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From an analysis of many seismic profiles across the stable continental regions of North America and northern Europe, the crustal and upper mantle velocity structure is determined. Analysis procedures include ray theory calculations and synthetic seismograms computed using reflectivity techniques. TheP wave velocity structure beneath the Canadian Shield is virtually identical to that beneath the Baltic Shield to a depth of at least 800 km. Two major layers with a total thickness of about 42 km characterize the crust of these shield regions. Features of the upper mantle of these region include velocity discontinuities at depths of about 74 km, 330 km, 430 km and 700 km. A 13 km thickP wave low velocity channel beginning at a depth of about 94 km is also present.A number of problems associated with record section interpretation are identified and a generalized approach to seismic profile analysis using many record sections is described. TheS wave velocity structure beneath the Canadian Shield is derived from constrained surface wave data. The thickness of the lithosphere beneath the Canadian and Baltic Shields is determined to be 95–100 km. The continental plate thickness may be the same as the lithospheric thickness, although available data do not exclude the possibility of the continental plate being thicker than the lithosphere.  相似文献   

本文评述了过去60年内固体地球内部几何结构和物性结构成像的进展,包括地震学研究的进展;重磁位场研究的进展;电磁学研究的进展.文章还指出了他们进一步发展的某些方面.  相似文献   

利用底部剪力法对太原市(基本烈度为8度)一幢5层砖体结构的宿舍楼进行了抗震验算。根据计算结果,对该宿舍楼进行了震害预测,并对其结构的抗震性能给予了定性评价。  相似文献   

近年来,土-桩-隔震结构非线性动力相互作用成为结构抗震领域热点研究问题之一。首先,在回顾现有土-桩-隔震结构非线性动力相互作用研究的基础上,分析国内外学者针对土-桩-隔震结构动力相互作用采用的主要分析方法,包括理论分析法、整体时程分析法、模型试验法及能量分析法;然后,系统地总结了目前考虑土-结构相互作用的隔震结构动力反应相关研究成果;最后,分析了现有研究存在的不足及亟待解决的问题,并给出相关研究建议。  相似文献   

昆明盆地的地质构造特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
根据昆明盆地新生代地层分布特征,分析昆明盆地的形成时代,并通过分析昆明盆地的主要断裂及其活动性、昆明盆地的基底构造,对昆明盆地的地质构造特征进行研究。结果认为,昆明盆地的形成时代为上新世中晚期,中更新世-晚更新世为昆明盆地全盛时期;控制昆明盆地形成与发展的有四组主要活动断裂;昆明盆地的基底构造表现为“两凹夹一隆”的构造形式。  相似文献   

1988-2016年洞庭湖大型底栖动物群落变化及驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洞庭湖是我国第二大淡水湖泊,其水文条件对湖泊湿地生态系统健康的维系发挥着不可替代的作用.近年来,水环境恶化日益威胁湖区水生态系统健康.然而,有关底栖动物水生态健康评价的研究仍然停留在物种群落结构方面,缺乏底栖动物群落功能对水污染响应的研究,尤其在较长时间尺度上.因而,本研究分析了19882016年近30 a来洞庭湖的水质和底栖动物群落数据,探寻底栖动物群落功能对水环境恶化的响应规律.结果表明,洞庭湖水体总氮浓度是威胁底栖动物物种和功能群落变动的主要因素.此外,不断恶化的水环境驱动底栖动物物种和功能群落结构改变,表现为敏感水生昆虫的比例下降,寡毛类、小型软体动物比例的上升,并伴随着体长为1.00~1.99 cm、背扁型、侧扁型、不移动等功能性状类别比例的下降.同时,水环境恶化降低物种丰富度、功能丰富度和劳氏二次熵多样性.基于距离的冗余分析结果显示,水体氮营养盐、重金属离子和有机污染物共同驱动底栖动物物种群落结构的变异,而营养盐类与无/有机污染物决定着其功能群落结构的变异.鉴于洞庭湖水质不断恶化的状况,本研究建议采取一系列措施,包括合理管控湖区周边废水直排入湖、取缔湖区内的非法采砂以及调控枯水季洞庭湖水位等.生物监测和评价方面,建议将底栖动物物种和功能群落一并纳入评价体系,且优先选用物种丰富度、功能丰富度和劳氏二次熵指数评估换水周期较短的大型浅水湖泊水质变化对底栖动物物种和功能多样性的影响.  相似文献   

