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Recombinant AAV particles of high titer (>1013 virus genome/mL) were prepared according to the rHSV/AAV helper virus method. After intramuscular injection of viral vectors in the hind limb, a sustained elevated level (>370 ng/mL) of murine FIX expression in the plasma of hemophilia B mouse was detected and persisted for more than 350 days. The biological activity reached 30% of normal levels, and bleeding symptoms in the treated mice were significantly alleviated. No anti-FIX antibody (inhibitor) was detected, though anti-AAV antibodies were found at a very low level after single injection. Repeated injection with rAAV/mFIX led to a variation in anti-AAV antibody levels between the two groups which had received different doses. Results from tissue analysis confirmed the skeletal muscle as the origin for circulating functional mFIX. Our results suggest that AAV-mediated gene transfer offers a promising method of gene therapy for hemophilia B.  相似文献   

Vector Gti'IX containing human clotting factor IX cDNA with intron 1 (hFIX mini-gene or Fi'IX) driven by CMV promoter was constructed based on the mini-adenoviral vector GT2073 (mini-Ad vector) with all viral protein coding sequences deleted. Mini-Ad packaging cell 293Cre4 was first transduced with Gti'IX, and then was transfected with helper-adenovirus AdLC8, thus mini-Ad virions AdGTi'IX were obtained. At the same time, previous normal adenoviral vector pAdSPi'IX containing viral genome and hFIX mini-gene was constructed, and then previous adenovirus (pre-Ad) AdSPi'IX was obtained as control. The ratio of helper-adenovirus among purified virons AdGTi'IX was less than 0.8%. 3T3 cells were transfected with AdGTi'IX and AdSPi'IX at a MOI of 50 per cell and ELISA result showed that transient expression level in vitro was 1.4±0.2 μg /106@24 h and 1.6±0.3 μg/106@24 h respectively. Each hemophilia B (FIX knock-out) mouse received celiac injection of 1×1010pfu AdGTi'IX or AdSPi'IX. The highest expression level of hFIX in mouse plasma was 590 ng/mL and 690 ng/mL respectively, and the expression time lasted for 16 weeks and 9 weeks respectively. The bleeding time reduced from over 30 min to 7.5 min, and 5-min blood lost reduced from 430 μL to 60 μL. The results of anti-Ad IgG assays indicated that immune response triggered by AdGTi'IX was obviously weaker than that triggered by AdSPi'IX. These results indicated that, compared with previous adenovirus (pre-Ad), the mini-Ad vector system prolonged the expression time of hFIX and reduced immune response, thus offering a promising result for further pre-clinical study.  相似文献   

Hemophilia B is an X-linked disorder caused by the deficiency of clotting factor IX (FIX) activity. Compared with conventional treatment, gene therapy offers an attractive approach by which the goal of prophylactic hemostasis may be achieved without extreme costs, infectious and thrombotic risks. It is the key for?successful somatic gene therapy to effectively and safely ex-press target gene in cell, animal or human as well mediated by appropriate vectors. Adenoviral vectors are currently a…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A gene therapy delivery system based on microcapsules enclosing recombinant cells engineered to secrete a therapeutic protein was explored in this study. In order to prevent immune rejection of the delivered cells, they were enclosed in non-antigenic biocompatible alginate microcapsules prior to being implanted intraperitoneally into mice. We have shown that encapsulated C2C12 myoblasts can temporarily deliver therapeutic levels of factor IX (FIX) in mice, but the C2C12 myoblasts elicited an immune response to FIX. In this study we report the use of mouse fetal G8 myoblasts secreting hFIX in hemophilia mice. METHODS: Mouse G8 myoblasts were transduced with MFG-FIX vector. A pool of recombinant G8 myoblasts secreting approximately 1500 ng hFIX/10(6) cells/24 h in vitro were enclosed in biocompatible alginate microcapsules and implanted intraperitoneally into immunocompetent C57BL/6 and hemophilic mice. RESULTS: Circulating levels of hFIX in treated mice reached approximately 400 ng/ml for at least 120 days (end of experiment). Interestingly, mice treated with encapsulated G8 myoblasts did not develop anti-hFIX antibodies. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of plasmas obtained from treated hemophilic mice was reduced from 107 to 82 sec on day 60 post-treatment, and whole blood clotting time (WBCT) was also corrected from 7-9 min before treatment to 3-5 min following microcapsule implantation. Further, mice were protected against bleeding following major trauma. Thus, the FIX delivery in vivo was biologically active. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the type of cells encapsulated play a key role in the generation of immune responses against the transgene. Further, a judicious selection of encapsulated cells is critical for achieving sustained gene expression. Our findings support the feasibility of encapsulated G8 myoblasts as a gene therapy approach for hemophilia B.  相似文献   

