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The surface weighted effective potentials of the clean W(001) surface at temperatures T = 550 K[(1×1)] and T = 440 K[(√2×√2)R45°] are experimentally obtained from the surface resonance band structure. It is deduced that the transition W(001)-(1×1) → (√2×√2)R45° is a temperature-dependent reconstruction in which there is a contraction of the top layer atoms towards the bulk involving periodic displacements of the atoms normal to the surface.  相似文献   

A combination of STM, SQUID magnetometry, FMR and MOKE is used to study the structural and magnetic properties of thin iron films grown on InAs(001) (4×2)/c(8×2). The different magnetic characterization methods of this paper allow measurements of the magnetic anisotropies in the saturated and non-saturated state. Here we show results of a SQUID/FMR investigation on a 12 monolayer thick Fe film. As expected, FMR measurements find a four-fold symmetry of the magneto crystalline anisotropy, but with an additional uniaxial contribution. The dependence of the remanence on the magnetization angle computed from the magnetic parameters obtained in the saturated state is compared to experimental remanence data measured using MOKE. Good agreement is found. The InAs-substrate quality prior to growth, the nucleation behavior and the thickness-dependent granular structure of the Fe-layer are studied with STM. The origin of the magnetic anisotropies is discussed in terms of these structural data.  相似文献   

Comparison is made between high-resolution LEED measurements of electronic surface resonances in the (00) beam from W(001) and W(110). The study of W(110) extended to several polar angles of incidence provides new information that helps to explain the data obtained on W(001) at a fixed angle.  相似文献   

A phenomenological surface phonon model of the (001) surface of W and Fe is used to clarify some questions related to the problem of which high-symmetry surface phonon mode is the most perspective candidate for the tungsten (001) surface reconstruction observed experimentally. Conditions are derived for the appearance and softening of the relevant modes. The ¯M 1,¯M 5 and ¯X 3 modes seem to be the most promising. A few points from the current literature on the reconstruction problem are discussed. The results seem to support the idea about the general instability of the tungsten (001) surface.  相似文献   

K.L. Man  M.S. Altman 《Surface science》2006,600(5):1060-1070
The growth and oxidation of Cr films on the W(1 0 0) surface have been studied with low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) and diffraction (LEED). Cr grows in a Stranski-Krastanov (SK) mode above about 550 K and in a kinetically limited layer-by-layer mode at lower temperature. Stress relief in the highly strained pseudomorphic (ps) Cr film appears to be achieved by the formation of (4 × 4) periodic inclusions during the growth of the third layer between 575 and 630 K and by growth morphological instabilities of the third layer at higher temperature. Kinetic or stress-induced roughening is observed at lower temperature. In the SK regime, three-dimensional (3D) Cr islands nucleate after the growth of three Cr layers. 3D island nucleation triggers dewetting of one layer from the surrounding Cr film. Thus, two ps Cr layers are thermodynamically stable. However, one and two layer ps Cr films are unstable during oxidation. 3D clusters, that produce complex diffraction features and are believed to be Cr2O3, are formed during oxidation of one Cr layer at elevated temperature, T ? 790 K. The single layer Cr film remains intact during oxidation at T ? 630 K. 3D bulk Cr clusters are formed predominantly during oxidation of two ps Cr layers.  相似文献   

Š. Pick  M. Tomášek 《Surface science》1983,130(1):L307-L310
Arguments are presented in favour of an additional softening which those changes of surface force constants that lead to a pronounced “soft” surface phonon mode (e.g. M5) can invoke in the global surface phonon spectrum. This result is illustrated for the W, Mo and Cr (001) surface. Analysis of phonons of an isolated layer is used together with a “perturbation theorem”.  相似文献   

Yoshiteru Takagi  Susumu Okada   《Surface science》2008,602(17):2876-2879
First-principle electronic structure calculation reveals the appearance of a new class of surface state on hydrogenated and clean Si(1 1 1) surfaces. The states are found to exhibit different characteristics to conventional surface electron states in terms of the peculiar distribution of the wavefunction depending on the wavenumber. In addition, the state results in flat dispersion bands in a part of the surface Brillouin zone having energy of about 8 eV below the top of the valence band. An analytic expression based on the tight-binding approximation corroborates the surface electron state results from the delicate balance of the electron transfer among the atoms situated near the surface. The obtained results give a possible extension and generalization of the edge state in graphite ribbons with zigzag edges.  相似文献   

The (1 0 0) surface of Ni2MnGa and Mn2NiGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloys have been studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). It is shown that by sputtering and annealing, it is possible to obtain a clean, ordered and stoichiometric surface that shows a four-fold 1 × 1 LEED pattern at room temperature. For both Ni2MnGa and Mn2NiGa, the surface becomes Ni-rich and Mn deficient after sputtering. However, as the annealing temperature is increased Mn segregates to the surface and at sufficiently high annealing temperature the Mn deficiency caused by sputtering is compensated. The (1 0 0) surface of Ni2MnGa is found to have Mn-Ga termination. The valence band spectra of both Ni2MnGa and Mn2NiGa exhibits modifications with surface composition. For the stoichiometric surface, the origin of the spectral shape of the valence band is explained by calculations based on first principles density functional theory.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of surface chemisorption on the spin reorientation transitions in magnetic ultrathin Fe films on Ag(0 0 1) by means of the polar and longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements. It is found by the MOKE that adsorption of O2 and NO induces the shift of the critical thickness for the transitions to a thinner side, together with the suppression of the remanent magnetization and the coercive field of the Fe film. This implies destabilization of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. On the other hand, H2 adsorption is found not to change the magnetic anisotropy, though the enhancement of the coercive field is observed. The XMCD reveals that although both the spin and orbital magnetic moments along the surface normal are noticeably reduced upon O2 and NO adsorption, the reduction of the orbital magnetic moments are more significant. This indicates that the destabilization of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy upon chemisorption of O2 and NO originates from the change of the spin-orbit interaction at the surface.  相似文献   

