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Linear hypoplasia of the deciduous teeth is rare in most human populations, but common where nutritional status is poor. Deciduous enamel hypoplasia, hypocalcification, and hypoplasia-related caries are described in Middle and Late Woodland skeletal series from the Lower Illinois Valley. Gross enamel defects that can be referred to pre-natal development are found in 83 of 170 children under six years of age at death. Circular caries secondary to hypoplasia is significantly more common in the Late Woodland series, reflecting the apparent higher cariogenicity of Late Woodland diets. There is a significant association between prenatal dental defects and bony evidence for anemia and infectious disease. Children with enamel defects show relatively higher weaning age mortality than those without. These relationships suggest that at least moderate levels of malnutrition existed in Illinois Woodland populations.  相似文献   

Submaximal exercise tests were carried out on 197 females and 290 males from five populations in the Solomon Islands to determine how acculturation affects the fitness of different age and sex groups. Males and females in the least acculturated group show the highest fitness levels, reflecting strenuous work patterns. Subjects from the most acculturated groups exhibit the lowest levels of fitness, a consequence of their more sedentary life-styles. Unexpectedly, older females in these groups show exercise capacities that are equal to those of younger women. This may be a consequence of generational differences in the practice of traditional activities, such as those associated with gardening. Groups ranked intermediate in acculturation show variable patterns. For some age and sex groups, modernization has reinforced and even intensified strenuous activity patterns, resulting in high levels of fitness. For others, modernization has promoted inactivity and/or altered dietary patterns, resulting in increased body fat and low levels of fitness.  相似文献   

Fourteen morphologic crown traits were observed in a sample of 1528 Pima Indians of south-central Arizona. Pima dentitions are characterized by high frequencies of shoveling, incisor winging, the hypocone, the lower canine distal accessory ridge, cusp 6, and the protostylid. They exhibit low frequencies of the metaconule and lower premolar multiple lingual cusps and moderate frequencies of the canine tubercle, Carabelli's trait, cusp 7, and lower second molars with four cusps and X groove patterns. When Pima crown trait frequencies were compared to those of 13 Southwest Indian samples, their closest affinities were to other Uto-Aztecan groups, the Papago and Hopi. The Pima are most divergent from Athapaskans and are also clearly removed from Yuman speaking groups and the Zuni. In general, the pattern of dental morphologic variation in the Southwest corresponds closely to linguistic divisions.  相似文献   

Dental casts of 99 Kurdish and 98 Yemenite Jewish children evenly distributed between the sexes, aged 12 years, were measured for mesio-distal and buccolingual tooth dimensions, and arch depth and width. Dental dimensions showed significant differences between the two groups in certain permanent teeth in mesiodistal length, while in the buccolingual diameter the differences did not reach statistical significance. Dental arch form in Kurdish children was more rounded due to significantly bigger arch width, while arch depth was not significantly different from Yemenites. Intragroup sex differences were found in both groups with reference to arch dimensions, while in the dental parameters they were more strongly expressed in Kurdish children.  相似文献   

Population studies of malocclusion lack comparability because of the subjective criteria employed in the definition of malocclusion. Alternatively, individual characteristics of occlusion can be quantified and compared within and between populations. Measurements were taken from the dental cases of 319 male an 359 female Melanesians from Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. The cross-sectional age changes from 12 to 68 years of age included an increase in intermolar arch width, a decrease in arch length and intercanine arch width, and increased crowding and malalignment. Neither age nor sex accounted for a large proportion of the differences among individuals. When compared to industrialized groups, the Bougainville population had a slight reduction in variance for most characteristics. Only the sagittal molar relationship was markedly less variable on Bougainville. The results emphasize that a quantitative evaluation of individual occlusal variables may reveal differences within and between populations not detected when simple malocclusion frequencies are reported.  相似文献   

Wear patterns were examined on dental casts of 202 living Lengua Indians from the Chaco area of Paraguay. Consideration was given to the development of the molar helicoidal plane, age-related changes in occlusal attrition, coalescence of dentine exposures, interproximal attrition, and erupted crown height. This study lends support to Osborn's theory of the helicoidal plane development by showing that attrition enhances rather than modifies posteruption molar occlusal planes. The rate of interproximal attrition was found to slow down with the eruption and functional initiation of the third molars. Sinuous and cavo-convex interproximal contact areas that are generated with age, however, appeared to be less abrasion resistant than straight surfaces, hence leading to an increase in interproximal attrition rates with advanced age. Maximum crown height reduction occurred between the ages of 20 and 40 years in central incisors, canines, and first molars. Kruskal-Wallis tests and log linera models failed to demonstrate significant sexually dimorphic or antimeric differences in wear patterns of Lengua teeth.  相似文献   

