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耕地资源保护利用对于保障中国粮食安全、生态可持续发展和社会稳定至关重要。本文以吉林省为研究区,以1980、1990、1995、2000、2005、2010、2015年遥感影像及统计数据为数据源,采用转移矩阵模型和耕地压力指数模型,对研究区耕地利用变化的时间特征、空间特征及耕地压力指数进行测算。研究结果表明:在时间尺度上,1980-2015年间耕地数量从701.88×104ha增加到762.82×104 ha,人均耕地面积从0.1524 ha增加到0.1707 ha,耕地压力指数从0.7922增加到0.7953;在空间尺度上,1980年及1990年吉林省耕地压力主要集中在南部地区,1995年集中在南部和东部地区,2000年集中在西南和东部地区,2005年集中在南部和东南地区,2010年和2015年集中在南部、东南部及中心地区。耕地压力变化的方向主要从吉林省的西北部向东南部转移。  相似文献   

人口和人均食物需求的增加对全球耕地产生了显著的影响。利用欧空局提供的精度为300m的最新土地覆被产品,文章分析了1992-2015年全球耕地的时空变化趋势和耕地转化特征。结果显示:1)在1992-2004年间全球耕地面积增长迅速,而在2004-2012年间耕地增长缓慢,2012年后耕地有缓慢减少的趋势。2)在洲尺度上,非洲耕地有一直增长的态势,而其他洲耕地都经历了耕地转型,有先增长后下降的趋势;在收入较高的国家,耕地多有下降的趋势。3)全球耕地增长的热点区域主要分布在亚马逊林地、欧亚大草原和撒哈拉沙漠边缘。全球耕地减少的中心从欧洲转移到亚洲。由于迅速的城市化,亚洲耕地扩张侵占了大量农田。  相似文献   

1980年以来中国耕地利用集约度的结构特征   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32  
基于中国农产品成本收益资料与中国农业统计年鉴等基础数据,在对耕地利用集约度进行内部结构划分的基础上,系统分析了1980-2006年间中国粮食作物劳动集约度和资本集约度及其构成的时空变化规律.结果表明:国家尺度上的劳动集约度由1980年的398.5日/hm2快速降低到2006年的130.25日/hm2,下降幅度达67.37%,下降的阶段性明显.资本集约度总量不断上升,其中种子、化肥和农药等增产性资本投入比重逐渐减小,在四大资本投入类型中所占比重由90.36%(1980年)下降到73.44%(2006年),相反,作为省工性投入的机械,所占比重由9.64%(1980年)迅速增加到26.56%(2006年),资本投入的内部结构变化逐渐成为影响中国粮食单产的重要因素.区域尺度上,经济发达地区劳动投人相对较少,资本投入,尤其是省工性资本投入比重较大,农户在耕地利用中更加注重追求劳动生产率:而经济相对落后地区劳动集约度较高,资本集约度较低,资本投入中仍以增产性投入为主,体现了当地农民在耕地利用中追求土地生产率最大化的经营目标.  相似文献   

加速的城市化进程导致越来越多的耕地被占用,在耕地资源供给不足情况下高质量的农田受到巨大威胁,进而可能对中国粮食安全构成威胁。尽管已对中国耕地质量的空间格局进行了评估,但其随时间变化的情况未见报导。本研究利用MODIS的净初级生产力产品(MOD17)数据,基于发展的累积概率分布法确定耕地质量标准,以2000–2005年、2005–2010年和2010–2015年三期基于Landsat遥感的土地利用变化(LUCC)数据,得到低、中、高质量农田的空间分布,定量分析城市化占用耕地的数量和质量。结果表明,城市化占用耕地面积占耕地减少总面积的比例由2000–2005年的47.29%增加到2010–2015年的77.46%。2000年,中国耕地质量以中低产田为主,分别占全国耕地面积的40.81%和48.74%,高产田仅占10.44%。随着建设用地规模的扩大,城市化占用高产田面积在全国耕地面积中的比例从2000–2005年的9.71%上升到2010–2015年的15.63%,高产田受到严重威胁。从空间上看,该现象已由华东、华南向中西部地区转移,尤其是西北地区,其2010–2015年建设占用耕地面积中,高产田达到52.97%。本研究不仅提供了一种评价耕地质量的方法,同时揭示了城市化进程占用高质量耕地的趋势。未来占用高质量农田的趋势可能会持续,必须构建以振兴乡村为主的新型发展模式,可能是缓解土地资源紧缺情况下城市化和粮食安全矛盾的可选途径,值得土地利用规划和政府决策给予重视。  相似文献   

