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目的探讨TEE在外科微创置入Amplatzer封堵器治疗继发孔型房间隔缺损(ASD)中的应用价值。方法对术前经TTE及TEE筛选的22例继发孔型ASD患者行外科微创封堵术,在TEE完成治疗全程,包括引导、监测和评估,封堵器选择、术中鞘管输送、封堵器释放及术后即刻手术效果评价。结果采用外科微创封堵术成功治疗21例患者,术后即刻TEE显示封堵器位置正常,塑形良好,无残余分流及并发症。TEE测量ASD最大径为(20.14±7.35)mm,与术中所用封堵器大小[(26.66±8.70)mm]相关性良好(r=0.949,P〈0.0001)。1例患者术中TEE显示不适于微创封堵,改行小切口外科修补术获得成功。封堵术后TTE随访3个月,封堵器位置固定,无移位,无残余分流。结论 TEE在继发孔型ASD外科微创封堵治疗术中具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨实时三维TEE(RT-3D-TEE)在成人房间隔缺损(ASD)经导管封堵术中的应用价值。方法对TTE初筛后拟行封堵治疗的31例ASD患者行RT-3D-TEE检查,测量缺损最大径和面积,与TTE、二维TEE(2D-TEE)测值进行比较;评价缺损解剖特征,判断其是否适宜行封堵术,并选择封堵器型号。结果 TTE、2D-TEE和RT-3D-TEE测量ASD最大径分别为(21.32±6.21)mm、(22.80±5.87)mm和(23.44±5.90)mm,RT-3D-TEE与TTE和2D-TEE比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05);RT-3D-TEE所测缺损面积与最大径显著相关(r=0.92,P<0.05);RT-3D-TEE显示房间隔缺损形状多为近似椭圆形,较少为不规则形及近似圆形,可清晰显示ASD残缘情况及周围毗邻结构的空间关系;根据RT-3D-TEE结果,29例属封堵术适应证,并封堵成功,封堵器大小为最大径测值+(5.4±2.3)mm。结论 RT-3D-TEE可直观评价ASD大小、形态及毗邻结构空间关系,在成人ASD封堵治疗中有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨TEE在监测探条辅助微创室间隔缺损(VSD)封堵术中的临床价值。方法 100例VSD患者术前均接受TTE检查,以明确VSD的位置、类型、大小及边缘情况,来选择合适的封堵器。在TEE引导下选择荷包开口位置,实时监测封堵器放置并即刻评价手术疗效。术后1周内行TTE复查。结果 100例患者全部封堵成功,实心探条输送法55例,中空探条输送法33例,直接输送法12例。患者均于术后3~4天出院,随访1~12个月,无封堵器脱落、移位、溶血和房室传导阻滞等并发症发生。结论 TEE在探条辅助经胸微创封堵VSD的术中引导和术后评价中均发挥重要作用,使该术成为更简便可行、成功率更高的封堵方法。  相似文献   

经导管介入封堵术是治疗房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect,ASD)的重要方法。超声心动图不仅能指导选择封堵器型号,而且可在术前筛查、术中监测及术后复查中发挥重要作用。本研究探讨超声心动图在ASD经导管封堵治疗过程中的应用价值。1资料与方法1.1研究对象2011年10月—  相似文献   

