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太阳磁场、较差自转和内部对流使得日面磁场与磁活动在很大的时间尺度和空间尺度范围均表现得相当复杂.其中最有名的是太阳活动的11年周期,或22年磁周期.在较小时间尺度上,从几秒到几小时,有时太阳大气中会发生一些壮观的爆发事件,如耀斑、日珥爆发、日冕物质抛射等.所有这些形式的事件都与太阳磁场紧密关联.简单评述了太阳磁场起源与观测方法,重点论述了不同尺度太阳磁场的空间分布与演化,介绍了从太阳磁活动现象统计得到的有关太阳磁场的几个典型特征,同时讨论了进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

姜杰  汪景琇 《天文学进展》2005,23(2):121-134
太阳发电机理论主要解释太阳磁场的起源和演化,是太阳物理中最基本、最重要的问题之一.对它的研究不仅具有重要的科学价值,而且对空间天气的预测和空间技术的发展有一定的影响.随着日震学的发展,该理论也得到了很大改进。从相关观测入手,综述了发电机理论需解释的观测事实,以及为发电机理论提供约束的太阳内部动力学结构;介绍了基本理论和近来的主流模型,并指出尚待解决的问题和进一步的努力方向。  相似文献   

简要回顾了螺度引入太阳磁场研究中的历史过程,从物理角度讨论了相对磁螺度这个新的可观测量,并指出其在理论和观测中存在的问题;着重介绍了磁螺度在太阳大气中的分配问题;探讨了磁螺度和电流螺度的差别与联系、螺度半球手征性;列举介绍了磁螺度和其他太阳活动的联系,尤其是太阳爆发事件中的磁螺度问题;指出磁螺度理论中几个还没有解决的问题及今后可能取得进展的方向。  相似文献   

汪景璓 《天文学进展》1994,12(2):115-125
假定太阳是一颗普通的恒星,对太阳磁场的高分辨率观测,则从内禀磁场强度,尺度谱,面积填充因子,成穴分布趋势,双极分布特征和演化时标等多方面,为类太阳恒星磁场测量提供了一个基本标度,本文综述了与恒星磁场测量有关的,太阳磁场若干观测特征,与类太阳恒星测量结果对比表明,类太阳恒星磁场的内禀强度与太阳磁场接近,但面积填充因子大1-2个数量级,这可能真实地反映了恒星磁场的内禀强度成太阳磁场接近,但面积填充因子  相似文献   

太阳射电微波爆发及其精细结构研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳射电微波爆发携带着爆发源区的物理环境及辐射机制等诸多重要信息。其辐射频段较高,通常来自低日冕磁重联区,尤其是微波爆发的精细结构,持续时间短、变化快、结构复杂,可以反映重联过程复杂的磁场结构、高能粒子运动等许多特征。综述了太阳微波射电爆发分类研究的3个主要阶段,介绍了每一阶段的重要爆发类型、物理机制研究及相应的观测设备,讨论了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

本论文可分为两个部分,第一部分系统地综述了太阳大气中的小尺度活动现象,并给出了详细的统计结果。小尺度磁场的对消激发小尺度活动现象。这些磁场显著影响太阳大气的结构和动力学特征,这产场影响能量从小阳大气的结构和动力学特征,如这些磁场影响能量从太阳大气的低层向高层传输,针状体动力学(小尺度磁活动)能够把物质从光球输送到日冕,及小尺度磁场对消产生的X射线亮点等等。近几年,大多数太阳物理学家认为小尺度磁场对  相似文献   

利用1998年10月3日北京天文台怀柔太阳观测站的高质量磁图,对给定的太阳宁静区两种不同极性的磁场进行了功率谱分析.结果表明,空间功率谱在超米粒和中米粒尺度具有明显的尖峰结构,这对应于空间周期性分布的网络和内网络磁结构.结果也显示出,超米粒边缘所包含的两种极性场中,其中的一种极性占优势.通过瞬态功率谱的分析,得出网络和内网络场寿命之间的比例关系,这一结果和其他学者得出的超米粒和中米粒对流寿命之间的关系相符.  相似文献   

本分析了现有几种常用的确定太阳磁场横向分量方位角的方法,如势场法,Krall法,吴-艾法和“方位角连续”法,作认为这些方法各有不同的适用范围,其中任何一种方法都不能单独确定太阳横向磁场。在此分析的基础上,提出了确定太阳横向磁场方位角的综合方法。该法的要点是:用势场法和Krall法分别处理同一磁场观测资料,比较这两种方法所得到的横场分布图,找出它们的相同区域和有差别区域,从相同区域出发,利用“无  相似文献   

本文分析了现有几种常用的确定太阳磁场横向分量方位角的方法,如势场法,Krall法、吴-艾法和"方位角连续"法,作者认为这些方法各有不同的适用范围,其中任何一种方法都不能单独确定太阳横向磁场。在此分析的基础上,提出了确定太阳横向磁场方位角的综合方法。该法的要点是:用势场法和Krall法分别处理同一磁场观测资料,比较这两种方法所得到的横场分布图,找出它们的相同区域和有差别区域。从相同区域出发,利用"无力因子相近"假定,可以推断有差异区域的横场方位角。本文提供的应用实例初步显示了综合方法的有效性。  相似文献   

太阳磁场是研究太阳物理的关键。目前对太阳磁场的精确测量只限于光球层。对日冕磁场结构的了解,则多是以观测的光球磁场作为边界条件,在某种理论模型下进行外推。势场模型、线性无力场模型和非线性无力场模型是无力场假设下的三种理论外推模型。文章介绍了太阳磁场理论外推的基本方法和最新进展,和对三种模型中使用较多的外推方法,列举了它们在天文研究中的一些应用,同时也简略讨论了外推方法中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