The oxidation characteristics of silicon implanted with a low dose of nitrogen (1–3×1015cm–2) have been studied for dry oxidation conditions at 1020°C. The wafers were subjected to a pre-oxidation annealing. Complete inhibition of the oxide growth occurs in the initial stage of oxidation, while the oxidation rate for prolonged oxidation is identical to that for pure silicon. The oxidation resistance increases with the implantation dose. The resistance is attributed to the formation of a nitrogen-rich surface film during annealing. This layer, which consists of only a few monolayers, is presumably composed of oxynitride. The electrical characteristics of MOS capacitors formed on implanted wafers show that the interface state density is not significantly increased by the low-dose N implantation.  相似文献   

Ferromagnetic order in the thermodynamically stable, pseudomorphic monolayer Fe(110) on W(110), coated by Ag, was studied in situ in UHV using Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS) and Torsion Oscillation Magnetometry (TOM). Films near the monolayer coverage, prepared at 475 K, consist of nearly independent monolayer and double-layer patches. The properties of monolayer patches are nearly independent of the mean film thickness resulting in excellent conditions to determine the true monolayer properties. The Curie temperature is reduced toT c, mono= 282 K = 0.27 Tc,bulk, the ground state hyperfine field is reduced toB hf(0)=11.9 T = 0.35B hf,bulk(0) and the magnetic moment per atom is enhanced to(0) = 2.53 B=1.14(0)bulk. Remanent magnetization is detected forT 260 K=0.92T c, mono, square loop magnetization forT 230 K=0.82T c, mono. Unusual properties of the phase transition are detected by the combination of both experimental techniques.  相似文献   

The bond geometry of the (2 × 1)-2O-p2mg overlayer on Co(10 0) was determined by analyzing low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) intensity data. Oxygen occupies the three-fold coordinated hcp site along the densely packed rows on the unreconstructed surface. The O atoms are attached to two atoms in the first Co layer and to one Co atom in the second layer. The strong interaction between O and Co is indicated by the bond lengths of 1.83 ± 0.10 Å and 1.99 ± 0.10 Å to the top-layer Co and the Co atoms in the second layer, respectively. The most striking result of our work is that oxygen adsorption causes a marked expansion (by 25%) of the first Co layer spacing (0.90 Å) with respect to the bulk value of 0.72 Å. This strong expansion might offer diffusion channels for O atoms to penetrate further into the subsurface region.  相似文献   

We prove that the magnetic ground state of a single monolayer Fe on W(001) is c(2x2) antiferromagnetic, i.e., a checkerboard arrangement of antiparallel magnetic moments. Real space images of this magnetic structure have been obtained with spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy. An out-of-plane easy magnetization axis is concluded from measurements in an external magnetic field. The magnetic ground state and anisotropy axis are explained based on first-principles calculations.  相似文献   

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) was used to characterize the surface state of clean CdZnTe (1 1 0) surface. The surface state of CdZnTe with the peak at 0.9 eV below the Fermi level is identified. Meanwhile, Photoluminescence (PL) spectrum confirmed that there existed a surface trap state which introduced a deep-level peak at 1.510 eV. The surface trap states can be decreased by aging in dry-air. The surface leakage current was measured also by I-V measurements. After aging, the leakage current was decreased remarkably, which suggested that the aging treatment is an effective method to decrease the surface trap state.  相似文献   

By means of low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), we found a reversible structural change of on thallium (Tl) adsorbed Si(1 1 1) surfaces by switching the polarity of applied DC voltage for heating the sample. It was shown in the literature that Tl adatoms are located on the T4 sites of the bulk-terminated surface both in the (1 × 1) and . It is clarified that the structural change is caused by the electromigration of the Tl adatoms. Tl atoms migrate towards the cathode, being induced by the electric field (10-20 V/cm). We discussed an atomic process of the electromigration.  相似文献   

We report the coexistence of γ(γ′) and θ alumina grown on the CoAl(1 0 0) surface. Both phases were observed after annealing of alumina at 1150 K by means of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). The crystal structures of γ(γ′) and θ alumina were indexed based on low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and STM experimental data.  相似文献   

The formation and stability of Cu, Ag and Au-induced c(2 × 2) alloys at the Mo(1 0 0) and W(1 0 0) surfaces have been investigated with low-energy electron microscopy and diffraction. The ordered alloys transform to disordered overlayer structures at elevated temperature. Comparison of the transformation temperatures with energetics obtained from first principles calculations reveals the vibrational entropic contribution to the system free energy that defines alloy thermal stability. Effective Debye temperatures for metal adatoms are determined that exhibit the expected mass and bond strength dependence.  相似文献   

王永亮  张超  唐鑫  张庆瑜 《物理学报》2006,55(8):4214-4220
采用嵌入原子方法的原子间相互作用势,利用准静态分子动力学模拟研究了Cu原子在Cu(001)表面吸附所导致的基体晶格畸变以及对其附近的另一个吸附原子自扩散行为的影响.研究结果表明,吸附原子的存在可以导致多达10层的Cu基体晶格产生畸变.两个吸附原子所产生的晶格畸变应力场之间的相互作用,可以导致吸附原子运动活性的增加.通过比较同一路径上往返跳跃扩散势垒的差异发现,在原子间相互作用势的有效距离之外,两个吸附原子的扩散行为可以认为是存在晶格畸变应力场相互作用的两个独立吸附原子的扩散;在原子间相互作用势的有效距离之 关键词: 表面吸附原子 晶格畸变 表面二聚体 扩散  相似文献   

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