The Jiaocbang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure.  相似文献   

The Jiaochang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure.  相似文献   

竖向不规则框架结构连续性倒塌分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜永峰  包超  李慧 《地震学刊》2014,(2):229-234
国内外学者利用非线性静力方法进行结构倒塌分析时,研究对象主要集中在规则的结构形式,而针对大量出现的造型独特的竖向不规则建筑的倒塌研究还相对较少。本文基于拆除构件法,利用SAP2000结构有限元软件,对竖向不规则多层框架结构进行了基于非线性静力Pushdown方法的抗连续性倒塌研究。分别研究了拆除同一结构中不同部位构件、不同层数塔楼结构中相同部位构件后剩余结构的承载力变化情况,研究结果表明:拆除竖向承重柱后的剩余结构承载力,随着上部塔楼层数的增加以及拆柱位置的上升而出现不同程度的降低;加强裙楼顶部水平向承重构件,可以使塔楼底部构件破坏后的剩余结构更好地发挥悬链线机制,并防止剩余结构发生无明显征兆的连续性倒塌。  相似文献   

(Fe4Cr4Ni)9C4 is a metal carbide mineral formed by combination of Fe, Cr and Ni with C. It occurs in a chromite deposit in the Luobusha ophiolite, Tibet. Based on the determination of its crystal structure, the empirical formula is (Fe4.12Cr3.84Ni0.96)8.92C3.70 and the simplified formula is (Fe4Cr4Ni)4C9. The mineral is hexagonal with a = 1.38392(2) nm, c = 0.44690(9) nm, pace group P63 m c, Z=6 and the calculated specific gravity Dx = 7.089 g/cm3. Fe, Cr and Ni occupy different crystallographic sites and their coordination numbers are approximately 12, forming an alternate stacking sequence of flat and puckered layers along the c axis. Some metallic atoms have a defect structure. The interatomic distances of Fe, Cr and Ni are 0.2525-0.2666 nm, and the distances between Fe, Cr, Ni and C are 0.1893-0.2169 nm. The coordination number of carbon is 6. It occurs in interstices of the metallic atoms Fe, Cr and Ni to form trigonalprismatically coordinated polyhedra. These coordination polyhedra are linked with each other via shared corners or shared edges into a new type of metal carbide structure.  相似文献   

安徽淮河构造变形带及邻近块体现代构造应力场特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对安徽省较特殊的构造环境及历史地震分布特点,利用直达波最大振幅比和系统聚类分析方法,在对安徽淮河中游区1974年以来近百个中小地震震源机制反演、聚类及空间合成的基础上,分析了华北断块南缘的安徽淮河构造变形带及邻近块体震源断层滑动方式、构造应力场分布及块体运动方式、应力场随时间变化等。结果显示:淮河构造变形带及其邻近块体上震源断层总体上以近走滑型或斜滑型破裂为主,但倾滑型破裂也占一定比例;该地区构造应力以水平作用为主,但也存在一定的垂向作用。其中淮北和皖中块体仍可能分别向SWW和NEE方向运动,并在淮河构造变形带上产生左旋剪切作用,呈现一定的继承性活动特征;各块(带)上主压应力P轴走向随时间的变化在总体上较为一致,而各时段之间P轴方位存在一定差异,显示安徽淮河中游区受华北和华南应力场的共同作用,但其地震活动可能主要受控于华北应力场。  相似文献   

河蟹生态养殖池浮游植物功能类群的结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究河蟹生态养殖池浮游植物群落的结构及动态,2013年4-10月对上海松江泖港地区河蟹养殖池的浮游植物进行了调查,分析其种类构成、密度、生物量和生物多样性.共检测到浮游植物105种,其中河蟹生态养殖池优势种11种,分别属于B、D、J、LO、X1、WO、X2、S1和MP功能群.河蟹养殖池浮游植物平均密度为282.58×10~4cells/L,平均生物量为1.59 mg/L,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化范围为2.11~3.09.水源浮游植物平均密度为175.13×104cells/L,平均生物量为0.99 mg/L,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化范围为1.70~2.79.河蟹养殖池浮游植物平均密度分别于5月14日-6月14日和7月29日-8月29日与水源差异显著;河蟹养殖池浮游植物平均生物量分别于5月30日、6月14日和7月29日-8月29日与水源差异显著;河蟹养殖池浮游植物Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数分别于5月14日-6月14日和8月14日-9月15日与水源差异显著.河蟹养殖池浮游植物的平均密度、平均生物量和生物多样性指数与水源水体变化趋势基本一致,均高于水源,群落稳定.  相似文献   

