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Lower Cretaceous red sedimentary rocks from the depositional basin of East Qilian fold belt have been collected for a paleomagnetic study. Stepwise thermal demagnetization reveals two or three components of magnetization from dark red sandstones. Low-temperature magnetic component is consistent with the present Earth Field direction in geographic coordinates. High-temperature magnetic components are mainly carried by hematite. The mean pole of 19 sites for high-temperature magnetic components after tilt-correction is λ=62.2°N, φ=193.4°E, A95=3.2°, and it passes fold tests at 99% confidence level and reversal tests at 95% confidence level. The paleopole is insignificantly different from that of Halim et al. (1998) from the same sampling area at the 95% confidence level. Compared with paleomagnetic results for North China, South China, and Eurasia, our results suggest that no significant relative latitudinal displacement has taken place between Lanzhou region and these blocks since Cretaceous time. Remarkably, the pole of Lanzhou shows a 20° clockwise rotation with respect to those of North China, South China, and Eurasia. Geological information indicates that the crustal shortening in the western part of Qilian is greater than that in eastern part. In this case, the clockwise rotation of sampling area was related to India/Eurasia collision, and this collision resulted in a left-lateral strike-slip motion of the Altun fault in north Tibetan Plateau after the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic results from Neogene sedimentary sequences from the Betic chain (Spain) are here presented. Sedimentary basins located in different areas were selected in order to obtain paleomagnetic data from structural domains that experienced different tectonic evolution during the Neogene. Whereas no rotations have been evidenced in the Late Tortonian sediments in the Guadalquivir foreland basin, clockwise vertical axis rotations have been measured in sedimentary basins located in the central part of the Betics: the Aquitanian to Messinian sediments in the Alcalà la Real basin and the Tortonian and Messinian sediments in the Granada basin. Moreover, counterclockwise vertical axis rotations, associated to left lateral strike-slip faults have been locally measured from sedimetary basins in the eastern Betics: the Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene sites from the Lorca and Vera basins and, locally, the Tortonian units of the Huercal-Overa basin. Our results show that, conversely from what was believed up to now, paleomagnetic rotations continued in the Betics after Late Miocene, enhancing the role of vertical axis rotations in the recent tectonic evolution of the Gibraltar Arc.  相似文献   

A combined geochronologic (K-Ar) and palaeomagnetic study has been conducted on a basalt lava sequence at Yixian Formation in Liaoning Province, northeastern China. The new K-Ar age obtained from thirteen lava flows is 120.93±0.88 Ma. Detailed rock-magnetic investigations were conducted on each lava flow to determine their remanence carriers. The modified version of the Thellier-Thellier palaeointensity method with systematic partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) checks was used for the palaeointensity determination. Virtual dipole moment (VDM) value is (3.66±0.10)x1022 Am2. This low dipole-field intensity value is approximately forty-five percent of the today field VDM. Combined with all of the other published palaeointensity data, possible links between the earth’s interior process and its control on the variation of the earth’s magnetic field during the geological time were tentatively discussed.  相似文献   

Many features of the Cenozoic tectonic history of central and southeastern Asia can be understood as direct consequences of the thrust and penetration of India into Asia. Recent indentation experiments with plasticine (Tapponnier et al. [7]) have extended this idea and have led to the prediction of a pattern of large rotations and displacements of continental blocks that can be tested by paleomagnetism. The available Cretaceous and Cenozoic paleomagnetic data from this part of the world have been reviewed and a new APWP for Eurasia has been constructed for reference. The negligible rotation of South China and large clockwise rotation of Indochina are consistent with the model, i.e., with an history of large-scale left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Altyn Tagh and Red River faults. Data from Malaya and Borneo can be reconciled with the model, although in a less straightforward fashion. The large counter clockwise rotation of South Tibet implies that it rotated in sympathy with India during the collision and suggests that future indentation experiments should include this feature. Finally a middle Cretaceous reconstruction of the south margin of Asia is proposed. One interesting result is the restored continuity of geological features in Tibet and Indochina, with active subduction of oceanic (Indian plate) crust taking place to the south at subtropical latitudes.  相似文献   

