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Using a randomized-control trial, this study evaluates a program designed to support Ghanaian kindergarten student-teachers during pre-service training through mentorship and in-classroom training. Several potential barriers to improved teaching quality and learning outcomes are examined. Findings show that the program improved knowledge and implementation of the national curriculum for individuals both when they were student-teachers and, the following year, when they became newly qualified teachers (NQTs). There were mixed impacts on professional well-being, increasing personal accomplishment and motivation but decreasing job satisfaction for NQTs. There were mixed impacts on teaching quality, with increases in child-led learning but decreases in some other aspects of quality. There were no impacts on NQTs’ student learning outcomes. The findings highlight system level challenges with both the posting of NQTs and the absence of support in their first teaching year. Implications for global early childhood education policy and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

中学阶段是学生主体性素质养成的关键时期,处于这个阶段的青少年一方面心理上产生强烈的自主要求,另一方面又不能一下子从对长辈的依赖中走出来。在学校中,有些同学把学习成绩的提高寄托在教师的身上。为此,我们中学教育面临这样一个课题:如何遵循学生心理发展的需要,努力发掘学生的主体性潜能,使学习在学生的自我评审、体会、选择的过程中完成。蔡元培先生曾指出:“教育是帮助被教育的人给他发展自己的能力”。教育的目标价值是使学生学会寻找教育,只有学生作为教育的主体,充分发掘对自己发展的自觉意识和能动作用,自觉寻找并主动参与教育…  相似文献   

Web-based courses have been used to appeal to many segments of potential students. While there has been a rush to develop Web-based courses in universities, there has not been a corresponding publication of research linking Web-based course development to the characteristics of students being taught. Today's universities have a student population that is demographically diverse. This research explores students' reasons for choosing a Web-based course and their perceptions of course quality and benefit.  相似文献   

培养学生的各种能力,促进学生综合素质的全面发展,是对素质教育本质特征的高度概括。政治课阅读教学对培养学生各种能力,全面落实素质教育思想具有重大作用。本文阐述了政治课阅读教学中学生能力的培养问题。  相似文献   

在整个研究生教育大扩招的背景下,通过对六所不同层次高校的硕士研究生发放调查问卷,试图从生源之间的差异、参加考试次数的差异、报考目的的差异以及择校最关注的因素差异等四个方面考察生源对研究生培养质量的影响。通过运用统计软件,采取方差分析和均值分析研究问卷观测值,并结合研究结果对现阶段非"985"或"211"高校硕士研究生招生工作提出一些建议。  相似文献   

学习成果是ABET认证中关注的焦点。本文基于ABET工程认证中的十一条学习成果标准,逐一分析了航空航天本科专业课程"推进原理"与其映射关系并改进课程,提高了课程的学习成果认证贡献度。  相似文献   

TAFE是澳大利亚技术和继续教育(technical and further education)的简称。TAFE学院被公认为是政府所有的公立职业技术学院,类似我国地方政府所有的职业技术学院。多年来,尤其是上世纪80年代以来,澳大利亚通过大力推动TAFE的改革与创新,初步形成了适应全球化经济发展和技术进步要求的、不断发展的、充满活力的、特色鲜明的人才培养模式。该模式促进了澳大利亚高职教育的发展,适应了澳大利亚经济、社会发展的需要,同时,在一定程度上反映了国际高职教育发展的新趋势,受到全世界包括我国高职教育界的瞩目。  相似文献   

The effects of open education on student outcomes were investigated using classroom authority structure analysis. It was maintained that student outcomes are contingent on the congruence between formal and informal authority structure. The former is determined by the educational policy of the school, while the latter reflects pupils’ ratings of teacher readiness to share classroom decision making with them. A Student Decision Making Scale was devised to assess shared authority as perceived by students. Three open elementary schools with 274 students in 10 classes, and two comparable traditional schools with 224 students in nine classes were included in the present sample. Results indicated that more congruent authority structure was related to higher reading comprehension and vocabulary attainment, as well as to lower social desirability scores. This was true both when (a) shared authority was higher at the formal as well as the informal level (open schools with high shared authority in the classroom), and (b) shared authority was lower at the formal and the informal level (traditional schools with little authority shared in class).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Large undergraduate classes are a challenge to manage, to engage, and to assess, yet such formidable classes can flourish when student participation is facilitated. One method of generating authentic student involvement is implementation of quality circles by means of a Student Feedback Committee (SFC), which is a volunteer problem-solving and decision-making group that communicates student-generated input to the teaching team for the purpose of improving the course content, structure, and environment in the present and redesigning it for the future. Our objective was to implement a SFC in a large introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN 101) course to enhance student involvement and course quality. Overall, the SFC provided a continuous and dynamic feedback mechanism for the teaching team, a beneficial experience for the SFC members, and an opportunity for class members to confidentially share their input to enhance the quality of the course throughout the semester. This article includes a brief introduction of the use of quality circles in higher education classrooms, as well as our methods of implementation and assessment after using the SFC for 3 semesters (Spring 2003, Fall 2003, and Spring 2004).  相似文献   

