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Wenzhe Shan  Udo Nackenhorst 《PAMM》2012,12(1):439-440
When dynamic problems are of interest, the high-frequency waves reflected from the coupling boundary will pollute the solution in the MD domain quickly and render the results from the multiscale model meaningless. In this contribution, we show that by applying artificial damping only to the high-frequency part of the displacement field in the coupling domain in the weak coupling method can significantly reduce the reflections in the MD domain while not affecting the low-frequency part that can be transmitted into the FE domain. The frequency analysis shows the errors in the magnitudes and phases of wave components are orders of magnitudes smaller than that in the bridging domain model or undamped weak coupling model. (© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Can the joint measures of quenched disordered lattice spin models (with finite range) on the product of spin-space and disorder-space be represented as (suitably generalized) Gibbs measures of an “annealed system”? - We prove that there is always a potential (depending on both spin and disorder variables) that converges absolutely on a set of full measure w.r.t. the joint measure (“weak Gibbsianness”). This “positive” result is surprising when contrasted with the results of a previous paper [K6], where we investigated the measure of the set of discontinuity points of the conditional expectations (investigation of “a.s. Gibbsianness”). In particular we gave natural “negative” examples where this set is even of measure one (including the random field Ising model). Further we discuss conditions giving the convergence of vacuum potentials and conditions for the decay of the joint potential in terms of the decay of the disorder average over certain quenched correlations. We apply them to various examples. From this one typically expects the existence of a potential that decays superpolynomially outside a set of measure zero. Our proof uses a martingale argument that allows to cut (an infinite-volume analogue of) the quenched free energy into local pieces, along with generalizations of Kozlov's constructions. Received: 11 November 1999 / Revised version: 18 April 2000 / Published online: 22 November 2000 RID="*" ID="*" Work supported by the DFG Schwerpunkt `Wechselwirkende stochastische Systeme hoher Komplexit?t'  相似文献   

We shall call a monoid S principally weakly (weakly) left coherent if direct products of nonempty families of principally weakly (weakly) flat right S-acts are principally weakly (weakly) flat. Such monoids have not been studied in general. However, Bulman-Fleming and McDowell proved that a commutative monoid S is (weakly) coherent if and only if the act S I is weakly flat for each nonempty set I. In this article we introduce the notion of finite (principal) weak flatness for characterizing (principally) weakly left coherent monoids. Also we investigate monoids over which direct products of acts transfer an arbitrary flatness property to their components.  相似文献   

We introduce so-called weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular lattices which are lattices with a unary operation satisfying formally the orthomodular law or its dual although neither boundedness nor complementation is assumed. It turns out that lattices being both weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular are in fact complemented but the complementation need not be neither antitone nor an involution. Moreover, every modular lattice with complementation is both weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular. The class of weakly orthomodular lattices and the class of dually weakly orthomodular lattices form varieties which are arithmetical and congruence regular. Connections to left residuated lattices are presented and commuting elements are introduced. Using commuting elements, we define a center of such a (dually) weakly orthomodular lattice and we provide conditions under which such lattices can be represented as a non-trivial direct product.  相似文献   

We define the notion of weak pseudocompactness for frames and present several characterizations. Among them are characterizations in terms of strong inclusions, uniformities and cozero bases. Noteworthy is the fact that these internal characterizations are not translated from characterizations of weakly pseudocompact spaces.   相似文献   

In this note we characterize weakly self-injective semilattices as Brouwerian semilattices which are compact in the residuated interval topology. We also characterize weakly self-injective semigroups which are semilattices of groups with trivial multiplication. Research of first author supported in part by a research grant from the Faculty Research Committee of Bowling Green State University. Research of second author supported in part by a postdoctoral fellowship in the Biomathematics Program at North Carolina State University under PHS Grant #GM-678 from NIGMS.  相似文献   

We introduce the notions of a band category and of a weakly orthodox category over a band. Our focus is to describe a class of weakly $B$ -orthodox semigroups, where $B$ denotes a band of idempotents. In particular, we investigate orthodox semigroups, by using orthodox groupoids. Weakly $B$ -orthodox semigroups are analogues of orthodox semigroups, where the relations $\widetilde{\mathcal {R}}_B$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal {L}}_B$ play the role that ${\mathcal {R}}$ and $\mathcal {L}$ take in the regular case. We show that the category of weakly $B$ -orthodox semigroups and admissible morphisms is equivalent to the category of weakly orthodox categories over bands and orthodox functors. The same class of weakly $B$ -orthodox semigroups was studied in an earlier article by Gould and the author using generalised categories. Our approach here is more akin to that of Nambooripad. The significant difference in strategy is that it is more convenient to consider categories equipped with pre-orders, rather than with partial orders.  相似文献   

