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The Australasian gannet (Morus serrator) population has increased considerably over the past century, both in New Zealand and Australia. Since 1980, the population in Australian waters has increased threefold, from 6,600 breeding pairs to approximately 20,000 pairs in 1999-2000, a rate of 6% per year. Reasons for the increase in the Australasian gannet population are poorly understood; here we consider the possible effects of recent fluctuations in climatic and oceanographic conditions, and changes in major local commercial fisheries. A significant trend towards more frequent, and stronger, El Niño Southern Oscillation events, warmer summer sea surface temperatures in Bass Strait, increased annual catches and catch per unit effort in the Victorian pilchard (Sardinops sagax) fishery and potential increased discarding of fisheries bycatch may account for at least some of the observed increase in the Australasian gannet population. The potential interactive effects of these factors on prey distribution and abundance and consequently on gannet numbers are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary As foragers of the harvester ant, Veromessor pergandei, travel further from their nest they spend significantly more time sampling seeds in experimental patches. Although accepted seeds are heavier than offered seeds, mass of accepted seed is not correlated with sampling time. Variably sized V. pergandei workers do not size-match; little, if any, variance in size of seed selected can be attributed to body size of forager. The lack of size-matching in V. pergandei suggests individual performance may be an inadequate measure of colony foraging success.  相似文献   

Paths moved by the limpet Patella vulgata L. were monitored on a sheltered vertical rocky shore in North Wales using time-lapse photography throughout nocturnal low tides in April and November 1992, roughly corresponding to periods of minimum and maximum gonad ripeness, respectively. Various motion parameters, including total duration, total length, and maximum distance reached from home were computed from 124 complete foraging routes obtained from 18 higher-zoned and 18 lower-zoned limpets. P. vulgata typically performed a single loop per night (average total length, ca. 70 cm), moving from the individual home scar to graze the surrounding algal grounds (average maximum distance, ca. 25 cm), then following its own trail back home. On the average, limpets moved from the home scar during three of four available nocturnal low tides and exploited about half the emersion time. Evidence for size-related variability in behaviour was found, as a positive correlation was assessed between both total duration and legth of the excursions, and shell length. In addition, zonation was proved to affect the limpets' foraging behaviour, since low-shore limpets moved faster and covered greater distances than high-shore ones. Moreover, consistent seasonal variation in foraging behaviour emerged, since in April the excursions were longer and longer-lasting than in November, but limpets exploited a larger fraction of potential activity phases in November than in April. The within-population variability in the temporal and spatial characteristics of the foraging excursions is discussed in relation to the available data on zonal and seasonal variation of food resources and in relation to physiological changes due to reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

To determine whether loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) nesting in southeastern USA exhibit polymorphic foraging strategies, we evaluated skin samples for stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) from 310 loggerheads from four locations on the east coast of Florida and epibionts from 48 loggerheads. We found a dichotomy between a depleted δ13C cluster and an enriched δ13C cluster. Epibionts from oceanic/pelagic or neritic/benthic habitats were largely consistent with this dichotomy. The bimodal distribution of δ13C could reflect a bimodal foraging strategy or—because of the potential for confounding among four gradients of δ13C in marine environments—a polymodal foraging strategy. We integrate our results with results from other stable isotope studies, satellite telemetry, and flipper tags to evaluate potential foraging strategies. Understanding foraging strategies is essential for development of management plans for this endangered species that has suffered a 43% population decline over the last decade.  相似文献   

Foraging and the mechanisms that regulate the quantity of food collected are important evolutionary and ecological attributes for all organisms. The decision to collect pollen by honey bee foragers depends on the number of larvae (brood), amount of stored pollen in the colony, as well as forager genotype and available resources in the environment. Here we describe how brood pheromone (whole hexane extracts of larvae) influenced honey bee pollen foraging and test the predictions of two foraging-regulation hypotheses: the indirect or brood-food mechanism and the direct mechanism of pollen-foraging regulation. Hexane extracts of larvae containing brood pheromone stimulated pollen foraging. Colonies were provided with extracts of 1000 larvae (brood pheromone), 1000 larvae (brood), or no brood or pheromone. Colonies with brood pheromone and brood had similar numbers of pollen foragers, while those colonies without brood or pheromone had significantly fewer pollen foragers. The number of pollen foragers increased more than 2.5-fold when colonies were provided with extracts of 2000 larvae as a supplement to the 1000 larvae they already had. Within 1 h of presenting colonies with brood pheromone, pollen foragers responded to the stimulus. The results from this study demonstrate some important aspects of pollen foraging in honey bee colonies: (1) pollen foragers appear to be directly affected by brood pheromone, (2) pollen foraging can be stimulated with brood pheromone in colonies provided with pollen but no larvae, and (3) pollen forager numbers increase with brood pheromone as a supplement to brood without increasing the number of larvae in the colony. These results support the direct-stimulus hypothesis for pollen foraging and do not support the indirect-inhibitor, brood-food hypothesis for pollen-foraging regulation. Received: 5 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 29 August 1998  相似文献   