目的探讨经食管实时三维超声心动图(RT-3D-TEE)在经胸微创封堵术治疗继发孔型房间隔缺损(SASD)中的应用价值。方法对TTE诊断为SASD的58例患者行经胸微创封堵治疗。术前行RT-3D-TEE检查,明确SASD的位置、类型、大小及边缘情况,以选择合适的封堵器;术中于RT-3D-TEE引导下放置封堵器;术后即刻评价封堵效果,1周后复查TTE。结果58例患者均封堵成功,3例少量残余分流;术后1周TTE检查示封堵器位置正常,均无残余分流。结论RT-3I)_TEE可立体显示SASD的部位、形态及与周围结构的空间关系,对于选择封堵器型号、全方位引导放置封堵器及术后疗效评价具有重要临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的评价TEE在室间隔缺损(VSD)外科小切口封堵术中的价值。方法 25例VSD患者接受外科小切口封堵术,其中膜周型缺损19例,嵴内型缺损6例;缺损直径3~9mm,平均(5.25±3.47)mm。所有患者术前均接受TTE检查评估VSD。气管插管全身麻醉后,在TEE引导下,经右心室游离壁置入VSD封堵器,并于术后即刻评价手术效果。结果 25例均封堵成功,19例使用等边封堵器,6例使用偏心封堵器。25例术后即刻超声及术后超声观察,室间隔水平均无分流信号。结论 TEE在VSD小切口封堵术术中监测及术后评价中具有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨食管超声心动图( TEE)引导下应用国产封堵器经胸微创封堵室间隔缺损(VSD)的临床价值。方法 回顾性分析自2011年5月至2012年5月内蒙古医学院第一附属医院38例VSD患者的临床资料,,男20例,女18例;年龄2.6~13.0岁;体重10~35 kg。其中膜部VSD 30例,干下型VSD 6例,肌部VSD 2例。术前经胸超声心动图检查符合封堵条件者在全身麻醉下经口插入食管超声探头,手术开始前重新评估VSD是否符合封堵治疗,如符合,根据VSD最大直径选择合适的封堵伞。于手术开始后,监测整个封堵过程,引导封堵伞的位置,评价即刻封堵效果,确认是否有残余分流及并发症。 结果 38例患者均一次封堵成功,置入封堵器直径4~10 mm,TEE显示封堵器与VSD边缘吻合紧密无残余分流。术后4~7 d复查心脏彩色超声心动图提示封堵器位置正常、牢固,无残余分流,主动脉瓣无反流。随访31例,随访时间10~24个月,未出现新的瓣膜和主动脉瓣反流,无溶血和血栓形成,无封堵器位置移动现象,未发现左、右心室流出道狭窄,手术切口隐蔽,基本不影响美观。 结论经胸微创VSD封堵术安全、有效,无需体外循环、创伤小,无需X线辅助,住院时间短,使该手术成为更简便、可行、成功率更高的封堵方法,值得临床广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 总结多中心应用食管超声引导、经胸微创小切口、非体外循环(CPB)下封堵室间隔缺损(VSD)的临床经验和近、中期随访结果.方法 432例病儿,男235例,女197例;年龄3个月~15岁,平均(3.2±1.9)岁;体重4.0~26.0 kg,平均(13.3±5.6)kg.膜周部VSD 351例,嵴上或嵴内型VSD 57例,肌部VSD 24例(17例多发VSD).VSD直径3~12 mm,平均(5.3±1.6)mm.膜周部VSD,经剑突下或胸骨下端3~4 cm小切口进胸;嵴内或嵴上VSD,经胸骨左缘第3肋间2~3 cm小横切口进胸.暴露右心室表面,在食管超声引导和实时监测下,穿刺右心室游离壁,导引钢丝经右心室腔穿过VSD到达左心室腔,沿导引钢丝导入输送鞘管建立轨道.通过输送鞘管直接将封堵器安放在VSD部位.经食管超声多切面反复评估封堵器的位置和与周边组织的关系,若无异常情况即可释放封堵器.结果 432例中417例封堵成功(96.5%),15例(3.5%)术中改为常规CPB手术.封堵成功者中,选用对称伞238例(57.1%),偏心伞179例(42.9%).13例(3.1%)发生新的微量至轻度三尖瓣反流,11例(2.6%)术后发生不完全右束支传导阻滞,3例(0.7%)术后发生一过性完全性房室传导阻滞.术后383例(91.8%)病儿在2 h内拔除气管插管,3~5天出院.术后416例(96.2%,416/432例)随访12~38个月,平均(19.3±11.6)个月,无近、中期死亡.1例术后6个月发生完全性房室传导阻滞.其余无明显异常.结论 应用食管超声引导、经胸微创非CPB下封堵VSD技术,是一种相对简单有效的治疗方法,近、中期临床结果满意,但远期结果需要进一步观察.
Objective Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) guided, minimally invasive perventricular device occlusion of ventricular septal defects ( VSDs) without cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB) has been applied in multiple centers. We reported experiences and the mid-term results. Methods Four hundred and thirty-two cases from 4 cardiac centers were involved in the study. There were 235 males and 197 females, aged from 3 months to 15 years, with a body weight varying from 4.0 to 26.0 kg. Three hundred and fifty-one patients had perimembranous VSDs, 57 had intracristal or supracristal VSDs and 24 had muscular VSDs (17 had multiple muscular VSDs). The diameter of the VSD ranged from 3 to 12 (5.3 ±1.6 ) mm.For those with perimembranous or muscular VSDs, a 3 to 5 cm inferior sternotomy was made, but for those with intracristal or supracristal VSDs, a 2 to 3 cm incision was made parastemally through the left third intercostal space. Being monitored and guided with TEE, the device was deployed to occlude the VSD through the puncture at the free wall of the right ventricle. TEE was used for assessing the residual shunting, the left and right ventricular outlet tracts, valvular function and for detecting any arrhythmia, The devices would be released if the heart rhythm was normal, as well as the residual shunting and valvular regurgilalion were not detected. Results The procedure was completed successfully in 417 cases(96.5% ) and converted to traditional surgical closure with CPB in the other 15 cases(3.5% ). Concentric devices were used in 238 cases(57.1% )and eccentric devices were used in 179 patients(42.9% ). Successful procedures finished in less than 90 minutes, and the deployment and evaluation of the devices were completed in 5 to 60 (18. 2 ± 8.6) minutes. No residual shunt and detectable aortic or tricuspid insufficiency and arrhythmia was observed. Patients were extubated within 2 hours and discharged 3 to 5 days after the operation. During fellow-up period from 3 months to 2 years, no clinically significant complications occurred. Conclusion The minimally invasive device closure of VSD under TEE guidance without CPB is proved to be a simple, safe and effective treatment for a considerable number of children with VSD. Its use in the clinical practice should be encouraged.  相似文献   