海南岛早白垩世红层磁组构和古地磁新结果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张伙带  谈晓冬 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3246-3257
海南岛白垩纪红层是迄今产出古地磁结果最多的地层,但古地磁结果难以在海南岛周边古地磁结果和地质限制条件下作出合理解释.为了更好地认识海南岛白垩纪红层古地磁方向的可靠性,我们对采自前人工作地区的14个采点132个样品开展了古地磁和磁组构的综合研究.磁化率各向异性测试显示14个采点样品平均各向异性度为1.018,线理度为1.014,面理度为1.004.各采点磁化率椭球体最小轴显著偏离地层法线,没有反映出沉积或压实特征.野外调查发现采点区域的节理组交线(代表中间应力轴)与磁化率椭球体中间轴一致,意味着采点磁性矿物的排列方位很可能因构造应力影响发生改变.逐步热退磁显示14个采点分离出的特征剩磁解阻温度高于660℃,方向区别于现代地磁场方向;褶皱检验表明在褶皱展平度为80.4%(95%置信范围内褶皱展平度为77%±12.2%)时精度参数达最大,对应方向为D=359.9°, I=43.4°,κ=70.2,α95=4.8°,与前人的古地磁方向一致.通过与华南地块参考极对比,以及综合分析海南岛围区古地磁和地质限制条件,表明该古地磁方向是不协调的.我们认为前人和本文采样红层剩磁很可能在沉积时获得,但在沉积后受到区域构造应力的影响,致使磁性矿物排列改变,从而导致古地磁方向也发生变化.因此,我们认为这些样品所记录的古地磁方向不能准确反映海南岛白垩纪古纬度.  相似文献   

Abstract Sandstones from the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of Central Palawan are rich in quartz grains and acidic volcanic rock fragments. Potassium feldspar grains and granitic rock fragments are commonly observed. The moderate to high SiO2 and low FeO plus MgO contents of the sandstones support the proposal that clasts were derived from a continental source region. Southern China (Kwangtung and Fukien regions) is inferred to be the source area of the sandstones. The sedimentary facies of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession consist of turbidite and sandstones, suggesting that they were deposited in the deep sea portions of submarine-fans and basin plains situated along a continental margin. These features indicate that the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of the Central Palawan were derived and drifted from the southern margin of China. The tectonic history related to the formation of Palawan Island is also discussed.  相似文献   




~~New paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric results for Early Cretaceous rocks from the Turpan intramontane basin,east Tianshan,northwest China~~  相似文献   

Nadezhda I.  Filatova 《Island Arc》1995,4(2):128-139
Abstract The Cretaceous geodynamic and paleogeographic evolution of the northeastern Asian continental margin is summarized in five maps for time-intervals of 115-110, 100-90, 90-85, 85-74 and 70-50 Ma. Four major evolutionary stages are recognized: (i) the moderate extensional tectonic regime and origination of a system of island arcs in the Jurassic-Neocomian stage; (ii) Middle Cretaceous strong collisional and accretional processes resulting in the Asian continent formation in the Barremian-Early Albian stage; (iii) the origination of the subduction-related Okhotsk-Chukotka continental marginal volcanic belt in relation to the newly formed convergent plate boundary in the Late Albian-Senonian stage; and (iv) the next collision accompanied by the extinction of the subduction-related volcanism in the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene stage (Laramian orogeny) and displayed rift-related processes with the intraplate-type volcanism on the Asian continental margin. Those stages had been established through the whole Pacific ring and had close genetic relationships with mid-ocean ridges tectonic activity.  相似文献   

The Eastern Kunlun Mountains play an important role in the growth and eastward extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonic and sedimentary study of the Cenozoic Qaidam Basin, especially the southern part, provides key evidence for understanding their evolution. Here we present evidence including isopach maps, seismic sections and sedimentary analysis of single well to illustrate the sedimentary development of the basin and the structural features of its southern margin. The Qaidam Basin extended across Qiman Tagh-Eastern Kunlun Mountains in the early Cenozoic and withdrew northward at ca. 35.5 Ma, and then buckled as an EW striking elliptical depression since ca. 14.9 Ma, with the main depocenter migrating eastward. Our results support the view that the Kumukol and Hoh Xil basins joined the Qaidam Basin in the early Cenozoic time and we propose the Eastern Kunlun Mountains uplifted in the mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

