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针对日益严重的臭氧污染问题,利用绍兴市3个国控监测站点2016—2018年的监测数据,对绍兴市臭氧污染的时空分布特征进行研究,并综合考量温度、湿度、风向、风力等气象因素的影响。结果表明,绍兴市2017年臭氧最高时均质量浓度为355μg/m~3,显著高于2016年(267μg/m~3)。臭氧日浓度曲线呈单峰型特征,峰值出现于14:00左右,谷值出现于6:00左右。2016年夏季臭氧浓度最高,而2017年与2018年春季臭氧浓度最高。臭氧高值首次出现日期提前与温度有关。气象因素上,温度≥30℃,40%≤相对湿度70%,风向为东北风时,绍兴市更易出现臭氧高值。2018年绍兴市西南部臭氧浓度峰值显著低于其他区域,可能是NO_x等污染物减排后传输作用变化所致。  相似文献   

利用2013—2017年杭州市空气质量国控监测站点数据和杭州市地面气象数据,分析了杭州市几种典型情况的臭氧(O_3)污染特征。结果表明:(1)2013—2017年,杭州市O_3污染问题总体呈逐年加重趋势;(2)夏季太阳总辐射大于450 W/m~2、温度高于20℃且相对湿度低于70%的晴热高温天气易造成O_3污染;(3)杭州市O_3浓度还可能受外来输入的影响;(4)受台风外围下沉气流影响,加上水平扩散条件差且温度高,极易导致O_3及其前体物在近地面积聚。  相似文献   

使用天津市2013—2017年的连续臭氧观测数据,分析了天津市的臭氧污染特征,并使用基于排放清单处理模型(SMOKE)/中尺度气象模型(WRF)/多尺度空气质量模型(CAMx)的臭氧来源解析技术对天津市不同季节的臭氧来源情况进行研究。结果表明,天津市臭氧污染整体波动变化,年均浓度总体呈现先下跌后上升的趋势;天津市臭氧夏季浓度较高,春季、秋季浓度较低,冬季浓度最低。天津市臭氧污染区域性特征明显,区域输送贡献远大于本地贡献,本地臭氧来源贡献率仅占8%~20%。河北省、山东省、内蒙古自治区等地区污染物排放对天津市臭氧污染有较大贡献。天津市本地源对臭氧的贡献季节差异较大,其中工业源贡献较大,其在春季、秋季对臭氧贡献率分别为49%、43%。夏季天然源、工业源、交通源与电厂源对臭氧贡献率较为接近,均在20%~30%;冬季其他源(包括生物质燃烧源、居民燃烧源等)对臭氧贡献率最大,为54%。未来应根据臭氧污染来源的地域特征和季节特征采取不同臭氧污染防治策略。  相似文献   

基于中国臭氧污染的严峻形势,阐述了美国臭氧污染的起因、科学认识过程、管控措施及法律法规的框架体系。结果表明,美国通过科学研究锁定影响臭氧污染的关键问题,由单一管控挥发性有机物(VOCs)逐步过渡至VOCs和NOx协同控制,由局部管控过渡至区域联防联控,并取得了显著效果。1980—2018年,美国臭氧浓度下降了31.0%。美国臭氧污染的防控历程有望为中国臭氧污染的防控研究和政策实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为科学指导广东省进一步开展大气污染综合防治,运用统计分析和空气质量模拟方法,分析广东省实现各城市PM_(2.5)浓度全面达标的污染物减排需求,尤其是产业结构调整的需求。结合各行业的污染物排放强度,识别广东省加强产业结构优化调整工作需要关注的重点行业领域,并提出相应政策建议。结果表明,仅依靠既定的末端治理和能源、交通结构调整措施无法实现2020年广东省各城市PM_(2.5)浓度全面达标的目标,产业结构调整在SO_2、NO_x、挥发性有机物(VOCs)的减排中至少需发挥11%~19%的减排贡献作用,重点应针对区域内的非金属矿物制品、电力热力生产和供应、黑色金属冶炼和压延加工、造纸、纺织印染、化学纤维制造等行业进行调控,主动淘汰落后产能。  相似文献   

为研究长三角南部典型盆地城市臭氧(O3)污染特征及气象影响因素,对丽水市2015—2019年监测数据进行统计分析.结果表明:丽水市O3浓度呈逐年上升趋势,月O3浓度呈"M"型分布.受盆地地形影响,O3超标日(O3日最大8 h平均质量浓度超过160μg/m3)小时浓度呈明显双峰型特征,该特征增加了O3超标率.丽水市O3超...  相似文献   

对影响污泥脱水性能的污染性质的评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

利用2000—2007年大气污染物排放量数据和同期环境空气质量监测数据,分析了江苏省主要大气污染物减排与环境空气质量变化的相关性。结果表明,近年来江苏省SO2排放量与环境空气中SO2浓度存在正相关,而烟尘和粉尘排放总量与空气中可吸入颗粒物的浓度呈现出弱的负相关关系。对江苏省经济发展和环境关系的进一步分析揭示,江苏省环境库兹涅茨曲线呈现出倒U型关系,表明江苏省已经进入经济环境双赢区间,但近年来政策对经济环境关系的影响突出。该研究对中国十二五环境管理政策的制定有着重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