目的探讨TEE引导下经胸介入封堵治疗先天性心脏病(CHD)的临床应用价值。方法回顾50例接受TEE引导下经胸介入封堵治疗的CHD患者的资料,包括29例室间隔缺损(VSD)、12例房间隔缺损(ASD)、1例ASD合并VSD及8例动脉导管未闭(PDA),封堵前均经TEE再次明确诊断并观察心脏缺损情况,术中超声实时监测并引导导丝、鞘管等到达指定位置及封堵伞放置,术后超声观察有无残余分流、瓣膜功能障碍评以价封堵效果,并通过心电图监测患者有无心律失常、传导阻滞。结果 49例介入封堵成功,其中11例术后即刻TEE可见残余分流;术后1、3、6个月复查TEE,49例均显示封堵器位置良好,无残余分流及封堵术导致的瓣膜反流,复查心电图未见心律失常及传导阻滞。1例VSD介入封堵失败。结论 TEE用于引导经胸介入封堵治疗CHD安全、有效且创伤小、无辐射、无需对比剂,操作简便,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声心动图在外科微创封堵治疗室间隔缺损中的应用价值.方法 73例室间隔缺损病人,合并膜部瘤形成35例,其中21例膜部瘤合并多处破口.所有病例采用胸骨旁小切口,置入等边封堵器闭合VSD.术中TEE监测封堵过程,引导封堵器的放置,术后即刻评价疗效.术后1年采用经胸超声心动图(TTE)跟踪随访.结果 73例在超声心动图监测引导下置入封堵器均获成功,术中即刻用经食管超声检查显示,9例封堵器边缘仍存在微量至少量残余分流;术后48 h复查显示7例仍存在微量分流.术后1年随访中4例仍有微量残余分流,但显示左心室内径、容积较术前明显减小,基本恢复正常水平,肺动脉收缩压较术前明显减低.结论 超声心动图在外科微创治封堵疗的室间隔缺损中,对术前适应证的筛选、术中实时监测及术后疗效评定方面具有重要作用.
Objective To assess the application of echocardiography in mini-invasive surgical device closure of ventricular septal defect (VSD). Methods 73 VSD patients including 35 with aneurysm formation and among them 21 with multi-defects in the aneurysm were treated by mini-invasive device closure. A closure device was positioned to the defect through parastemal mini-incision in all patients. TEE was used to monitor the whole procedure, to guide the device positioning and to evaluate the curative effect instantly after operation. All patients were evaluated by TTE one year postoperatively. Results All patients were successfully positioned closure devices by TEE guiding. 9 cases were found with trace to small amount residual shunt instantly after operation. 7 cases still had small amount residual shunt at the time of 48 hours after the operation. In the one year follow-up, 4 cases had residual shunt, but the size and volume of left ventricle were significantly reduced than those before operation, and the pulmonary artery systolic pressure was also reduced. Conclusion Echocardiography possesses an important role in preoperative indication screening, intraoperation monitoring and evaluating the curative effect postoperatively.  相似文献   

Background. To improve the acceptance of cosmetic results after closure of atrial septal defects, anterior or lateral thoracotomies are preferred rather than median sternotomies. Along with the availability of minimally invasive techniques, a further reduction in incision length appeared feasible while preserving thoracic stability.

