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Hard X-ray Imager(HXI) is one of the three scientific instruments onboard the Advanced Spacebased Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission, which is proposed for the 25th solar maximum by the Chinese solar community. HXI is designed to investigate the non-thermal high-energy electrons accelerated in solar flares by providing images of solar flaring regions in the energy range from 30 keV to 200 keV. The imaging principle of HXI is based on spatially modulated Fourier synthesis and utilizes about 91 sets of bi-grid sub-collimators and corresponding LaBr_3 detectors to obtain Fourier components with a spatial resolution of about 3 arcsec and a time resolution better than 0.5 s. An engineering prototype has been developed and tested to verify the feasibility of design. In this paper, we present background, instrument design and the development and test status of the prototype.  相似文献   

喻福  苏杨  张哲  黄宇 《天文学报》2020,61(4):40
硬X射线成像是研究太阳耀斑等爆发现象的重要手段.由于采用调制成像而非直接成像的原因, X射线图像在日面上的位置需要借助太阳指向镜提供的仪器指向的日面坐标来确定.因此,指向信息对于耀斑定位实现多波段研究,理解太阳耀斑的物理过程具有重要的科学意义.在此对两种太阳指向镜指向信息的获取算法进行了测试.结合太阳指向镜的设计方案,首先利用SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory)/AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) 4500?的数据产生测试图像,其次对其进行二值化处理,分别提取日面轮廓和4个边角指定区域面积;最后分别利用最小二乘法和四象限法对太阳中心坐标进行反演.初步结果显示最小二乘法受随机噪声影响小,定位精度相对稳定约为0.25′′,并可提供四象限法解算的初值;后者的精度可以优于0.14′′,但受随机噪声影响较大.两种算法的精度都显著优于硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)太阳指向镜的设计要求,可为指向数据在将来科学分析中的实际应用提供参考.  相似文献   

先进天基太阳天文台(ASO-S)卫星的3大载荷之一硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)是一套基于傅立叶变换调制成像技术的望远镜.它利用91组不同摆放角和节距的光栅子准直器排列摆布,获得45个基于空间调制的傅立叶变换对,重建太阳耀斑源30–200 keV的硬X射线像,最高分辨率可达3.1′′.在光栅节距已经确定的前提下,它的摆放角分布仍会影响成像质量.通过对HXI仪器傅立叶分量μν分布与点扩散函数(PSF)的空间演化关系分析研究,寻求HXI光栅摆放角的最优分布.其结果将作为改进HXI仪器设计和开发相应科学分析软件的依据.  相似文献   

For the ASO-S/HXI payload, the accuracy of the flare reconstruction is reliant on important factors such as the alignment of the dual grating and the precise measurement of observation orientation. To guarantee optimal functionality of the instrument throughout its life cycle, the Solar Aspect System (SAS) is imperative to ensure that measurements are accurate and reliable. This is achieved by capturing the target motion and utilizing a physical model-based inversion algorithm. However, the SAS ...  相似文献   

A ground data analysis center is very important to the success of a mission. We introduce the Science Operations and Data Center(SODC) for the ASO-S mission, which consists of a scientific operation subcenter, a data management subcenter, a data analysis subcenter and a user service subcenter. The mission planning process, instrument observation modes and the data volume are presented. We describe the data flow and processing procedures from spacecraft telemetry to high-level science data, and the long-term archival as well. The data policy and distributions are also briefly introduced.  相似文献   

The Full-disk Magneto Graph(FMG), a payload onboard the Advanced Space Solar Observatory(ASO-S), will measure the vector magnetic field in the photosphere. The instrument consists of a frontwindow filter, a telescope, an LCVR polarimeter, an image-stabilization system, a seven-stage tunable Lyot filter, a CMOS camera with 4096×4096 pixels and a pair of calibration/focus wheels. In this paper, we describe the design of the FMG instrument and provide a summary of test observations carried out with the FMG prototype.  相似文献   

