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A retrieval method of microwave(MW) space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined radar-radiometer is suggested.A three-layer cloud model is chosen to represent the typical stratified precipitating cloud.The retrieval method mainly follows our previously suggested scheme with some modifications.Numerical comparative study shows that in space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined method is much better than by radar only;Also the retrieval accuracy of cloud liquid water content may be improved when using the three-layer cloud model in the combined method.  相似文献   

寿县地区云中液态水含量的微波遥感   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文利用地基双频(22.235GHz(1.35cm)和35.3GHz(8mm))微波辐射计和热带降雨测量卫星微波成像仪(TRMM/TMI)两种被动微波遥感资料分别反演安徽寿县地区云中液态水含量,运用统计回归方法得到该地区云水含量的反演公式,揭示了该地区云中液态水含量存在一个阈值0.4mm,当云中液态水含量超过这一阈值时,该地区一般就会出现降水。在降水发生之前,水汽和云中液态水含量均会出现一个显著增加的过程,而在降水结束之后则会出现一个显著减少的过程。  相似文献   

用TRMM卫星微波成像仪遥感云中液态水   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
应用热带降雨测量卫星微波成像仪(TRMM/TMI)的被动遥感资料,选用对云中液态水变化非常敏感的85.5 GHz垂直极化通道的亮温信息,通过离散纵坐标矢量辐射传输模式,采取逐步逼近的方法确定出地表的微波比辐射率,并运用迭代方法有效地反演出云中液态水含量及其分布.与对应的卫星红外云图对比结果表明,反演的云中液态水分布是合理和可信的.  相似文献   

为了发展云雷达与微波辐射计联合反演液态水含量的方法, 利用2019年4—9月中国气象科学研究院在广东龙门开展的综合观测试验中的双波段云雷达和微波辐射计数据, 首先检验了在降水条件下微波辐射计天顶观测和斜路径观测两种探测模式反演温度(T)、相对湿度(RH)、液态水含量(LWC)和液态水路径(LWP)的合理性, 然后分析了两种探测设备反演LWC和LWP的差别。得到以下结论: (1)微波辐射计在斜路径观测模式下反演的产品受降水影响较小, 其反演结果明显优于天顶观测模式; (2)两种探测设备反演的LWP相关性较好且随时间变化较为一致, 但云雷达反演LWP与平均回波强度有明显相关, 随着雷达回波强度的增大, 云雷达与微波辐射计反演的LWP之比越大; (3)两种探测设备反演的LWC相关性较差且存在明显偏差, 在不考虑融化层的情况下单波段云雷达反演LWC与微波辐射计随高度变化趋势相近, 双波段云雷达反演LWC与微波辐射计反演结果在1 km及其以上区间存在明显差异。   相似文献   

机载微波辐射计测云中液态含水量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文中介绍了 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年 4~ 7月吉林省人工增雨期间 ,在中国首次进行的机载对空微波辐射计外场飞行观测试验。观测结果表明 ,仪器可以灵敏地探测出层状云中垂直路径积分云液态水和过冷水含量及其变化 ,揭示了在层状云中嵌入的对流区中有丰富的垂直积分过冷水含量 ,量级可达 10 3 g/m2 。与地面雷达PPI回波强度呈正相关。本文还根据飞机上升 (或下降 )过程的探测数据 ,给出了水平均匀的层状云液态含水量的垂直廓线的实例 ,并进一步讨论了这种方法的应用前景。  相似文献   

大气遥感是1960年代以来发展最为迅速的学科分支之一,也是大气科学发展的关键技术支柱之一;其中,被动式微波遥感具有体积及功耗小,能进行全天候连续观测等优点,为获取大气、海洋、陆面等多领域观测信号提供了直接和有利手段。由于水汽、液态水是影响天气气候变化的重要要素,对其的探测技术在当前气象业务中显得尤为重要。简单回顾了被动式微波遥感的主要进展,重点介绍微波辐射计对水汽、云液态水、降水等物理量进行反演时所采用的统计方法、物理方法、物理统计方法等方法研究方面的国内外进展,并对微波辐射计的未来发展前景作了简单介绍。  相似文献   