Methods. Various minimally invasive approaches differing in the type of incision and mode of cannulation have been applied under conditions of normothermic ventricular fibrillation. In technique 1 (n = 5), a right parasternal mini-incision was combined with a central aortic and bicaval cannulation. Technique 2 (n = 2) was composed of an anterior submammary mini-incision with femoral arterial and central bicaval cannulation. To optimize the surgical access, the transincisional cannulation of the superior vena cava was replaced by a percutaneous cervical cannulation (technique 3, n = 17).

Results. Effective atrial septal defect closure assessed by intraoperative echocardiography was achieved in all patients. Central neurologic complications were completely absent. Besides temporary atrial fibrillation in one case, no other cardiac complications occurred. There were no cases with complicated wound healing.

Conclusions. Along with modified cannulation techniques and intraoperative echocardiography, minimally invasive techniques can be safely applied for atrial septal defect closure. Submammary incisions were highly accepted and allowed for adequate surgical exposure.  相似文献   

目的比较微创小切口手术修补与介入封堵治疗房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect,ASD)的优缺点。方法回顾分析2004年1月~2006年6月采用微创方法治疗单纯继发孔型ASD69例资料,其中行小切口心脏不停跳下手术修补37例(小切口组),行介入封堵32例(介入组)。结果两组均无死亡病例。小切口组37例手术全部成功,手术时间(145.86±27.84)min,体外循环时间(35.11±8.45)min,住院时间(15.46±3.09)d,发生主要并发症2例、次要并发症6例,住院费用(2.19±0.36)万元。介入组2例封堵失败,余30例成功,手术时间(88.59±7.75)min,住院时间(10.81±5.02)d,发生主要并发症1例、次要并发症2例,住院费用(2.78±0.39)万元。小切口组随访3~12个月20例、12~30个月17例,介入组随访3~12个月16例、12~30个月14例,均无残余分流。结论两种微创方法均可安全有效地用于单纯继发孔型ASD的治疗,微创小切口方法的费用低,成功率高,适应证广,而介入封堵方法的住院时间短,创伤更小,美容效果更好。  相似文献   

经导管房间隔缺损介入封堵术(TCASD)在治疗房间隔缺损(ASD)中已具有较高的成功率,筛选适应证和准确安置封堵器对手术成功至关重要。新近研发的实时三维经食管超声心动图(RT3D-TEE)技术可获取高质量的三维图像,并可直视缺损,精确测量缺损内径和面积,更好地评价缺损残缘及与周围结构的关系;实时、全程监护TCASD,纠正封堵器植入处残余分流、降低术后并发症。RT3D-TEE是评价ASD及指导介入治疗的新选择、新参考。本文对RT3D-TEE在诊断及介入治疗ASD中的应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Objectives: Atrial and ventricular septal defects are the most common congenital heart defects and the closing procedures share important similarities. Generally, the postoperative outcome is considered benign, but there is growing concern regarding late ventilatory function. Therefore, the aim of this review was to describe the ventilatory function in patients with open as well as percutaneously or surgically closed atrial and ventricular septal defects. Methods: We performed a search protocol based on the “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses” (PRISMA) guidelines. A data collection form was specifically developed and data were extracted from the included studies by a primary reviewer and cross-checked by the secondary reviewer. Results: We found an increasing evidence of late impairment in ventilatory efficiency, and despite that ventilatory function is commonly normal at rest, abnormalities were disclosed during exercise. There are indices that surgical closure plays an important role. Discussion: Atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect patients have persisting, long-term impairment in ventilatory efficiency during exercise. Although the pathogenesis behind this finding may be multifactorial, there are indices that the surgical procedure may play an important role. Nevertheless, the literature is this field is sparse, and additional studies are needed.  相似文献   

患者女,51岁,间断胸痛1个月余。超声心动图:左心稍增大,室间隔膜周部见一缺损,左心室面缺损直径约12mm,右心室面与三尖瓣隔瓣结构粘连,形成假性膜部瘤,深约8mm,顶部见7 mm缺损,探及左向右分流,分流峰速6.2 m/s,压差155mmHg。CAG示冠状动脉未见明显狭窄。行室间隔缺损封  相似文献   

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