriate hydrodynamic model for the Loc-I-Gut in-vivo perfusion system. The general mixing-tank-in-series model, which can approximate single mixing tank and laminar and plug-flow hydrodynamics, was fitted to the observed experimental residence-time distribution curves for the non-absorbable marker [14C]PEG 4000. The residence-time distribution analysis shows that the hydrodynamics of the perfusion solution within the jejunal segment in man is well approximately by a model containing on average between 1-2 mixing tanks in series. The solution is well mixed when using perfusion rates of 2.0, 3.0 and 6.0 mL min-1. The average mean residence time estimates from the fitted residence-time distribution were 12 +/- 7.6, 15 +/- 4.2 and 7.7 +/- 4.6 min, respectively, at these three perfusion rates. The mean volumes of the segment (Vs) were 25 +/- 15, 45 +/- 12 and 46 +/- 27 mL, respectively. There were no statistical differences between 2.0, 3.0 and 6.0 mL min-1 in respect of the number of mixing tanks (n) and mean residence times. This residence-time distribution analysis indicates that the luminal fluid in the Loc-I-Gut perfusion system is well-mixed, and that permeability calculations based on the well-mixed assumption most closely approximate the actual local (average) membrane permeability within the perfused segment.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) is evolving from single-volume localized acquisitions to multiple-volume acquisitions using magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI). The normal regional patterns of 1H-MRSI-detectable metabolite signal intensities have yet to be established. We studied 13 healthy young adults with a multiple-section 1H-MRSI technique. The metabolite signals measured were N-acetylaspartate (NA), choline-containing compounds (CHO), creatine-phosphocreatine (CRE), and lactate. Ten neuroanatomic regions (nine bilateral) were identified in gray matter, white matter, and basal nuclei. Analysis of the data led to the following conclusions: (1) NA and CHO signals from centrum semiovale (CSO) can be used as a normalizing factor to reduce intersubject variability due to external causes; (2) in normal human brain, there is no left versus right asymmetry in the regions studied; (3) statistically significant patterns of signal distribution of NA, CHO, and CRE can be identified in normal human brain; and (4) CSO-normalized metabolite signal intensities and metabolite ratios complement each other for the detection of significant regional differences.  相似文献   