Maxillofacial and dental arch dimensions of the Bolivian Aymara population are age and sex dependent. Interpopulational comparisons reveal these dimensions to differ from those seen in Aleuts, Australian aborigines, and Swedes, but to be similar to those of the indigenous Taiwanese. Finally, these dimensions are not the same in Aymara of unmixed ancestry, and Mestizos residing in the same villages.  相似文献   

This report concerns one problem encountered with application of American white dental formation standards to age assessment of sub-adults of archaeological context. Dental ages for eight mandibular permanent teeth and maxillary central and lateral incisors of Arikara Indian immature skeletons were determined according to degree of crown or root mineralization. Ages assigned to the various teeth of the same individual were compared. They showed similarities as well as patterned differences. First premolar, second premolar, and mandibular incisor ages closely approximated one another. In relation to this complex, dental ages for maxillary incisors and mandibular second molars were older by 0.5 to 1.1 years. Developmental ages assigned to individuals on the basis of third molars showed relative advancement by more than 2 years. The systematic occurrence of these observations reflects more than just individual variability; it shows the presence of population differences in tooth-formation timing. Timing differences complicate assessment of dental ages needed for growth or demographic studies.  相似文献   

There exists an extensive literature that deals with interspecific allometry, eg, brain size-body size relationships among species. Yet comparatively little attention has been paid to intraspecific or static adult allometry. An intraspecfic allometric analysis was conducted on the complete permanent dentition of a prehistoric American Indian population (N = 156). Mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements were logarithmically transformed and regressed on log transformations of femur length, an estimate of body size. When measurements of antimeric teeth were introduced together into common regressions on femur length, 20 of the 32 slopes were significantly different from zero. Thirty-one of the slopes ranged between zero and one and clustered between 0.2 and 0.4. Hence, negative allometry describes the tooth size-body size association, ie, taller individuals in general possess absolutely but not relatively larger teeth than shorter individuals. In addition, no significant sex differences for the regression slopes were observed. Though significantly correlated, tooth size and body size variables are too weakly associated to permit accurate predictons from regression equations. Evolutionary implications of intraspecfic dental allometry are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported the association between multiple genetic variants in the enamel-formation genes and the risk of dental caries with inconsistent results. We performed a systematic literature search of the PubMed, Cochrane Library, HuGE and Google Scholar databases for studies published before March 21, 2020 and conducted meta-, gene-based and gene-cluster analysis on the association between genetic variants in the enamel-formation genes and the risk of dental caries. We identified 21 relevant publications including a total of 24 studies for analysis. The genetic variant rs17878486 in AMELX was significantly associated with dental caries risk (OR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.02–1.93, P = 0.037). We found no significant association between the risk of dental caries with rs12640848 in ENAM (OR = 1.15, 95% CI: 0.88–1.52, P = 0.310), rs1784418 in MMP20 (OR = 1.07, 95% CI: 0.76–1.49, P = 0.702) and rs3796704 in ENAM (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 0.96–1.17, P = 0.228). Gene-based analysis indicated that multiple genetic variants in AMELX showed joint association with the risk of dental caries (6 variants; P < 10−5), so did genetic variants in MMP13 (3 variants; P = 0.004), MMP2 (3 variants; P < 10−5), MMP20 (2 variants; P < 10−5) and MMP3 (2 variants; P < 10−5). The gene-cluster analysis indicated a significant association between the genetic variants in this enamel-formation gene cluster and the risk of dental caries (P < 10−5). The present meta-analysis revealed that genetic variant rs17878486 in AMELX was associated with dental caries, and multiple genetic variants in the enamel-formation genes jointly contributed to the risk of dental caries, supporting the role of genetic variants in the enamel-formation genes in the etiology of dental caries.  相似文献   