吕家凤 《数学进展》2012,(4):409-417
任意一个弱分段Koszul模M都被证明存在一个自然的分次子模链0=U0(?)U1(?)U2(?)…(?) Ut=M使得每个商Ui/Ui-1都是分段Koszul模.本文的主要目的是建立M和Ui/Ui-1的极小分次投射解之间的关系.对n≥0,证明了Pn=⊕i=1t Pni,其中P*i→Ui/Ui-1→0和P*→M→0是相应的极小分次投射解,作为其直接推论,有pd(M)=max{pd(Ui/Ui-1)}成立.  相似文献   

In generalizing the concept of a pancyclic graph, we say that a graph is “weakly pancyclic” if it contains cycles of every length between the length of a shortest and a longest cycle. In this paper it is shown that in many cases the requirements on a graph which ensure that it is weakly pancyclic are considerably weaker than those required to ensure that it is pancyclic. This sheds some light on the content of a famous metaconjecture of Bondy. From the main result of this paper it follows that 2-connected nonbipartite graphs of sufficiently large order n with minimum degree exceeding 2n/7 are weakly pancyclic; and that graphs with minimum degree at least n/4 + 250 are pancyclic, if they contain both a triangle and a hamiltonian cycle. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Graph Theory 27: 141–176, 1998  相似文献   

Pfister’s Local–Global Principle states that a quadratic form over a (formally) real field is weakly hyperbolic (i.e. represents a torsion element in the Witt ring) if and only if its total signature is zero. This result extends naturally to the setting of central simple algebras with involution. The present article provides a new proof of this result and extends it to the case of signatures at preorderings. Furthermore the quantitative relation between nilpotence and torsion is explored for quadratic forms as well as for central simple algebras with involution.  相似文献   


A projective variety is `-weakly defective' when its intersection with a general -tangent hyperplane has no isolated singularities at the points of tangency. If is -defective, i.e. if the -secant variety of has dimension smaller than expected, then is also -weakly defective. The converse does not hold in general. A classification of weakly defective varieties seems to be a basic step in the study of defective varieties of higher dimension. We start this classification here, describing all weakly defective irreducible surfaces. Our method also provides a new proof of the classical Terracini's classification of -defective surfaces.


A graph is triangulated if it has no chordless cycle with four or more vertices. It follows that the complement of a triangulated graph cannot contain a chordless cycle with five or more vertices. We introduce a class of graphs (namely, weakly triangulated graphs) which includes both triangulated graphs and complements of triangulated graphs (we define a graph as weakly triangulated if neither it nor its complement contains a chordless cycle with five or more vertices). Our main result is a structural theorem which leads to a proof that weakly triangulated graphs are perfect.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce the notion of weakly measurable cardinal, a new large cardinal concept obtained by weakening the familiar concept of a measurable cardinal. Specifically, a cardinal κ is weakly measurable if for any collection $\mathcal {A}$ containing at most κ+ many subsets of κ, there exists a nonprincipal κ‐complete filter on κ measuring all sets in $\mathcal {A}$. Every measurable cardinal is weakly measurable, but a weakly measurable cardinal need not be measurable. Moreover, while the GCH cannot fail first at a measurable cardinal, I will show that it can fail first at a weakly measurable cardinal. More generally, if κ is measurable, then we can make its weak measurability indestructible by the forcing Add(κ, η) for any η while forcing the GCH to hold below κ. Nevertheless, I shall prove that weakly measurable cardinals and measurable cardinals are equiconsistent. © 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim  相似文献   

It is shown that 2-dimensional subdivisions can be made regular by moving their vertices within parallel 1-dimensional spaces. As a consequence, any 2-dimensional subdivision is projected from the boundary complex of a 4-polytope.  相似文献   

Inspired by a recent result that a weakly hypercyclic operator may fail to be norm hypercyclic, we show there exists a weakly supercyclic operator that fails to be norm supercyclic. Moreover, despite a classical result of Hilden and Wallen that every unilateral weighted backward shift is supercyclic, we show such an operator may have a weakly supercyclic vector that is not a norm supercyclic vector. In addition to these results, we extend a result of Kitai by showing a hyponormal operator cannot be weakly hypercyclic.  相似文献   

Summary Weakly I -continuous functions were introduced and studied by A?ikg?z, Noiri and Yüksel [1]. We further extend their study, generalize some of their results and discuss its properties.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of functions called weakly clopen function which includes the class of almost clopen functions due to Ekici [Ekici E. Generalization of perfectly continuous, regular set-connected and clopen functions. Acta Math Hungar 2005;107:193–206] and is included in the class of weakly continuous functions due to Levine [Levine N. A decomposition of continuity in topological spaces. Am Math Mon 1961;68:44–6]. Some characterizations and several properties concerning weakly clopenness are obtained. Furthermore, relationships among weak clopenness, almost clopenness, clopenness and weak continuity are investigated.  相似文献   

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