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—?Identification of seismic events is a major scientific issue in the framework of verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). Of special interest in this context is the identification of the numerous low-yield mining or blasting events, especially those occurring in the same area as earthquakes, such as the Vogtland area in the border region of Germany and the Czech Republic. Seismic events in this area were investigated by WÜSTER (1993, 1995), who achieved complete discrimination using measures of spectral decay and spectral variance at the GERESS array and a quadratic discrimination function.¶A subset of these events, for which ground-truth information is available, has been analyzed in this study using multivariate statistical analysis. Various parameters based on measurements from seismic waveforms of the broadband stations of the German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN) and short-period elements of the GERESS array are tested for statistical significance in a linear regression analysis, in particular spectral amplitude ratios for the L g phase and P g /S g amplitude ratios. The subset includes a total of 35 explosions and 24 earthquakes. The results of our study argue that identification based on spectral L g and high-frequency P g /S g ratios is promising. However, discrimination success is strongly varying from station to station; thus, weighting according to station success rates could improve the overall identification capability.  相似文献   

将小波变换理论应用于宁夏及邻区的地震和爆破的识别,利用小波包变换系数与射线能量的关系,计算了射线所包含的低频成分和高频成分的能量之比.结果表明,当分解尺度j=1时,对于地震信号,ln(Ω10/Ω11)的值一般小于3,对于爆破信号,ln(Ω10/Ω11)的值一般大于3.  相似文献   

地震波的数字宽频带观测日益普遍,它们正在取代传统的观测,因为后者仅仅给出了地震震源产生的地震波场的部分图像.新的观测提供了远场地震波场的丰富信息,有的似乎是全部信息.然而宽带记录看上去很复杂,如果需要提取更详细的震源过程的信息和相关介质的结构的信息,就需要新的分析方法.为了识别到达观测点的地震信号的形态,我们引入谱地震图的方法.据此,传统的地震波场的显示方法不能呈现的信息细节可以被呈现出来.  相似文献   

地震与核爆识别的小波包分量比方法   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
频谱分析法在核爆与地震识别中具有广泛的应用.但是频谱分析方法是稳态方法,即使采用Gabor变换,也因时-频窗口形状不变而分辨串较低.为提高时-频分辨率,本文将小波变换理论用于乌鲁木齐台记录的地震与核爆事件的分析,并提出了识别核爆和天然地震的小波包分量比判据.通过对加拿大黄刀地震台记录的印度地下核爆的分析,进一步验证了小波包分量比判据对核爆和地震的识别具有较高的识别效率.结果表明:对于地震信号,其小波包分量比U03/U1一般都大于1.0,而对于核爆信号,比值U03/U13一般都小于1.0.  相似文献   

选取江苏数字地震台网记录的部分天然地震与人工爆破波形数据,通过波形对比分析、震幅比以及频谱等方面的对比发现两者之间不同之处。把这些不同的方法应用到数字地震台网实际工作中,能够快速有效地分辨出天然地震和人工爆破,为今后震相的识别提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

小地震与人工爆破记录的时频分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于Matlab软件,编制了对近震记录进行时-频分析试验研究的程序,搜集2006—2008年间首都圈地区震级介于ML2.4~2.7的5次天然地震和5次人工爆破的27个台站的宽频带记录,根据震中距离的相似性挑选5组天然地震和人工爆破地震,分析其时频特征。对于所有的数据都给出其三分向的时频图、原始波形图和频谱图,以及水平向和三分向的叠加图。分析结果表明,天然地震和人工爆破的记录具有明显不同的时频特征,天然地震的时频呈现出"多峰"特征,而人工爆破的时频分布则相对"少峰";天然地震的时频峰值分布在较宽的频率范围内,人工爆破的峰值则分布在频率较低的相对狭窄的范围内。通过以上实践,发现时频分析在分析不同时间点的频谱信息以及整个数据的时频分布特点时比傅里叶变换具有优势。  相似文献   

利用小波包变换时频谱识别宁夏及邻区的地震和爆破   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用dmey小波基函数分别对地震和爆破事件的垂直向记录信号进行小波包变换,计算各事件信号的归一化时频谱值以及P波和S波时频谱值达到最大时的频率fmp和fms,比较地震信号和爆破信号P波段(0~6.25Hz)和S波段(0~6.25Hz)在各相同分解频带内的瞬时谱最大值差异,寻找合适的单项定量识别指标,并综合各单项识别指标形成综合识别判据。运用综合识别判据对银川台记录到的宁夏及邻区14个地震事件和19个爆破事件进行判别,结果表明,各单项定量识别指标的识别率均在80%以上,综合判别结果均与事件的真实类型一致。  相似文献   