归一化植被指数(NDVI)作为表征植被生长状况的关键性指标,能够有效的提供植被生长状况的信息。本研究基于1982–2015年哈萨克斯坦时间序列的GIMMS/NDVI数据,分析植被)生长的空间格局及变化趋势,研究结果表明:哈萨克斯坦自北向南分布着农田、草地、灌丛这三类主要的植被类型,呈明晰的地带性分布特征;植被指数由北到南逐渐降低,农田、草地和灌丛三类主要植被类型的NDVI均值水平依次为农田草地灌丛;1982–2015年间,NDVI呈现出先增长(1982–1992年)、再降低(1993–2007年)、然后又增长(2008–2015年)的变化趋势。NDVI显著下降的区域占土地总面积的24.0%,主要分布在西北部的农田与草地交错地带以及南部边缘的农田,草地退化面积占草地总面积的23.5%、农田退化面积占农田总面积的48.4%、灌丛退化面积占灌丛总面积的13.7%,植被改善的区域分布在中东部的农田以及农田与草地的交错带,显著提升的面积占土地总面积的11.8%。  相似文献   

Rapid peri-urbanization has become a new challenge for sustainable urban-rural development worldwide. To clarify how unprecedented urban sprawl at the metropolitan fringe impacts urban-rural landscape, this study took the Beijing-Tianjin corridor of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, one of the largest urban clusters in China, as a typical example. By using Landsat-based landscape metrics and a practical methodology, we investigated the landscape changes and discussed the potential reasons in the context of rapid peri-urbanization of China. Specifically, multi-temporal land use maps derived from Landsat images were used to calculate landscape metrics and analyze their characteristics along the urban-rural gradients. The practical methodology was used to monitor spatio-temporal characteristics of landscape change in large metropolitan areas. The results showed that landscape patterns in the area had changed greatly from 2000 to 2015 with characteristics of construction land sprawl and arable land shrinkage. The intensity and scale of landscape changes varied along the urban-rural gradients. Sampled plots in urbanized areas and rural areas demonstrated distinguishable landscape patterns and significant differences. Urban areas had more heterogeneous and fragmented landscapes than rural areas. Peri-urban areas in general experienced higher levels of land diversification than rural areas. Rural residential land appeared to be more aggregated near Beijing and Tianjin cities. Besides, our findings also indicated that urban expansion was largely responsible for landscape patterns.The findings of this study potentially provide strategical insights into landscape planning around mega cities and sustainable coordinated urban-rural development.  相似文献   

