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随着环境污染加剧及民众对之的关注上升,环境群体性事件逐渐走进人们的视线并成为社会不稳定因素之一,对此类事件的预防及治理则成为地方政府部门急迫需要解决的问题。论文从环境群体性事件发生的博弈机制出发,分析了事件的治理路径,另外在此基础上引入了政策网络治理工具进行政策网络利益分析,并建构了政策网络治理机制,为治理该事件提供了理论依据和政策建议。  相似文献   

环境政策综合调控机制及理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境政策综合调控系统由环境问题、不良环境行为等成分构成,各成分的相互作用及环境政策调控主体与政策对象的博弈影响环境政策效率。使用环境政策综合调控模型,准确调控位置、调控对象、利用综合调控工具能为环境政策调控创造条件和环境。  相似文献   

环境危机管理经验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境危机通常通过推动采用预防危机反复出现,并提高社会对危机事件迅速有效反应能力的措施,而成为改善环境管理的催化剂.回顾了美国、欧洲与日本的几个环境危机事例以及国家调整性政策的改变.总结出进行环境危机管理工作应该考虑:①紧急准备要求国家与地方权力机构应该通过仔细监测工业用有害化学品的使用情况、使用结果与运输情况,以及可能带来的环境影响,了解其潜在的环境灾难.要求从事可能会带来环境危机活动的责任方证明其已经制定了综合有效的应急反应计划.②排放有害物质的责任方要负责承担补救环境与人类健康损失所花费的全额成本.建立有效的责任计划可以推动对预防环境危机措施方面的投资.③发生环境危机时,采取的最基本措施是及时将有关危机性质与范围等情况通告应急反应权力机构及公众.以提高应急反应能力,保持公众的信任.④吸取经验预防环境危机事件再发生.独立调查委员会要探索发生环境事故的原因,并为预防工作提供意见或建议.⑤政府与行业有责任采取措施保护公众免受与有害物质排放和其他有害活动相关的潜在危害;在事故发生时能及时反应并使损害达到最低;对人类健康与环境造的成损害提供赔偿.  相似文献   

生态农业模式的环境经济学分析及政策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从环境经济学角度分析生态农业模式,并以此为基础提出适当的环境经济政策调控手段促进其发展。通过案例(四川省大足县稻田养鱼生态模式)分析研究,作者试图建立一种以环境经济学分析为工具,寻求适当的生态农业发展环境经济促进政策的理论方法框架。   相似文献   

本引用系统控制论、协同学等学科的原理和方法,构建环境政策综合调控系统,对综合调控系统的成分、关系、结构、相互作用、功能等予以解析,揭示在利益冲突背景和博弈过程中环境政策综合调控过程、动态、演变等规律特征,建立环境政策综合调控的模型、标准和程序,为环境政策综合调控确定和把握准确的位置、对象、时机、方式、范围、力度、速度、步骤、工具等指明方向。本探讨了微观环境政策运行机理和微观综合调控机制,为环境政策的分析、制定和实施,提供了微观技术手段和分析工具。  相似文献   

由于清洁能源属于新兴能源,在发展的道路上遇到很多的困难和阻力,政府应该加大对新清洁能源开发的政策支持和资金扶持力度,对清洁能源开发行业提供技术支持和经费补贴,为此类行业的发展提供坚实后盾,并在此基础上尽量排除清洁能源开发中不确定因素的干扰,为清洁能源开发行业发展带来信心和希望。  相似文献   

中国农村环境问题形成机制及政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

环境政策作用机制的分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解环境政策作用机制是环境政策有效调控的前提和核心。应准确理解环境政策作用的背景、成因、过程、作用机制、效应动态、演变规律等,了解环境政策副作用和变形的生成一演变规律,了解政策副作用形成机制、传导机制、积累发展机制、作用机制,才可能准确预测环境政策所引发的变化,才可能准确有效地设计开发政策工具和调控机制,有效地进行环境政策调控,提高环境政策的预见性、准确性、操作性和适应性。  相似文献   

Defining response capacity to enhance climate change policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change adaptation and mitigation decisions made by governments are usually taken in different policy domains. At the individual level however, adaptation and mitigation activities are undertaken together as part of the management of risk and resources. We propose that a useful starting point to develop a national climate policy is to understand what societal response might mean in practice. First we frame the set of responses at the national policy level as a trade off between investment in the development and diffusion of new technology, and investment in encouraging and enabling society to change its behaviour and or adopt the new technology. We argue that these are the pertinent trade-offs, rather than those usually posited between climate change mitigation and adaptation. The preference for a policy response that focuses more on technological innovation rather than one that focuses on changing social behaviour will be influenced by the capacity of different societies to change their greenhouse gas emissions; by perceived vulnerability to climate impacts; and by capacity to modify social behaviour and physical environment. Starting with this complete vision of response options should enable policy makers to re-evaluate the risk environment and the set of response options available to them. From here, policy makers should consider who is responsible for making climate response decisions and when actions should be taken. Institutional arrangements dictate social and political acceptability of different policies, they structure worldviews, and they determine the provision of resources for investment in technological innovation and social change. The importance of focussing on the timing of the response is emphasised to maximise the potential for adjustments through social learning and institutional change at different policy scales. We argue that the ability to respond to climate change is both enabled and constrained by social and technological conditions. The ability of society to respond to climate change and the need for technological change for both decarbonisation and for dealing with surprise in general, are central to concepts of sustainable development.  相似文献   

