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Although most present-day scholars claim that grammatical gender has no meaning correlates, anecdotal evidence dating back to the Greeks suggests that grammatical gender carries connotative meanings of femininity and masculinity. In the present study native German speakers (tested in Germany) and native Spanish speakers (tested in Mexico) judged 54 high-frequency translation equivalents on semantic differential scales chosen to reflect dimensions of evaluation, potency, and activity. Half the words were of feminine gender in German but of masculine gender in Spanish (Type I words), and half were of masculine gender in German and of feminine gender in Spanish (Type II words). As predicted, German speakers judged Type II words higher in potency than Type I words, whereas Spanish speakers judged Type I words higher in potency than Type II words. The conclusion was that grammatical gender does affect meaning.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The authors report their experience with the translumbar inferior vena cava (IVC) approach for central venous access during a 6-year period at three teaching hospital sites. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine percutaneous IVC central venous access catheters were inserted in 22 patients during a 6-year period in the radiology departments of three teaching hospital sites. All patients had undergone unsuccessful attempts at conventional central venous access. Information was gathered by retrospective radiologic and hospital chart review. RESULTS: All attempted placements were successful. Catheters were in place for a total of 3,510 catheter days. The average length of catheter placement was 121 days (range, 14-536 days). Life-table analysis predicted catheter function rates of 55% and 29% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Three procedure-related complications occurred. A lower pole branch of the right renal artery was inadvertently entered with a 22-gauge needle during attempted IVC puncture in one patient without clinical sequelae. A second patient developed a small groin hematoma at the femoral venous puncture site, which resolved spontaneously. A third patient developed a moderate retroperitoneal hematoma, which resolved without specific intervention. The sepsis rate was 2.8 infections per 1,000 catheter days with an average time to infection of 127 days (range, 10-536 days). CONCLUSION: In the authors' experience of 29 translumbar central venous catheter insertions, all attempts were successful. Percutaneous central venous access via the IVC is a safe and effective option for patients in whom more conventional access is not possible.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the results of the phenol red thread tear test in a cross-cultural comparison. METHODS: Two groups of 500 controlled normal subjects who do not wear contact lenses from the United States and Japan were investigated. RESULTS: The mean wet length of the thread for the United States was 23.9 mm (SD 9.5 mm). The mean for Japan was 18.8 mm (SD 8.6 mm). There was a significant difference between the two countries (P < 0.05). Males subjects had significantly longer wet lengths than females for both countries (P < 0.05). There was a moderate correlation between right and left eye results for both countries. CONCLUSIONS: The phenol red thread tear test was found to be easy to administer. Results were in line with current knowledge and theories of the lacrimal system. Results also indicated that this test may disclose subtle differences not previously found with other tear tests.  相似文献   

