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旅游业的大规模快速发展使生态涵养区可持续发展面临诸多挑战。本研究通过构建生态涵养区绿色旅游发展潜力测度模型,分析北京生态涵养区绿色旅游发展潜力时空演化特征,构建北京生态涵养区绿色旅游发展潜力提升模式。结果显示:2011年至2020年,北京生态涵养区绿色旅游发展潜力整体增长,呈现北高南低的空间特征,但各区域发展重点有异,需针对不同区域实施差别化管理措施。最后,文章构建了以“分区管理、重点落实”为指导方针,以保护性开发资源为基础力、全过程优化生态为持续力、高品质打造产业为核心力、坚持多主体参与为保障力的北京生态涵养区绿色旅游发展潜力提升模式。本研究为评价生态涵养区绿色旅游发展潜力提出一个新的测量方法,为生态涵养区绿色旅游与区域绿色发展提供了系统化的管理框架。  相似文献   

森林公园是我国开展生态旅游的重要场所之一,森林生态旅游也是生态旅游的主要组成部分。文章以生态旅游原则为依据,构建了森林公园生态旅游发展评价指标体系,并基于全国27个省、自治区及直辖市的问卷调查数据分析,对我国森林公园生态旅游发展进行了评价分析,提出森林公园生态旅游可持续发展应重点关注推进旅游产业融合、挖掘民俗旅游产品、重视环境解说系统规划、完善符合生态化理念的基础与服务设施体系、加强环境监测系统建设、构建合理的社区参与机制、加强资金投入及注重生态旅游专业人才培养等方面对策建议,上述建议可对我国森林公园生态旅游发展与建设起到借鉴与指导作用。  相似文献   

随着我国农业生态文明建设的推进,农业生态安全也日益受到重视。如何确保农业生态的安全,已经成为不少学者关注的话题。湖北省作为我国重要的农业大省、全国粮食生产基地,确保其农业生态安全对全国粮食安全与农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文首先运用层次分析法(AHP)与"压力—状态—响应"(PSR)模型构建湖北省农业生态安全评价指标体系与安全等级,接着将2015年全国农业生态安全平均值作为基数,对湖北省农业生态安全进行评价,发现其安全度从2005年的0.90150提升到了2015年的0.97716,提高了0.07566,但没有达到全国的平均值。这说明湖北省农业生态安全虽然得到改善,但是压力还很大,安全度还有待提升。特别是人均水资源量、人口密度、单位面积耕地农药负荷、森林覆盖率、草地退化率、年均降水量等部分指标还呈现恶化趋势。基于此,我们对影响湖北省农业生态安全的因素进行了分析,发现人口布局不合理、农业不当的生产行为、农业自然灾害、农业生态技术的缺失是主要因素。最后,笔者从影响因素层面提出了提升湖北省农业生态安全度的对策建议,希望以此来改善农业生态安全。  相似文献   

构建城市生产率评价指数,运用Moran指数和LISA集群图对2008–2018年期间我国286个地级市生产性服务业集聚与城市生产率水平的空间集群效应进行了分析,结果发现我国生产性服务业集聚和城市生产率在空间上高度相关,城市生产性服务业集聚的高值区同样是生产率的高值集聚区,而生产性服务业集聚水平较低的城市其生产率也较低。进一步采用空间计量模型实证检验了生产性服务业集聚对我国城市生产率的作用效应,研究结果显示,生产性服务业集聚能有效提高我国城市生产率,但不同板块城市的生产性服务业集聚对生产率的影响存在较大差异,生产性服务业专业化集聚对东部地区的城市生产率影响效应更大,对中部、东北、西部的影响系数相对较小,生产性服务业多样化集聚对城市生产率的正向效应在西部、中部和东北部地区较为明显,但对东部城市的促进作用较小。  相似文献   

位于青藏高原的黄河源区的高寒草地生态系统和牧民生计都极为脆弱,中国政府已经实施了一系列工程以恢复该区的退化草地。2014年青海省实施的主体功能区规划,依据资源环境承载能力、现有开发强度和发展潜力将研究区分为重点开发区、限制开发区和禁止开发区。本文旨在识别不同主体功能区采用的草地恢复措施并评估其生态和社会经济影响,以筛选有效的恢复措施。基于195份牧户调查问卷和遥感、统计数据,分析发现3类主体功能区的生态和社会经济特征差异:(1)研究区域应用了5种草地恢复措施;(2)2000—2016年间,重点开发区的草地恢复效果优于限制开发区和禁止开发区;(3)重点开发区的家庭纯收入最高;(4)重点开发区牧民对于草地保护和退化草地治理的认知和意愿比其他区域更为积极,该区牧民更多采用围栏+灭鼠+人工饲草地+暖棚舍饲措施。根据不同的发展目标,评估不同区域草地恢复措施的效果有助于促进草地可持续利用和理解区域生态承载力。  相似文献   