为研究人类粗放式旅游活动对自然景区空气质量的影响,以五台山景区为例,对景区内五爷庙、杨柏林村、殊像寺、南山寺旁原始森林共4个采样点的SO2、NO2、总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM10进行采样分析。空气污染指数评价结果表明,五台山景区五爷庙与殊像寺空气质量属于轻度污染,前者首要污染物为TSP,后者首要污染物为NO2。杨柏林村与南山寺旁原始森林的空气质量为良,虽然空气质量优于五爷庙及殊像寺。与1983年相比,2014年五爷庙TSP浓度降低2.80%,其余各采样点TSP浓度增加了16.00%~106.45%。4个采样点NO2、SO2浓度分别增加了8.93~40.76、0.53~52.36倍。  相似文献   

1月20日,江苏省生态环境厅召开新闻发布会,发布“十三五”以来全省大气污染防治工作总体情况,围绕近期大气环境质量状况介绍相关情况,并展示2013年与2020年空气质量改善的对比。  相似文献   

This study aims at presenting a combined air quality and GIS modelling methodological approach in order to estimate crop damages from photochemical air pollution, depict their spatial resolution and assess the order of magnitude regarding the corresponding economic damages. The analysis is conducted within the Greater Thessaloniki Area, Greece, a Mediterranean territory which is characterised by high levels of photochemical air pollution and considerable agricultural activity. Ozone concentration fields for 2002 and for specific emission reduction scenarios for the year 2010 were estimated with the Ozone Fine Structure model in the area under consideration. Total economic damage to crops turns out to be significant and estimated to be approximately 43 M€ for the reference year. Production of cotton presents the highest economic loss, which is over 16 M€, followed by table tomato (9 M€), rice (4.2 M€), wheat (4 M€) and oilseed rape (2.8 M€) cultivations. Losses are not spread uniformly among farmers and the major losses occur in areas with valuable ozone-sensitive crops. The results are very useful for highlighting the magnitude of the total economic impacts of photochemical air pollution to the area’s agricultural sector and can potentially be used for comparison with studies worldwide. Furthermore, spatial analysis of the economic damage could be of importance for governmental authorities and decision makers since it provides an indicative insight, especially if the economic instruments such as financial incentives or state subsidies to farmers are considered.  相似文献   

Unless the change in emissions is substantial, the resulting improvement in ozone air quality can be easily masked by the meteorological variability. Therefore, the meteorological and chemical signals must be separated in examining ozone trends. In this paper, we discuss the use of the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filter in evaluating the temporal and spatial variations in ozone air quality utilizing ozone concentration data from several monitoring locations in the northeastern United States. The results indicate a downward trend in the ozone concentrations during the period 1983-1992 at most locations in the northeastern United States. The results also reveal that ozone is a regional-scale problem in the Northeast.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone (O(3)) was first determined to be phytotoxic to grapes in southern California in the 1950s. Investigations followed that showed O(3) to be the cause of foliar symptoms on tobacco and eastern white pine. In the 1960s, "X" disease of ponderosa pines within the San Bernardino Mountains was likewise determined to be due to O(3). Nearly 50 years of research have followed. Foliar O(3) symptoms have been verified under controlled chamber conditions. Studies have demonstrated negative growth effects on forest tree seedlings due to season-long O(3) exposures, but due to complex interactions within forest stands, evidence of similar losses within mature tree canopies remains elusive. Investigations on tree growth, O(3) flux, and stand productivity are being conducted along natural O(3) gradients and in open-air exposure systems to better understand O(3) effects on forest ecosystems. Given projected trends in demographics, economic output and climate, O(3) impacts on US forests will continue and are likely to increase.  相似文献   

辽宁省区域性空气污染的天气分型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用2003-2004年主要污染物浓度和气象资料,对辽宁省全年的PM10产生的区域性3级空气污染进行环流分型,按污染源划分为冬季煤烟型、春季沙尘型和夏秋大雾型.其中冬季煤烟型又分为长白山高压地形槽型、高压内部均压场型、东北高压脊,西部倒槽型、蒙古高压前均压场、蒙古低压前均压场、高压内部小范围均压场型6个型;春季沙尘型分为东北低压型、南大风型和干冷锋北大风型;夏秋大雾型分为低压槽型和低压前均压场.上述类型几乎概括了近两年PM10 3级污染的所有个例,为大气环境质量预报、总量控制等提供依据.  相似文献   

California's Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline (CaRFG), introduced early in 1996, represents an important step toward attainment of ozone standards. Studies of vehicle emissions and ambient air quality data have reported substantial reductions of ozone precursors due to CaRFG. This study uses daily measurements of regional ozone and meteorology to estimate the effect of CaRFG on ozone concentrations in three areas of California. In each area, a regression model was used to partially account for the daily effects of meteorology on area-wide ozone maxima for May-October. The statistical models are based on combinations of air temperature aloft (approximately 5000 ft), surface air temperatures, and surface wind speeds. Estimated ozone benefits were attributed to CaRFG after accounting for meteorology, which improved the precision of the estimates by approximately 37-57% based on a resampling analysis. The ozone benefits were calculated as the difference in ozone times the proportion of the reductions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides attributed to CaRFG by the best available emission inventories. Ozone benefits attributed to CaRFG (with approximately 90% confidence) are 8-13% in the Los Angeles area, -2-6% in the San Francisco Bay area overall with greater benefits in two major subregions, and 3-15% in the Sacramento area.  相似文献   

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