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We assessed math anxiety in 6th- through 12th-grade children (N?=?564) as part of a comprehensive longitudinal investigation of children's beliefs, attitudes, and values concerning mathematics. Confirmatory factor analyses provided evidence for two components of math anxiety, a negative affective reactions component and a cognitive component. The affective component of math anxiety related more strongly and negatively than did the worry component to children's ability perceptions, performance perceptions, and math performance. The worry component related more strongly and positively than did the affective component to the importance that children attach to math and their reported actual effort in math. Girls reported stronger negative affective reactions to math than did boys. Ninth-grade students reported experiencing the most worry about math and sixth graders the least. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Twenty adolescent girls whose records showed poor academic performance and frequent truancies and referrals to the guidance office were selected to participate in a pilot project to provide a peer-group experience for students having difficulty at school. Half the students were placed in a control group and received regular services from the school. Students in the experimental group attended 12 discussion sessions held during the school day. A one-year follow-up showed that seven in the experimental group and one in the control group had improved.  相似文献   

Used quantitative techniques, or meta-analysis, to integrate findings from 51 independent evaluations of computer-based teaching in Grades 6–12. The analysis showed that computer-based teaching raised students" scores on final examinations by approximately .32 standard deviation, or from the 50th to the 63rd percentile. Computer-based instruction also had smaller, positive effects on scores on follow-up examinations given to students several months after the completion of instruction. In addition, students who were taught on computers developed positive attitudes toward the computer and toward the courses they were taking. The computer reduced substantially the amount of time that students needed for learning. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adolescence is a time of social as well as biological transition; nevertheless, there are very few epidemiological studies in this field in Italy. Therefore, we felt it would be useful to conduct a cross-sectional study on a sample of 1346 adolescents aged 14-19 years attending high schools in the Health Authority Area of Pavia (northern Italy) through a multi-dimensional approach, taking into consideration physical and psychological health, life habits, family environment and social life of teen-agers. We used a structured self-administered questionnaire consisting of 264 question items to achieve the study aim, which was to find the variables (among personal data, scholastic, family, relational characteristics and habits) correlated with psychological distress. The results showed that in this sample psychological distress (evaluated by GHQ-30) was significatively (p < 0.005) associated with female sex, problems with school friends and teachers, having at least one immigrant parent (from a region different from that of residence), little love for parents and poor parental psycho-physical health status, staying at home on the weekend, smoking and using psychoactive medicines.  相似文献   

Quantitative myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography can be improved further by technical advancements that are imminent in the clinical setting. These improvements are directed toward two main goals: (1) increasing the accuracy that the myocardial count distribution from tomographic slices represents the true tracer concentration and (2) increasing the accuracy of extracting this myocardial count distribution for quantitative analysis. Once these advancements are fully validated and implemented clinically, the clinical value of these cardiac diagnostic tests will be enhanced by increased accuracy of detecting and characterizing myocardial hypoperfusion and coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Young people in school are at an impressionable age, peer pressures are intense, and the probability that they will pick up a high-risk behavior, such as smoking, is high. The key to reduction of smoking among adults is to target our prevention efforts at young adults and teens. OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence and trend of smoking among young adults and teens and to formulate guidelines on smoking reduction to guide those who counsel young people. STUDY DESIGN: The study design is cross sectional. METHODS: This study is based on the data from the Oklahoma Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the National Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System - the two systems that monitor the prevalence of behaviors that most influence health. RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking among young adults (age 18-24) in Oklahoma is high at more than 21%. The disturbing feature is that it is higher among young females than among young males. The prevalence of smoking among young adults is the highest among high school dropouts and is more than 38%. It is lower among high school graduates (about 28%) and lowest among college graduates (about 18%). The percentage of smoking among students who classify themselves as current smokers rises from 23% to 30% as the students progress from grade 9 to 12 and the percentage of frequent smokers increases from 8% to 16%. CONCLUSIONS: Guidelines suggested for counselors are: 1. Along with smoking, look for comorbid behaviors such as alcohol use, drug abuse, and high-risk sexual behavior. 2. Ask whether the student has easy access to free cigarette samples. 3. Check whether the teen is trying to lose weight; suggest appropriate methods for losing weight if smoking is being used for losing weight. 4. Target health education efforts early in a student's school career starting in elementary school, but concentrate especially at the 8th or 9th grade level to have maximum preventive impact.  相似文献   