高校中的学生干部面临着世界格局的变化和市场经济的双重影响,该如何在学好专业知识的同时,叉能塑造好自己的品格,并通过自己的影响力来带动广大同学共同提高,是高校思政工作的重要课题。学生干部的素质与培养,对于营造高校良好的教育环境具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

对于师范生来说,教学设计技能是一项重要的、综合性技能,但他们普遍掌握不好.通过研究对构成教学设计技能的诸要素进行分析,明确要领,提出训练措施,以期提高师范生教学设计技能并达到良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

中学语文教学对学生创新能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了应试教育的语文教学模式不利于培养学生创新能力的种种因素,介绍了新课程教学实践中总结出的培养学生创新能力的几种方式和相应的策略,以期达到培养中学生创新能力的目的。  相似文献   

测量技术实训教学模块是提升学生实际测量技术技能的重要基础。从中职培养目标定位出发,实训课程的设计着眼于培养学生的测量技术的基本素质,重点培养学生对常用通用量具的正确熟练使用的技术能力和选用恰当测量方法测量各种典型零件,测取典型参数的能力。  相似文献   

学生综合素质测评系统是学生管理信息系统中的对学生综合评价的重要组成部分。系统从德、智、体、美等方面对学生进行综合评价,将学生在校期间的学习、生活等方面的各种表现合理量化,最后形成综合测评成绩,这一成绩将作为评定各种荣誉称号、评定各类奖学金、助学金的主要依据。  相似文献   

创意是艺术设计的核心,创意设计训练的教学研究对于艺术类课程来说非常重要。论文分析出创意设计训练教学模式的五大特点,为创意设计训练的教学模式提出:主题研讨、创意表达、设计实施、评价等四个教学环节。  相似文献   

In this study, the effectiveness of secondary education teachers' interpersonal behaviour is investigated by analysing data from 2 samples: a study on 45 Physics teachers and their 3rd-year classes and a study on 32 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers and their 3rd-year classes. Teacher interpersonal behaviour was studied by means of students' perceptions of this behaviour, collected with the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI). These perceptions include 2 important dimensions: Influence and Proximity. Results of multilevel analyses with various covariates indicated that Influence and Proximity were positively related to both cognitive and affective outcomes. Interpersonal behaviour explained up to more than half of the variance in student outcomes at the teacher-class level. The outcomes suggest that interpersonal behaviour as perceived by students may be an important variable for educational effectiveness researchers.  相似文献   

微信小程序项目实训课是一门实践性很强的课程,针对传统教学模式下学生掌握相关理论知识后仍无法较好地完成一个综合实际工程项目的问题,提出在教学过程中引入实用性强、涵盖知识点较全面的小程序项目案例作为教学主线进行授课,同时通过参加小程序大赛强化所学知识。该课程的设计与实施可有效加强学生综合职业素质培养,提高学生的专业实践能力与团队协作能力。  相似文献   

课程设计是教学工作的重要组成部分,是实践性教学的关键球节,是理论联系实践进而转化为实际动手能力的重要手段,是教学质量保证体系的重要组成部分,是落实教学全过程的重要保证。如何构建课程设计(大作业)组织实施与管理体系,是课程设计有序进行和培养综合应用型人才的前提和保证。  相似文献   

In this work, we present the design, implementation, and initial outcomes of the Climate Academy, a hybrid professional development program delivered through a combination of face-to-face and online interactions, intended to prepare formal and informal science teachers (grades 5–16) in teaching about climate change. The Climate Academy was designed around core elements of successful environmental professional development programs and aligned with practices advocated in benchmarked science standards. Data were collected from multiple sources including observations of professional development events, participants’ reflections on their learning, and collection of instructional units designed during the Academy. Data were also collected from a focal case study teacher in a middle school setting. Case study data included classroom observations, teacher interviews, and student beliefs toward climate change. Results indicated that the Climate Academy fostered increased learning among participants of both climate science content and pedagogical strategies for teaching about climate change. Additionally, results indicated that participants applied their new learning in the design of climate change instructional units. Finally, results from the case study indicated positive impacts on student beliefs and greater awareness about climate change. Results have implications for the design of professional development programs on climate change, a topic included for the first time in national standards.  相似文献   

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