岩石孔隙结构是控制砂岩和碳酸盐岩的地震波速度和渗透率的重要参数之一。如果两种类似的岩石其孔隙度一定,而渗透率不同,那么它们的声波速度相差2km/s,而渗透率两者则可能相差近6个数量级,即从0.01mD到20mO。在本文中我们总结了由一个广义孔隙弹性理论简化的一个双参数弹性速度模型,以描述孔隙结构对弹性波的影响。由于矿物和储层的流体是给定的,我们用孔隙度和骨架的柔性(挠性)因子来确定速度模型,这个模型可以用于地震反演和储层表征,已改善孔隙度和储量的计算骨架柔性因子可用于岩石结构(PST)类型的定量分类,并可以利用叠前、叠后的两种地震资料将其与孔隙的连通性和渗透率联系起来。本项研究同时也有助于说明为什么振幅与偏移距(AVO)分析用于流体检测在某些情况下失败。这是由于孔隙结构对地震波的影响能够掩盖所有流体效应,特别是在碳酸岩中。  相似文献   

Accurate crystal structure determination of complex phosphate Mg-fillowite.—Na2Ca(Mn4Mg2Fe)7[PO4]6 has been finished. Mg-fillowite occurs in muscovite-pegmatite in the Altay area, Xinjiang, China. It is of the trigonal lattice, with space group R-3, unit cell a=1.5143(3)nm, c=4.3191(2) nm, V=8.5736 nm3, Z = 18. The R-factor of the determination accuracy is R (I<2 σ(I)) = 0.0776. The cationic polyhedra consist of two kinds of structural units: compound column and screw column. In three-dimensional space, they are linked with each other through corner sharing or edge sharing to build the entire structure. There are 45 atoms in an asymmetric unit and 720 atoms in a unit cell. In terms of types and connection manners of the coordination polyhedra, the degree of complicity is rarely seen in all mineral crystal structures. Study of such a structure is significant for the classification of phosphate and the building rule of coordination polyhedra in a complex crystal structure.  相似文献   

泉州盆地及其邻区地壳深部结构的探测与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
泉州盆地及其邻区地处我国大陆东南沿海地震带北段。通过对泉州盆地进行深地震反射探测,获得了该地区近地表至Moho面的精细几何结构及其深浅构造关系图像。这是该区第一条深地震反射探测剖面。分析结果表明,泉州盆地及其邻区地壳厚度变化在29.5~31.0km,由上地壳和下地壳组成。上地壳和下地壳又可以各分为2层。泉州盆地及其邻区近地表至浅部断裂发育,这些断裂向地壳深部最大延伸深度为6-12km,断裂的倾角随深度增加而逐渐变小,呈铲形正断层终止于上地壳上部反射界面C1,以上。在永安-晋江断裂带之下的上地壳下部和下地壳中,存在着切割上、下地壳分界面和Moho面的高倾角深断裂,尽管深浅部断裂构造不相连接,但由于深部存在深断裂,具有发生中强以上地震的深部构造环境。这一深地震反射探测成果的获得,使得泉州盆地及其邻区深部资料解释的可靠性和探测精度比以往显著提高;深浅部构造组合取得了统一的解释结果;地壳的分层和结构特征更为确切和精细;首次发现了上地壳的拉张性构造及铲式正断层组合特征。不仅有助于泉州及其邻区地震危险性的综合判定,而且对深化东南沿海地震带及台湾海峡深部动力学过程的认识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

提出采用宽频地震Kanai-Tajimi模型与速度脉冲He-Agrawal模型来模拟近场地震动,数值模拟验证了该近场地震模型的有效性。采用该模型定量分析了近场地震作用对桥梁结构地震响应的影响规律。近场地震动的脉冲持时是对结构产生破坏的一个重要因素,近场地震作用对桥梁结构的设计提出了更高的延性要求。  相似文献   

