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A previous investigation has shown that family susceptibility and occupational and family histories have a decisive role in the development of byssinosis among workers exposed to flax dust. Results of investigation of silicosis in 814 male workers exposed to silica-bearing dust showed that family susceptibility has an important role in the development of silicosis among examined workers, and workers whose fathers had an occupational history of exposure to silica-bearing dust were more resistant to the development of the disease than those with non-exposed fathers. The degree of consanguinity of parents and individuals' blood groups, also, have a role. Workers with cousin parents were relatively highly susceptible to the development of silicosis as well as workers with blood groups "O" or "AB". It has been concluded that the investigated factors might have a role in the development of other occupational diseases and further investigations are indicated.  相似文献   

为探讨ABO血型、个性与矽肺易性易感性的关系,我们以某钢铁公司103例Ⅰ期矽肺患者为对象,以在同一粉尘作业环境工作,接尘工龄及年龄构成相似的非矽肺接尘工人为对照,进行了ABO血型分布及艾森克个性问卷调查,结果表明:两且间血型分布差异无显著性,各血型间Ⅰ期矽肺患病率和平均发病工龄差异也无显著性。矽肺组L量表T分〈43.3的人占的比例明显低于非矽肺组。提示:ABO血型与矽肺易感性无明显关联;掩饰程度和  相似文献   

Epidemiological investigation of 475 workers exposed to dust in flax processing has shown that family susceptibility has a decisive role in the development of byssinosis in those workers. Workers whose fathers had occupational history of exposure to flax dust were more resistant to the development of the disease than those whose fathers had no such history. Such tolerance was much higher in workers whose fathers were byssinotic than those with byssinosis-free fathers. Further hereditary and immunological investigations are, however, needed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological investigation of 475 workers exposed to dust in flax processing has shown that family susceptibility has a decisive role in the development of byssinosis in those workers. Workers whose fathers had occupational history of exposure to flax dust were more resistant to the development of the disease than those whose fathers had no such history. Such tolerance was much higher in workers whose fathers were byssinotic than those with byssinosis-free fathers. Further hereditary and immunological investigations are, however, needed.  相似文献   

The effect of infective, immunological, and irritative factors on the onset and development of silicosis after intratracheal inoculation with 50 mg of tridymite was investigated on 220 specific pathogen free (SPF) female Sprague-Dawley rats. Even after 12 months the rats, always kept in SPF conditions after intratracheal injection of the dust, showed mainly granulomas with little tendency to confluence or to fibrohyalinosis. Chronic infective stimulation was obtained by keeping groups of SPF animals injected with tridymite for three, six, or 12 months in a conventional animal house, where they were exposed to the endemic bacterial flora. In these animal silicosis developed much more rapidly and produced much more severe confluent lesions than in rats always kept in SPF conditions. Horseradish peroxidase and ferritin given by intratracheal injection and by inhalation were histochemically shown mainly in the dust granulomas but did not accelerate the development of silicosis. Exposure to ozone increased the prevalence of lung infections and thus enhanced the silicosis in conventionally kept animals, without modifying the evolution of silicosis in SPF animals. These experiments showed that the presence of bacterial flora, and particularly bronchopulmonary infections, accelerated the development of silicosis and led to the suggestion that individuals subject to frequent bronchopulmonary infections are unfit for occupations necessitating exposure to silica dust.  相似文献   

目的 研究矽肺肺泡上皮细胞有无发生上皮间质转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT)及其在疾病发展中的作用。方法 将30只小鼠依据体质量随机分为对照组与模型组,每组15只;采用气管暴露法建立矽肺小鼠模型。建模后第7天、14天、28天每组各处死5只小鼠,留取肺脏,采用HE染色、Masson染色观察两组小鼠肺部组织病理学改变及胶原纤维生成情况;检测肺组织E-钙黏蛋白(E-Cadherin)、N-钙黏蛋白(N-Cadherin)和波形蛋白(Vimentin)的mRNA与蛋白表达量,并进行相应的组间比较。结果 HE染色显示,对照组小鼠肺泡结构清晰,肺泡壁薄,各时间节点间对比无明显改变;模型组小鼠在建模后第7天肺部组织见明显的炎性细胞浸润,随时间的增长,肺部纤维组织明显增生,肺泡间隔增厚,造模后第28天观察到矽结节形成。Masson染色显示,对照组小鼠肺部未见明显的胶原纤维生成,而模型组小鼠肺泡间隔、支气管壁可观察到蓝染的胶原纤维沉积。模型组小鼠E-Cadherin的mRNA水平在建模后各时间点均低于对照组(P<0.05),N-Cadherin的mRNA水平在各时间节点两组差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),Vimentin的mRNA表达水平在建模后第14天、28天高于对照组(P<0.05)。E-Cadherin、N-Cadherin、Vimentin的蛋白表达量比较显示,在建模后第7天两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),在建模后第14天、28天,模型组E-Cadherin的蛋白表达量低于对照组,N-Cadherin、Vimentin的蛋白表达量则高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 矽肺模型小鼠肺泡上皮发生的EMT参与了矽肺肺间质的纤维化病变过程。  相似文献   