星载微波辐射计反演洋面非降水云区云水总量的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘松涛  严卫 《气象科学》2006,26(3):301-306
云水总量(也可称为液水路径)是一个重要的气象学和云雾物理参数。星载微波辐射计是目前监测全球范围内云水总量分布和变化的最强有力的技术手段。但由于云水总量的实测资料太少,给反演研究带来很大的困难。在本工作中,根据微波辐射传输模式,模拟计算“人工”资料样本,建立了AMSR-E 18.7 GHz~36.5 GHz六个极化通道云天-晴天亮温差与云水总量的线性回归关系,初步对云水总量的反演作了定性的研究。  相似文献   

The design principle and structural features of a new type dual-channel ground-based microwave radiometerfor measurement of water vapor and liquid water in troposphere are discussed. A method independent ofradiosonde data is used for system absolute calibrations. A statistical method for retrieving the total watervapor and cloud liquid water content and a nonlinear iterative algorithm for retrieving the water vapor profilesin the troposphere are discussed. Comparison is conducted between the measurement of the integrated amountsof the water vapor and the tropospheric vapor profiles by the radiometer and the radiosonde data.  相似文献   

On March 16–17, 2008, a sea fog occurred in Dianbai in the west of Guangdong Province and was accompanied by a high-pressure synoptic system. Using comprehensive observation datasets, this study analyzes the evolution of liquid water content during this sea fog and investigates the relationships between liquid water content and the average diameters and count densities of fog droplets, air temperature, wind speed and turbulence exchanges. The main results are presented as follows. (1) The sea fog showed a quasi-periodic oscillation characteristic, i.e., it developed, disappeared and then developed again. (2) During the sea fog, the number of fog droplets changed significantly while the changes in average diameter of the fog droplets were relatively small. The development and disappearance of the sea fog correlated significantly with the fog droplet numbers. (3) The air-cooling mechanism played a significant role in sea fog formation and development. However, the influences of this mechanism were not evident during fog persistence. (4) During sea fog formation, weak turbulence exchanges were helpful for fog formation. During sea fog development and persistence, liquid water content increased when turbulence exchanges weakened, and vice versa. The changes in turbulence exchanges were closely related to the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in sea fog presence.  相似文献   

GPS水汽遥感中的大气干延迟局地订正模型研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在GPS遥感水汽过程中,大气干延迟模型的精度直接影响水汽遥感的精度。根据广东清远站1995~2001年的气象探空资料,计算了GPS水汽测量中的实际大气干延迟。在此资料基础上,利用地面气象要素建立了大气干延迟的年和分月局地订正模型。分析结果表明,年模型的精度优于目前广泛使用的普适模型;月模型与年模型相比,效果不是很明显,建立局地分月订正模型意义不大;在对高度角的敏感程度上,局地模型略大些;当高度角小于75时,大气干延迟弯曲路径与直线路径之差ΔS随天顶角增大而迅速增大。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION As shown by much domestic and overseas study, the GPS technique can be used as a novel, efficient means in the measurement of water vapor. It increases the density of existing sounding sites both temporally and spatially and is useful in the remote sensing of regional and global content of water vapor[1]. The principle with which the GPS works in water vapor remote sensing is as follows[2]. While they are travelling to the receivers, GPS satellite signals are delayed in …  相似文献   

In order to improve the interpretation of the earth system microwave remote sensing, the research of microwavespectrum characteristics of the ground truth (earth objects) was carried out in laboratory. A laboratory formicrowave remote sensing of the earth objects has been constructed to improve the remote sensing level, thelaboratory consists of four parts: the measuring system of dielectric constants, the microwave emissivity meter,the microwave reflectometer and the microwave remote sensing simulation experiment in field. In this paper,the principle of measurement, the correction of near field process, the structure of instrument, the calibrationmethod and the measurement of the earth substances, including soil, water and oil, are discussed. The labora-tory may supply the condition for measuring the parameters of thc earth substance remote sensing and help tointerpret the remote sensing data.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of rainfall parameters—rainfall rate and size distribution—by raindrop-induced laserbcam scintillation is a new kind of precipitation measurement technique. This paper presented the primaryfield experiment results based on the theory and numerical simulations by Wu and Lü (1984, 1985) and Lü andWu (1984).Rainfall rate and size distribution were deduced from observations of laser beam scintillation andcompared with those of the filter-paper sampling method. Qualitative analysis of the experiment error wasalso given here. All the work showed that the theory is applicable, and under proper experiment conditions,remote sensing of rainfall parameters by laser scintillation correlation is an advanced and accurate technique.  相似文献   