The global monitoring of earthquakes and explosions at decreasing magnitudes necessitates the fully automatic detection, location and classification of an ever increasing number of seismic events. Many seismic stations of the International Monitoring System are small-aperture arrays designed to optimize the detection and measurement of regional phases. Collaboration with operators of mines within regional distances of the ARCES array, together with waveform correlation techniques, has provided an unparalleled opportunity to assess the ability of a small-aperture array to provide robust and accurate direction and slowness estimates for phase arrivals resulting from well-constrained events at sites of repeating seismicity. A significant reason for the inaccuracy of current fully-automatic event location estimates is the use of f?k slowness estimates measured in variable frequency bands. The variability of slowness and azimuth measurements for a given phase from a given source region is reduced by the application of almost any constant frequency band. However, the frequency band resulting in the most stable estimates varies greatly from site to site. Situations are observed in which regional P- arrivals from two sites, far closer than the theoretical resolution of the array, result in highly distinct populations in slowness space. This means that the f?k estimates, even at relatively low frequencies, can be sensitive to source and path-specific characteristics of the wavefield and should be treated with caution when inferring a geographical backazimuth under the assumption of a planar wavefront arriving along the great-circle path. Moreover, different frequency bands are associated with different biases meaning that slowness and azimuth station corrections (commonly denoted SASCs) cannot be calibrated, and should not be used, without reference to the frequency band employed. We demonstrate an example where fully-automatic locations based on a source-region specific fixed-parameter template are more stable than the corresponding analyst reviewed estimates. The reason is that the analyst selects a frequency band and analysis window which appears optimal for each event. In this case, the frequency band which produces the most consistent direction estimates has neither the best SNR or the greatest beam-gain, and is therefore unlikely to be chosen by an analyst without calibration data.  相似文献   

—?During the period from 1975 to 1979, the former Soviet Union conducted a series a six nuclear explosions in a water-filled cavity in salt which was created in 1968 by a tamped 27?kt explosion at a depth of 597?m at the Azgir test site at the north end of the Caspian Sea. Broadband, near-regional seismic data recorded from these tests have been processed and analyzed in an attempt to characterize the seismic source characteristics of these explosions and assess their relevance to the cavity decoupling evasion scenario. The results of these analyses indicate that the explosions in the water-filled cavity were not decoupled, but rather show evidence of enhanced seismic coupling with respect to that which would be expected from tamped explosions of the same yields in salt. Theoretical finite difference simulations of these tests have been conducted in which the complex, nonlinear interactions between the shock effects in both the water and surrounding salt medium have been explicitly modeled. The results of these simulations indicate that the most prominent yield dependent features of the observed seismic source functions can be largely explained by the dynamic interactions between the expanding and contracting steam bubbles generated by the explosions in water and the shock-wave reflections from the cavity wall. More specifically, it has been found that the shock-wave reflection from the cavity wall retards the expansion of the steam bubble in a yield dependent fashion relative to that expected in the open ocean, resulting in a smaller maximum bubble radius and a shorter bubble oscillation period.  相似文献   

—?A statistical procedure is described for estimating the yields of underground nuclear tests at the former Soviet Semipalatinsk test site using the peak amplitudes of short-period surface waves observed at near-regional distances (Δ < 150 km) from these explosions. This methodology is then applied to data recorded from a large sample of the Semipalatinsk explosions, including the Soviet JVE explosion of September 14, 1988, and it is demonstrated that it provides seismic estimates of explosion yield which are typically within 20% of the yields determined for these same explosions using more accurate, non-seismic techniques based on near-source observations.  相似文献   

In this paper,the nonstationary theory of Wigner Distribution is used to discriminate between underground nuclear explosions and natural earthquakes.Five underground explosions in Kazakhstan region and seven regional earthquakes in its adjacent areas have been analyzed.The result shows that the transient spectra of underground nuclear explosions are concentrated in the frequency range of 5-10 Hz,while the transient spectra of natural earthquakes are distributed widely from lower frequency to higher frequency.The transient frequency of nuclear explosions shows linearity in the first stage(0相似文献   