苏州市区信息通讯企业空间集聚与新企业选址   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
袁丰  魏也华  陈雯  金志丰 《地理学报》2010,65(2):153-163
高科技产业是全球化背景下城市发展与区域竞争的关键,但是高科技产业发展空间极不平衡,空间要素显著影响高科技企业区位选择及空间集聚。针对现有研究主要集中在国家、省等大尺度单元,本文引入空间点模式分析方法,探讨了1996-2006年间苏州市区不同空间尺度上信息通讯企业的时空集聚特征。研究发现:在0~6km的尺度上,信息通讯企业表现出明显的集聚特征,并随着尺度的增加呈现出倒"U"型集聚趋势;随着时间的推移,企业空间集聚的"热点地区"逐渐从老城区向外围推移,但是集聚峰区依然主要分布在老城区及其外围的国家和省级开发区;同时,新企业的选址与原有企业的分布特征表现出很强的相关性。运用计数模型的计量结果也表明企业集聚特征对新企业区位选择具有显著影响,同时起作用的还有地方政府政策影响下的开发区建设、城市内外交通条件、自然环境条件等因素。  相似文献   

缅甸是一个以农业为主的国家,农业资源丰富、发展潜力巨大,其农业发展在国际粮食安全中的重要性日益凸显,对缅甸农业土地资源的评估,是对其农业发展和粮食安全评估的基础。本研究分析了缅甸适宜进行农业开垦的土地与主要环境变量之间的关系,构建了缅甸农业土地适宜性综合评价模型。评价结果表明:1)所选取的评价指标与缅甸农业土地适宜性之间具有较强的相关关系(AUC 0.8),结合贡献度高低,筛选了包括土壤、气候、地形以及灌溉条件共11个主要因子;2)土壤厚度是影响缅甸农业土地适宜性的最主要的因子,土层厚度小于100cm时,农业土地适宜性较低;地形条件中,坡度是影响适宜性的主要的因素,当坡度大于20°时,农业土地适宜性较低;气候条件中,降水是主要的影响因素;河网密度与土地适宜性呈现出正相关的态势;3)缅甸当前适合进行农业生产的土地达到40万km~2,其中高度适宜性的土地(Grade5)面积达29万km~2,占国土面积的近40%;从行政区域来看,主要分布在马圭省、实皆省、伊洛瓦底省和仰光省,上述省份也是缅甸重要的粮食主产区。  相似文献   

With rapid economic and social development, soil contamination arising from heavy metals has become a serious problem in many parts of China. We collected a total of 445 samples(0–20 cm) at the nodes of a 2 km×2 km grid in surface soils of Rizhao city, and analyzed sources and risk pattern of 10 heavy metals(As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn). The combination of Multivariate statistics analysis and Geostatistical methods was applied to identify the sources and hazardous risk of heavy metals in soils. The result indicated that Cr, Ni, Co, Mn, Cu, and As were mainly controlled by parent materials and came from natural sources. Cd and Hg originated from anthropogenic sources. Pb and Zn, belonging to different groups in multivariate analysis, were associated with joint effect of parent materials and human inputs. Ordinary Kriging and Indicator Kriging suggested that single element and elements association from the same principal components had similar spatial distribution. Through comprehensive assessment on all elements, we also found the high risk areas were located in the populated urban areas and western study area, which could be attributed to the higher geological background in the western part and strong human interference in the eastern part.  相似文献   

灌丛化草地广泛分布于干旱半干旱区,严重影响当地畜牧业发展,尤其是以牧业为主要生活来源的非洲国家。本文基于埃塞俄比亚低海拔区1986–2016年的遥感影像,通过监督分类和决策树分类方法,运用单一土地变化动态度和土地利用变化重要性指数(Ci),研究了埃塞俄比亚低海拔区灌丛化草地30年不同程度灌丛化草地动态变化特征,研究结果可为揭示低海拔区灌丛化草地发展过程及草地可持续发展提供基础数据。结果表明:(1)灌丛化草地面积整体呈上升趋势,在2003年达最大,为3742.49 km~2,占研究区总面积的68.97%,2003年至2016年有小幅下降;(2)其中,重度灌丛化草地面积最大,占总面积的28.36%–49.10%,其次是占比9.77%–16.68%的中度灌丛化草地和占比5.52%–7.57%的轻度灌丛化草地;(3)30年间灌丛化草地年均扩张速度为0.74%,1995–2003年间,年均扩张速度最大,为2.16%;(4)林地和草地两种土地利用类型向灌丛化草地转化是低海拔区土地利用变化的主要类型,且由于对灌丛化草地的治理,灌丛化草地类型会转化成草地类型。  相似文献   