The efficacy of recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector to deliver and express human blood clotting factor DC (hFIX) gene in skeletal muscle of coagulation factor IX deficiency mouse strain (FactorIX-knockout) is e-valuated. The muscle creatine kinase enhancer (MCK) and βactin promoter ((3A) were used to drive the hFIX minigene (hFIXml), which was flanked by AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). Following intramuscular injection of high liter (2.5 x 1011 vector genomes/mL) of AAV, increased hFIX expression (256 ng/mL of plasma) was achieved. The time course of hFIX expression demonstrated that the expression level gradually increased over a period of two weeks before anti-hFIX antibodies developed in mouse circulating plasma. Those results provided a promising evidence that rAAV-me-diated gene transfer and skeletal muscle-specific expression of hFIX is a feasible strategy for treating patients for hemophilia B.  相似文献   

A mutant human factor IX with arginine at 338 residual changed to alanine (hFIXR338A) by site-directed mutagenesis was introduced into AAV vectors, and a recombinant adeno-associ- ated viral vector containing hFIXR338A, prepared by rHSV/AAV hybrid helper virus system, was directly introduced to the hind leg muscle of factor IX knock out mice. The expression and the biological activity of human factor IX mutant, hFIXR338A, and the immune response against it in the treated mice were assayed and detected. The results showed that (i) the high-level expression of human factor IX mutant protein, hFIXR338A, has been detected in rAAV-hFIXR338A treated hemophilia B mice and lasted more than 15 weeks; (ii) the clotting activity of hFIXR338A in plasma is 34.2%± 5.23%, which is remarkably higher than that of (14.27% ± 3.4%) of wild type hFIX treated mice in the activated partial thromboplastin assay; (iii) immune response against factor IX R338A was absent, with no factor IX mutant protein (hFIXR338A) inhibitors development in the treated mice; and (iv) no local or systemic side-effects and toxicity associated with the gene transfer were found. It demonstrated the potential use of treating hemophilia B by recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors with mutant hFIXR338A gene, an alternative strategy for hemophilia B gene therapy to wild-type human factor IX.  相似文献   

A mutant human factor IX with arginine at 338 residual changed to alanine (hFIXR338A) by site-directed mutagenesis was introduced into AAV vectors, and a recombinant adeno-associ-ated viral vector containing hFIXR338A, prepared by rHSV/AAV hybrid helper virus system, was directly introduced to the hind leg muscle of factor IX knock out mice. The expression and the biological activity of human factor IX mutant, hFIXR338A, and the immune response against it in the treated mice were assayed and detected. The results showed that (i) the high-level expression of human factor IX mutant protein, hFIXR338A, has been detected in rAAV-hFIXR338A treated hemophilia B mice and lasted more than 15 weeks; (ii) the clotting activity of hFIXR338A in plasma is 34.2%± 5.23%, which is remarkably higher than that of (14.27%±3.4%) of wild type hFIX treated mice in the activated partial thromboplastin assay; (iii) immune response against factor IX R338A was absent, with no factor IX mutant protein (hFIXR338A) inhibitors deve  相似文献   

汪启翰  怀聪  孙瑞林  庄华  陈红岩  费俭  卢大儒 《遗传》2015,37(11):1143-1148
血友病乙是由凝血因子Ⅸ(Factor Ⅸ,FⅨ)缺乏或功能缺陷导致的出血性疾病,为伴X染色体隐性遗传病。小鼠模型对于血友病乙的研究具有十分重要的意义,而基因组编辑技术又为小鼠模型的构建提供了一种快捷而且高效的途径。本文利用CRISPR/Cas系统,在小鼠FⅨ基因第8外显子上选择靶位点,将Cas9 mRNA和带有靶位点的sgRNA显微注射到C57BL/6品系小鼠的受精卵中,获得基因修饰的小鼠。利用高分辨率熔解曲线分析(High resolution melting, HRM)技术进行精确基因分型,并通过测序验证,在60只小鼠中,总共有51只小鼠的靶位点发生了突变,突变率高达85%,其中雄鼠的突变率为79.5%,雌鼠的突变率为95.2%;未检测到非目标位置的基因编辑脱靶。凝血活性实验显示,突变小鼠的FⅨ活性值(Factor Ⅸ coagulant activity, FⅨ: C)是非突变小鼠的6.82%,大大低于非突变小鼠,表明突变小鼠的凝血活性缺失。本研究表明,利用CRISPR/Cas系统成功构建了人类血友病乙遗传病小鼠模型。  相似文献   