A study of 4672 secondary school students was carried out in order to assess the relationship between body composition, recreational patterns, and socioeconomic status as indicated by parental occupation and the school attended. Results indicated that there were more girls than boys participating in organized sport, and health and fitness activities; and more boys than girls involved in informal recreational activities and home-based passive pursuits. A higher proportion of participants came from the higher socioeconomic status (SES) group. More high-SES students revealed weight appropriate to their height.  相似文献   

Four hundred and three teenage secondary school students (50.6% males) from two girls' and two boys' Nairobi City Schools, selected by stratified sampling, were screened to determine the prevalence of proteinuria, haematuria, nitrituria and hypertension. Nine students (2.2%) had significant proteinuria while 14 (3.5%) had microscopic haematuria. Two students had combined proteinuria and haematuria. There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of proteinuria and/or haematuria between the sexes. Other urinary abnormalities detected were leucocyturia in 14(3.5%) and nitrites in four (1%). Leucocyturia was commonner in females (p = 0.001). Cloudy urinary appearance was significantly associated with the presence of leucocyturia (p = 0.0028) and proteinuria (p = 0.0276). Neither personal history of recurrent sore throat and skin infections nor family history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus or kidney disease was significantly associated with proteinuria or haematuria. Blood pressure tended to increase with age. Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly higher in boys than girls in the age group 15-18 years (P < 0.001). Of the 397 students whose blood pressures were measured, four (1%) were found to be hypertensive. Weight and body mass index were strong positive correlates of blood pressure. The prevalence of proteinuria, haematuria, other urinary abnormalities and hypertension ranges between 1% and 3.5% among teenage secondary school children. The majority are asymptomatic and have no significant associations. It is recommended that routine urinalysis and blood pressure measurements should be part of the school health service so as to identify asymptomatic students who require close monitoring and/or intervention.  相似文献   

