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试论少儿乒乓球运动员的选材及管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为中国体育强项的乒乓球运动,要想不断提高其技战术水平,继续保技在世界上的领教领先优势,就必须从少年儿童抓起,从业余运动队(员)抓起,形成阶梯状的运动队伍体育,就少年儿童的身体素质、心理素质,技战术水平而言,都处在培养和诱都阶段。因此,必须强调“三分训练,七分管理”,变“要他练”为“他要练”。对少儿乒乓球运动队的组建、队伍的合理分配、运动员的来源和选拔以及加强对少儿乒乓球队伍的管理,都是一个非常值  相似文献   

一、基层少儿乒乓球运动员选材标准 1、专项素质乒乓球运动速度快,旋转所占因素相当大。在专项运动素质方面应当特别注意速度和灵敏度。乒乓球运动要求的速度是指反应速度,在特定姿势下跑一两步的起动和制动速度。要高度重视前臂和腕、指的灵敏度,要注意腕、指动作细微的自变和应变能力。  相似文献   

步法是乒乓球运动的技术基础,可以说也是乒乓球运动的灵魂。本文通过对15名少年儿童乒乓球运动员(男9人,女6 人,平均年龄12岁,训练年限4 年)进行身体素质和步法的训练进行了总结,为少年儿童乒乓球运动员的步法训练提供参考。  相似文献   

运动员的成材之路通常经过启蒙、基础、提高和完善4个阶段,少儿运动员的训练主要在前两段,即培养兴趣,打好基础。在培养兴趣方面,启发少儿对该项运动的理解和认识,开发专项智能,建立乒乓球运动意识,早期训练在少儿智能上投资收效甚佳。在基础训练阶段,建立和形成正确的技术动作,  相似文献   

少儿乒乓球运动员选材的主要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对少儿乒乓球运动员的选材内容进行了深入的探讨,从实际出发阐述了心理选材和身体形态选材的要点及其相互关系。  相似文献   

一、基层少儿乒乓球运动员选材标准 1、专项素质。乒乓球运动速度快,旋转所占因素相当大。在专项运动素质方面应当特别注意速度和灵敏度。乒乓球运动要求的速度是指反应速度,在特定姿势下跑一两步的起动和制动速度。要高度重视前臂和腕、指的灵敏度,要注意腕、指动作细微的自变和应变能力。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展.以及训练手段的日益提高,科学选材与基础训练将起着主关重要的作用。我通过多年的工作经验积累了一些简单易行的方法。  相似文献   

<正>1精心选材,重视心理素质的训练优秀运动员的成长除了受身体形态、身体素质、生理机能、技术水平等因素影响外,更重要的是要具有运用、调动发挥这些优势条件的心理能力,即要具备相应的心理素质,否则很难成为尖子运动员,或很难创造出一流的成  相似文献   

运动员的成材之路通常经过启蒙、基础、提高和完善四一个阶段,少年儿童的训练主要在前两段,即培养兴趣、打好基础。 一、乒乓球运动的特点 1、球体轻。乒乓球重仅2.7克。在速度和旋转的牵制下,如何准确地进行击球,对运动员各方面的感觉、反应、控制和调节能力有着极高的要求。  相似文献   

1幼儿跳水运动员早期初选1.1跳水早期初选的形态观察内容(4-7岁)在运动员的形态上有较高要求,从运动员的外观上看,较为理想的跳水运动员应符合以下条件:身材方面:匀称、体态优美、身高适中,不宜过高或过矮。四肢比例适当,肩稍宽,骨盆细窄,臀部要小。两上肢伸直并拢上举头顶肘关节应超过头顶并略呈内向X型。两腿  相似文献   

乒乓球的衔接技术主要是培养运动员熟练掌握"线路变化"规律和主动防守战术来预判对方的回球线路,并提前移动到最佳的击球点击球来实现.交互式多点多球训练法是培养业余运动员线路变化意识的行之有效的方法.  相似文献   


Table tennis requires rapid and extreme movements that may result in shoulder adaptations, such as glenohumeral internal rotation deficit, which is a risk factor for several injuries. This study compared range of motion of internal and external rotation and total rotation motion of glenohumeral joint between dominant and non-dominant shoulders of table tennis players. This is a cross-sectional observational study. Twenty healthy male table tennis players that were enrolled in an official table tennis league took part in this study (mean age: 22.9 ± 12.9 years, time of sports practice: 6.2 ± 7.12 years). Measurements of passive glenohumeral external rotation and internal rotation were taken with the individuals in the supine and sidelying positions. Total rotation motion was calculated by summing external and internal rotations. The dominant side showed decreased internal rotation when compared to non-dominant side in both supine (mean difference: 14.9°, p = 0.02) and sidelying positions (mean difference: 16.3°, p = 0.01). No significant difference (> 0.05) was found for external rotation and total rotation motion between dominant and non-dominant shoulders. The findings indicate that table tennis players exhibit glenohumeral internal rotation deficit of dominant shoulder.  相似文献   

我国网球运动的起步和发展相对较晚,普及率低、发展速度缓慢。改革开放以来中国的体育事业取得长足的进步,尤其是竞技体育更是由"旁观者"、"参与者"逐渐转变为"倡导者"、"主持人"等角色,而网球运动更是在2004年至2008年间取得了"三级跳"式的发展。在其不断突破过程中,竞技网球的特异性始终冲击着我国网球运动的发展,从国际环境下的职业联赛到我国特色的网球运动,在训练角度上产生了激烈的碰撞。当今世界优秀的职业网球运动员大都打破了传统大周期训练安排定式,形成新的周期形态与训练模式。  相似文献   