为在凝血基因IX基因剔除小鼠基础上建立基因组中整合有含特定点突变的人凝血因子IX基因表达载体原转基因小鼠家系,为血友病乙的研究提供更接近临床实际的动物模型。利用体外定点突变技术,构建含有特定点突变的人凝因IX基因表达载体,该载体包括由人凝血因子IX编码区及第一内含子构成的人凝血因子IX基因(hFIXml)、4个拷贝的MCK增强子(MCKe)、鸡β-肌动蛋白启动子(bA)及PolyA,命名为pMe4bAIXml质粒。将其线性化后,用显微注射法注射入817只凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠受精卵雄原核,再将它们分别回输45只假孕受体母鼠的输卵管中,共产仔69只,存活63只。采用PCR与基因组Southern杂交筛选法鉴定小鼠,证实6只小鼠基因组中整合有含特定点突变的pMe4bAIXml质粒,并对1只小鼠的PCR产物进行测序,证实转基因结构特征符合设计要求。  相似文献   

Mouse myoblast C2C12 cell was used as target cell for gene transfer study of human clotting factor IX (hFIX) cDNA. In addition to the previously constructed retroviral vectors XLIX, LNCIX and GINaCIX, GlNaMCIX with hFIX driven by muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer and human cytomegalovirus (CMV) was constructed, based on the retroviral vector GINa. These four retroviral vectors were used to transduce mouse my-oblasts C2C12. With ELISA assays, it has been found that the expression levels of human clotting factor IX detected in those transduced C2C12 cells are GlNaMCIX>GlNaCIX> LNCIX>XLIX. Mixed colonal cells transduced with GlNaMCIX expressed hFIX protein at the level of 640 ng/106 cell every 24 h. The modified C2C12 cells transduced with GlNaMCIX were implanted into skeletal muscle of the hindlegs of C3H mice; a stable expression of hFIX was detected and lasted for 35 d, with a maximum level of 206 ng/mL plasma. The regulation of hFIX cDNA expression in myoblasts was discussed and it was strongly sug  相似文献   

The specific aim of this study was to examine the prophylactic as well as the therapeutic efficacies of irradiated mouse CT26 colon cancer cells, infected with recombinant adenoviruses harboring cDNAs specific for granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interferon (IFN-γ) and monocyte chemotactic protein1 (MCP-1). Results showed that tumor cells secrete the respective cytokines for several days after infection and subsequent irradiation. Vaccination with irradiated GM-CSF-secreting CT26 cells protected 90% of syngeneic mice challenged with live parental cells. On the other hand, vaccination with irradiated IFNγ or MCP-1-secreting CT26 cells totally failed to protect mice from tumor development after challenge with parental cells. None of the tumor-free mice initially vaccinated with irradiated GM-CSF-producing CT26 cells developed tumor upon repeated challenge with parental cells during the entire observation period. The establishment of specific and long-lasting antitumor immunity following vaccination with GM-CSF-producing tumor cells requires the simultaneous presence of GM-CSF and tumor antigen at the vaccine site. Depletion of CD8+ cells, but not CD4+ cells, blocked the vaccine efficacy of GM-CSF-producing tumor cells. Subcutaneous injection of irradiated GM-CSF-producing CT26 cells also effectively prevented the growth of a small load of parental tumor that was implanted 3 days earlier or the development of metastatic foci in the lung from intravenously injected parental cells either 7 days before or 3 days after vaccination. Our data thus show that, in these experimental tumor models, subcutaneous injection of irradiated tumor cells adenovirally, transduced with the GM-CSF gene leads not only to prevention of growth of subsequently implanted tumor but also to elimination of pre-existing and metastatic tumors.  相似文献   

 B cells and macrophages both activate NF-κB/Rel in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), but differ in sensitivity to LPS and in downstream genes that are activated. CD14 is a high-affinity receptor for LPS found on macrophages, but not B cells. We expressed human CD14 (hCD14) in the mouse B lymphoma, 70Z/3, and a mutant, 1B8, which responds slowly to LPS, to test whether expression of hCD14 could correct or bypass the defect in 1B8 cells. We compared the timing and extent of known responses to LPS in 70Z/3 cells and the 1B8 mutants. The hCD14+ 1B8 and 70Z/3 cells responded more rapidly and were sensitive to 100-fold lower levels of LPS than their untransfected counterparts. Degradation of the IκB-α and -β molecules and translocation of the NF-κB/Rel complexes into the nucleus were more rapid and the steady-state levels of Igk mRNA and mIgM on the cell surface were markedly increased in cells that expressed hCD14. The LPS response of the hCD14+ 1B8 and 70Z/3 cells showed subtle differences. In the 1B8 hCD14 cells, the p50/p50 complexes were never abundant in nuclear extracts, and degradation of IκB-β was slower than in hCD14 70Z/3 cells. This partial correction of the 1B8 phenotype suggests that the defective component in 1B8 participates in the CD14 signaling pathway and could include the B-cell LPS receptor itself. Received: 3 June 1997 / Revised: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

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