中国耕地利用集约度结构变化及其区域差异   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
Based on the data from the Cost-benefit Data of Farm Produce and the China Agricultural Yearbook, this paper divided the intensity of cultivated land use into labor intensity and capital intensity, and then analyzed their temporal and spatial change at both national and provincial levels between 1980 and 2006. The results showed that: (1) At the national level, labor intensity on food produce decreased from 398.5 day/ha in 1980 to 130.25 day/ha in 2006; and a continuous decrease with a steep decline between 1980 and 1986, a slower decline from 1987 to 1996, and another steep decline from 1997 to 2006. On the contrary, capital intensity shows an increasing trend since 1980. As to the internal composition of capital intensity, the proportion of seed, chemical fertilizer and pesticide input decreased from 90.36% to 73.44% and the proportion of machinery increased from 9.64% to 26.56%. The less emphasis on yield-increasing input and more emphasis on labor-saving input are the main reasons for a slow increase of yield per unit area after 1996. (2) At the provincial level, the developed areas have lower labor intensity and higher capital intensity. The less developed ones have higher labor intensity but lower capital intensity. From the viewpoint of the internal composition of capital intensity, labor-saving input accounts for more proportion in the developed areas than that of other areas. The main reason is that in these developed areas, labor input has become a constraint factor in food production as more and more labors engaged in off-farm work. Farmers increase the labor-saving input for higher labor productivity. However, in the less developed areas, the major constraint is the shortage of capital; food production is still depending on labor and yield-increasing inputs.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial and temporal variations of cropping systems is very important for agricultural policymaking and food security assessment,and can provide a basis for national policies regarding cropping systems adjustment and agricultural adaptation to climate change.With rapid development of society and the economy,China's cropping structure has profoundly changed since the reform and opening up in 1978,but there has been no systematic investigation of the pattern,process and characteristics of these changes.In view of this,a crop area database for China was acquired and compiled at the county level for the period 1980–2011,and linear regression and spatial analysis were employed to investigate the cropping structure type and cropping proportion changes at the national level.This research had three main findings:(1) China's cropping structure has undergone significant changes since 2002;the richness of cropping structure types has increased significantly and a diversified-type structure has gradually replaced the single types.The single-crop types—dominated by rice,wheat or maize—declined,affected by the combination of these three major food crops in mixed plantings and conversion of some of their planting area to other crops.(2) In the top 10 types,82.7% of the county-level cropping structure was rice,wheat,maize and their combinations in 1980;however,this proportion decreased to 50.7% in 2011,indicating an adjustment period of China's cropping structure.Spatial analysis showed that 63.8% of China's counties adjusted their cropping structure,with the general change toward reducing the main food types and increasing fruits and vegetables during 1980–2011.(3) At the national level,the grain-planting pattern dominated by rice shifted to coexistence of rice,wheat and maize during this period.There were significant decreasing trends for 47% of rice,61% of wheat and 29.6% of maize cropping counties.The pattern of maize cropping had the most significant change,with the maize proportion decreasing in the zone from northeastern to southwestern China during this period.Cities and their surroundings were hotspots for cropping structural adjustment.Urbanization has significantly changed cropping structure,with most of these regions showing rapid increases in the proportion of fruit and vegetables.Our research suggests that the policy of cropping structural adjustment needs to consider geographical characteristics and spatial planning of cropping systems.In this way,the future direction of cropping structural adjustment will be appropriate and scientifically based,such as where there is a need to maintain or increase rice and wheat cropping,increase soybean and decrease maize,and increase the supply of fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   

Taking the emergy requirements of the five input indexes as the foundation, this paper analyzes the total temporal and spatial changes in cultivated land use intensity in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone from 2000 to 2010. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Over a period of 10 years, the cultivated land use intensity has increased exponentially in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone; agricultural machinery intensity has been the largest proportion of the total inputs, comprising more than 99.50% and increasing year by year, which indicates that agricultural mechanization is a basic trend in agricultural development in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone.(2) The total number of counties belonging to the moderate- and low- intensity cultivated land use categories is the largest, while the number of counties belonging to the high-intensity cultivated land use and extensive cultivated land use categories is the smallest.(3) This zone can be divided into five areas: an eastern area of high-intensity cultivated land use, a central and eastern area of low-intensity cultivated land use, a central area of low-intensity cultivated land use, a southern area of moderate-intensity cultivated land use, and a northern area of moderate-intensity cultivated land use.(4) The counties which had a coordinated development between cultivated land use intensity and their socio-economic development level increase year by year, and the socio-economic development level had increasingly obvious effects on the cultivated land use intensity. Finally, this paper presents suggestions for the development of cultivated land use intensity in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone, especially for different levels of intensity among counties.  相似文献   

This study developed a comprehensive system to evaluate the intensity of cropland use and evolution of cropland use in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.Delphi-entropy methods were adopted to determine the weight of the index,and the Geo Detector model was established to explore the influencing factors.The results are summarized as follows:(1) The intensity of inputs,degree of utilization,and production increased continuously,but the intensity of continuous conditions experienced an overall decline followed by a rebound towards the end of the study period.The number of counties with high and moderately high intensity increased by 56.8% and 14.6%,respectively,from 1996 to 2011.The number of counties with moderately low and low intensity declined by 35.9 % and 11.9 %,respectively.Areas with significant increases in intensity were mainly distributed in northeast Hebei Province,northwest Shandong Province,and north Jiangsu Province.The intensity is high in northern Jiangsu and Anhui;the output effect remained above moderate intensity mainly near Beijing,Tianjin,Tangshan,and counties in the suburbs of Shijiazhuang.(2) Natural disasters,elevation,slope,and road networks were the main factors influencing the intensity of cropland use in this region,with influence values of 0.158,0.143,0.129,and 0.054,respectively.Areas with moderately high and high levels of intensity were distributed in low-lying areas.Uneven distribution of precipitation,seasonal drought,and flood disasters can directly affect the stability index of croplands and reduce the intensity of cropland use.Developed road networks are associated with moderately high intensity.Our results suggest recommendations such as promoting agricultural intensification and large-scale management,promoting the construction of road networks,improving early warning systems for drought and flood disasters,and promoting moderate and intensive use of arable land,and focusing on restoration and sustainable use of cropland.  相似文献   

