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在得到人体实体切片序列图像中大脑器官的边缘轮廓线的基础上,提取图像中的标尺,利用图像中提供的标尺计算像素和实物的比例关系;用积分叠加原理计算大脑切片的面积和体积,建立了大脑器官定量分析的数学模型。用辐照仿真人体模型作为实验对象,根据论文提供的数学模型计算其大脑的体积并与真值比较,验证定量分析原理和数学模型是可行的。  相似文献   

本文对显微组织连续切片的三维重建中的难点问题——定位问题摸索总结出一套方法,通过对辐射小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞中凋亡细胞的连续切片,采用灰度表面模型法,对出现典型染色质凝集的凋亡细胞核进行三维重建。从而在超微结构水平对细胞及细胞器连续切片的三维重建研究作了初步探索。  相似文献   

在中国数字化虚拟人体(CVHP)数据集的支持下,首次完成了数字化虚拟中国人体多模式三维医学影像(包括人体组织解剖切片数码影像数据、同期同一人体CT、MRI体层影像)融合技术,并给出相应图例。  相似文献   

数字化可视人体,或称虚拟可视人体,是根据人体解剖学研究的全部数据综合构成的一系列数字化三维图像,而且可以虚拟地进行人体的一切生理活动。这种数字化可视人体可用于进行医学教学、模拟临床手术和放射治疗等,效果显著。本文阐述了制作方法和主要用途。  相似文献   

利用切片的二维空间相关操作实现血管的三维重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相关(Correlation)作为两个图形相似程度的度量,被广泛的用于图形图像自动识别中.为对血管的二维切片图像进行分析并重构出血管以及血管中轴线的三维空间形貌,我们利用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)及反变换对切片进行空间相关操作,几乎一步即可确定出中轴线与切片的交点,从而给出中轴线的空间坐标.我们求出了血管的半径,利用这些结果,绘出了血管中轴线的三维曲线及其投影线,并且利用计算机软件画出了血管的三维造型,在该造型中作血管切片,结果与初始的切片数据一致.文中分析了相关法进行图像处理的优点与局限性,对利用近代光学信息处理的手段进行切片三维重建的思路进行了讨论.  相似文献   

采用美国可视人计划(VHP)提供的人体切片图像,对颞骨进行了三维重构.从图片配准、轮廓提取、相邻组织器官公共轮廓线的创建、三维模型的表面光顺等方面介绍了重构过程中涉及到的方法,所建三维模型证明这些方法行之有效,也适用于其他组织器官的重构.三维模型的建立为后续的手术规划、口腔修复和模拟手术等打下了基础.  相似文献   

程序切片技术是一种分析和理解程序的技术,在程序切片技术提出的30年来,得到了很快的发展。本文主要介绍了程序切片的基本概念,程序切片的种类、算法以及用途。  相似文献   

彭照 《人类工效学》2007,13(4):67-69
文章论述了人体测量学的发展历程并介绍了先进人体测量系统。重点介绍了数字化三维人体模型这一最新技术,实例论述了人体模型在各个领域的应用,并展望了人体模型的发展前景。  相似文献   

面向三维重建的工程图样预处理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍一种面向工程图样的图形预处理方法,利用工程图样语义分析的两方面对图形进行预处理,其一,通过尺寸标注中的文本信息判断轮廓线的特征属性,其二,利用图线信息理解剖视图类型。经过图形预处理,工程图样中被破坏的体素累廓线得到补全,为后续的三维重建打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

针对计算机视觉在图像识别和三维模型构建中的广泛应用,本论文对基于计算机视觉的三维重建技术进行了分析探讨,首先分析了当前三维模型重建技术中存在的问题,在此基础上重点探讨了基于机器视觉的三维重建技术应用,给出了基于特征点的三维模型匹配方法,探讨了三维重建机制的步骤,对于进一步提高计算机视觉在三维重建技术方面的应用水平具有一定借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

曹丹华  汤金宽  吴裕斌 《光电工程》2007,34(4):30-33,59
运动人体识别算法由人体目标提取、头部定位、肢体分割和人体建模四部分组成.文中阐述了算法的基本原理,分析了影响算法速度的主要函数和原因.分析发现人体目标提取和肢体分割模块占用了算法时间的96%.傅里叶变换和移动向量计算成为影响肢体分割算法速度的"瓶颈",而中值滤波和形态学滤波则是影响人体目标提取算法速度的"瓶颈"因素.针对TMS320C6000DSP体系结构特点,提出了算法优化策略.通过合理配置编译器优化选项、采用内联函数、分解多层循环、指定存储器相关性,以及合理选用标准库函数的方法对算法进行了优化.实验结果表明,优化后的算法执行速度大大提高.  相似文献   