In the two decades following the First World War, American occupational medicine was consumed in cataloguing the pneumoconioses, and no physician was more prominent than Henry K. Pancoast of the University of Pennsylvania. In a landmark trial following the worst silicosis outbreak in the United States at Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, Pancoast testified for the defense, attributing the disease to tuberculosis. Pancoast was not an isolated commentator, as the prominence of the cases attracted some of the country's leading authorities on occupational medicine. Pancoast's error, as well as the accuracy of some of his colleagues, clarifies an important occupational disease in its epidemic period. There is also a less historically specific exposition of the impact of professional involvement in social policy, liability, and compensation.  相似文献   

矽肺是由于长期吸入游离二氧化硅粉尘而导致的以肺组织弥漫性纤维化为主的全身性疾病,是世界范围内最严重的职业病之一[1].目前,全世界有数亿接尘工人面临矽肺发生的危险,据报道,美国有100多万矽尘接触工人,法国每年有300例矽肺新病例[2];矽肺发病在发展中国家情况更为严重,印度矽肺患病率为55%,拉美国家为37%.  相似文献   

目的 探讨白细胞介素(IL)-8基因多态性与矽肺易感性的关系.方法 选择确诊的101例矽肺患者为病例组,以接触同性质粉尘、首次诊断年龄相近的非矽肺的接尘工人为对照(121例).采集外周静脉血,盐析法提取DNA,应用聚合酶链-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术检测IL-8(Met31Arg、781C/T、-251A/T、RA+860)4个位点的基因型和等位基因频率并进行分析.结果 两组对象的首次诊断年龄、累积接尘工龄、吸烟率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.10).病例组IL-8(Met31Arg)GT基因型的分布频率为12.87%,对照组为2.48%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),病例组和对照组携带等位基因G的频率分别为6.44%和2.07%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).病例组IL-8(-251A/T)从基因型的分布频率为9.90%,对照组为25.62%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).病例组IL-8(781C/T)基因型CC、CT、TT的分布频率分别为38.61%、40.59%、20.79%,与对照组(46.28%、40.50%、13.22%)相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).病例组IL-8(RA+860)基因型GG、GC、CC的分布频率分别为75.25%、21.78%、2.97%,与对照组(80.17%、14.88%、4.96%)相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 IL-8的Met31Arg位点和一251MT位点的基因多态性与矽肺易感性有关,携带IL-8(Met31Arg)GT基因型的接尘工人患矽肺的危险性增加;携带IL-8(-251)从基因型的接尘工人患矽肺的危险性降低.未发现IL-8(781C/T和RA+860)位点的基因多态性与矽肺易感性有关.
Objective To explore the relationship between the polymorphisms of interleukin-8(IL-8)and the silicosis susceptibility. Methods The case group consisted of 101 male patients with stage I silicosis diagnosed by the Pneumoconiosis Diagnosis Expert Panel according to the Chinese National Diagnosis Criteria of Pneumoconiosis (GBZ 70-2009). The control group consisted of 121 workers without silicosis exposed to same dusts. The cases and the controls had the same dust exposure history. The peripheral venous blood was drawn from each subject. DNA was extracted from leucocytes by the salting method. The polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniques and PCR were used to examine polymorphism of IL-8(Met31Arg, 781C/T,-251A/T and RA+860). Results There were no the differences of age, cumulative exposure time and smoking between the cases and the controls (P>0.05). The frequencies of IL-8 (Met31Arg) GT genotypes in cases and controls were 12.87% and 2.48%, respectively, there was significant difference (P<0.05).The frequencies of allele G in cases and controls were 6.44% and 2.07%, respectively, there was significant difference (P<0.05). The frequencies of IL-8 (-251A/T) AA genotypes in cases and controls were 9.90% and 25.64%, respectively, there was significant difference (P<0.05). The frequencies of IL-8 (781C/T) CC, CT, TT genotypes in cases and controls were 38.61%,40.59%,20.79% and 46.28%,40.50%, 13.22%, respectively, there zwas no significant difference (P>0.05). The frequencies of IL-8 (RA+860) GG, GC and CC genotypes in cases and controls were 75.25%, 21.78%, 2.97%, 80.17%, 14.88%, 4.96%, respectively, there was no significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusions IL-8 (Met31 Arg and -251A/T) genetic polymorphisms might play a role in the development of silicosis. The risk of pneumoconiosis in workers carrying (Met31 Arg) genotype GT is likely to increase.The risk of pneumoconiosis in workers carrying IL-8 (-251A/T) AA genotype is likely to decrease. The relationship between IL-8 781C/T and RA+860 genes polymorphisms and silicosis is not found.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the paper is to connect the field of health management to other related academic discourses (critical management studies and critical development studies) that can contribute to a more interdisciplinary approach to understanding health organizations and management. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The paper's design is theoretical critique that blends post-structural, critical management and critical development approaches into a focused discussion of modernity and its relevance to contemporary health management issues. FINDINGS: Modernity proliferates through a variety of rhetorical tropes that go unnoticed or remain invisible. Through a brief analysis of historical definitions of management and development, the findings suggest that health management could also be critiqued as a cultural and social construction, enriching anthropological studies as well as informing practical critiques of health projects in the development sector. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: The conceptualisation of health-management as a cultural construct of modernity opens up the prospect for some rich empirical studies into what management practices support the scientific-rational claims on which it rests. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The critique informs a re-appraisal of health management practices that are often taken for granted and ritualistic parts of organizational life. Such a re-evaluation could lead to the implementation of more nuanced and appropriate health practices. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Connecting management and development discourses in this way has not been done before and its relevance to health management remains under-researched. This paper highlights the way these discourses can enrich the study of health organizations and create a truly interdisciplinary understanding of health.  相似文献   

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