In this study, the LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating of the Shimo-ondori diorites in the Shimanto accretionary complex of SW Japan provides ~130 Ma, representing the timing of their crystallization ages. Combined with the geological occurrence, that age clearly indicates that the diorites occur as blocks, not as intrusive rocks as suggested by previous studies. Moreover, the ages of the Shimo-ondori diorites are suggesstive that they could be influential for the estimate of the early-Cretaceous tectonic evolution for the eastern Asian margin. Their whole-rock chemical compositions show high MgO, Ni and Cr contents, and low total FeO/MgO ratios, indicating that they were crystallized from high magnesian andesite (HMA) magmas. Moreover, their TiO2 and REE compositions suggest that they were formed by the same processes as the sanukites. And, the zircon Hf isotopic ratios (εHf [~130 Ma] = +9.9 − +17.5), which is close to or slightly lower than that of the ~130 Ma depleted mantle, suggest that the wedge-mantle materials were predominantly involved in the formation of the dioritic magmas. Their geochronological and geochemical similarities of the Shimo-ondori diorites with the early Cretaceous adakites and HMAs in the eastern Asian margin suggest that they might have been formed possibly by the same slab rollback of the Izanagi plate at the early Cretaceous. After the crystallization of the Shimo-ondori diorites, they were delivered and deposited as blocks in a trench site with the surrounding sedimentary rocks of the Shimanto accretionary complex.  相似文献   

New paleontological evidence suggests that the composition of the matrix and slices from the middle and the south of the Eastern Kunlun Melange Belt is very complex, ranging from Proterozoic to Mesozoic in geological time. A Cambrian acritarch assemblage has been discovered from the middle part of the Eastern Kunlun Melange, a Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic acritarch assemblage has been discovered from the south of the Eastern Kunlun Melange,and so has been an Early Permian radiolarian from the A'nyemaqen Melange in Buqingshan.In addition, some sporopollen has been obtained from the Mesozoic tectonic slices. The above-mentioned paleontological evidence indicates that the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt experienced two episodes from ocean to continent from the Neoproterozoic to the Early Paleozoic and in the Late Paleozoic respectively. In the process of intracontinent development in Mesozoic, because of heavy thrust-nappe, strike-slip sheer and crust shortening, the Mesozoic formation was intercalated in melange by slices and the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt became more complex.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous tectonic and geodynamic settings of the southeastern Russian continental margin are discussed using data generated during several recent geological studies. The structural patterns of the East Asian Cretaceous continental margin are the result of the influence of global and regional processes. The interaction and reorganization of the Eurasian, Pacific and other related plates induced intraplate tectonic processes such as rifting, subduction, collision, transform faulting, and basin formation. Three major basin types are recognized in this area: (i) mainly marine active continental margins associated with shear components (Sangjian–Middle Amur Basin); (ii) passive continental margins (Bureya, Partizansk, and Razdolny basins); (iii) intracontinental basins (Amur–Zeya Basin). The evolution of the biota in this region allows the examination of Early and Late Cretaceous biostratigraphy, faunal and floral changes, and the phytogeography of the southeastern Russian continental margin.  相似文献   

对我国西南地区思茅地体中部巍山和五印地区白垩纪地层进行了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得了两个地区的高温剩磁分量并通过了褶皱检验.巍山剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=64.3°,Is=48.5°,k=54.6,α95=4.7°;五印剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=15.4°,Is=44.8°,k=212.0,α95=4.6°.通过思茅地体磁偏角变化与兰坪-思茅褶皱带构造线迹变化的相关性分析,确定思茅地体内部差异性旋转变形受控于思茅地体弧形构造带的形成和演化.通过青藏高原东南缘走滑断裂带活动年代分析,确定兰坪-思茅褶皱带蜂腰构造部位形成于两期构造事件,早期构造变形与东喜马拉雅构造结北北东向挤压缩进有关,后期构造变形与川滇微地块发生顺时针旋转时南向挤出运动有关.以华南板块稳定区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出巍山和五印相对于华南板块分别发生了10.5°±6.0°和3.8°±4.9°的南向运移量.通过选取思茅地体内部构造形态较稳定的巍山和普洱地区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出五印相对于巍山和普洱分别发生了3.4°±5.0°和3.1°±5.4°的北向纬向运移,表明五印和和巍山之间自印亚碰撞以来经历了较大规模的北向地壳缩短变形作用.  相似文献   