A large number of events with sources in the immediate vicinity of an array are usually detected during seismological observations with seismic arrays. These events should be detected and correctly interpreted during processing of seismic array records in order to avoid clogging up the event catalog. This problem can be solved by classifying records of local events by genetic features and creating a databank with the most representative samples. The present paper considers local events recorded using a unique scientific setup, the Mikhnevo small aperture seismic array. Epicenters of local seismic events are located less than 5 km from the center of the array. Seismic responses of acoustic shock waves are also examined. Seismic events caused by anthropogenic sources are identified and classified using cluster, cross-correlation, and wavelet analysis. Events accompanied only by the arrival of surface waves, as well as events represented by body, surface, and acoustic waves, are identified. Shock wave events are classified as a separate category. A small group of supposedly natural weak events is also found. As a result, a databank of waveforms of local seismic events for the Mikhnevo seismic array is established. In the future, this will make it possible to automate their identification when investigating the seismicity of the East European Platform.  相似文献   

Seismic Source Characteristics of Soviet Peaceful Nuclear Explosions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—?During the period 1965 to 1988, the former Soviet Union (FSU) conducted over 120 peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE) at locations widely dispersed throughout the territories of the FSU. These explosions sample a much wider range of source conditions than do the historical explosions at the known nuclear test sites and, therefore, seismic data recorded from these PNE tests provide a unique resource for use in deriving improved quantitative bounds on the ranges of seismic signal characteristics which may require consideration in global monitoring of the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). In this paper we summarize the results of a detailed statistical analysis of broadband seismic data recorded at the Borovoye Geophysical Observatory from 21 of these PNE tests at regional distances extending from about 7 to 19 degrees, as well as the results of theoretical waveform simulation analyses of near-regional (Δ?相似文献   

地震事件识别是地震层析成像的重要组成部分。然而,在处理宽频带流动台阵天然地震记录中识别地震事件过程中,利用传统的人工识别方法耗时巨大,效率十分低。本文首先运用STA/LTA 对地震事件进行初步判断,并结合支持向量机信号检测算法和多台联合检验法来提高地震事件判别的准确度及抗干扰能力,达到天然地震事件的自动识别。南岭流动台阵数据的应用结果表明该综合识别算法可自动快速准确地判别地震事件,并可用于地震震相的拾取。  相似文献   

Seismic Event Location: Nonlinear Inversion Using a Neighbourhood Algorithm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
—?A recently developed direct search method for inversion, known as a neighbourhood algorithm (NA), is applied to the hypocentre location problem. Like some previous methods the algorithm uses randomised, or stochastic, sampling of a four-dimensional hypocentral parameter space, to search for solutions with acceptable data fit. Considerable flexibility is allowed in the choice of misfit measure.¶At each stage the hypocentral parameter space is partitioned into a series of convex polygons called Voronoi cells. Each cell surrounds a previously generated hypocentre for which the fit to the data has been determined. As the algorithm proceeds new hypocentres are randomly generated in the neighbourhood of those hypocentres with smaller data misfit. In this way all previous hypocentres guide the search, and the more promising regions of parameter space are preferentially sampled.¶The NA procedure makes use of just two tuning parameters. It is possible to choose their values so that the behaviour of the algorithm is similar to that of a contracting irregular grid in 4-D. This is the feature of the algorithm that we exploit for hypocentre location. In experiments with different events and data sources, the NA approach is able to achieve comparable or better levels of data fit than a range of alternative methods; linearised least-squares, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and a contracting grid scheme. Moreover, convergence was achieved with a substantially reduced number of travel-time/slowness calculations compared with other nonlinear inversion techniques. Even when initial parameter bounds are very loose, the NA procedure produced robust convergence with acceptable levels of data fit.  相似文献   

地震巨灾保险是降低地震灾害风险的有效手段之一,而地震危险性分析是地震巨灾模型的主要分析模块之一。传统的概率地震危险性分析主要是基于潜在震源模型、地震活动性模型和地震动衰减模型等并采用概率方法得到场点的地震危险性值,该危险性表示的是未来所有地震对场点的综合影响。然而,在使用地震巨灾模型进行地震风险分析时需要用到单个地震事件对场点的影响,这就需要根据潜在震源区生成一系列单个地震事件,并计算每个事件对场点的影响。本研究采用蒙特卡洛方法,基于第五代中国地震动参数区划图中所采用的地震活动性模型(潜在震源区及其地震活动性参数),模拟符合我国地震活动时间、空间和强度分布特征的地震事件集。模拟时遵从的基本理论为:地震发生在时间上符合泊松分布,震级分布可用古登堡-里克特定律来描述,空间分布特征则用潜在震源区及其地震发生率来描述。模拟得到的地震事件包含以下参数:时间(年、月、日)、地点(经度、纬度)、深度、震级、断层走向以及衰减特征等。该模拟地震事件集可满足地震巨灾模型中地震风险分析的需求,已应用于我国地震巨灾模型中。  相似文献   

