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High-resolution vibration-rotation spectra of gas-phase deuterobromoacetylene have been recorded in the 240-990 cm-1 infrared region. The analyzed band systems are rich in hot bands and have a high density of lines. Five band systems and a total of 124 vibration-rotation bands of the isotopic species DCC79Br and DCC81Br have been rotationally analyzed. Accurate rotational parameters and vibrational wavenumbers for 33 vibrational states of each species have been obtained from the rotational analysis. l doubling and rotational l resonance have been observed on some states and the respective resonance parameters have been obtained through nonlinear least-squares optimization. A Fermi resonance block model with perturbation terms has been used for the analysis of the vibrational states. With optimized parameters, the model produces root-mean-square deviations of observed - calculated wavenumbers of about 0.3 cm-1 for both isotopic species. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The asymptotic behavior of a tri-trophic food chain model in the chemostat is studied. The Monod-Herbert growth model is used for all trophic levels. The analysis is carried out numerically, by finding both local and global bifurcations of equilibria and of limit cycles with respect to two chemostat control parameters: the dilution rate of the chemostat and the concentration of input substrate. It is shown that the bifurcation structure of the food chain model has much in common with the bifurcation structure of a one-dimensional map with two turning points. This map is used to explain how attractors are created and destroyed under variation of the bifurcation parameters. It is shown that low as well as high concentration of input substrate can lead to extinction of the highest trophic level.  相似文献   

The very weak bands nu1 + 2nu2 + 3nu3 and 4nu1 + nu3 of 16O3 have been observed for the first time, using the Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) of Reims and the usual experimental setup providing a large product p x l of approximately 38 Torr x 36 m. The upper levels of these A-type bands which are rather close in energy (they appear respectively at 5291.722 and 5307.790 cm-1) belong to two different sets of interacting polyads. To correctly reproduce the rotation-vibration energy levels and account for the observed perturbations, both bands are treated in a dyad approximation: the (123) state in the Coriolis resonance with the (330) state, and the (401) state in the Coriolis resonance with the (024) state. The assignments of the rotation-vibration levels of the (123) state are confirmed by measurements of line positions of the hot band nu1 + 2nu2 + 3nu3 - nu2 which has also been observed for the first time. The fits are very satisfactory: the r.m.s. deviation for 249 energy levels of the (123) state is 2.4 x 10(-3) cm-1 and is 2.0 x 10(-3) cm-1 for 266 levels of the (401) state. These r.m.s. are near experimental accuracy. Transition moments for the three observed bands are determined from measured line intensities. Copyright 1997 Academic Press. Copyright 1997Academic Press  相似文献   