对我国西南地区思茅地体中部巍山和五印地区白垩纪地层进行了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得了两个地区的高温剩磁分量并通过了褶皱检验.巍山剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=64.3°,Is=48.5°,k=54.6,α95=4.7°;五印剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=15.4°,Is=44.8°,k=212.0,α95=4.6°.通过思茅地体磁偏角变化与兰坪—思茅褶皱带构造线迹变化的相关性分析,确定思茅地体内部差异性旋转变形受控于思茅地体弧形构造带的形成和演化.通过青藏高原东南缘走滑断裂带活动年代分析,确定兰坪—思茅褶皱带蜂腰构造部位形成于两期构造事件,早期构造变形与东喜马拉雅构造结北北东向挤压缩进有关,后期构造变形与川滇微地块发生顺时针旋转时南向挤出运动有关.以华南板块稳定区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出巍山和五印相对于华南板块分别发生了10.5°±6.0°和3.8°±4.9°的南向运移量.通过选取思茅地体内部构造形态较稳定的巍山和普洱地区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出五印相对于巍山和普洱分别发生了3.4°±5.0°和3.1°±5.4°的北向纬向运移,表明五印和和巍山之间自印亚碰撞以来经历了较大规模的北向地壳缩短变形作用.  相似文献   

拉萨地块林周盆地白垩系红层的古地磁数据一直都有较大争议.过去认为磁倾角变浅可能是造成这些分歧的主要原因.我们在林周盆地设兴组背斜两翼进行了系统的古地磁采样,15个采样点的特征剩磁分量在倾斜校正和倾伏褶皱校正后平均方向为D=339.3°,I=22.9°(α_(95)=5.1°).特征剩磁分量在大约69%展开时获得最大集中,表明其为同褶皱重磁化;此时平均方向为D=339.1°,I=27.3°(α_(95)=4.1°),对应的古地磁极为65.4°N,327.5°E(A_(95)=3.5°),参考点29.3°N/88.5°E的古纬度为15.0°N±3.5°.薄片镜下分析显示赤铁矿为次生矿物,岩石磁组构(AMS)也表现为过渡型构造变形组构.样品的特征剩磁方向应为重磁化的结果,E/I(elongation vs inclination)校正法显示特征剩磁方向并没有发生倾角变浅.根据区域构造,重磁化时代约为72.4±1.8 Ma到64.4±0.6 Ma.综合考虑拉萨地块东西部的古地磁数据以及地震层析成像资料后我们认为,碰撞前拉萨地块大约呈NW-SE向准线性分布,并处于~10°N-15.0°N;自~70 Ma以来,拉萨地块与稳定欧亚大陆之间至少存在1200±400 km(11.1°±3.5°)的南北向构造缩短量;印度大陆与欧亚大陆的碰撞不应晚于55 Ma.  相似文献   

A NNW-trending belt of alkaline mafic volcanic fields parallels the Gulf of Mexico from the U.S. border southward to Veracruz state, in eastern Mexico. Previous studies grouped this volcanism into the so-called “Eastern Alkaline Province” (EAP) and suggested that it resulted from Gulf-parallel extensional faulting migrating from north to south from Oligocene to Present. On the basis of new geologic studies, forty-nine unspiked K–Ar and two 40Ar–39Ar ages, we propose a new geodynamic model for the volcanism along the southwestern Gulf of Mexico.We studied in detail four of the six recognized fields of mafic alkaline volcanism in Veracruz state: 1) The lavas flows of Tlanchinol area (7.3–5.7 Ma), 2) the Alamo monogenetic field and Sierra de Tantima (7.6–6.6 Ma), 3) the Poza Rica and Metlatoyuca lava flows (1.6–1.3 Ma) and 4) the Chiconquiaco–Palma Sola area (6.9–3.2 Ma). Other two mafic volcanic fields may represent the continuation of alkaline volcanism to the southeast: the Middle Miocene lavas at Anegada High, offshore port of Veracruz, and the Middle to Late Miocene volcanism at the Los Tuxtlas.The existence of major Neogene extensional faults parallel to the Gulf of Mexico (i.e., ∼N–S to NNW–SSE) proposed in previous works was not confirmed by our geological studies. Elongation of volcanic necks, vent alignment, and faults mapped by subsurface data trend dominantly NE to ENE and NW to NNW. These directions are parallel to transform and normal faults that formed during the Late Jurassic opening of the Gulf of Mexico. Ascent of mafic magmas was likely facilitated and controlled by the existence of these pre-existing basement structures.Coupled with previous studies, our data demonstrate the occurrence of three magmatic episodes in Veracruz: 1) A Middle Miocene (∼15–11 Ma) episode in southern Veracruz (Palma Sola, Anegada, and Los Tuxtlas); 2) A Late Miocene to Early Pliocene (∼7.5–3 Ma) pulse of mafic alkaline volcanism throughout the study region; and 3) A Late Pliocene to Quaternary transitional to calc–alkaline volcanism in southern Veracruz (Palma Sola, Los Tuxtlas). Whereas the first and third episodes may be considered part of the subduction-related Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the second pulse of mafic alkaline volcanism has a more complex origin. The absence of significant extensional faulting precludes a rift origin. We favor a model in which a transient thermal anomaly and melting of the mantle was triggered by the tearing and detachment of part of the subducted slab.  相似文献   