The Full-disk vector Magneto Graph(FMG) instrument will carry out polarization observations at one wavelength position of the Fe I 5324.179 ? spectral line. This paper describes how to choose this single wavelength position, the relevant data-processing and the magnetic field calibrations based on the measured polarization signals at one single wavelength position. It is found that solar radial Doppler velocity, which can cause the spectral line to shift, is a disadvantageous factor for the linear calibration at one wavelength position. Observations at two symmetric wavelength positions may significantly reduce the wavelength shift effect(~75%), but simulations show that such polarization signals located at the solar limbs(e.g., beyond the longitude range of ±30°) are not free from the effect completely. In future work, we plan to apply machine learning techniques to calibrate vector magnetic fields, or employ full Stokes parameter profile inversion techniques to obtain accurate vector magnetic fields, in order to complement the linear calibration at the single wavelength position.  相似文献   

In the Chang'e-3 mission, the Active Particle-induced X-ray Spectrometer(APXS) on the Yutu rover is used to analyze the chemical composition of lunar soil and rock samples. APXS data are only valid are only if the sensor head gets close to the target and integration time lasts long enough. Therefore, working distance and integration time are the dominant factors that affect APXS results. This study confirms the ability of APXS to detect elements and investigates the effects of distance and time on the measurements. We make use of a backup APXS instrument to determine the chemical composition of both powder and bulk samples under the conditions of different working distances and integration times. The results indicate that APXS can detect seven major elements, including Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti and Fe under the condition that the working distance is less than 30 mm and having an integration time of 30 min. The statistical deviation is smaller than 15%. This demonstrates the instrument's ability to detect major elements in the sample. Our measurements also indicate the increase of integration time could reduce the measurement error of peak area, which is useful for detecting the elements Mg, Al and Si. However, an increase in working distance can result in larger errors in measurement, which significantly affects the detection of the element Mg.  相似文献   

全日面矢量磁像仪(Full-disk vector MagnetoGraph, FMG)是先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)的主载荷之一,摆镜作为FMG稳像系统的重要组成部分,其力学性能是决定载荷观测指标的重要一环,需要对其进行仿真.设计了一种侧面固定的柔性支撑镜体结构,通过调整垫片厚度,可以得到由弹性压片提供的不同大小支持力.为了确定合理的支持力范围,建立3种不同参数模型,使用有限元软件对摆镜模型进行了在轨无重力环境的静力学仿真以及摆镜摆动频率为100 Hz、摆幅为±0.1 mrad时的动力学仿真,并进一步分析了地面有重力试验环境对面形的影响.仿真结果表明所设计的摆镜机构模型均满足通光口径内静态和动态的面形波峰波谷差(PeakValley, PV)小于1/10波长,面形均方根误差(Root Mean Square, RMS)小于1/40波长的光学系统要求,地面有重力环境不会对面形产生显著影响.在仿真结果的基础上,对其中一种模型进行加工装配和实际测试,测试结果表明摆镜结构设计合理,仿真计算结果有效.  相似文献   

先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)卫星姿控分系统的主要任务是实现高精度、高稳定度对日指向控制. ASO-S卫星的科学载荷中,白光望远镜(White-light Solar Telescope, WST)前端配置了太阳导行镜(Guide Telescope, GT)稳像系统,利用正交分布光电二极管组成的边缘探测器测量导行镜光轴与太阳中心的偏差角.提出了一种将GT测量值引入姿态控制闭环的控制方法:利用星敏陀螺定姿算法获得卫星-太阳方向姿态偏差, GT测量值确定非卫星-太阳方向姿态偏差;以4斜装反作用轮组为执行机构,进行三轴零动量稳定姿态控制.通过数学仿真验证,基于GT测量值的姿态控制器在非卫星-太阳方向的绝对指向精度优于2′′、相对姿态稳定度优于1′′/60 s,满足ASO-S卫星高精度高稳定度的对日指向要求.  相似文献   

先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)卫星是我国首颗太阳观测卫星, 主要观测太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射以及产生它们的磁场结构. ASO-S卫星的科学应用系统是科学卫星工程的6大系统之一, 它连接科学用户和卫星数据, 为将卫星的科学数据转化为科学成果提供保障. 科学应用系统的数据库是连接软件与海量数据的枢纽, 为科学数据生产和用户服务及运行提供数据层的支撑. 介绍了科学应用系统的数据库架构设计、数据库的选择以及数据库性能优化和表样例. 这里的数据库包括观测计划、工程参数、运维日志、科学数据、定标数据和特征事件识别等数据库. 这些数据库的建设将为ASO-S卫星工程科学应用系统的顺利运行提供数据支撑, 也可以为未来其他科学卫星类似数据库的搭建提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