We have recorded the infrared absorption spectrum of pyrrole at 0.005 cm-1 spectral resolution using a Fourier transform interferometer. The rotational analysis of the symmetric out-of-plane C-H bend 22(1)0 fundamental band at 722.132993(5) cm-1 was performed, allowing 6760 lines to be assigned. These lines were fitted simultaneously to literature data on nu1 [A. Mellouki, R. Georges, M. Herman, D. L. Snavely, and S. Leytner, Chem. Phys. 220, 311-322 (1997)] and microwave lines [G. Wlodarczak, L. Martinache, J. Demaison, and B. P. Van Eijck, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 127, 200-208 (1988)]. A set of rotation parameters was determined for the ground state in Ir and IIIr representations, together with vibration-rotation constants for the v1 = 1 and v22 = 1 vibrational states. The fine structure in the strongest of the hot bands in that range was highlighted by division, from the experimental data, of the spectrum of the 22(1)0 band, computed using the vibration-rotation parameters. The rotational assignment of 930 lines in the strongest hot band was performed. The 22(1)024(1)1 vibrational assignment is proposed, leading to x22,24 = 1.90 cm-1. The transition dipole matrix element for the 22(1)0 band is estimated to || || = 2 x 10(-4) D. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The rotational spectrum of the argon-diacetylene van der Waals complex, produced in a supersonic molecular beam at 1 K, has been observed with a Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer. We observed 22 a-type rotational transitions with Ka up to 3. Three rotational constants, five centrifugal distortion constants, and one higher-order centrifugal distortion constant were determined precisely by least-squares analysis. The complex is shown to have a planer T-shaped structure with C2v symmetry. The structural analysis provides that the Ar atom is located 3.68 A from the center of mass of diacetylene. Force constants for the van der Waals vibrations were determined from the centrifugal distortion constants. It has been found that this complex has a much steeper and more harmonic intermolecular potential than the argon-acetylene complex. Copyright 1997 Academic Press. Copyright 1997Academic Press  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies suggest that foods rich in flavonoids might reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to investigate the effect of intake of flavonoid-containing black currant and apple juice on urinary excretion of quercetin and on markers of oxidative status. DESIGN: This was a crossover study with 3 doses of juice (750, 1000, and 1500 mL) consumed for 1 wk by 4 women and 1 man corresponding to an intake of 4.8, 6.4, and 9.6 mg quercetin/d. RESULTS: Urinary excretion of quercetin increased significantly with dose and with time. The fraction excreted in urine was 0.29-0.47%. Plasma quercetin did not change with juice intervention. Plasma ascorbate increased during intervention because of the ascorbate in the juice. Total plasma malondialdehyde decreased with time during the 1500-mL juice intervention, indicating reduced lipid oxidation in plasma. Plasma 2-amino-adipic semialdehyde residues increased with time and dose, indicating a prooxidant effect of the juice, whereas erythrocyte 2-aminoadipic semialdehyde and gamma-glutamyl semialdehyde concentrations, Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity, and ferric reducing ability of plasma did not change. Glutathione peroxidase activity increased significantly with juice dose. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary excretion of quercetin seemed to be a small but constant function of quercetin intake. Short-term, high intake of black currant and apple juices had a prooxidant effect on plasma proteins and increased glutathione peroxidase activity, whereas lipid oxidation in plasma seemed to decrease. These effects might be related to several components of the juice and cannot be attributed solely to its quercetin content.  相似文献   

The two triad systems of hydrogen sulfide (2nu2, nu1, and nu3 near 4 μm and 3nu2, nu1 + nu2, and nu2 + nu3 near 2.7 μm) were analyzed using 14 spectra recorded at 0.0056 and 0.011 cm-1 resolution with the McMath Fourier transform spectrometer located at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Experimental upper state levels of H232S, H234S, and H233S were obtained from assigned positions (as high as J = 20 and Ka = 15 for the main isotope). These were fitted to the A-reduced Watson Hamiltonian to determine precise sets of rotational constants through J10 and up to nine Fermi and Coriolis coupling parameters. Intensities of the two H232S triads were modeled with rms values of 2.5%, using the transformed transition moment expansion with 19 terms for 568 intensities of the first triad and 11 terms for the 526 intensities of the second triad. The second derivatives of the dipole moment with respect to normal coordinates were estimated in Debye to be: 22μx = -0.004873 (90); 12μx = 0.01372 (30); and 23μz = 0.01578 (30). This confirmed that for hydrogen sulfide some of the second derivatives are larger than the first derivatives. The calculated line intensities were summed yielding integrated band strengths (in cm-2/atm at 296 K) as follows: 0.3315 for 2nu2, 0.4522 for nu1, 0.1201 for nu3, 0.0303 for 3nu2, 1.820 for nu1 + nu2, and 2.869 for nu2 + nu3. In addition, the hot band transitions were identified in both regions. Finally, a composite database of hydrogen sulfide line parameters was predicted for the 5- to 2.5-μm region. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Spectra of a natural sample of hydrogen telluride as well as a spectrum of monoisotopic H2 130Te have been recorded by means of Fourier transform spectrometry with a resolution of 0.003 cm-1 in the spectral domain 7.5-4.3 μm where it is easy to observe the main absorbing bands nu1 and nu3. We have located and assigned for the first time the 2nu2 band which appears in the lower wavenumber range of the recorded spectral domain near 1700 cm-1. It proved necessary to treat simultaneously the three states (020), (100), and (001). nu1 and nu3 are indeed Coriolis-coupled vibration-rotation bands and it was observed that a few rotational levels of (001) could not be fitted to within their experimental accuracy without considering the second-order Coriolis interaction between the rotational levels of (020) and (001). In this way all the experimental levels were calculated to within the experimental uncertainty, and precise sets of vibrational energies and rotational and coupling constants were obtained for the seven most abundant H2Te isotopic species, namely H2 130Te, H2 128Te, H2 126Te, H2 125Te, H2 124Te, H2 123Te, and H2 122Te. For the most abundant isotopic species H2 130Te the bands centers arenu0 (2nu2) = 1715.9568, nu0 (nu1) = 2065.2709, nu0 (nu3) = 2072.1101 cm-1. Copyright 1997Academic Press  相似文献   