分析了太阳的观测磁图所涉及的磁场位形 ,以及磁场观测研究中的一些问题。  相似文献   

We use the flux-transport dynamo prediction scheme introduced by Dikpati, de Toma, and Gilman (Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L05102, 2006) to make separate simulations and predictions of sunspot cycle peaks for northern and southern hemispheres. Despite the division of the data, the skill level achieved is only slightly lower than that achieved for the sum of both hemispheres. The model shows skill at simulating and predicting the difference in peaks between North and South, provided that difference is more than a few percent. The simulation and prediction skill is achieved without adjustment to any parameters of the model that were used when peaks for the sum of North and South sunspot areas was simulated. The results are also very insensitive to the averaging length applied to the input data, provided the simulations and predictions are for peaks defined by averaging the observations over at least 13 rotations. However, in its present form, the model is not capable of skillfully simulating or predicting short-time-scale features of individual solar cycles.  相似文献   

We present a novel experiment with the capacity to independently measure both the electron density and the magnetic field of the solar corona. We achieve this through measurement of the excess Faraday rotation resulting from propagation of the polarised emission from a number of pulsars through the magnetic field of the solar corona. This method yields independent measures of the integrated electron density, via dispersion of the pulsed signal and the magnetic field, via the amount of Faraday rotation. In principle this allows the determination of the integrated magnetic field through the solar corona along many lines of sight without any assumptions regarding the electron density distribution. We present a detection of an increase in the rotation measure of the pulsar J1801-2304 of approximately 170 rad m2 at an elongation of 0.96° from the centre of the solar disc. This corresponds to a lower limit of the magnetic field strength along this line of sight of >41.8 nT. The lack of precision in the integrated electron density measurement restricts this result to a limit, but application of coronal plasma models can further constrain this to approximately 0.5 μT, along a path passing 2.7 solar radii from the solar limb, which is consistent with predictions obtained using extensions to the source surface models published by the Wilcox Solar Observatory.  相似文献   

A number of independent arguments indicate that the toroidal flux system responsible for the sunspot cycle is stored at the base of the convection zone in the form of flux tubes with field strength close to 105 G. Although the evidence for such strong fields is quite compelling, how such field strength can be reached is still a topic of debate. Flux expulsion by convection should lead to about the equipartition field strength, but the magnetic energy density of a 105-G field is two orders of magnitude larger than the mean kinetic energy density of convective motions. Line stretching by differential rotation (i.e., the “Ω effect” in the classical mean-field dynamo approach) probably plays an important role, but arguments based on energy considerations show that it does not seem feasible that a 105-G field can be produced in this way. An alternative scenario for the intensification of the toroidal flux system in the overshoot layer is related to the explosion of rising, buoyantly unstable magnetic flux tubes, which opens a complementary mechanism for magnetic-field intensification. A parallelism is pointed out with the mechanism of “convective collapse” for the intensification of photospheric magnetic flux tubes up to field strengths well above equipartition; both mechanisms, which are fundamentally thermal processes, are reviewed.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of solar and heliospheric magnetic fields in terms of their cumulative sums reveals cyclic and long-term changes that appear as a magnetic flux imbalance and alternations of dominant magnetic polarities. The global magnetic flux imbalance of the Sun manifests itself in the solar mean magnetic field (SMMF) signal. The north – south asymmetry of solar activity and the quadrupole mode of the solar magnetic field contribute the most to the observed magnetic flux imbalance. The polarity asymmetry exhibits the Hale magnetic cycle in both the radial and azimuthal components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Analysis of the cumulative sums of the IMF components clearly reveals cyclic changes in the IMF geometry. The accumulated deviations in the IMF spiral angle from its nominal value also demonstrate long-term changes resulting from a slow increase of the solar wind speed over 1965 – 2006. A predominance of the positive IMF B z with a significant linear trend in its cumulative signal is interpreted as a manifestation of the relic magnetic field of the Sun. Long-term changes in the IMF B z are revealed. They demonstrate decadal changes owing to the 11/22-year solar cycle. Long-duration time intervals with a dominant negative B z component were found in temporal patterns of the cumulative sum of the IMF B z .  相似文献   

Powerful flares are closely related to the evolution of the complex magnetic field configuration at the solar surface. The strength of the magnetic field and speed of its evolution are two vital parameters in the study of the change of magnetic field in the solar atmosphere. We propose a dynamic and quantitative depiction of the changes in complexity of the active region: E=u×B, where u is the velocity of the footpoint motion of the magnetic field lines and B is the magnetic field. E represents the dynamic evolution of the velocity field and the magnetic field, shows the sweeping motions of magnetic footpoints, exhibits the buildup process of current, and relates to the changes in nonpotentiality of the active region in the photosphere. It is actually the induced electric field in the photosphere. It can be deduced observationally from velocities computed by the local correlation tracking (LCT) technique and vector magnetic fields derived from vector magnetograms. The relationship between E and ten X-class flares of four active regions (NOAA 10720, 10486, 9077, and 8100) has been studied. It is found that (1) the initial brightenings of flare kernels are roughly located near the inversion lines where the intensities of E are very high, (2) the daily averages of the mean densities of E and its normal component (E n) decrease after flares for most cases we studied, whereas those of the tangential component of E (E t) show no obvious regularities before and after flares, and (3) the daily averages of the mean densities of E t are always higher than those of E n, which cannot be naturally deduced by the daily averages of the mean densities of B n and B t.  相似文献   

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