China's first solar mission, the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S), is now changing from Phase B to Phase C. Its main scientific objectives are summarized as '1M2B', namely magnetic field and two types of bursts(solar flares and coronal mass ejections). Among the three scientific payloads,Hard X-ray Imager(HXI) observes images and spectra of X-ray bursts in solar flares. In this paper, we briefly report on the progresses made by the HXI science team(data and software team) during the design phase(till May 2019). These include simulations of HXI imaging, optimization of HXI grids, development of imaging algorithms, estimation of orbital background, as well as in-orbit calibration plan. These efforts provided guidance for the engineering, improved HXI's imaging capability and reduced the cost of the instrument.  相似文献   

DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE), the first Chinese astronomical satellite, was successfully launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 2015 Dec. 17. DAMPE consists of four subdetectors: Plastic Scintillator array Detector(PSD), Silicon-Tungsten tracKer-converter(STK), Bismuth Germanium Oxide(BGO) imaging calorimeter and NeUtron Detector(NUD). The global hardware trigger signal, which is generated by hits from the BGO calorimeter and the trigger logic board in the data acquisition system(DAQ), is responsible for event selection and DAQ synchronization of DAMPE. On orbit,to improve the detection efficiency, different trigger logics are used for event selection in different regions of latitude. The DAMPE trigger system compresses the average on-orbit trigger rate to 60 Hz and reduces science data mass to less than 13 GB per day to meet the requirement for the satellite's data link. The whole trigger system has run stably up to now, ensuring excellent on-orbit operation of DAMPE.  相似文献   

The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission aims to explore the two most spectacular eruptions on the Sun: solar flares and coronal mass ejections(CMEs), and their magnetism.For the study of CMEs, the payload Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope(LST) has been proposed. It includes a traditional white-light coronagraph and a Lyman-alpha coronagraph which opens a new window to CME observations. Polarization measurements taken by white-light coronagraphs are crucial for deriving fundamental physical parameters of CMEs. To make such measurements, there are two options for a Stokes polarimeter which have been applied by existing white-light coronagraphs for space missions. One uses a single or triple linear polarizer, the other involves both a half-wave plate and a linear polarizer. We find that the former option is subject to less uncertainty in the derived Stokes vector propagating from detector noise.The latter option involves two plates which are prone to internal reflections and may have a reduced transmission factor. Therefore, the former option is adopted as our Stokes polarimeter scheme for LST. Based on the parameters of the intended linear polarizer(s) colorPol provided by CODIXX and the half-wave plate 2-APW-L2-012 C by Altechna, it is further shown that the imperfect maximum transmittance of the polarizer significantly increases the variance amplification of Stokes vector by at least about 50% when compared with the ideal case. The relative errors of Stokes vector caused by the imperfection of colorPol polarizer and the uncertainty due to the polarizer assembly in the telescope are estimated to be about 5%. Among the considered parameters, we find that the dominant error comes from the uncertainty in the maximum transmittance of the polarizer.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1344-1351
Radio waves and optical flashes consistent with the lightning generation have been reported frequently at Venus. These observations point to the presence of electrical discharges in the sulfuric acid clouds of Venus. A particularly strong whistler-mode signal has been found propagating parallel to the magnetic field in the night ionosphere near 100 Hz by the Pioneer Venus spacecraft. At high (radio) frequencies, intermittent signals are also seen reminiscent of terrestrial lightning. However, these signals appear to be weaker than their terrestrial counterparts. On Venus Express, the magnetometer bandwidth is sufficient to record the lightning signals propagating in the whistler mode and will be used to map the occurrence of lightning across the nightside of the planet.  相似文献   