Line positions and line intensities of the nu1, nu3, and 2nu4 bands of 14NH3 were analyzed using line positions from 0.0054 cm-1 apodized resolution FT spectra recorded at Orsay and using line intensities from 0.011 cm-1 unapodized resolution FT spectra recorded at Kitt Peak National Observatory. About 2110 lines with J' 相似文献   

The hemolytic lectin, CEL-III, is a Ca2+-dependent, galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectin purified from the marine invertebrate, Cucumaria echinata (Holothuroidea). After binding to specific carbohydrates on the erythrocyte surface, CEL-III forms ion-permeable pores by oligomerizing in the membrane, which leads to colloid osmotic rupture of the cells. When incubated with liposomes composed of total lipids from the human erythrocyte membrane, CEL-III efficiently induced the leakage of carboxyfluorescein (CF) trapped in the vesicles, suggesting the presence of its receptor in the membrane lipids. The rate of CF-leakage increased with increasing temperature, although the hemolytic activity of CEL-III had been found to be much higher at lower temperatures (around 10 degrees C). Identification of the receptor for CEL-III was performed by examining the ability of individual lipids from human erythrocytes to induce CF-leakage from DOPC-liposomes. As a result, the most effective receptor was found to be lactosyl ceramide (LacCer), while globoside (Gb4Cer) also showed slight induction of CF-leakage. On the other hand, a binding assay involving CEL-III-horseradish peroxidase conjugate indicated that CEL-III exhibits similar affinity for LacCer and Gb4Cer, suggesting that the structure or length of the carbohydrate portion of sphingoglycolipids is also relevant as to their ability to induce CF-leakage in addition to their affinity. Electron micrographs of CEL-III-treated liposomes revealed that CEL-III induced considerable morphological changes in the vesicles, while a clearly distinguishable oligomeric structure of the protein was not observed.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that intraventricular injections of nerve growth factor (NGF) prevent the effects of monocular deprivation in the rat. We have tested the localization and the molecular nature of the NGF receptor(s) responsible for this effect by activating cortical trkA receptors in monocularly deprived rats by cortical infusion of a specific agonist of NGF on trkA, the bivalent antirat trkA IgG (RTA-IgG). TrkA protein was detected by immunoblot in the rat visual cortex during the critical period. Rats were monocularly deprived for 1 week (P21-28) and RTA-IgG or control rabbit IgG were delivered by osmotic minipumps. The effects of monocular deprivation on the ocular dominance of visual cortical neurons were assessed by extracellular single cell recordings. We found that the shift towards the ipsilateral, non-deprived eye was largely prevented by RTA-IgG. Infusion of RTA-IgG combined with antibody that blocks p75NTR (REX), slightly reduced RTA-IgG effectiveness in preventing monocular deprivation effects. These results suggest that NGF action in visual cortical plasticity is mediated by cortical TrkA receptors with p75NTR exerting a facilitatory role.  相似文献   

The tumorigenicity of two coal tar mixtures was compared to that of benzo[a]pyrene after 2 years of feeding. Mixture 1, a composite of coal tar from seven coal gasification plant waste sites, was fed to female B6C3F1 mice (48 mice per group) for 2 years at doses of 0.0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.0%. Mixture 2, which was composed of coal tar from two of the seven waste sites and another site having a high benzo[a]pyrene content, was fed at doses of 0.0, 0.03, 0.1 and 0.3%. Additional groups of mice were fed 0, 5, 25 and 100 ppm benzo[a]pyrene. The coal tar diets induced a dose-related increase in hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas, alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas and carcinomas, forestomach squamous epithelial papillomas and carcinomas, small intestine adenocarcinomas, histiocytic sarcomas, hemangiosarcomas in multiple organs and sarcomas. Benzo[a]pyrene treatment resulted in an increased incidence of papillomas and/or carcinomas of the forestomach, esophagus and tongue. A comparison of the results indicated that the benzo[a]pyrene in the coal tar diets could be responsible for the forestomach tumors. In contrast, the lung and liver tumors appeared to be due to other genotoxic components contained within the coal tar mixture, while the small intestine tumors resulted from chemically-induced cell proliferation that occurred at high doses of coal tar.  相似文献   