National and international research on regional development has matured from the use of single elements and indicators to the application of comprehensive multi-element and multi-indicator measures.We selected 12 indicators from six dimensions for analysis in this study,including income,consumption,education,population urbanization,traffic,and indoor living facilities.We then proposed the polyhedron method to comprehensively measure levels of regional multidimensional development.We also enhanced the polygon and vector sum methods to render them more suitable for studying the status of regional multidimensional development.Finally,we measured levels of regional multidimensional development at county,city,and provincial scales across China and analyzed spatial differences using the three methods above and the weighted sum method applied widely.The results of this study reveal the presence of remarkable regional differences at the county scale across China in terms of single and multidimensional levels of regional development.Analyses show that values of the regional multidimensional development index(RMDI)are high in eastern coastal areas,intermediate in the midlands and in northern border regions,and low in the southwest and in western border regions.Districts characterized by enhanced and the highest levels of this index are distributed in eastern coastal areas,including cities in central and western regions,as well as areas characterized by the development of energy and mineral resources.The regional distribution of reduced and the lowest levels of this index is consistent with concentrations of areas that have always been impoverished.Correlation analyses of the results generated by the four methods at provincial,city,and county scales show that all are equivalent in practical application and can be used to generate satisfactory measures for regional multidimensional development.Additional correlation analyses between RMDI values calculated using the polyhedron method and per capita gross domestic product(GDP)demonstrate that the latter is not a meaningful proxy for the level of regional multidimensional development.  相似文献   

印加孔雀草原产于南美洲温带草原和海拔相对较高的地区,1990年在我国北京植物园首次发现。1994年白玛达瓦从印度北部山区将其作为藏药引种至米林县卧龙镇岗江村自家庭院内。2010年前后学者发现印加孔雀草在我国多地入侵并逐渐引起社会广泛关注。印加孔雀草种子质量小、颗粒多、具芒刺,易于传播,种子发芽率高,繁殖投资占比20%;植株耐贫瘠,抗干旱,适应昼夜温差大的气候和强光照条件;叶、花中富含芳香物质,可用于药用、食品、调味、保健、化妆品等;根系中的噻吩和精油中的生物活性成分具有抗炎、杀菌、驱虫、灭蚊蝇等效果,对本地物种化感作用明显。印加孔雀草的生物、生态学特征为其种群扩散奠定了物质基础。建议:根据藏族民俗,最好采用物理方法或生物防控技术进行生态防治;加强开发应用技术研究,引导其在藏传佛教用品中发挥经济效益。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the quality of newly created farmland(NF) as well as slope and check-dam farmland(CF) soil quality, two typical traditional farmland areas within the hilly and gully region of Chinese Loess Plateau were selected as controls in this analysis.The results of this study initially reveal that pH values for slope farmland(SF) and CF were significantly lower(P 0.05) than those for NF and that SF values were always greater than those of their CF counterparts. At the same time, cation exchange capacity(CEC) and soil organic matter(SOM) occurred in the following size-decreasing sequence, i.e., CF, SF, and NF. Data also show that long-term planting has resulted in increases in total nitrogen(N),available N, total phosphorus(P), available P, total potassium(K) and available K and has also enhanced concentrations of soil copper(Cu), zinc(Zn), iron(Fe), and manganese(Mg)as well as soil cadmium(Ca), lead(Pb), chromium(Cr), and mercury(Hg). These latter elements occur in the concentration sequence of SF CF NF. Overall, results indicate that long-term planting negatively impacts soil health because of the accumulation of toxic heavy metals. This means that farmland planted over longer timescales needs to lie fallow to enable it to rehabilitate while NF requires the addition of organic matter as well as rotational utilization in order to facilitate the development of green agriculture.  相似文献   