Summary The threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis predicts that prey can assess the relative threat posed by a predator and adjust their behaviour to reflect the magnitude of the threat. We tested the ability of larval threespine sticklebacks to adjust their foraging in the presence of predators by exposing them to conspecific predators of various sizes and recording their foraging and predator avoidance behaviours. Larvae (<30 days post-hatch) displayed predator escape behaviours only towards attacking predators. At 3 weeks post-hatch larvae approached the predator after fleeing, a behaviour which may be the precursor to predator inspection. Larvae reduced foraging and spent less time in the proximity of large and medium-sized predators compared to small predators. The reduction in foraging was negatively correlated to the predator/larva size ratio, indicating that larvae increased their foraging as they increased in size relative to the predator. We conclude that larval sticklebacks can assess the threat of predation early in their ontogeny and adjust their behaviour accordingly.Correspondence to: J.A. Brown  相似文献   

Summary Whirligig beetles aggregate in the daytime into dense single-and multispecies groups (rafts) of hundreds or thousands of individuals. On the 22km shoreline of Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota, these aggregations were on the average 0.8 km apart, and they were usually found day after day in the same ocations.Most beetles apparently do not home to the aggregation of their origin after dispersing at night because (a) the species composition of some aggregations changed greatly, and (b) paint-marked beetles (Dineutus horni) moved overnight from one aggregation as far as 4km, joining 11 of the 14 large (>300 beetles) D. horni groups on the lake.Throughout the night, the largest concentrations of beetles remained within 100m of the diurnal aggregation sites. Beetles reconvened into the compact rafts before daybreak, in part by following each other in sometimes long single files or trains. Their forward motion stopped after they joined large number of other beetles. We infer that following behavior enables those individuals that have dispersed from their original aggregations (during their nocturnal foraging) to find and join other aggregations before daylight.Naive fish ate the beetles despite their noxious secretions. However, fish living near rafting sites and feeding on insects on the water surface in daylight should soon learn to avoid the beetles. The rafting sites would then become safe places. We observed fish attacking only those beetles that had been either dispersed from their rafts or released into open water away from raft sites in the daytime. We speculate that the evolutionary significance of the aggregation behavior is related to predator (fish) avoidance.  相似文献   

Knowledge on how divers exploit the water column vertically in relation to water depth is crucial to our understanding of their ecology and to their subsequent conservation. However, information is still lacking for the smaller-bodied species, due mostly to size constraints of data-loggers. Here, we report the diving behaviour of a flying diving seabird, the Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis, weighing 1.0–1.4 kg. Results were obtained by simultaneously deploying small, high resolution and high sampling frequency GPS and time-depth loggers on birds breeding on islands off Western South Africa (34°S, 18°E) in 2008. In all, dive category was assigned to all dives performed by 29 birds. Pelagic dives occurred almost as frequently as benthic dives. Pelagic dives were shallow (mean: 5 m) and took place over seafloors 5–100 m deep. Benthic dives were deeper, occurring on seafloors mainly 10–30 m deep. Dive shape was linked to dive category in only 60% of dives, while the descent rate, ascent rate and bottom duration/dive duration ratio of a dive best explained its dive category. This shows that only the concomitant use of tracking and depth tags can adequately classify diving strategies in a diver like the Cape Cormorant. Diet was mainly Cape Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolis, suggesting that birds probably displayed two contrasted strategies for capturing the same prey. Flexible foraging techniques represent an important key to survival inside the highly productive but heterogeneous Benguela upwelling ecosystem.  相似文献   

We studied the ontogeny of Dicentrarchus labrax comparatively under constant rearing temperatures of 13, 15 and 20°C. At hatching, yolk-sac larval morphometry differed significantly between the temperatures and especially between the two extremes, while at the end of the yolk-sac larval stage, it mainly differed between the two lower temperature regimes and that of 20°C. Compared with the two lower temperature conditions, at 20°C D. labrax presented a significant ontogenetic acceleration which was morphologically expressed either as a significantly smaller total length (TL) at feeding onset, notochord flexion and fin differentiation, or as shifts of the allometric inflection points of 8 out of the 15 morphometric characters studied. Additionally, temperature significantly affected the allometry coefficients, with a decreasing growth intensity as the temperature difference decreased. The rate of TL growth increased under elevated temperature conditions throughout the entire ontogenetic period, except during the early larval period (feeding onset to metamorphosis onset), at which time D. labrax presented equal growth rates at 15°C and 20°C. The results are discussed with respect to the ontogeny of the functional morphology and the meanings of temperature-induced ontogenetic plasticity for the survival of fish larvae.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of honey bees with two identifiable subfamilies were established. Returning foragers were captured and killed at two different sampling times. The mean volume and per cent soluble solids of crop contents were determined for each subfamily, as was the mean weight of the pollen pellets. No significant differences in nectar volume or concentration were detected between subfamilies within colonies. However, in a few colonies, significant subfamily by sampling-time interactions were present, suggesting that in these colonies subfamilies differed in their nectar and pollen collecting behavior at different times of day. The plant genera worked by pollen foragers were also determined. In four of six colonies, bees of different subfamilies were found to be majoring on different plant species (Fig. 1). Implications of this intra-colonial variance in foraging behavior for colony fitness are discussed. Offprint requests to: B.P. Oldroyd  相似文献   