用H/V谱比法计算云南区域数字地震台站的场地响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱荣欢  苏有锦 《地震研究》2007,30(3):248-252
用H/V谱比法,计算给出了云南区域数字地震台网23个子台S波随频率变化的台站场地响应特征。结果表明:在1~10Hz频段内,23个子台S波的场地响应相对较平坦,在1.41~2.91之间变化,平均2.08;在大于10Hz的高频段,部分台站的场地响应有较明显的放大。  相似文献   

邓莉  谭毅培  刘双庆  马婷  卞真付  曹井泉 《地震》2018,38(3):158-169
2015年8月12日发生在天津滨海新区的化学品爆炸事故造成了严重的人员伤亡和财产损失。 基于区域地震台网记录的数字化连续地震波形资料, 对爆炸发生过程的精细分析是深入调查爆炸事故发生原因、 快速估计事故所造成灾害与损失的重要手段之一。 本文首先利用震相到时和质点运动轨迹信息对记录波形中能量较强的震相性质进行分析, 再通过模板匹配算法检测爆炸过程中是否存在两次大爆炸以外的小爆炸事件, 并对检测方法的效能进行检验, 最后依据波形互相关得到的震相到时差估计两次较大爆炸的相对位置。 计算结果显示区域台网记录波形中能量最大的体波震相可能为沿沉积层顶部传播的Pg震相, 垂直向能量最强的面波震相为Rg震相, 而能量较弱的初至震相可能为结晶基底首波; 爆炸过程中除了两次能量较大的爆炸以外还能检测到两次较小的爆炸事件, 其当量相当于约ML0.5的地震; 基于两次大爆炸Pg震相相对到时信息得到第二次大爆炸发生在第一次大爆炸的北西侧, 两次爆炸位置距离约50~55 m。 本文研究结果为爆炸事故的调查分析提供了地震学依据。  相似文献   

We estimated the network-averaged mantle attenuation t*(total) of 0.5 s beneath the North Korea test site (NKTS) by use of P-wave spectra and normalized spectral stacks from the 25 May 2009 declared nuclear test (mb 4.5; IDC). This value was checked using P-waves from seven deep (580–600 km) earthquakes (4.8 < M w < 5.5) in the Jilin-Heilongjiang, China region that borders with Russia and North Korea. These earthquakes are 200–300 km from the NKTS, within 200 km of the Global Seismic Network seismic station in Mudanjiang, China (MDJ) and the International Monitoring System primary arrays at Ussuriysk, Russia (USRK) and Wonju, Republic of Korea (KSRS). With the deep earthquakes, we split the t*(total) ray path into two segments: a t*(u), that represents the attenuation of the up-going ray from the deep hypocenters to the local-regional receivers, and t*(d), that represents the attenuation along the down-going ray to teleseismic receivers. The sum of t*(u) and t*(d) should be equal to t*(total), because they both share coincident ray paths. We estimated the upper-mantle attenuation t*(u) of 0.1 s at stations MDJ, USRK, and KSRS from individual and stacks of normalized P-wave spectra. We then estimated the average lower-mantle attenuation t*(d) of 0.4 s using stacked teleseismic P-wave spectra. We finally estimated a network average t*(total) of 0.5 s from the stacked teleseismic P-wave spectra from the 2009 nuclear test, which confirms the equality with the sum of t*(u) and t*(d). We included constraints on seismic moment, depth, and radiation pattern by using results from a moment tensor analysis and corner frequencies from modeling of P-wave spectra recorded at local distances. We also avoided finite-faulting effects by excluding earthquakes with complex source time functions. We assumed ω2 source models for earthquakes and explosions. The mantle attenuation beneath the NKTS is clearly different when compared with the network-averaged t* of 0.75 s for the western US and is similar to values of approximately 0.5 s for the Semipalatinsk test site within the 0.5–2 Hz range.  相似文献   

指标选取是人工神经元网络方法应用中最基础,最重要的五环,是判别工作成败的关键。但目前尚没有比较成熟的指标选取或指标显著性评价方法。因此,指标问题入往成了方法效果进一步提高的“瓶颈”问题。该问题在潜在震源区划分应用中也同样存在。  相似文献   

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