根据我国青少年乒乓球运动员特定的文化、环境特点,在我国非智力因素理论相关研究的基础上,运用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,以八一队、山东队等5个乒乓球专业队10岁至17岁的青少年运动员为研究对象,分析非智力因素的差异性,为乒乓球运动员的训练和科学选材提供可靠依据。研究结果表明不同性别运动员中,成就动机、运动焦虑、运动自信心三个维度上存在显著性差异;不同年龄段运动员中,运动热情有非常显著的差异;不同训练年限的运动员中,运动独立性和运动坚持性两个维度存在显著性差异;不同级别运动员中,运动热情、注意稳定性和情绪稳定性三个维度有显著性差异。各级教练员根据乒乓球运动员非智力因素的差异性,从科学选材,到有侧重的加强青少年乒乓球运动员非智力因素的培养和强化,能在科学训练中更快更好的提升乒乓球竞技水平,缩短成才周期。  相似文献   

优秀乒乓球运动员心理素质的自我分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步与实证研究的结果相印证,采用质化研究的方法,对国家队顶尖级乒乓球运动员进行深度访谈并进行自我分析,结合研究者自身运动生涯的轨迹进一步探讨优秀乒乓球运动员的重要心理特质。结果表明:优秀乒乓球运动员心理素质包括表现性、乐观性、变通性、稳定性、探究性、自律性及工作专注等8项,这些心理素质对于乒乓球运动员的竞赛成绩以及专业发展有重要影响。  相似文献   

乒乓球运动员优势臂肩关节旋转特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用超声波动力学测量仪和CYBEX-6000等速测量仪分别对21名乒乓球运动员和18名普通健康大学生肩关节内、外旋活动范围(ROM)及内外旋肌力进行测量,探讨规则变化后乒乓球运动员肩关节用力特征.结果表明:乒乓球运动员优势臂的外旋活动范围明显大于非优势臂,而其优势臂的内旋活动范围则显著小于非优势臂,优势臂的整个旋转活动范围也明显小于非优势臂;对照组的优势臂和非优势臂旋转活动范围无显著差异;乒乓球运动员肩关节存在内、外旋肌力不平衡,实验组优势臂内旋IR(180°/s)、IR(300°/s)相对峰力矩明显大于非优势臂(P<0.001),优势臂外旋ER(180°/s)、ER(300°/s)峰力矩与非优势臂相比,差异不具有显著性意义(P>0.05);实验组优势臂外旋/内旋峰力矩比值(ER/IR)明显小于非优势臂.  相似文献   

对2005~2007年三届上海网球大师杯14名球员的12场单打比赛中相持阶段技术运用情况进行了统计分析,研究结果表明:(1)相持阶段得失分比例较高,占整个竞技过程的1/3,是整个竞技过程的重要组成部分.(2)正、反手抽球具有强烈上旋的底线型选手,具有较好的相持能力.(3)在相持阶段对抗中,正、反手抽球、正手侧身抽球技术的得分效率,得分比例较低,使用率较高.  相似文献   


By manipulating the congruency between body kinematics and subsequent ball trajectory, this study investigated the anticipation capabilities of regional-level, college-level, and novice table tennis players using a full video simulation occluder paradigm. Participants watched footage containing congruent, incongruent, or no ball trajectory information, to predict the landing point of the ball. They were required to choose between two potential locations to make their prediction. Percent accuracy and relevant indexes (d-prime, criterion, effect size) were calculated for each condition. Results indicated that experienced table tennis players (both regional and college players) were superior to novices in the ability to anticipate ball trajectory using kinematic information, but no difference was found between regional-level and college-level players. The findings of this study further demonstrate the superior anticipation ability of experienced table tennis players. Furthermore, the present result suggests that there may be a certain “baseline” level of motor experience in racquet sports for effective action anticipation, while the addition of further motor experience does not appear to assist direction anticipation.  相似文献   


The effect of intellectual impairment on sports performance has received limited attention by researchers. As a contribution to closing this gap, the purpose of the present investigation was to examine the differences in tactical proficiency between table tennis players with and without intellectual disabilities (ID). These groups were matched for training-volume and experience and consisted of 41 male (age = 27±8) and 30 female (age= 28±8) elite players with ID and a reference group of 12 male (age= 24±12) and 5 female (age= 20±9) players without ID. In two different test settings – one a World Championship and the other a training camp – the players in each group performed 60 semi-standardised rallies against the same opponent. Players were told that 12 sets of five identical services would be delivered, and their goal was to return the service with the intention of ‘winning the point’. The test results were validated for this study, to compute tactical proficiency scores (maximal score of eight points) for each player. A two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed significantly lower proficiency scores for players with ID than for those without ID. Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed that within each series of five rallies, starting with identical services, all participants were able to significantly improve their tactical proficiency gradually, but players without ID scored 4.3±0.5 from the first ball on, and while athletes with ID only 3.3±0.7 after five balls. The results of this study indicate that ID is associated with decreased tactical proficiency in table tennis.  相似文献   

柔道运动员的科学选材研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
进行科学的选材对于提高我国的柔道运动水平具有十分重要的意义,结合实践提出了柔道运动员科学选材的内容与条件,主要包括体型、身体素质、生理机能、遗传与心理等方面.  相似文献   

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