China's coupled human-environment system(CHES) is assessed here via a systems schema that emphasizes the complex interactions of components and their attributes. In addition to the human and environment components, we identified two other components to evaluate the relationship. The four components are human activity intensity, resource carrying capacity, ecological constraints and system's openness. Based on their interactions, we derived a cognitive schema for classifying the level of strain or stress of an area. The analysis draws on 11 indicators and 29 sub-indicators including remote sensing data and statistical data that are used to estimate the four components. The findings indicate that human activities are highly intense in a few geographical areas, particularly large urban systems and trade and investment zones on the eastern coastal areas. Nonetheless, these areas are also well-endowed in water resources and fertile soils although urban systems are increasingly stressed from negative pollution externalities. They are also open systems which allow them to bear a higher level of pressure and adjust accordingly. Desertification and soil erosion point to relatively fragile biophysical systems in the west and southwest, but human activities are still relatively less intense compared to their coastal counterparts. As a whole, only 14% of areas may be said to be relatively or highly strained. This however belies another one-third of areas that are currently unstable, and likely to become strained and thereby vulnerable in the near future.  相似文献   

Precipitation heterogeneity has a nontrivial influence on human life. Many studies have analyzed precipitation heterogeneity but none have proposed a systematic graded index for its evaluation, and therefore, its true characteristics have not been expressed. After comparisons of various methods, the precipitation concentration degree(PCD) method was selected to study precipitation heterogeneity. In addition to the PCD, normal distribution functions, cumulative frequencies, and percentiles were used to establish a graded index for evaluating precipitation heterogeneity. A comprehensive evaluation of precipitation heterogeneity was performed, and its spatiotemporal variation in China from 1960 to 2013 was analyzed. The results indicated that(1) seven categories of precipitation heterogeneity were identified(high centralization, moderate centralization, mild centralization, normal, mild dispersion, moderate dispersion, and high dispersion) and(2) during the study period, the precipitation in more parts of China tended to be normal or dispersed, which is beneficial to human activities.  相似文献   

Urban agglomerations in China have become the strategic core of national economic development and the main component of the new type of urbanization. However, they are threatened by a series of eco-environmental problems and challenges, including the severe overexploitation of natural resources. Eco-efficiency, which is defined as accomplishing the greatest possible economic benefit with the least possible resource input and damage to the environment, is used as an indicator to quantify the sustainability of urban agglomerations. In this work, a traditional data envelopment analysis(DEA) model with a slack-based measurement(SBM) model of undesirable outputs, was used to assess and compare the economic efficiency and eco-efficiency of four major urban agglomerations in eastern China(UAECs) in 2005, 2011, and 2014. The spatio-temporal characteristics of the evolution of urban agglomerations were analyzed. Based on the results of a slack analysis, suggestions for improving the eco-efficiency of the four UAECs are provided. The overall economic efficiency of urban agglomerations located in the Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta displayed a V-shaped pattern(decreased and then increased). In contrast, the overall economic efficiency of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration declined during the study period. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration had a considerable loss of economic efficiency due to pollution, whereas the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration was less impacted. Overall, the eco-environmental efficiency of the four UAECs declined from 2005 to 2011 and then increased from 2011 to 2014. In addition, the urban eco-efficiency in the four coastal UAECs was characterized by different evolution patterns. The eco-efficiency was higher in the peri-urban areas of the core cities, riverside areas, and seaside areas and lower in the inland cities. The core cities of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations were characterized by high resource consumption, economic benefit output, and eco-efficiency. In most of cities in the urban agglomerations, the emission of pollutants declined, leading to a reduction of pollutants and mitigation of environmental problems. In addition, a differential analysis, from the perspective of urban agglomeration, was performed, and concrete suggestions for improvement are proposed.  相似文献   

气候是影响区域宜居性的一个重要自然因素。人居环境气候适宜性深刻影响着区域人口分布和社会经济发展。西藏地区是气候变化的敏感地区,近年来随着全球气候变化的影响,该地区的气候适宜性也发生了显著变化。本文基于多年平均气候数据计算了西藏地区的温湿指数,定量分析了人口分布与温湿指数之间的关系;在此基础之上,确定了西藏地区气候适宜性分区标准;最后评价了西藏地区的人居环境气候适宜性。结果表明:西藏东南部地区年均温度相对较高,人口分布相对密集;年均相对湿度整体上呈现出由南向北逐渐降低的趋势。西藏气候适宜地区(包括高度适宜地区、比较适宜地区和一般适宜地区)面积占比仅为7.90%,人口数量比重超过40%。气候临界适宜地区面积占比为37.81%,人口占比为48.24%。气候不适宜地区广泛分布于各地市,面积占比为54.29%,人口占比为11.33%。本文的研究结果可为指导西藏地区人口的合理分布以及优化国土空间规划提供参考。  相似文献   