Observations on morphological characters of milk and permanent teeth, based on 648 pairs of dental casts of 356 male and 292 female Jat children of Haryana (India) are reported. Deciduous teeth show high frequencies of bilateral winging of maxillary central incisor, Carabelli's cusp of maxillary second molar, and deflecting wrinkle of mandibular second molar. Reduction of maxillary molar cusps is more marked in males than in females. Y pattern is very common in deciduous molars. Permanent teeth have high frequencies of grooved cingulum of incisors, cingular nodule of lateral incisors and canines, and distal accessary ridge of canines. Low frequencies of Carabelli's cusp and winging are also common. The tendency towards faintly developed shovelling in milk incisors occurs more often than in the permanent teeth.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 19 trace element in hair samples from 1273 residents of Harbin (China), Medan (Indonesia), and Tokushima (Japan) were measured by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. The mean concentrations of Ba, Ca, and Se were significantly higher in the Harbin hair samples when compared to those from Medan, but Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, Pb, Ti, Zn, and K were significantly higher in Medan than in Harbin hair samples. The differences in the mean concentrations of As, Cr, Mg, P, Sn, and Sr between the Medan and Harbin lots were not significant. In the Tokushima hair samples, Na and K were significantly higher, but As, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Sr, and Se were significantly lower than in the Harbin hair samples. The differences in the mean concentrations of Al, Cu, Fe, P, Ti, and Zn between Harbin and Tokushima were not significant. In the Medan hair samples, Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Sr, Ti, and Zn were significantly higher, but P and Se were significantly lower than in Tokushima hair samples. Differences in mean concentrations of Na and K between Tokushima and Medan were not significant.  相似文献   

Thermal resonses of Andean Indians were measured during several customary tasks associated with cold exposure in the highlands of southern Peru. These included surface temperature measurements of women while they washed clothing in the river and similar measurements of men while they constructed a diversion channel in the same river. A third test measured the effects of alcohol consumption on body temperatures during light activity. Women maintained slightly warmer hand than foot temperatures. Men maintained nearly equal hand and foot temperatures during the exposure period. Among male subjects the foot rewarmed at a faster rate than the hand. The results from the field studies compared favorably with results from earlier laboratory exposure tests. Comparisons between the river water exposure tests for males and females showed a consistent pattern where females maintained warmer hand and foot temperatures than males. These findings were in accord with previous laboratory studies among Quechua Indians and with the findings reported for other ethnic groups who experience natural cold stress. Alcohol ingestion appeared to have minimal effect in mitigating cold stress response during light activity. This finding was counter to earlier laboratory tests of resting subjects.  相似文献   

达乌尔鼠兔是我国典型草原区的主要鼠种之一,对其繁殖特征知之甚少。作者于2009年7-11月和2010年4-9月在内蒙古典型草原区采用整洞群夹捕的取样方法捕获了199只达乌尔鼠兔(Ochotona dauurica),对其种群数量、性比、繁殖特征和年龄结构进行了研究。结果显示:2009年鼠兔数量118只,2010年81只;雌鼠数量显著多于雄鼠;达乌尔鼠兔的繁殖期为3-9月,高峰期集中在4-6月份,平均胎仔数为6.15±0.50(n=13);2009年的7-9月幼年和亚成年比例均小于50%,成年个体成为种群的重要成分;2010年幼体主要集中在5-7月份,且6月和7月幼体和亚成体的数量超过了成年鼠兔的数量,8-9月份种群的主要成员为亚成年和成年鼠兔。达乌尔鼠兔种群繁殖特征是对草原环境适应的体现。  相似文献   