应对气候变化的中国碳税政策研究   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
征收碳税是积极应对气候变化和促进节能减排的有效政策工具.利用可计算一般均衡模型,模拟了碳税征收对中国宏观经济、节约能源和抑制CO2排放的影响.模拟结果显示,征收低税率的国家碳税是一种可行的选择.低税率的碳税方案对中国的经济影响极为有限,但对减缓CO2排放增长具有明显的刺激效果.为逐步形成中国的碳税税制,利用经济手段促进节能减排目标的落实和减缓温室气体的排放,设计出中国碳税征收的实施方案.  相似文献   

Water is scarce in Mediterranean countries: cities are crowded with increasing demand; food is produced with large amounts of water; ecosystems demand more water that is often available; drought affects all. As climate change impacts become more noticeable and costlier, some current water management strategies will not be useful. According to the findings of CIRCE, the areas with limited water resources will increase in the coming decades with major consequences for the way we produce food and we protect ecosystems. Based on these projections this paper discusses water policy priorities for climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean. We first summarise the main challenges to water resources in Mediterranean countries and outline the risks and opportunities for water under climate change based on previous studies. Recognising the difficulty to go from precipitation to water policy, we then present a framework to evaluate water availability in response to natural and management conditions, with an example of application in the Ebro basin that exemplifies other Mediterranean areas. Then we evaluate adaptive capacity to understand the ability of Mediterranean countries to face, respond and recover from climate change impacts on water resources. Social and economic factors are key drivers of inequality in the adaptive capacity across the region. Based on the assessment of impacts and adaptive capacity we suggest thresholds for water policy to respond to climate change and link water scarcity indicators to relevant potential adaptation strategies. Our results suggest the need to further prioritise socially and economically sensitive policies.  相似文献   

Factors influencing support for climate mitigation policy in the United States are well researched, however, research regarding individuals’ support for climate adaptation policy is relatively sparse. This study explores how an individual’s perception of climate change impacts may influence their support for adaptation actions. Results of a survey of the U.S. public (n = 653) indicates that individuals who believe climate change impacts are unlikely to happen or will primarily affect other people in other places are less likely to be concerned about climate change impacts and less likely to support climate adaptation. However, an individual’s support for climate change adaptation measures is not influenced by their perception of when climate change impacts will occur even when taking into account concern for climate impacts. Critical for policy-makers, a belief that climate adaptation measures will not be effective attenuates the relationship between psychological distance, concern for climate change impacts, and adaptation policy measures. Our results indicate that to effectively communicate about climate change, policy-makers should emphasize that: (i) climate change impacts are occurring, (ii) that their constituents are being affected now, or will be in the future, and (iii) communicate that adaptation measures can be effective in addressing risks associated with climate change impacts.  相似文献   

Climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle, e.g. leading to changes of precipitation patterns, have been observed over several decades. Higher water temperatures and changes in extremes hydrometeorological events (including floods and droughts) are likely to exacerbate different types of pressures on water resources with possible negative impacts on ecosystems and human health. In addition, sea-level rise is expected to extend areas of salinisation of groundwater and estuaries, resulting in a decrease of freshwater availability for humans and ecosystems in coastal areas. Furthermore, climate-related changes in water quantity and quality are expected to affect food availability, water access and utilisation, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, as well as the operation of water infrastructure (e.g. hydropower, flood defences, and irrigation systems). This paper serves as an introduction to the special issue of Environment Science & Policy dealing with climate change impacts on water-related disasters. It provides a brief background about relevant EU water policies and examples of EU-funded research trends which illustrate on-going efforts to improve understanding and modelling of climate changes related to the hydrological cycles at scales that are relevant to decision making (possibly linked to policy).  相似文献   




1 Maininstitutionsandchanges1.1 EnvironmentalprotectionleadinggroupThefirstorganizationconcernedsolelywithenvironmentalprotection ,theEnvironmentalProtectionLeadingGroup (LeadingGroup)wassetupundertheStateCouncilin 1974,whichwasformedtoco ordinateenvironment…  相似文献   

Valuing water quality in China: purpose, approach and policy   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1 Introduction:heavygrowthandlightregulation(theTVIEsector)InChina,asinmanyrapidlydevelopingcountries,therearerapidchangesintheenvironmentoccurring.ThecaseofwaterqualityisanimportantoneasChina○swaterqualityhasdeterioratedsignificantlysince1980underth…  相似文献   

IntroductionCleanerproduction (CP)holdsgreatpromiseasaneffectivestrategyinthefaceofdoublechallengesofenvironmentalprotectionandeconomicdevelopment.In 1993,ademonstrationproject (B 4project) ,designedandexecutedbytheStateEnvironmentalProtectionAdministration (…  相似文献   

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