The Iowa record-linkage study was developed to investigate death rates in psychiatric patients, and involved computer matching of death certificates with a roster of patients. A list of all patients admitted to our hospital from 1972 through 1981 was obtained and after removing duplicate entries the list was pared to 5412 names. The record included multiple identifiers (e.g., name, gender, date-of-birth, hospital number). This information was then linked by computer with all Iowa death certificates for the same period; a total of 331 deaths were identified. Patients were assigned to a single psychiatric diagnostic category based on a computer program that reviewed each patient's clinical diagnoses and picked the one with the highest priority in a hierarchy we had created. Age and sex adjusted mortality tables were constructed, allowing us to compute expected numbers of deaths. Relative risk for premature death was greatest among women, and those under 20 years. Risk was associated with all psychiatric diagnoses and was significantly higher among patients of either gender with an organic mental disorder or schizophrenia; women with acute schizophrenia, depressive neuroses, alcoholism, drug abuse, and psychophysiological disorders; and men with neuroses. Death from natural causes, especially from heart disease, was significantly excessive among women, while death from accidents and suicides was excessive for both men and women. The overall SMR was 1.65 (P < 0.001). Most importantly, we found that the greatest excess of mortality occurred within the first 2 years following hospital discharge. Thus, we were able to demonstrate that risk of mortality in general, and of suicide specifically, differed according to age, gender, diagnosis, and portion of the follow-up. We have subsequently used this method to investigate specific risk factors associated with mortality in mood disorders, schizophrenia, and antisocial personality disorder. Findings from these studies are reported.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elderly patients suffer higher mortality rates after trauma than younger patients. This increased mortality is attributable to age, preexisting disease, and complications as well as injury severity. METHODS: Records from 5,139 adult patients from a Level I trauma center were retrospectively reviewed. Injury Severity Score (ISS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS), early mortality (<24 hours), and late mortality (>24 hours) were determined for elderly (> or =65 years) and younger (16-64 years) patients. Preexisting diseases and complications were identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis coding. RESULTS: Mortality in elderly patients was twice that in younger patients despite equivalent injury severity (p < 0.001), and elderly patients were more likely to suffer later death than younger patients (p < 0.005). The prevalence of preexisting disease was greater in the elderly, as was the incidence of complications. Using logistic regression, ISS, RTS, preexisting cardiovascular or liver disease, the development of cardiac, renal, or infectious complications, and geriatric status were all independently predictive of late mortality (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Elderly trauma patients more frequently suffer late mortality than younger patients because of the combination of injury and increased preexisting disease and complications after injury. Aggressive treatment of the elderly trauma patient is warranted; however, in the face of significant preexisting disease or complications, survival is less likely. Predictive models of survival can be developed, taking into account preexisting disease and complications as well as admission parameters such as age, ISS, and RTS, and specific risk of mortality quantitated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the phenomenon of somatization in different cultures by determining its frequency and correlates in primary care settings in 14 countries. METHOD: Consecutive primary care patients (N = 25,916) were screened with the 12-item General Health questionnaire, and a stratified sample (N = 5,438) was interviewed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Interviewed patients were also assessed for physical disease burden, self-rated overall health, physician-rated physical health status, number of disability days, and interviewer-rated occupational role functioning. The authors determined center-specific associations with the use of logistic regression analyses in which confounding variables were controlled. RESULTS: ICD-10 defined somatization disorder was relatively uncommon in most primary care settings. A less restrictively defined form was more common. Symptom rates were much higher in South American sites. There was a modest association with low education. Otherwise, frequency of unexplained somatic symptoms did not clearly vary according to geography or level of economic development. Somatizing patients were at elevated risk for self-reported disease burden, negative perception of their health, and comorbid depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Somatization was also commonly associated with disability. Cultures did not differ markedly in the pattern of these associated features. CONCLUSION: Somatization is a common problem in primary care across cultures and is associated with significant problems and disability.  相似文献   

Behavioral inhibition data were collected from samples of 2-year-olds from the People's Republic of China and Canada. Information on child-rearing attitudes and beliefs was obtained from mothers of the children. Chinese toddlers were significantly more inhibited than their Canadian counterparts. Inhibition was associated positively with mothers' punishment orientation and negatively with mothers' acceptance and encouragement of achievement in the Canadian sample. However, the directions of the relations were opposite in the Chinese sample; child inhibition was associated positively with mothers' warm and accepting attitudes and negatively with rejection and punishment orientation. The results indicated different adaptational meanings of behavioral inhibition across cultures.  相似文献   

A total of 159 White, Indian, and Chinese Canadian kindergartners and 1st graders were introduced to 3 picture book characters from each of 5 ethnic groups: Indian, Black, White, Chinese, and Eskimo. These books were then used as stimulus materials for measuring the children's self-identification, information seeking, role taking, and social perception. The information-seeking measures were found to be related in a very minor way to attitude. However, it is proposed that the stage of development of self-identification influenced the child's selection of ethnic information. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the quest to understand how people conceptualize emotional feelings, one approach has been to seek the dimensions by which they perceive the similarities and differences among feelings. A circumplex model of affect represents this set of mutual relations by placing feeling-related concepts in a circular order in a space formed by two bipolar dimensions: pleasure-displeasure and arousal-sleepiness. This article offers evidence that the circumplex structure, rather than being somehow dependent on the English-speaking student population in which it was originally obtained, occurs in different languages and cultures. In Study 1, Estonian, Greek, and Polish Ss judged the similarity between feelings described by 28 words in their respective native languages. In Study 2, Greek and Chinese Ss judged the similarity between feelings conveyed by 10 facial expressions. In all cases, multidimensional scaling of pairwise similarity scores yielded the circular order and underlying dimensions predicted by the circumplex. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of 235 deaths that occurred among 1905 patients with peptic ulcer who constituted a random sample of the occurrence of ulcer disease in an area of Denmark comprising half a million inhabitants. The disease itself, according to the death certificate, was considered the primary cause of death in 10% of the cases; half of these had been operated on immediately before death. The other patients died more frequently than expected from the following causes: chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, cancer of the lung, cirrhosis of the liver, and cancer of the pancreas. Although the comorbidity with chronic bronchitis and emphysema was especially pronounced in patients with gastric ulcer, the association with liver cirrhosis and cancer of the pancreas occurred only in patients with duodenal ulcer. In women the mortality rate attributable to cardiac and vascular diseases was lower than expected. No excess coincidence of suicide was found. Berkson's fallacy is considered to be of much less importance as a possible explanation of the comorbidity found in the present study than in the majority of publications concerned with this question.  相似文献   