When a small number of fluorescently labeled myosin II mutant cells (mhcA-) are mixed with wild-type cells and development of the chimeras is observed by confocal microscopy, the mutant cells are localized to the edges of aggregation streams and mounds. Moreover, the mutant cells stick to wild-type cells and become distorted (Shelden and Knecht, 1995). Two independent adhesion mechanisms, Contact Sites A and Contact Sites B, function during the aggregation stage and either one or both might be responsible for excluding the myosin II null cells. We have mixed mhcA- cells with cells in which the appearance of Contact Sites B is delayed (strain TL72) as well as cells which lack Contact Sites A (strain GT10) and double mutants in which both adhesion mechanisms are affected (strain TL73). In all chimeras, the mhcA- cells were distorted by interactions with the adhesion mutant cells, indicating that it does not require significant adhesive interaction to distort the flaccid cortex of mhcA- cells mhcA- cells were excluded from streams composed of cells lacking either Contact Sites A or Contact Sites B but mixed randomly with cells lacking both adhesion systems. By 10 hr of development, cells of strain TL73 acquire Contact Sites B adhesion. If cells of this strain were mixed with labeled mhcA- cells, allowed to develop for 9 hr, and then dissociated before replating, the myosin II null cells were seen to be distorted and excluded from the reaggregates. Thus, the exclusion of mhcA- cells from streams can be accomplished by either Contact Sites A or B. When chimeras of labeled TL73 and wild-type cells were made, the TL73 cells were found to be randomly mixed into aggregation streams. This result indicates that adhesive sorting does not function during aggregation and so cannot account for the exclusion of mhcA- cells from streams. We hypothesize that the flaccid cortex of mhcA- cells cannot generate sufficient protrusive force to break the contacts between adhered cells in aggregation streams but can enter streams where the cells are weakly adherent.  相似文献   

The emission spectrum of TiCl has been investigated in the 3000-12 000 cm-1 region at high resolution using a Fourier transform spectrometer. The bands were excited in a microwave discharge through a flowing mixture of TiCl4 and helium. The observed bands have been classified into three electronic transitions, C4Delta-X4Phi, G4Phi-X4Phi, and G4Phi-C4Delta. In the 3000-3500 cm-1 region, four bands with R heads at 3368.7, 3331.8, 3291.9, and 3243.4 cm-1 have been assigned as the 0-0 bands of the 1/2-3/2, 3/2-5/2, 5/2-7/2, and 7/2-9/2 subbands, respectively, of the C4Delta-X4Phi transition. To higher wavenumbers, four transitions with 0-0 R heads at 10 930.7, 10 921.3, 10 906.5, and 10 886.9 cm-1 have been assigned as the 3/2-3/2, 5/2-5/2, 7/2-7/2, and 9/2-9/2 subbands, respectively, of the G4Phi-X4Phi system of TiCl. Four additional bands with 0-0 R heads at 7568.8, 7596.4, 7622.2, and 7651.7 cm-1 have been identified as the 1/2-3/2, 3/2-5/2, 5/2-7/2, and 7/2-9/2 subbands of the G4Phi-C4Delta transition, respectively. A rotational analysis of a number of vibrational bands of these transitions has been obtained and molecular constants have been extracted. The lowest 4Phi state has been assigned as the ground state of TiCl, by analogy with our recent work on TiF (R. S. Ram and P. F. Bernath, J. Mol. Spectrosc., in press). The correspondence between the electronic states of TiCl, TiF, TiH, and Ti+ is also discussed. Copyright 1997 Academic Press. Copyright 1997Academic Press  相似文献   

With an infrared diode laser spectrometer in pulse mode we studied the N2 broadening of H2S absorption lines in the nu1, nu2, and nu3 bands. Altogether 22 lines were investigated: 16 lines from the R branch of the nu1 band (3 相似文献   