Based on TIMESAT 3.2 platform, MODIS NDVI data(2000–2015) of Qaidam Basin are fitted, and three main phenological parameters are extracted with the method of dynamic threshold, including the start of growth season(SGS), the end of growth season(EGS) and the length of growth season(LGS). The spatial and temporal variation of vegetation phenology and its response to climate changes are analyzed respectively. The conclusions are as follows:(1) SGS is mainly delayed as a whole. Areas delayed are more than the advanced in EGS, and EGS is a little delayed as a whole. LGS is generally shortened.(2) With the altitude rising, SGS is delayed, EGS is advanced, and LGS is shortened and phenophase appears a big variation below 3000 m and above 5000 m.(3) From 2000 to 2015, the temperature appears a slight increase along with a big fluctuation, and the precipitation increases evidently.(4) Response of phenophase to precipitation is not obvious in the low elevation humid regions, where SGS arrives early and EGS delays; while, in the upper part of the mountain regions, SGS delays and EGS advances with temperature rising, SGS arrives early and EGS delays with precipitation increasing.  相似文献   

Hengduan Mountains offer land space for a variety of ecological services. However, the sustainable development and management of land space has been challenged by increased human activities in recent years. This paper performs the spatial pattern analysis of the quantitative and structural changes of various landscapes at different altitudes, and uses the land use data in 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2015 to reveal how various land patterns have changed. The results show that, within the production-living-ecological space schema, the ecological space dominates Hengduan Mountains, while the production and living space was mainly distributed in south region. During 1990–2015, the production-living-ecological spatial changes had been gradually accelerated and the regional differences had become more prominent. The agricultural production space had continuously decreased by 1132.31 km~2, and the industrial and mining production space had rapidly increased by 281.4 km~2 during 1990–2015. The living space had steadily increased, and the ecological space had increased with fluctuations. The land space pattern in Hengduan Mountains was greatly restricted by the terrain, such as altitude and slope. The implementations of China Western Development Strategy and the Returning Farmland to Forest Program had favorably promoted the changes of land spatial pattern in Hengduan Mountains.  相似文献   

Quantitative characterization of environmental characteristics of cropland(ECC)plays an important role in maintaining sustainable development of agricultural systems and ensuring regional food security. In this study, the changes in ECC over the Songnen Plain, a major grain crops production region in Northeast China, were investigated for the period 1990–2015. The results revealed significant changes in climate conditions, soil physical properties and cropland use patterns with socioeconomic activities. Trends in climate parameters showed increasing temperature(+0.49°C/decade, p 0.05) and decreasing wind speed(–0.3 m/s/decade, p 0.01) for the growing season, while sunshine hours and precipitation exhibited non-significant trends. Four topsoil parameters including soil organic carbon(SOC), clay, bulk density and pH, indicated deteriorating soil conditions across most of the croplands, although some do exhibited slight improvement. The changing amplitude for each of the four above parameters ranged within –0.052 to 0.029 kg C/kg, –0.38 to 0.30,–0.60 to 0.39 g/cm~3, –3.29 to 2.34, respectively. Crop production significantly increased(44.0 million tons) with increasing sown area of croplands(~2.5 million ha) and fertilizer application(~2.5 million tons). The study reveals the dynamics of ECC in the Songnen Plain with intensive cultivation from 1990 to 2015. Population growth, economic development, and policy reform are shown to strongly influence the spatiotemporal changes in cropland characteristics.The study potentially provides valuable scientific information to support sustainable agroecosystem management in the context of global climate change and national socioeconomic development.  相似文献   