本文运用文献计量方法对1992-2019年在Web of Science数据库中发表的耕地撂荒领域的910篇文献进行总量和关键词分析,并根据关键词领域从耕地撂荒监测与制图、驱动力与影响因素、效应评估与权衡三个方面进行主题综述。研究发现:(1)目前撂荒耕地的提取与制图渠道以农户调研与遥感技术为主,结合空间信息的NDVI时间序列撂荒地提取方法具有较高精度;(2)从作用程度、来源、属性三个维度对耕地撂荒的驱动力和影响因素进行归纳,发现耕地边际化是耕地撂荒的根本驱动力,劳动力析出是耕地撂荒的直接驱动力,社会经济因素是主要驱动力;(3)耕地撂荒的环境效应具有空间异质性,时空差异、景观环境、气候、耕种、地形特征均会对耕地撂荒的环境效应起决定作用;耕地撂荒效应权衡主要集中在生态系统服务功能和价值领域,但相关空间背景的作用往往被忽略。在系统梳理现有文献的基础上,本文从开展全国层面的撂荒耕地调查、开展多尺度的撂荒驱动力研究、结合国情开展撂荒效应权衡研究等方面对未来耕地撂荒研究进行展望。  相似文献   

地形重塑是矿区废弃地生态重建的基础工程,影响着整个生态重建的效果。近自然地形重塑技术以邻近未扰动的自然地貌为参照进行地形构建,近年来成为矿区土地复垦和生态重建所关注的热点。但在近自然地形重塑时,究竟需要参照自然地形哪些方面的特征、需要用到哪些必要的参数指标、依据哪些指标对地形设计结果进行评价?这些问题尚缺乏系统的讨论。本文以西北干旱荒漠区为目标区域,运用“扎根理论”对这些问题进行了系统的探讨。我们基于大量文献调研和12位专家的半结构式访谈资料,依据“扎根理论”方法进行三层编码,最终构建了矿区废弃地近自然地形重塑的三级指标体系。该指标体系包含3个主类别、8个次类别和26项参数。所制定的参数指标可支撑近自然地形设计流程中的各个环节,并可涵盖矿区地形重塑中多个方面的指标需求。该工作可为进一步深入研究近自然地形重塑方法、完善其技术体系提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

Spatial-explicitly mapping of the hotspots and coldspots is a vital link in the priority setting for ecosystem services(ES)conservation.However,little research has identified and tested the compactness and efficiency of their ES hotspots and coldspots,which may weaken the effectiveness of ecological conservation.In this study,based on the RUSLE model and Getis-Ord Gi*statistics,we quantified the variation of annual soil conservation services(SC)and identified the statistically significant hotspots and coldspots in Shaanxi Province of China from 2000 to 2013.The results indicate that,1)areas with high SC presented a significantly increasing trend as well,while areas with low SC only changed slightly;2)SC hotspots and coldspots showed an obvious spatial differentiation—the hotspots were mainly spatially aggregated in southern Shaanxi,while the coldspots were mainly distributed in the Guanzhong Basin and Sand-windy Plateau;and 3)the identified hotspots had the highest capacity of providing SC,with 29.6%of the total area providing 59.7%of the total service.In contrast,the coldspots occupied 46.3%of the total area,but only provided 17.2%of the total SC.In addition to conserving single ES,the Getis-Ord Gi*statistics method can also help identify multi-functional priority areas for conserving multiple ES and biodiversity.  相似文献   

生态旅游是对于经济不发达、生态环境脆弱、生态旅游资源丰富地区的一种重要的发展方式。当前资源评价过于强调单个资源质量而忽视了从区域角度探寻资源的整体特征,本文旨在通过定量分析生态旅游资源基础及区域资源优势提出有效的发展策略。文章以实地普查获取的贵州省181个生态旅游资源为研究样本,定量评估了其资源质量以及区域资源优势。结果显示,贵州省生态旅游资源数量众多、类型丰富且品味度高,具备生态旅游旅游发展的良好基础。181个生态旅游资源被分为5级,其中5级资源代表了贵州省资源精华并具备世界级品味度。另外,贵州省安顺、黔南、黔西南和遵义被划分为高资源优势度区域。根据对贵州省资源基础分析,贵州省生态旅游发展被分为4种区域类型,并提出相应的发展策略。  相似文献   

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