利用接收函数方法研究四川地区地壳结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范军  朱介寿  江晓涛  吴朋 《地震》2015,35(1):65-76
采用接收函数反演和共转换点(CCP)偏移叠加成像方法, 利用四川数字地震台网宽频带的52个区域固定地震台站和布设的两条52个宽频带流动地震观测台站的远震地震波形数据资料, 对四川地区地壳结构进行研究。 结果表明, 四川地区的Moho面深度在青藏高原和四川盆地差异明显, 在川西高原地区地壳厚度为52~68 km, 在川滇地块地壳厚度为50~60 km, 在中地壳内存在不连续的低速层分布; 而在四川盆地地壳厚度为38~45 km, 地壳内没有低速层存在。 Moho面深度从川西高原的60多公里至四川盆地的约40 km, 在二者的交界处龙门山断裂带下面, 存在厚度约30 km左右宽的下降过渡带, 说明其下的Moho面可能受断层影响, 结构比较复杂; 在高原地区的上地壳界面和下地壳上界面比四川盆地的相应界面深; 高原地区在中地壳的上部有不连续的低速层分布, 在松潘—甘孜地块的上地壳下部存在向南东运动的脆性推覆体, 在羌塘—理塘地块的上地壳下部存在向南东和南运动的脆性物质流动。  相似文献   

Upscaling of hydraulic conductivity and telescopic mesh refinement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Performance assessments of repositories for the underground disposal of nuclear fuel and waste include models of ground water flow and transport in the host rocks. Estimates of hydraulic conductivity, K, based on field measurements may require adjustment (upscaling) for use in numerical models, but the choice of upscaling approach can be complicated by the use of nested modeling, large-scale fracture zones, and a high degree of heterogeneity. Four approaches to upscaling K are examined using a reference case based on exhaustive site data and an application of nested modeling to evaluate performance assessment of a waste repository. The upscaling approaches are evaluated for their effects on the flow balance between nested modeling domains and on simple measures of repository performance. Of the upscaling approaches examined in this study, the greatest consistency of boundary flows was achieved using the observed scale dependence for the rock domains, measured values from the large-scale interference test for the conductor domain, and a semivariogram regularization based on the Moye model for packer test interpretation. Making the assumption that large fracture zones are two-dimensional media results in the greatest changes to the median of travel time and improves the flow balance between the nested models. The uncertainty of upscaling methods apparently has a small impact on median performance measures, but a significant impact on the variances and earliest arrival times.  相似文献   

Mehl S  Hill MC  Leake SA 《Ground water》2006,44(6):792-796
Many ground water modeling efforts use a finite-difference method to solve the ground water flow equation, and many of these models require a relatively fine-grid discretization to accurately represent the selected process in limited areas of interest. Use of a fine grid over the entire domain can be computationally prohibitive; using a variably spaced grid can lead to cells with a large aspect ratio and refinement in areas where detail is not needed. One solution is to use local-grid refinement (LGR) whereby the grid is only refined in the area of interest. This work reviews some LGR methods and identifies advantages and drawbacks in test cases using MODFLOW-2000. The first test case is two dimensional and heterogeneous; the second is three dimensional and includes interaction with a meandering river. Results include simulations using a uniform fine grid, a variably spaced grid, a traditional method of LGR without feedback, and a new shared node method with feedback. Discrepancies from the solution obtained with the uniform fine grid are investigated. For the models tested, the traditional one-way coupled approaches produced discrepancies in head up to 6.8% and discrepancies in cell-to-cell fluxes up to 7.1%, while the new method has head and cell-to-cell flux discrepancies of 0.089% and 0.14%, respectively. Additional results highlight the accuracy, flexibility, and CPU time trade-off of these methods and demonstrate how the new method can be successfully implemented to model surface water-ground water interactions.  相似文献   

Most combination equations for evaporation rely on a linear expansion of the saturation vapor-pressure curve around the air temperature. Because the temperature at the surface may differ from this temperature by several degrees, and because the saturation vapor-pressure curve is nonlinear, this approximation leads to a certain degree of error in those evaporation equations. It is possible, however, to introduce higher-order polynomial approximations for the saturation vapor-pressure curve and to derive a family of explicit equations for evaporation, having any desired degree of accuracy. Under the linear approximation, the new family of equations for evaporation reduces, in particular cases, to the combination equations of H. L. Penman (Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass,Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 193, 120–145, 1948) and of subsequent workers. Comparison of the linear and quadratic approximations leads to a simple approximate expression for the error associated with the linear case. Equations based on the conventional linear approximation consistently underestimate evaporation, sometimes by a substantial amount.  相似文献   

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