Using a high-resolution (R = 0.0025 cm-1) Fourier transform spectrum of nitric acid recorded at room temperature in the 1100-1240 cm-1 region, it has been possible to perform a more extended analysis of the nu8 + nu9 band of HNO3 centered at 1205.7075 cm-1. As in a recent analysis of this band [W. F. Wang, P. P. Ong, T. L. Tan, E. C. Looi, and H. H. Teo, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 183, 407-413 (1997)], the Hamiltonian used for the line positions calculation takes into account, for the upper state, the DeltaK = +/-2 anharmonic resonance linking the rotational levels of the v8 = v9 = 1 "bright" vibrational state and those of the "dark" v6 = v7 = 1 vibrational state. More than 4800 lines were assigned in the nu8 + nu9 band, which involve significantly higher rotational quantum numbers than in previous works. On the other hand, and surprisingly as compared to previous studies, the nu8 + nu9 band appears to be a hybrid band. In fact, nonnegligible B-type transitions could be clearly identified among the much stronger A-type lines. Accordingly, a set of individual line intensities were measured for lines of both types and were introduced in a least-squares fit to get the A- and B-type components of the transition moment operator. Finally, a synthetic spectrum of the 8.3-μm region of HNO3 has been generated, using for the line positions and line intensities the Hamiltonian constants and the expansion of the transition moment operator which were determined in this work. In this way, the B-type and the A-type components of the nu8 + nu9 band appear to contribute for about (1/4) and (3/4), respectively, to the total band intensity. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Emission spectra have been recorded for hot water at temperatures up to 1550 degreesC. Separate spectra have been recorded in the 800-1900 and 1800-2500 cm-1 range. Assignments are made using a linelist generated from high accuracy, variational nuclear motion calculations, and energy differences. The spectra contain many hot bending transitions of the form (0n0)-(0n-10), where states up to n = 6 have been assigned. Detailed analysis shows that the spectra contain lines from 34 separate vibrational bands including other hot bending transitions and the difference bands (030)-(100), (110)-(020), (011)-(020), (100)-(010), (040)-(110), (040)-(011), (120)-(030), (012)-(030), (011)-(100), (110)-(001), and (101)-(110), all of which have not been observed previously. From a total of 8959 lines recorded, 6810 have been assigned; 4556 of these lines are new. These spectra represent the first detection of the (060) vibrational band, for which a band origin of 8870.54 +/- 0.05 cm-1 is determined. The (050) band origin is confirmed as 7542.40 +/- 0.03 cm-1. The assignments extend the range of J and Ka values observed for the bending states, particularly for (050) and (060), where 63 and 27 different rotational levels, respectively, have now been observed; 53 frequencies given in HITRAN are corrected. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   


Infrared spectra of Nickel alkyl xanthates, i.e. ethyl, n-butyl and n-amyl are compared with spectra of the corresponding potassium alkyl xanthates, dixanthogens and with spectra obtained from the adsorption of these compounds on Nickel. Adsorption of xanthates from acidic aqueous solutions on Nickel plates produced multilayer coatings of Nickel xanthates. Adsorption of ethyl dixanthogen vapour at ea: 10?2 mm Hg on oxidized or sulphidized (by dry H2S gas treatment) surfaces resulted in catalytic dissociation of dixanthogen to form adsorbed Nickel ethyl xanthate with co-adsorption of excess dixanthogen. The surfaces obtained from either of the above adsorption treatments were strongly hydrophobic but the adsorbed layers were readily removed by organic solvent washing, prolonged soaking in water or evacuation at ea: 10?3 mm Hg and at temperatures above 35° C.  相似文献   

Two peptide libraries, Ac-MXXXXXBBRM and Ac-VXXXXXBBRM, were constructed on TentaGel solid support to search for ligands that bind tightly with the H9724 Lyme antibody. By using an on-bead ELISA, approximately 120 ligands were selected as candidates for further study. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the candidate ligands indicated a high rate of occurrence of certain amino acids at the randomized positions. On the basis of the initial screening results, a small library was designed and iteratively synthesized. Subsequent library screenings led to the identification of four peptides, Ac-PQEEGX-NH2 (X = R, K, A, D), that showed specific affinity to the antibody. This combination of solid-phase screening and iterative synthesis is an effective strategy for rapid identification of ligands that bind tightly with disease-specific antibodies and should be applicable, at least in principle, to other ligand-receptor systems. This combinatorial library approach can also be a useful tool for the discovery of novel diagnostic agents.  相似文献   

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