Stress myocardial perfusion imaging has become a mainstay in the noninvasive assessment of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease for several compelling reasons. Radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging can be performed using a variety of stressors, including exercise, pharmacologic stress (including dipyridamole, adenosine, dobutamine, and arbutamine), or a combination of exercise and pharmacologic stress. The combination of exercise and pharmacologic stress allows an assessment of the patient's exercise tolerance, to be performed while adequately stressing him or her pharmacologically. Radiopharmaceutical choice has been expanded to include not only thallium-201 but also technetium-based imaging agents such as sestamibi and tetrofosmin. The use of technetium imaging agents has recently been enhanced by the ability to assess ventricular function using gated single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging techniques. Finally, the ability to provide prognostic information in the same patients has led to incremental clinical use.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of claws and pads in taking food the planter surface of the distal forelimb paw was recorded with a conventional video camera. The claws were involved in the great majority of trials. The morsel of food may be taken by piercing with one claw (rarely two) either alone or by pressure against a digital pad; support by pressure from another claw was also common, while pressure between two claws was used more rarely. Another technique was pressure between claws (without piercing) and digital pads. The morsel was also taken without participation of claws by pressure between digital pads and the central pad and more rarely between two digital pads.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic constipation are common conditions. In most instances, a thorough history and digital rectal examination provide sufficient information to begin treatment. Occasionally, imaging studies can be useful to confirm the presence of a suspected abnormality. The acute onset of constipation suggests colonic obstruction. Plain abdominal radiographs may be sufficient to determine the level and cause of the obstruction, such as sigmoid or cecal volvulus. Barium enema radiographic examination or colonoscopy may also be useful to detect the cause of obstruction. In patients with chronic constipation, plain abdominal radiographs can be used to show the extent of fecal impaction. Colonic transit time can be assessed on serial abdominal radiographs after the patient has ingested radiopaque markers. Evacuation proctography can be used to diagnose a variety of functional disorders of the rectum and anus, such as rectocele, intussusception and abnormal perineum floor descent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gut dysmotility occurs in most diabetics. Substance P is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating gastrointestinal motility. The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the possible role of this neurotransmitter in the pathogenesis of dysmotility in diabetics. METHODS: Pre-diabetic and diabetic female non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice aged 22-24 weeks were studied. As controls, BALB/CJ mice of the same age and sex were used. Substance P concentrations in tissue extracts from the antrum, duodenum, and colon were determined with radioimmunoassay. Substance P-immunoreactive nerve elements and endocrine cells were identified by immunocytochemistry and quantified with computerized image analysis. RESULTS: Substance P levels in the antrum of both pre-diabetic and diabetic NOD mice were significantly lower than those of controls. In the duodenum and colon substance P levels were higher than those of the controls in both pre-diabetics and diabetic NOD mice. The relative volume density of substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the colon of diabetic NOD mice was significantly decreased. There was no statistically significant difference between pre-diabetic and diabetic NOD mice and controls with regard to the relative volume density of substance P immunoreactive nerve fibres in the antrum and duodenum. In the antrum the number of substance P-immunoreactive cells decreased significantly in both pre-diabetic and diabetic NOD mice. In the duodenum and colon the numbers of these cells in NOD mice did not differ from those of controls. CONCLUSIONS: The changes in substance P contents in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract of NOD mice seem to be primary to the onset of diabetes. The decreased antral substance P contents in NOD mice seems to be caused by structural change in the mucosal endocrine cells. In the small and large intestine the increase in substance P levels appears to be caused by change in the physiologic activities of the nerve element and/or endocrine cells rather than by structure changes. The abnormalities observed here in an animal model for diabetes type I might have relevance for the gastrointestinal dysmotility displayed in human diabetes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Parenterally administered MgSO4 is neuroprotective in standard animal models of focal cerebral ischemia and in many other paradigms of brain injury. Previous small clinical trials in stroke patients have explored the safety and tolerability of different infusion regimens. This study was undertaken to optimize the regimen for a multicenter trial. METHODS: Within 24 hours of the onset of clinically diagnosed stroke, patients were randomized to receive placebo or one of three intravenous MgSO4 infusions: a loading infusion of 8, 12, or 16 mmol, followed by 65 mmol over 24 hours. Cardiovascular parameters, serum magnesium concentrations, and blood glucose concentrations were determined. Outcome at 30 and 90 days was recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were recruited and treated at a mean time of 20 hours after stroke. No tolerability problems were identified. No effects of magnesium on heart rate, blood pressure, or blood glucose were evident. Serum magnesium concentrations rose to target levels most rapidly in the highest loading infusion group and were maintained in all groups for at least 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: MgSO4 infusions that rapidly elevate the serum magnesium concentration to potentially therapeutic levels are well tolerated and have no major hemodynamic effects in patients with acute stroke. The 16-mmol loading infusion achieved target serum concentrations most rapidly and has been chosen for further trials.  相似文献   

The ultramicroscopic organization and the endotheliocyte surface relief in ventral portions of the thoracic part of human aorta and in zones of division of blood flow were studied under conditions of early post mortem examinations and perfusion fixation of corpses of 14 humans dead from accidental causes. Zones of entrance into the intercostal aortas are compared with the straight portions of the aorta and are found to be characterized, as compared with the latters, by polymorphism of the endothelium, higher adhesiveness of its surface to blood elements, as well as by the presence of intravitally de-endothelialized portions localized on the ridge of the intimal valve.  相似文献   

Unlike the elderly, healthy middle aged adults are at relatively low risk of acquiring serious pneumococcal disease. An explanation that has been proposed is that people in this age group have significant amounts of serum antibody (primarily IgG2) that react with any pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide serotypes. The level of antibody can be as high as several hundred micrograms per milliliter of blood for some serotypes. A significant component of this reactivity is directed toward the conserved C-polysaccharide depletion. Even after C-polysaccharide depletion, which is included as a routine part of the assay to determine antibody levels, resting antibody levels in a normal healthy adult population can vary widely. We have analyzed the reactivity of serum from 76 people to 16 pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide serotypes. The antibody reactivities to 13 of 16 serotypes are highly correlated with one another. Depletion of serum with C-polysaccharide and purified capsular polysaccharide inhibited antibody binding to type specific capsular polysaccharide. Cross-serotype inhibition of antibody binding was also observed. This indicates that there are materials contained within the pneumococcal polysaccharides that contribute to the cross-reactivity of serum antibodies in people that have not been vaccinated with the pneumococcal vaccine.  相似文献   