The present study represents a cross-cultural study of animal fears in which subjects from seven Western and Asian countries were asked to rate their fear of a range of familiar animals. Factor analyses of these ratings in all samples revealed a coherent three factor solution in which animals fell into a fear-irrelevant, fear-relevant (fierce) or disgust-relevant category. The core group of animals making up the disgust-relevant category were similar across cultures. Some views on how a universal disgust-relevant category of feared animals may have developed are discussed.  相似文献   

Performance on computer-simulated, everyday memory tasks was found to deteriorate with age in 434 Belgian (aged 14–88 yrs) and 434 American Ss matched on gender and age. This age-related memory decline was reasonably consistent across samples. Difficulties in cross-cultural research and the advantages of ecologically valid measurement instruments are discussed. Instruments included a grocery list selective reminding test, the Wechsler Memory Scale, the Benton Visual Retention Test, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several theories of emotion propose that emotional responses are largely determined by the way events are appraised. To determine whether the proposed dimensions of appraisal are consistent across cultures, 973 Ss from the US, Japan, Hong Kong, and the People's Republic of China were asked to describe emotional experiences. Few differences between the 3 cultures were observed on the more primitive dimensions (pleasantness, attentional activity, certainty, coping ability, and goal/need conduciveness) and on 2 of the more cognitively complex dimensions (legitimacy and norm/self compatibility). More substantial differences were observed on 3 other complex dimensions (control, responsibility, and anticipated effort). Considerable pan-cultural consistency was also observed in the dimensions of subjective experience of emotion and in the relations between these dimensions and cognitive appraisals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gender differences on tests of achievement in reading and mathematics, and on tests of cognitive ability, were assessed. Ss were children in kindergarten and Grades 1 and 5 in elementary schools in Taiwan, Japan, and the US (ns?=?1,975 to 4,266). Few gender differences were observed on curriculum-based tests of math computation and reading. Boys were more effective, however, in solving word problems and in answering questions involving estimation, visualization, and measurement. Cognitive tests revealed some gender differences at the 5th-grade level in all 3 cultures. Children and their mothers tended, as early as the 1st grade, to believe that boys were better at math and girls were better at reading. Children in the 3 cultures differed consistently in their scores in reading and math, but there were very few interactions between gender and location. The lack of frequent significant interactions between gender and location indicated the gender effects for both achievement scores and ratings were equivalent across Chinese, Japanese, and American contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As geriatric patients those above 60 years of age are described. Incontinence is not necessarily an associated symptom of old age. In women above 60 years 15-30% suffer from urinary incontinence. With advancing age the prevalence rises to more than 40%. The cause of miction trouble must not be sought only in the urogenital tract, where with advancing age under the influence of atrophic processes typical functional and anatomical changes take place, but also in the sphere of the CNS where in geriatric patients may be the cause of impaired continence. A preliminary classification of urinary incontinence may be made already on the basis of a detailed case-history. Data provided by the patient are usually not sufficient and it is necessary to obtain the required information on the character of incontinence by aimed questions. Furthermore it is of interest what sort of medication the patient is taking at the time, incl. medication she take spontaneously. Sometimes after mere discontinuation of certain drug groups complaints can be markedly reduced or completely eliminated. In the case-history we must always focus attention on risk factors associated with incontinence and questions on the abuse of alcohol are also justified. Somatic examination comprises gynaecological examination for evaluation of the anatomical characteristics at rest and during elevated intraabdominal pressure. Functional geriatric examination is the starting point for optimal care of old people. There is a number of functional geriatric tests. For clinical practice due to its straightforward character Barthel's test of basic everyday activities is useful. Urodynamic examination is not essential in geriatric patients. Information obtained in diagnostic processes may serve as a basis for rational therapy of incontinence. Different urodynamic methods are used in case therapy fails or when the anamnestic data are obscure.  相似文献   

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