Landforms are an important factor determining the spatial pattern of cropland through allocation of surface water and heat. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the change in cropland distribution from the perspective of geomorphologic divisions. Based on China's multi-year land cover data(1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015) and geomorphologic regionalization data, we analyzed the change in cropland area and its distribution pattern in six geomorphologic regions of China over the period of 1990-2015 with the aid of GIS techniques. Our results showed that the total cropland area increased from 177.1 to 178.5 million ha with an average increase rate of 0.03%. Cropland area decreased in southern China and increased in northern China. Region I(Eastern hilly plains) had the highest cropland increase rate, while the cropland dynamic degree of Region IV(Northwestern middle and high mountains, basins and plateaus) was significantly higher than that of other regions. The barycenter of China's cropland shifted from northern China to the northwest over the 25-year period. Regions IV and I were the two regions with the greatest increase of cropland. Region II(Southeastern low and middle mountains) and Region V(Southwestern middle and low mountains, plateaus and basins) were the main decreasing cropland regions. The area of cropland remained almost unchanged in Region III(Northern China and Inner Mongolia eastern-central mountains and plateaus) and Region VI(Tibetan Plateau). The loss of cropland occurred mostly in Regions I and II as a result of growing industrialization and urbanization, while the increase of cropland occurred mainly in Region IV because of reclamation of grassland and other wasteland. These analyzing results would provide fundamental information for further studies of urban planning, ecosystem management, and natural resourcesconservation in China.  相似文献   

From 1992 to 2015, ecological environment has been threatened by the changes of cropland around the world. In order to evaluate the impact of cropland changes on ecosystem, we calculated the response of terrestrial ecosystem service values (TESVs) variation to cropland conversion based on land-use data from European Space Agency (ESA). The results showed that cropland changes were responsible for an absolute loss of $166.82 billion, equivalent to 1.17% of global TESVs in 1992. Among the different regions, the impact of cropland changes on TESVs was significant in South America and Africa but not obvious in Oceania, Asia and Europe. Cropland expansion from tropical forest was the main reason for decreases in TESVs globally, especially in South America, Africa and Asia. The effect of wetland converted to cropland was notable in North America and Europe while grassland converted to cropland played an important role in Oceania, Africa and Asia. In Europe, the force of urban expansion cannot be ignored as well. The conversion of cropland to tropical or temperate forest partly compensated for the loss of TESVs globally, especially in Asia.  相似文献   

Using counties as the basic analysis unit,this study established an evaluation index system for farmland function(FF) from economic,social,and ecological perspectives.The method combining entropy weighting and multiple correlation coefficient weighting was adopted to determine the weights,and the FF indices were calculated for each county.Subsequently,the spatio-temporal characteristics of farmland function evolution(FFE) were analyzed and the coupled relationships between the sub-functions were explored based on a coupling coordination model.At the same time,the dynamic mechanism of FFE was quantitatively analyzed using a spatial econometric regression analysis method.The following major conclusions were drawn:(1) The farmland economic function generally exhibited a declining trend during 1990–2010,and it is essential to point out that it was stronger in underdeveloped and agriculture-dominated counties,while it continuously weakened in developed areas.Farmland social function decreased in 60.29% of the counties,whereas some counties,which were mostly located in north of Zhengzhou and west of Dezhou and Cangzhou,Yantai,and Weihai,clearly increased.A dramatic decline in farmland ecological function occurred around Beijing,Tianjin,and Jinan.Areas located in the northern part of Henan Province and the central part of Shandong Province saw an increase in ecological function.(2) There was a significant spatial difference in the coupling degree and coordination degree of the sub-functions,and the decoupling phenomenon highlighted this.The changes in social function and ecological function lagged behind economic function in developed areas,but these were highly coupled in some underdeveloped areas.(3) FFE in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain(HHHP) is resulted from the comprehensive effects of regional basic conditions and external driving factors.Furthermore,the transitions of population and industry under urbanization and industrialization played a decisive role in the evolution intensity and direction of farmland sub-systems,including the economy,society,and the ecology.According to the results mentioned above,promoting the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agricultureshould be regarded as an important engine driving sustainable development in the HHHP.Taking different regional characteristics of FFE into account,differentiated and diversified farmland use and management plans should be implemented from more developed urban areas to underdeveloped traditional agricultural areas.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,人类活动加速了长江流域的土地利用变化,这对当地动植物的生境质量造成了影响,在中国生态文明建设和长江经济带发展战略不断推进的大背景下,对长江中下游地区的生境质量变化开展长时间多时段的研究具有重要的现实意义。本研究以长江中下游地区7省的土地利用覆盖数据(1980–2018年)与未来土地利用模型模拟出未来四种情景(A1B,A2,B1,B2)下的土地利用覆盖数据(2050年,2100年)为基础,借助环境服务与权衡综合评估(In VEST)模型评估了长江中下游地区的生境质量时空变化。结果表明:(1)2000–2015年,研究区的坡度(R=0.502,P 0.01)和海拔(R=0.003,P 0.05)、人口密度(R=0.299,P 0.01)、NDVI(R=0.366,P 0.01)与生境质量显著相关;(2)从1980年到2018年,研究区总面积61.93%的土地生境质量下降,38.07%的土地生境质量上升;在A2情景(人口密度大,环境技术投入少,传统能源成本高)和B2情景(中等人口密度,中等绿色技术,区域政府间缺乏合作)下,研究区的生境质量将下降;(3)长江下游的生境质量恶化程度高于中游,研究区北部的生境质量恶化程度低于南部。整体上,积极的环境保护政策是有效的,但并未根本上遏制生境质量的整体退化趋势。区域发展应加大环境保护力度,控制人口增长,鼓励绿色技术创新,在处理生态问题时,要注重省际合作。本研究可为区域野生动植物保护规划和国际上的类似流域研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