Surface changes on Io during the Galileo mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A careful survey of Galileo SSI global monitoring images revealed more than 80 apparent surface changes that took place on Io during the 5 year period of observation, ranging from giant plume deposits to subtle changes in the color or albedo of patera surfaces. Explosive volcanic activity was discovered at four previously unrecognized centers: an unnamed patera to the south of Karei that produced a Pele-sized red ring, a patera to the west of Zal that produced a small circular bright deposit, a large orange ring detected near the north pole of Io, and a small bright ring near Io's south pole. Only a handful of Io's many active volcanoes produced large scale explosive eruptions, and several of these erupted repeatedly, leaving at least 83% of Io's surface unaltered throughout the Galileo mission. Most of the hot spots detected from SSI, NIMS and ground-based thermal observations caused no noticeable surface changes greater than 10 km in extent over the five year period. Surface changes were found at every location where active plumes were identified, including Acala which was never seen in sunlight and was only detected through auroral emissions during eclipse. Two types of plumes are distinguished on the basis of the size and color of their deposits, confirming post-Voyager suggestions by McEwen and Soderblom [Icarus 55 (1983) 191]. Smaller plumes produce near-circular rings typically 150-200 km in radius that are white or yellow in color unless contaminated with silicates, and frequently coat their surroundings with frosts of fine-grained SO2. The larger plumes are much less numerous, limited to a half dozen examples, and produce oval, orange or red, sulfur-rich rings with maximum radii in the north-south direction that are typically in the range from 500 to 550 km. Both types of plumes can be either episodic or quasi-continuous over a five year period. Repeated eruptions of the smaller SO2-rich plumes likely contribute significantly to Io's resurfacing rate, whereas dust ejection is likely dominated by the tenuous giant plumes. Both types of plume deposits fade on time-scales of months to years through burial and alteration. Episodic seepages of SO2 at Haemus Montes, Zal Montes, Dorian Montes, and the plateau to the north of Pillan Patera may have been triggered by activity at nearby volcanic centers.  相似文献   

ASO-S卫星HXI量能器探测单元的标定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
先进天基太阳天文台卫星(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)是中国科学院第2批空间科学先导专项之一,其主要目标是同时观测太阳磁场、耀斑和日冕物质抛射,并对3者之间的相互关系和内在联系进行研究.硬X射线成像仪(HXI)是ASOS卫星的3大载荷之一,它通过对太阳活动发射的硬X射线进行傅里叶调制成像,实现高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率的太阳能谱成像观测.量能器单机是HXI的关键单机之一,其主要任务是精准测量通过每对光栅后太阳硬X射线的能量和通量.主要介绍了量能器单机的工作原理及其关键指标要求、标定设备及标定方案,最后给出了标定结果,从而验证了量能器单机方案设计的合理性.  相似文献   

An overview and status report of the VLBI Space Observatory Programme is presented.  相似文献   

The Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter in December 1995 to start its two-year mission of exploring the Jovian system, The spacecraft will complete eleven orbits around Jupiter and have ten more close encounters with the outer three Galilean satellites, after the initial close approach to lo on December 7, 1995, Since the lo encounter occurred closer to lo than originally designed, the spacecraft energy change was greater than nominally planned and resulted in an initial spacecraft orbital period about 7 days less than that designed in the nominal tour, A 100-km change in the Io-encounter distance results in an 8-day change in initial period of the spacecraft. Hence the first Ganymede encounter was moved forward one week, and the aim points for the first two Ganymede encounters were altered, but all other encounters would occur on their nominal dates and at the nominal altitudes, This was accomplished without expending spacecraft fuel and resulted in the first Ganymede flyby occurring on June 27, 1996 rather than the nominally scheduled July 4.Earth- and spacecraft-based data were employed in developing ephemerides in support of the Galileo space mission. An analysis of CCD astrometric observations from 1992–1994, of photographic observations from 1967–1993, of mutual event astrometric data from 1973–1991, of Jovian eclipse timing data from 1652-1983, of Doppler data from 1987–1991, and of optical navigation data from the Voyager spacecraft encounter in 1979, produced the satellite ephemerides for the Galileo space mission.  相似文献   

This article provides the main scientific objectives and characteristics of the Phobos-Soil project, intended to fly to the Martian satellite Phobos, deliver its soil samples to the Earth, as well as explore Phobos, Mars, and the Martian environment with onboard scientific instruments. We give the basic parameters of the ballistic scenario of the mission, spacecraft, and some scientific problems to be solved with the help of the scientific instruments installed on the spacecraft.  相似文献   

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