A single integrated examination using regional measurements of perfusion from contrast-enhanced MRI and three-dimensional (3D) strain from tissue-tagged MRI was developed to differentiate infarcted myocardium from adjacent tissue with functional abnormalities. Ten dogs were studied at baseline and 10 days after a 2-hour occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Strain was determined using a 3D finite element model. Two-dimensional measurements of hypoenhancing regions were highly correlated with myocardial viability (r = 0.96). Signal intensity versus time curves obtained from contrast-enhanced MRI were used for quantitative perfusion analysis. The remote and adjacent noninfarcted tissue of the dogs with LAD occlusion, as well as the infarcted tissue, exhibited abnormal deformation patterns as compared to normal dogs (positive predictive value (PPV) of strain determination of infarction = 66%). Integration of contrast-enhanced MRI results with 3D strain analysis enabled the delineation of the myocardial infarction (PPV = 100%) from functionally compromised myocardium. This integrated cardiac examination shows promise for noninvasive serial assessment of potentially jeopardized noninfarcted myocardium to study the process of infarct remodeling and expansion.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in order to test the hypothesis of a right hemisphere dominance in the visual control of body balance. Eight healthy adults were subjected to a self-regulated lateral balance task, performed while sitting on a rocking platform. Four visual conditions were tested: open eyes with normal vision, closed eyes in the dark, left visual field-right hemisphere and right visual field-left hemisphere. Head and support displacements in the roll plane were recorded by means of an optoelectronic system. Two main results emerged from this study: (1) head stabilization in space was much more efficient in the left visual field-right hemisphere condition than in the three other visual conditions, and (2) although vision played an important role in the body stability whatever the anatomical level, there was no right hemisphere dominance at the pelvic level. A clear right hemisphere dominance was thus demonstrated as regards the visual contribution to head stabilization in space.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present tolerance and toxicity information on previously untreated high-risk early-stage and advanced-stage primary epithelial ovarian cancer patients treated with adjuvant 3-hour paclitaxel and carboplatin. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Consecutive patients with high-risk early-stage and advanced-stage epithelial ovarian cancer underwent maximal surgical debulking and/or staging. Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) was infused over 3 hours followed by a 30-minute carboplatin infusion (area under the plasma concentration time curve = 7.0-7.5 mg/mL/min) for a planned six (q 21 day) courses. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients underwent 132 cycles and were evaluable for toxicity. Myelosuppression was dose-limiting. Grade 4 granulocytopenia occurred in 31% of the cycles. Grade 3 and 4 thrombocytopenia was uncommon (5%, 1%) and predictable. Delay in administration was necessary in 10 of 132 (7.6%) cycles (5 of 22 patients). Eight of these 10 delays were 7 days. Seventeen of 22 (77%) patients completed therapy without a delay. Non-hematologic toxicity was mild. A significant individual weight gain of 2.5 kg was noted. Among 19 patients with advanced disease, 16 had a complete clinical remission after six cycles of therapy. Nine patients with stage IIB-IV disease have undergone reassessment procedures (four pathologic complete responses, three microscopic positive, two macroscopic positive). Sixteen of 22 (77%) have no evidence of disease, four have no evidence of disease following a secondary therapy, one is under therapy with salvage chemotherapy, and one is dead of disease. Median follow-up is 14 months (range: 6-30 months). Comparatively, the mean carboplatin dose administered was 440 mg/m2 (95% CI, 428-486 mg/m2). CONCLUSION: Paclitaxel and carboplatin administered in this design are well tolerated, with predictable and acceptable hematologic and nonhematologic toxicity. Dose-limiting toxicity is granulocytopenia with relative platelet sparing. Outpatient administration is safe.  相似文献   

Velocity-driven adiabatic inversion is an attractive method for labeling arterial blood spins for quantitative perfusion imaging. To quantify perfusion and to optimize experimental parameters, an accurate estimate of labeling efficiency is required. We present theoretical and numerical methods to calculate the labeling efficiency over a wide range of experimental and physiologic parameters. The results are compared to experimental measurements in vivo. Inversion efficiency was found to be higher than previously assumed and relatively insensitive to flow velocity and the amplitude of the RF irradiation used for inversion. Assuming laminar flow, labeling efficiencies of greater than 90% are easily obtainable over a broad range of flow velocities. For applications where RF power deposition is a limiting factor such as at high field strengths, labeling efficiency can be maintained by reducing the labeling gradient. These results further illustrate the capability of adiabatic inversion to effectively label flowing blood.  相似文献   

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