近年来,耕地撂荒在全球众多国家和地区都呈现出严重的发展趋势,耕地撂荒已成为土地利用变化领域重要的研究问题之一。准确解析耕地撂荒的影响因素,构建科学的模型模拟耕地撂荒的态势,合理评估耕地撂荒的潜在影响,成为耕地撂荒研究关注的焦点问题。本文在全面总结耕地撂荒相关研究的基础上,综述了耕地撂荒的自然、人文与政策驱动因素,梳理了耕地撂荒模拟的主要模型及其优缺点。在此基础上,讨论了耕地撂荒的主要生态效应,并展望了相关研究未来的发展方向。研究发现:(1)对于耕地撂荒的影响因素,需要格外关注劳动力价格变化、劳动力老龄化对于耕地撂荒的影响;(2)对于耕地撂荒模拟模型,需要加强基于农户的撂荒机理模型与宏观大尺度撂荒预测模型的研制;(3)对于耕地撂荒的生态环境效应,除了需要关注耕地撂荒对粮食生产以及生态系统方面的影响外,还需要重视耕地撂荒对景观文化方面的影响。  相似文献   

In order to advance land use and land cover change(LUCC) research in Nepal, it is essential to reconstruct both the spatiotemporal distribution of agricultural land cover as well as scenarios that can explain these changes at the national and regional levels. Because of rapid population growth, the status of agricultural land in Nepal has changed markedly over the last 100 years. Historical data is used in this study, encompassing soils, populations, climatic variables, and topography. Data were revised to a series of 30 m grid cells utilized for agricultural land suitability and allocation models and were analyzed using a suite of advanced geographical tools. Our reconstructions for the spatiotemporal distribution of agricultural land in Nepal reveal an increasing trend between 1910 and 2010(from 151.2 × 10~2 km~2 to 438.8 × 10~2 km~2). This expanded rate of increase in agricultural land has varied between different eco, physiographic, and altitudinal regions of the country, significantly driven by population changes and policies over the period of this investigation. The historical dataset presented in this paper fills an existing gap in studies of agricultural land change and can be applied to other carbon cycle and climate modeling studies, as well as to impact assessments of agricultural land change in Nepal.  相似文献   

利用环渤海地区分县社会经济数据和土地利用数据, 采用神经网络确定权重的方法, 对该区分县农村空心化程度和耕地利用集约度进行综合测评, 并以山东省为例, 进行两者耦合规律探索。结果表明:① 环渤海地区农村空心化区域差异明显。高度空心化且进入稳定期的地区主要集中在“C”型沿海地区;平原传统农区, 农村空心化正处空心化的成长、兴盛期;农村空心化低值区主要集中落后山区。② 耕地利用集约度时空差异明显。辽中平原粮食主产区、冀中南粮食主产区、鲁西鲁南粮食主产区集约度较高;低集约度主要集中在太行山区、长白山区、沂蒙山区、坝上高原等落后地区。③ 农村空心化与耕地利用集约度变化存在着耦合联动关系。空心化出现、成长期, 农村劳动力向城镇转移, 农村地区隐性失业问题得以解决, 耕地利用集约度不断提升;农村空心化发展至兴盛期, 农村地域发展面临主体弱化, 耕地利用集约度有所下降;至空心化稳定期, 健全的土地流转机制和农业现代化的持续推进, 耕地利用集约度将反弹上升, 最终趋于波动稳定。  相似文献   

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