The ability of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager(TRMM/TMI)forcloud liquid water(CLW)retrieval has been demonstrated in this study.Due to the greatsensitivity of the TMI 85.5 GHz channels to CLW,the liquid water path(LWP)ofnonprecipitating clouds over land can be successfully estimated using the VDISORT model basedon the iteration steps.Both the vertical-polarized 85. 5 GHz single-channel method and thepolarization-difference of 85.5 GHz method were applied to the LWP estimates over land regionsduring the Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment(HUBEX)in China.Theretrieval results show reasonable agreement with the ground-based microwave radiometermeasurements.When the surface emissivity or skin temperature is difficult to be made sure,thepolarization-difference method shows advantages of providing estimates of LWP especially for lowclouds because of its extremely insensitiveness to the surface skin temperature.  相似文献   

运用中国科学院大气物理研究所的三维云模式,对北京地区2005-06-26的一次层状云过程进行模拟试验,以此为真值,分别用雷达—辐射计联合系统和单雷达进行云中雨水分布的反演。结果表明,联合反演与模式真值的平均相对误差只有16%,联合反演的精度比单雷达反演有大幅度的提高,并从理论上讨论了误差的来源。  相似文献   

定量诊断分析北上台风的云系结构特征对于预报有重要意义,研究选取2011—2020年16个北上台风,定义南北对称度因子S1和一三象限对称度因子S2,作为反映北上台风云系结构的指标。当S1<0时,通常台风南侧和西南侧的云量较多,并常与季风云系相连,台风一般表现为“9”字型结构;当S1>0时,通常台风北侧和东北侧的云量较多,台风南侧的云系减弱,台风一般表现为“6”字型结构。台风北上过程中由S1<0向S1>0转变,在云系结构特征上表现为由“9”字型结构转化为“6”字型结构。而这种结构特征的转变初始表现为台风核心区域内第一象限云量增多并向东北方向伸展,同时第三象限对流云衰减以及云量减少,此时,一三象限对称度因子S2>0并快速增大,台风有快速减弱的趋势。南北对称度因子和一三象限对称度因子作为北上台风云系结构诊断分析的两个重要指标,为台风强度、降雨的监测和预报形成了定量参考。  相似文献   

北京冬夏降水系统中的云水量及其统计特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据地基双通道微波辐射计观测的降水天气下大气水汽、液水含量的变化,分析了北京1989年夏季1次降水过程和1990年冬季5次降雪过程的云水量资料,讨论了降水过程中汽态水和液态水含量的一些统计特征及其随时间的变化,并估算了夏季降水中凝结水向降水的转化率。结合极轨气象卫星的遥感云顶温度资料,以及冬季地面降雪强度的观测,对北京冬季降水系统中的液水含量与降水的相关进行了分析,探讨了北京地区降雪的潜力。  相似文献   

2004年广东省干旱灾害遥感监测应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对广东省气候湿润、植被覆盖度高的特点,以NOAA/AVHRR资料为数据源,采用植被供水指数法,对2004年广东省发生的50年来最严重的一次干旱灾害进行遥感动态监测,并结合土地利用分类数据,采用掩膜技术提取干旱分类信息.研究结果表明,10月上旬全省部分地区出现旱情,10月下旬全省受旱总面积达到峰值,占全省面积的72.6%;11月上旬后期受旱面积有所减少,中旱、重旱区域有所增加,其后旱情总体呈减缓趋势,但在12月中旬出现了短暂的增加趋势.以11月上旬为例的干旱灾害分类研究还表明,水田、旱地、灌木、林地等不同的用地类型,其受旱比例依次递减.该研究结果较好地反映了本次干旱灾害的空间分布及发展过程,为相关部门进行干旱灾情评估、制定和实施抗旱减灾措施提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

A new scheme that separates convective-stratiform rainfall is developed using threshold values of liquid water path (LWP) and ice water path (IWP). These cloud contents can be predicted with radiances at the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) channels (23.8, 31.4, 89, and 150 GHz) through linear regression models. The scheme is demonstrated by an analysis of a two-dimensional cloud resolving model simulation that is imposed by a forcing derived from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). The rainfall is considered convective if associated LWP is larger than 1.91 mm or IWP is larger than 1.70 mm. Otherwise, the rainfall is stratiform. The analysis of surface rainfall budget demonstrates that this new scheme is physically meaningful.  相似文献   

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