Summary We describe an experiment designed to investigate the trade-off between foraging and territorial vigilance in the Great Tit. Captive territorial male Great Tits were observed while foraging in a large indoor aviary. They obtained food from two operant patches in which the supply of food was gradually depleted during a visit. We predicted that during control sessions the birds would switch between patches in such a way as to maximise their overall feeding rate. In experimental sessions, we introduced briefly a rival male as an intruder at the start of the test. The foraging male could see the rival only when travelling between patches and not while feeding within patches. We predicted that during experimental sessions birds would switch between patches more often than in control tests, sacrificing food intake for territorial vigilance. Three of the four males tested behaved in approximately the predicted manner. We discuss the use of an inverse optimality argument to provide a calibration of feeding against the benefit resulting from territorial vigilance.  相似文献   

While seabird conservation efforts have largely focused on protection from threats at the colony (e.g. reducing disturbance and predation), attention is increasingly being given to implementing protection measures for foraging areas at sea. For this to be effective, important foraging areas must be identified. Although numerous studies have examined seabird foraging behaviour, information is still lacking on the variability in area utilisation within and among breeding seasons. GPS devices were attached to adult black-legged kittiwakes breeding at an expanding North Sea colony (55°20′N, 1°32′W) during both incubation and chick-rearing in 2012 and during chick-rearing in 2011, to determine whether foraging areas remained consistent and to identify the oceanographic characteristics of areas used for foraging. The type and size of prey items consumed at different stages of the breeding cycle was also examined. During incubation (April–May 2012), kittiwakes foraged substantially further from the colony and fed on larger sandeels than when feeding chicks, and there was significant inter-annual variation in foraging areas used during the chick-rearing period (June–July 2011 and 2012). Foraging areas were characterised by cooler sea surface temperatures and areas of high chlorophyll a concentration, although association with specific oceanographic features changed within the breeding season and between years. These results emphasise the importance of considering how foraging areas and reliance on specific oceanographic conditions change over time when seeking to identify important marine areas for seabirds.  相似文献   

We examined the risk-sensitive foraging behaviour of the round-eared elephant shrew by open-economy choice experiments, in which animals were deprived of food immediately prior to experiments but given food ad libitum afterwards, to test the energy budget rule. The energy budget rule states that if an animal's (daily) energy budget is negative it should behave in a risk-prone manner. A risk-prone elephant shrew should select food from a more variable rather than a constant feeding station, although both feeding stations yield the same average return. The choice of a variable station can indicate the degree to which an animal is an energy-shortfall minimizer. Elephant shrews running below energy requirement did not choose feeding stations in accordance with the rule. Under laboratory conditions, approximating either average summer or winter temperatures, elephant shrews showed risk-averse behaviour. A polycyclic activity profile, the ability to switch the diet, and greater than expected physiological control over energy balance, may favour a continuously foraging animal such that short-term energy deficits are minimized. We argue that, under these conditions, a risk-averse response to reward-size variance is expected, because an elephant-shrew may not reliably perceive those circumstances under which risk-prone behaviour should be adopted.  相似文献   

Female greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) exhibit strong natal philopatry to their maternity roost over many years, leading to the aggregation of matrilineal kin. Maternity colonies may, therefore, be expected to comprise highly related individuals, and, as such, provide conditions suitable for the evolution of kin-selected behaviours. To test these predictions, we examined relatedness and behaviour among matrilineal kin within a colony in south-west Britain. Genetic analysis of 15 matrilines, identified from microsatellite genotyping and long-term ringing surveys, revealed average relatedness levels of 0.17 to 0.64. In contrast, background relatedness among colony females approximated to zero (0.03). These results suggest that inclusive fitness benefits may only be accrued through discriminate cooperation within matrilines, and not at the wider colony level. To examine whether the potential for such benefits is realised through kin- biased cooperation during foraging, females from two matrilines were radio-tracked simultaneously over 3 years. Pairwise home-range overlap correlated significantly with Hamilton's relatedness coefficient. The greatest spatial associations were observed between females and their adult daughters, which shared both foraging grounds and night roosts, sometimes over several years. Tagged females, however, generally foraged and roosted alone, suggesting that kin-biased spatial association probably does not result from either information-transfer or cooperative territorial defence. Such patterns may instead result from a mechanism of maternal inheritance of preferred foraging and roosting sites.  相似文献   

Summary Juncos' preferences for constant versus variable food rewards were tested in three series of aviary experiments. Deprivation and feeding rates were varied across the three treatments, but the mean of the variable reward equalled the constant reward in every experiment. When the birds gained energy faster than required to meet all 24-h costs, they preferred the constant reward. When the birds' energy intake was less than the minimally required rate, they preferred the variable reward. When energy intake just balanced average daily costs, the birds preferred the constant reward or were indifferent, and their response depended on the particular mean-variance combination presented.  相似文献   

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