Ala-329 is a prehistoric central California site located on the southeastern margin of San Francisco Bay, dating from approximately 500 AD up to pre-European contact. A large earth mound, Ala-329, has yielded many well preserved burials, approximately 300 of which are included in this study. The most common pathological lesions seen in this population are in the dentition. Advanced attrition is pervasive, affecting all individuals with teeth in occlusion for 2 years or more. Deciduous teeth are involved even in very young children and often show severe wear before replacement. In the permanent dentition, all elements are involved by the second decade; in the oldest age category (41+ years), all individuals show severe wear throughout their dentitions. In fact, by the end of the third decade, the majority of individuals have no enamel remaining. Mild periodontal involvement is found in 74% of adults, socket resorption in 53%, and abscesses in 31% of the relevant sample. Interestingly, although dental abscesses are found more than twice as often among males, socket resorption is seen more often among females. Dental caries are seen in only 10 individuals. The high incidence of periodontal remodeling, socket resorption, and dental abscesses is probably a secondary result of severe dental attrition. It is hypothesized that a large quantity of abrasives in the diet is responsible for the extreme degree of attrition, in fact, among the most severe for any population yet described.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made to determine race and sex differences in the temporal bone, to investigate growth relationships, and to establish a basis for phylogenetic studies of the temporal bone and the temporal lobe of the brain. Data on Eskimo, Indian, and white crania were collected from radiographs and directly from the skulls. Of the 25 variables studied, only the minimum diameter of porus failed to demonstrate some difference among the races. Variation between sexes was found for all measurements except the cranial base angle (of deflection) and three angles related to the petrous pyramids. Correlation coefficients indicated that none of the angles are related in any consistent manner to the other variables studied. This is interpreted as further evidence of cranial base stability. The Indians have the lowest, longest squamae, differing most from the whites. The position of squama is more anterior in the Eskimos. Females of each race possess more anteriorly positioned squamae than males. When the squama is more anteriorly located, the porus is in a more posterior position within the squama itself. Strong race variation exists in the shape of porus. In order to establish a basis for phylogenetic studies of the temporal lobe of the brain better reference points for reflecting its size and shape must be found.  相似文献   

Zhao ZY  Lu FH  Xie Y  Fu YR  Bogdan A  Touitou Y 《Steroids》2003,68(6):551-555
Adrenal function and aging have been the object of intense interest in recent years. In this study we analyzed morning (08:00 h) serum cortisol concentrations from a sample of Chinese subjects aged from 31 to 110 years. These levels differed according to age, health status and sex, although the sex difference was confirmed only among the healthy elderly. These results suggest that age (older than 60 years), disease and male sex are associated with increased morning serum cortisol levels in a Chinese population.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that people calibrate their reproductive strategies to local levels of environmental harshness and unpredictability. While previous research has established the importance of early life cues in the development of life history strategy, the degree to which life history strategy exhibits plasticity later in life is unclear. Using longitudinal data (total N = 479) from four archival studies and a recently validated psychological measure of life history strategy, we examined mean-level trends in life history strategy at the level of psychological phenotype between the ages of 7 and 60 and found that life history strategy slowed down linearly as a function of age. Highlighting the importance of sexual selection in shaping life history strategy, we also found that men had a faster life history strategy than women at all ages and that the magnitude of this difference was constant across the lifespan. Our findings suggest that life history strategy development continues even in older adulthood. We discuss the possibility that this occurs in response to the accumulation of biological and social (e.g. offspring, relationships) capital and information about local risks and incentives.  相似文献   

A new index, Bioavailability Index (BI) and the corresponding experimental method were developed for quantitative evaluation of bioavailability of the extractable soil trace elements. Soils were first treated with various extractants (DTPA, HCl, NH2OH·HCl+HCl) separately to remove the extractable elements. The soils after extraction were washed with deionised water to eliminate the extractant and its pH was adjusted with Ca0 and finally restored to its original pH level. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rape (Brassica chinensis) were planted in the untreated and treated soils for 8 weeks. The concentrations of the trace elements in plants were determined after harvest. Nutrient accumulation by plants is significantly reduced due to removal of extractable trace elements from the soil. BI of the extractable fraction was proportional to the ratio of plant accumulation reduction to trace element extractability. In the present study, BI value of the total content of soil trace elements was designated as 1. Though only a minor fraction of the total soil nutrient, generally less than 5%, was removed by DTPA, the nutrient accumulation by plants, especially for wheat, was reduced greatly, leading to relatively large BI values. For wheat, the average BI values of the eight nutrients Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, Co, Pb, Cr, and V were found to be 22.7, 17.6 and 17.4 for the three testing soils, and for rape, the corresponding values of 8.9, 10.0 and 11.0 were obtained, indicating that the DTPA-extractable elements represent the highly available fraction of the total content. The BI values for HCl-extractable elements were much lower compared with those for DTPA. For wheat, the average BI values for the three soils are 2.0, 1.9 and 2.4, and for rape, the corresponding values are 4.8, 4.1 and 3.7. The high availability of DTPA-extractable trace elements and relatively low availability of HCl-extractable trace elements highlight the significant role that chelation action might play in plant nutrient acquisition. The different responses of wheat and rape to the soils previously subjected to the same extraction procedure could be explained by their genotypical differences in sensitivity to nutrient deficiencies. The quantitative nature of BI makes it valuable in the study of nutrient bioavailability and plant accumulation mechanisms.  相似文献   

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