657 Chinese secondary school students and teachers responded to the Chinese version of the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ). Factor analysis revealed that their coping activities could be adequately described by 4 relatively independent dimensions: Rational Problem-Solving, Resigned Distancing, Seeking Support and Ventilation, and Passive Wishful Thinking. The 4 scales derived from this emergent 4-factor structure compared favorably with the original 8 WCQ coping scales in internal consistency, interscale associations, and prediction of adaptational outcomes of global and specific psychological distress, suggesting that they are a viable alternative to the 8 original scales for assessing coping in the Chinese population. Gender differences in using a self- vs other-reliant approach in coping, student–teacher differences in using a passive vs active approach in coping, and implications of findings relating coping and adaptational outcomes are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered tests of R. B. Cattel's (1965, 1971) fluid and crystallized intelligence and ergs and sentiments (e.g., Culture Fair Intelligence Test and the School Motivation Analysis Test), and the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking to 163 9th graders. Results support the hypothesized distinction between fluid and crystallized intelligence, but they indicate that the distinction between ergs (defined as traits reflecting basic biological needs for emotional expression) and sentiments (defined as source traits which come into existence because of an individual's contacts with important cultural institutions) may be more conceptual than empirical. Multivariate analyses of these results and achievement data substantiate the importance of institutionally learned intellectual skills in both achievement and creativity. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Offered more relevant experiences to 15 underachieving high school students by training them to work with 23 maladapted primary graders. Teachers' ratings of children's behavior indicated program children improved more than 27 matched controls, a finding supported by aides' ratings of improvement in program children. Aides felt the program helped their understanding of children, and they perceived it as better than other school activities. These findings, together with the positive reaction of school personnel to the program, testify to its effectiveness and feasibility. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the predictors of overall substance use among adolescents, few have focused on the high school setting as a specific context for substance use. Therefore, predictors of alcohol and marijuana use at school were examined in a sample of high school students. The general hypotheses were that substance use at school depends on (a) personal predispositions, (b) the situational opportunity for substance use at school, and (c) the interaction of predispositions and opportunity. Several interactions were found suggesting that personal predispositions are more strongly related to substance use at school when students believe they have the opportunity to use alcohol and drugs without getting caught. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the relationship between daily sleep time and characteristics of students, e.g. grade level, gender, and academic program. A sleep habit questionnaire was designed to survey students at two junior high schools, one from northern Taipei and the other from southern Taipei. The impact of shortened duration of sleep on daily function was also evaluated. A total of 965 students and their parents were selected randomly in December 1993 for the questionnaire study. The response rate was 96.4% (930) for students and 88.6% (855) for parents. The self-reported daily sleep time of students declined, and daytime sleepiness and moodiness increased in the higher grades. The girls slept fewer hours than the boys and did not show an increase in daytime sleepiness. Those students not taking the senior high school joint entrance examination slept more hours at night and maintained more alertness in the daytime than those who were taking the examination. The more academic pressures that adolescents faced, the fewer hours they slept. Students not participating in the joint entrance examination seemed to show a healthier sleep pattern. Little sleep at night made the students feel sleepy in the daytime and tired, drowsy, moody and difficult at arising in the morning. The reason why girls slept less than boys needs further investigation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Poor indoor air quality has been suggested to be related to the increase in the prevalence of asthma that has occurred in the western world, especially among children and young persons. Apart from the home, school is the most important indoor environment for children. OBJECTIVES: The aims were to study the prevalence of current asthma among secondary pupils and its relationship to the school environment, but also to personal factors and domestic exposures. METHODS: Data on asthmatic symptoms, other health aspects, and domestic exposures were gathered using a questionnaire which was sent to 762 pupils in the seventh form (13-14 years old) in 11 randomly chosen schools in the county of Uppsala in Sweden. Pupils answering 'yes' to having had asthma diagnosed by a physician, and having had recent asthma attacks, or who used asthma medication were defined as having current asthma. Data on exposures at school were gathered by measurements in 28 classrooms. The relationship between asthma and exposures was analysed by multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed by 627 (82%). Current asthma was found among 40 pupils (6.4%). Current asthma was more common in those who had an atopic disposition, or food allergy, or who had attended a day care centre for several years. Controlling for these factors, current asthma was related to several factors in the school environment. There were more pupils with current asthma in schools that were larger, had more open shelves, lower room temperature, higher relative air humidity, higher concentrations of formaldehyde or other volatile organic compounds, viable moulds or bacteria or more cat allergen in the settled dust. CONCLUSIONS: Although the pupils attended school for a minor part of their time, our study indicates that the quality of the school environment is of importance and may affect asthmatic symptoms.  相似文献   

The current study examined important predictors of substance use during early adolescence. The authors hypothesized that adolescents' relationships with key adults (i.e., teachers and parents) influence their choices to use substances indirectly through links with their decisions regarding peer groups. A total of 461 middle school students from an affluent suburban community completed self-report measures of authoritative parenting, perceived social support from teachers, affiliation with rule-breaking and substance-using peers, and frequency of alcohol, cigarette, and drug use. Results of structural equation modeling supported the hypothesized model. Authoritative parenting and teacher support accounted for 31% of the variance in affiliation with deviant peers which, in turn, accounted for 27% of the variance in adolescent substance use; direct paths from parenting and teacher support to substance use were not indicated. Implications for school psychologists' involvement in substance use prevention and intervention are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gender differences in writing self-beliefs of elementary school students.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors investigated the nature of gender differences in the writing self-beliefs of elementary school students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 (N?=?363). Girls were judged superior writers, but there were no gender differences in writing self-efficacy after controlling for writing aptitude. However, girls expressed that they were better writers than were other boys or girls in their class or in their school to a greater degree than did boys. Only writing self-efficacy beliefs and aptitude predicted writing performance in a path model that included writing apprehension, self-efficacy for self-regulation, and perceived usefulness of writing. Self-efficacy mediated the effects of aptitude and self-efficacy for self-regulation on performance. Writing self-concept was higher and apprehension lower for students in Grade 3 than in Grade 5. Data were consistent with A. Bandura's (1986) social cognitive theory and suggest that boys and girls may use a different metric when responding to traditional self-efficacy scales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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