In this study, a previously developed reconstruction methodology is extended to three-dimensional reconstruction of a three-phase microstructure, based on two-point correlation functions and two-point cluster functions. The reconstruction process has been implemented based on hybrid stochastic methodology for simulating the virtual microstructure. While different phases of the heterogeneous medium are represented by different cells, growth of these cells is controlled by optimizing parameters such as rotation, shrinkage, translation, distribution and growth rates of the cells. Based on the reconstructed microstructure, finite element method (FEM) was used to compute the effective elastic modulus and effective thermal conductivity. A statistical approach, based on two-point correlation functions, was also used to directly estimate the effective properties of the developed microstructures. Good agreement between the predicted results from FEM analysis and statistical methods was found confirming the efficiency of the statistical methods for prediction of thermo-mechanical properties of three-phase composites.  相似文献   

The sensation of two-way feedback of body [1] is a special system of human reaction, which maintains and regulates symmetry and balance of human body. The human two-way feedback reacts to human health. For human health we must pay attention to the stimulations (passive acceptance and initiative interventions) and relevant influences in human body and the stimulative effect. In this paper, the experimental research of stimulation and an example of two-way feedback in human body are given. And lay a foundation of prevention, medical treatment and hygiene of human body.  相似文献   

Conventional dummy based testing procedures suffer from known limitations. This report addresses issues in finite element human body models in evaluating pedestrian and occupant crash safety measures. A review of material properties of soft tissues and characterization methods show a scarcity of material properties for characterizing soft tissues in dynamic loading. Experiments imparting impacts to tissues and subsequent inverse finite element mapping to extract material properties are described. The effect of muscle activation due to voluntary and non-voluntary reflexes on injuries has been investigated through finite element modelling.  相似文献   

Measurement of the human body anteflexion angle is an essential method for evaluating human flexibility. In this study, a method based on edge detection is proposed for measuring the angle of human body anteflexion. In this technique, an adaptive Gaussian filter is used to filter an image while preserving as much of its edge information as possible. A 5 × 5 template is adopted to calculate the gradient amplitude and direction of the image. Moreover, the Otsu algorithm is used to compute the high and low thresholds of the gradient image, thereby rendering the algorithm adaptive and eliminating any need for manual threshold setting. After the edges are obtained, the feature points of the head, buttocks, and foot are extracted to calculate the anteflexion angle of the human body.  相似文献   

动态环境人-车系统的人体振动特性研究与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 针对动态环境机械系统人-机界面设计的分析需要,应用人体动力学建模与人体振动实验相结合方法进行动态环境人-机系统的人体振动特性研究与仿真分析.依据多体系统动力学原理建立了人-车系统五自由度(5-DOF)坐姿人体全身垂直振动模型,经人体振动实验得到坐姿人体的传递函数曲线,采用参数识别方法获得人体的动力学参数,在此基础上,通过MATLAB/Bode对人体振动模型的模拟分析,得到了人体各部分的振动特性.用ADAMS/Vibration软件系统进行人体振动仿真试验,验证了5-DOF人体振动模型的人体振动特性研究结果的有效性.研究结果对于分析人-车系统的人体动力响应有着重要价值,可为动态环境机械系统的人-机界面设计提供重要参考,对客观评价人体坐姿的舒适性有指导作用.  相似文献   

Spectral radiative properties of the human body were studied experimentally in the region from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared to know the thermal response of the human body exposed to solar radiation and infrared radiation. The measuring equipment for reflectance and transmittance of a semitransparent scattering medium was developed and measurement on a living human skin was performed in vivo. The measured parts are forearm, cheek, dorsum hand, hip, and hair. The values obtained by the present study are much different from those of previous in vitro measurements. Fairly large values for hemispherical reflectances are observed in the visible and near-infrared regions but very small values for hemispherical reflectances are observed in the infrared region, below 0.05. By applying the four-flux treatment of radiative transfer, the absorption coefficient and scattering coefficient in the human skin are determined. The scattering coefficient is large in the visible region but negligible in the infrared region. The absorption coefficient is very close to that of water and large in the infrared region.  相似文献   

飞机应急着陆时的人体冲击响应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
摘要:本文针对飞机着陆撞击时人体的冲击响应问题,采用11自由度坐姿人体动力学模型,研究了从座椅到人体关键部位的振动传递率,并计算分析了坐姿人体在受到垂直方向上的冲击激励时的冲击响应。结果表明在飞机着陆撞击过程中,人体的腰椎响应较大,容易造成损伤,座椅对人体的支持刚度在冲击过程中对人体的冲击响应有较大影响,设计适当的座椅支持刚度可以减小人体的冲击响应。  相似文献   

In this paper a cylindrical model of human body exposed to the extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field is presented. The analysis is based on the solution of the simplified integral equation for thick wires. The numerical solution of the integral equations is performed by the Galerkin–Bubnov variant of the boundary element method. Several numerical results for the ELF exposures are presented.  相似文献   

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