Zircons from two samples of the Sukeng pluton in the southwest Fujian Province, China, were analyzed by LA–ICP–MS with the aim of determining the timing of formation. The zircons from the two samples yield similar U–Pb ages of 100.47 ± 0.42 and 102.46 ± 0.69 Ma, indicating that the Sufeng pluton is contemporaneous with the Sifang and Luoboling plutons, all of which are also related to Cu–Au–Pb–Zn–Mo mineralization within the study area. All three plutons have geochemical features of I‐type granites, are high‐ to mid‐K calc‐alkaline metaluminous rocks, and have average molar Al2O3/ (CaO+Na2O+K2O) values of 0.95, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70465–0.70841, εNd(t) values at 101 Ma from –1.72 to –7.26, and two‐stage Nd model ages (T2DM) from 1.16 to 1.60 Ga. Zircons within these plutons have εHf(t) values at 101 Ma from –3.5 to 6.25 and T2DM ages from 0.74 to 1.46 Ga, suggesting these I‐type granites formed from magmas generated by partial melting of Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic continental crust that mixed with mantle‐derived magmas. The magmatism was associated with thickening of the lower crust caused by collisions between microcontinents in the Cathaysian Block, which were driven by Early Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

The South China, including Yangzi Craton and the Cathaysian Block, belongs to the southern part of East Asia continent. It borders Pacific plate on the east side and Qinling-Dabie Orogen on the north side. During the middle-late Cretaceous, a number of downfaulted red basins (the terrestrial sedimentary basins in Fig. 1) and volcanic- sedimentary basins had been developed in South China[1,2], in which the con-temporaneous basaltic rocks were generally distributed (Fig. 1). Although the …  相似文献   

川东褶皱带作为华南板块中部的"侏罗山式"褶皱,开始形成于晚古生代.自白垩纪晚期开始,受太平洋板块和印度板块对欧亚大陆挤压的影响,这一构造带乃至华南板块中部又叠加了新的构造变形.但是,目前对于川东褶皱带白垩纪以来的构造演化缺乏足够的认识.位于川东褶皱带东侧、雪峰造山带西麓的沅麻盆地形成于早白垩世.晚白垩世以来,沅麻盆地与川东褶皱带处于同一构造应力场中,因此对盆地内早白垩世红层的古地磁研究对于解释川东褶皱带中生代晚期以来的构造演化有着重要的意义.该研究在沅麻盆地早白垩世红层中开展的古地磁学研究获得了可靠的原生剩磁分量:Ds=15.6°,Is=42.9°,k=118.6,α95=2.6°,表明沅麻盆地自早白垩世以来发生了4.1°±3.0°的顺时针构造转动.对川东褶皱带周缘白垩纪古地磁数据所揭示的地壳旋转变形,与断裂和褶皱轴组成的构造线迹变化之间的线性相关性分析,表明川东褶皱带位于齐岳山断裂带东南侧的部分,受印度板块-欧亚大陆、太平洋板块-华南板块间的挤压作用,自晚白垩世以来累积了约50~93 km的右旋错断量.  相似文献   

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